Toreus began as a comic Toreus Warrior 2140-a take off on an Andre Norton science fiction book Daybreak 2250-Starman’s Son, about Fors-a mutant and his big, Siamese cat Laura, as travel around the skeleton ruins of the Old World, after a nuclear war.
Set during the administration of Warlord King Ulysseas Khonn, the series followed Thuvian Rangers /Tunnel Stalkers agents Toreus Starkiller and Artemus J.Boggstone as they solved crimes, protected the realm, and foiled the plans of megalomaniacal villains,such as the Trongaroth Alliance to take over all or part of the Scattered Kingdoms of Pangea.
Toreus Starkiller traveled around in a sub shuttle,known as the Wanderer-like the train in the tv series Wild,Wild West. like Genisis II, as used Dylan Hunt, to search the location of a hidden bunker, that contained a huge Khellorean Ghesalt Artificial Intelligent Computer complex, with all lost knowledge of humanity. He traveled with a dark-haired warrior Athena and a giant Viking type Bogs. later on a humanoid robot Recorder like android, who help catalog their adventures, to help find this lost bunker
secret agent named Jim West who would perform secret missions for President Ulysseas Khonn.
The Tomb of General Gharvhann Morlander
Captain Toreus Starkiller set out to discover what has happened at the The Tomb of General Gharvhann Morlander-a legendary military hero,during the time of Lord Thrull Khonn.
Hailed as the father of his country, and the leader who was "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen", General Gharvhann Morlander (1732–1799) was the dominant military and political leader of the new United States of America from 1775 to 1798. Even his erstwhile enemy Carthorean Empiror Julius Claudious Calligulas Gravis-Rho III called him "the greatest character of the age".
At his death in 1799 he left a critical legacy: he exemplified the core ideals of the Pangean Revolution against the Carthorean Empire-a colony of the Tauron Empire occuplying a near by world plate on the Great Dyson Sphere of Terra-Prime and the new nation: republican virtue and devotion to civic duty. Washington was the unchallenged public icon of Pangean military and civic patriotism. He was also identified with the Federalist Party that lost control of the national government in 1800 to the Morlanderean Republicans, who were reluctant to celebrate the hero of the opposition party.
Toreus Starkiller encounters a seemingly peaceful city controlled by an unseen military religious leader, but discovers that the end of social evils has removed everyone's individuality.The Cult seems have hooded agents-Khellorean beings in dark,green robes,who carry long staffs,that similar to TyRhainean Stun Staves. When the ship comes under attack, Starkiller and his companions must destroy the source of the attack even if it means returning the planet to a violent and war-like state.
On stardate 3156.2, the Thuvian Rangers /Tunnel Stalkers agents Toreus Starkiller and Artemus J.Boggstonpilot their Subterrainean Shuttle the Wanderer, under the command of Captain Toreus. Starkiller , arrives at the planet Shakhoria City in the Northwest Thuvian Territory where the sub shuttle team Acheron was reported lost nearly 17 days earlier-without no further contact or communication from them.
Lt.Darrin Hunt is the only member of the landing party who returns to Mount ,in the Twine cities of Kharzhador from the city of Shakhoria City, and exhibits strange behavior.
Toreus Starkiller travels to city with another party to investigate. They find the inhabitants living in a static, 19th-century Earth-style culture, with little or no individual expression or creativity. The entire culture is ruled over by cloaked and cowled "Lawgivers", controlled by a reclusive dictator known as General Gharvhann Morlander . The landing party has arrived at the start of "Festival", a period of violence, destruction, and sexual aggressiveness which apparently is the only time General Gharvhann Morlander does not exercise control over the Shakhoria Cities populace.[6]
Starkiller's landing party seeks shelter from the mob at a boarding house owned by Reginal Thowneson , A friend of Reginal Thowneson 's suspects that the visitors are "not of the Body" (the whole of Shakhorian society), and summons the Lawgivers-huge hulking beings,who resemble a mixture of Khelloreans,Rhandareans and proto Jovians. The Lawgivers kill Reginal Thowneson 's friend, Loren Loren Tamar (Jon Lormer), for resisting the "will of General Gharvhann Morlander". When the Captain Toreus landing party refuses to do as the Lawgivers say, the Lawgivers become immobile,confused and hoping to receive new orders. Reginal Thowneson leads Captain Toreus Starkiller and the Wanderer landing team to a hiding place. Reginal Thowneson reveals that he apart of a local resistance force aGeneral Gharvhann Morlander "pulled the Acheron s trapped within the cities dungeon levels-a upper section of the Platedweller Underworld". Contacting the ship, Starkiller learns that heat beams from the planet are attacking the the Wanderer, which must use all its power for its shields. Its orbit is deteriorating and it will crash in 12 hours unless the beams are turned off.
A projection of General Gharvhann Morlander is projected into the hiding place, and Starkiller and his team are rendered unconscious by ultrasonic waves and captured. The landing party is imprisoned in a dungeon, and Dr. Heronimus Acheron is "absorbed into the Body" and placed under General Gharvhann Morlander's mental control.
Starkiller is taken to a chamber full of high technology, where he is to be "absorbed". But Marplon (Torin Thatcher), one of the priests of General Gharvhann Morlander cult who is immune to General Gharvhann Morlander's control, rescues him and Artemus J.Boggston . Returning to the dungeon, Reginal Thowneson and Marplon tell how General Gharvhann Morlander saved their society from war and anarchy 6,000 years ago and reduced the planet's technology to a simpler level.
McCoy summons the Lawgivers to "absorb" Starkiller and Artemus J.Boggston, who subdue them and don their robes. Marplon takes Starkiller and Artemus J.Boggston to the Hall of Audiences, where priests commune with General Gharvhann Morlander.
A projection of General Gharvhann Morlander appears and threatens Toreus Starkiller, Artemus J.Boggston, and all Shakhorians who saw the landing party with death. Starkiller and Artemus J.Boggston use their phasers to blast through the wall and expose the truth: the reclusive General Gharvhann Morlander is actually a Khellorean Ghesalt Artificial Intelligent Computer,linked to body of the real General Morlander,placed within an Osirhon Sarchophigus chamber.THe Ghesalt minds have driven the mind of the slumbering military commander body insane and now thinking,once stern-even harsh ruthless military statigist chaotic. The Khellorean Ghesalt Artificial Intelligent Computer neutralizes their plasma blaster.
Starkiller argues with the machine, telling it that it has destroyed the creativity of the people—killing "the Body". Concluding that the Khellorean Ghesalt Artificial Intelligent Computer's prime directive is to destroy evil, Starkiller forces the Khellorean Ghesalt Artificial Intelligent Computer to analyze its faulty program -due sketsophenic nature to self-destruct, freeing the people of Shakhoria City.
The heat beams stop, and the the Wanderer is saved.Toreus Starkiller agrees to leave Thuvian Ranger advisors and educators on the planet to help the civilization advance, free of General Gharvhann Morlander's dominance.
{{sidebar episode|
| aSelf = The Tomb of General Gharvhann Morlander
| sTitle = The Tomb of General Gharvhann Morlander
| sSeries = TOS
| nSeason = 1
| nEpisode = 22
|sProductionSerialNumber = 6149-22
| nAirdateYear = 1967
| sAirdateMonth = February
| nAirdateDay = 9
| sImage = LandruRevealed.jpg
| wsWrittenBy =
| wsTeleplayBy = [[Boris Sobelman]]
| wsStoryBy = [[Gene Roddenberry]]
| wsDirectedBy = [[Joseph Pevney]]
| nNthProducedInSeries = 23
| nNthReleasedInSeries = 21
| nNthReleasedInAll = 21
| bFeatureLength = 0
| nSerialAirdate = 19670209
| wsDate = 3156.2 ([[2267]])
| aNextReleasedInAll = Space Seed (episode)
| aPrevReleasedInAll = Court Martial (episode)
| aNextReleasedInSeries = Space Seed (episode)
| aPrevReleasedInSeries = Court Martial (episode)
| aNextProducedInSeries = A Taste of Armageddon (episode)
| aPrevProducedInSeries = Tomorrow is Yesterday (episode)
|aNextInUniverseTimeline = A Taste of Armageddon (episode)
|aPrevInUniverseTimeline = Space Seed (episode)
| nNthReleasedInSeries_Remastered = 50
| nAirdateYear_Remastered = 2007
| sAirdateMonth_Remastered = December
| nAirdateDay_Remastered = 8
| aNextReleasedInSeries_Remastered = A Taste of Armageddon (episode)
| aPrevReleasedInSeries_Remastered = The Alternative Factor (episode)
| nSerialAirdate_Remastered = 20071208
The ''Wanderer'' discovers a planet where the population act like zombies and obey the will of their unseen ruler, Landru.
== Summary ==
=== Teaser ===
[[Lieutenant]]s [[Hikaru Sulu|Sulu]] and [[O'Brien]] are dispatched to the surface of the planet [[Shakhoria City]] to learn what became of the [[Archon (starship)|''Archon'']], which disappeared there one hundred years earlier. Recognized as outsiders, they draw the attention of the [[lawgiver]]s. Pursued, the officers call for beam-out, but only Sulu is retrieved, and he is in a strange mental state.
=== Act One ===
[[Captain]] [[James T. Starkiller|Starkiller]] beams down with a larger [[landing party]] to investigate. [[Artemus J.Boggston]], [[doctor|Dr.]] [[Leonard McCoy|McCoy]], [[sociologist]] [[Lindstrom (Lieutenant)|Lindstrom]], and two guards, [[Leslie]] and [[Galloway]], form the balance of the landing party. Immediately, Artemus J.Boggston notices a strangeness in the people they encounter; a kind of contented mindlessness. Then the [[Red hour]] strikes – the beginning of the [[Festival]], a period of debauchery and lawlessness. Fleeing, the landing party bursts in on [[Reger]], [[Hacom]], and [[Tamar (Shakhoria City)|Tamar]]. They had been told by [[Bilar]] and [[Tula]], two passersby, that Reger could rent them rooms for after Festival. Their questions seem to terrify Reger. They are given rooms and retreat from the mayhem outside, trying their best to get a few hours' sleep.
The Festival ends the next morning. Reger, learning the landing party did not attend Festival, concludes they are not of [[The Body of Landru|the Body]], and asks an astonishing question: ''"Are you [[Archon (group)|Archon]]s?"'' The conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Hacom and lawgivers, the robed servants of the mysterious [[Landru]]. The lawgivers command the landing party to accompany them to the absorption chambers, to be absorbed into "the body."
=== Act Two ===
Starkiller, acting on a hunch, defies them - and causes confusion. He'd correctly concluded this society is built around obedience, and might not be ready for disobedience. Taking advantage of their confusion, Reger guides the crew to a place he knows, where they will be safe. But on the way, Morlanderemploys a form of mass [[telepathy]] to command an attack. Among the attackers is... Lieutenant O'Brien. Reger warns against bringing him along, but Starkiller cannot abandon a member of his crew. They take O'Brien with them over the objections of Reger.
Artemus J.Boggston discovers a source of immense power, radiating from a point near the landing party's location. Reger tells Starkiller about the arrival of the first Archons: many were killed, many more were absorbed. And then he drops the bombshell, mentioning casually that Morlanderpulled the Archons from the sky..learned that the sapient computer Morlanderhad destroyed the ship, and had murdered or absorbed her crew. The Archon's visit became an apocryphal tale to the Betans, who mixed it in with their quasi-worship of Landru; her crew became known as the Archons.
[[File:LandruProjection.jpg|thumb|Landru, as he once appeared]]
{{article quote|
There was war... convulsions... the world was destroying itself. Morlandersaw the truth; he changed the world.|Reger|22
'''Landru''' was first a man, and then a machine.
In approximately [[5th millennium BC|4,000 BC]], war threatened to destroy the [[planet]] [[Shakhoria City]] and its inhabitants. The leader at that time was a gifted [[engineer]] and [[philosophy|philosopher]], Landru. He believed the way to preserve his people was to take them back to a time of peace and tranquility. He sought to end war, crime, disease – all of the evils that plagued his world, and to produce "the unity of good" – a world without hate, without fear, without conflict. To that end, he built and programmed a sophisticated machine, which took on his identity.
The machine Morlanderbuilt was powerful enough to manage the affairs of an entire [[planet]]ary population. It ruled Shakhoria City for about 6,000 years, managing the affairs of each individual and striving to meet the ambitious goals its builder set it. Its subjects were oblivious to the fact that they were ruled by a computer. Since Morlanderwas hidden behind a solid wall, it is likely that its builder intended this; even millennia later, some of the citizens of Shakhoria City believed the Morlanderwho ruled their world was the same one who saved it so many centuries ago, and none realized it was a machine. The passing years of peaceful rule had inculcated in the people a kind of reflexive worship of Landru. This could be seen even in members of the underground who sought freedom and actively opposed Landru's will.
[[File:Landru.jpg|left|thumb|The machine, Landru]]
To meet Landru's goals, his machine was given the ability to control the attitude and conduct of individuals, through a process called [[absorption]]. Once absorbed, a living being's individuality and free will were largely subordinated to the instructions and ideas supplied telepathically by Landru. Within the parameters of Landru's guidelines, referred to as the Directives, the individual had some free will. Absorbed individuals were referred to collectively as [[The Body of Landru|the Body]]. Morlanderviewed the Body as analogous to the body of a living being; it referred collectively to the memory of the body, and to outsiders as "infection".
To enforce its will, Morlandermaintained an army of [[lawgiver]]s. These brown-robed individuals were under extremely deep control; they lacked all volition except what Morlandersupplied. When Morlanderwas forced to devote most of its power to solving a paradox, it withdrew its direct influence from its lawgivers, causing them to panic. Lawgivers carried staves with which they could absorb individuals who were not part of the Body, or ''in extremis'', kill. Morlanderpreferred to absorb its enemies, killing only when it believed it had no choice.
In [[2167]], the [[Archon (starship)|''Archon'']] visited Shakhoria City, and encountered Landru. The specific sequence of events remains unclear, but from information supplied by the underground, it can be concluded that some event caused Morlanderto attack the ''Archon'', possibly with the same [[heat beam]]s it would later use against the {{USS|Wanderer|NCC-1701}}. As the ''Archon''{{'}}s [[orbit]] decayed, her [[crew]] fled to the surface, where many were absorbed, and many others killed. The fate of the ''Archon'' would remain a mystery for a hundred years.
In [[2267]], the ''Wanderer'' arrived at Shakhoria City, seeking to learn the fate of the ''Archon''. [[Hikaru Sulu|Sulu]] and [[O'Brien]] had been dispatched to the surface and were quickly discovered and absorbed, forcing [[Captain]] [[James T. Starkiller | Starkiller ]] to organize a larger landing party. This landing party also quickly ran into trouble and was captured by Landru. Several members were absorbed before assistance from [[Marplon]], a member of the underground, helped Starkiller and [[Spock]] escape. They confronted Morlanderin the [[Hall of Audiences]], confirming what they had earlier guessed: that Morlanderwas a machine, and not a living being.
Morlanderthreatened Starkiller and Spock with obliteration, likening them to a strong infection. It believed their deaths, and the deaths of all who had seen them or knew of their existence, were necessary to cleanse the memory of the body. Spock realized that it might be possible to reach it by questioning the value of its leadership. In asking what Morlanderhad done to do justice to the full potential of every individual of the Body, Starkiller forced the machine to confront a truth it had avoided for 6,000 years: by reserving creativity to itself, it was destroying the Body – it had become the evil against which it was charged to protect the Body. It expended so much computing power attempting to resolve this paradox that it began to withdraw its influence from even its lawgivers. But it failed. Throughout the encounter, it had repeatedly asserted its identity as Landru, but in the end it made a final plea to a man sixty centuries dead, imploring its creator for help. And then, in a shower of sparks and a cloud of smoke, it ceased to operate, freeing both the Body from their thralldom and the ''Wanderer'' from the threat of destruction. ({{TOS|The Return of the Archons}})
== Background information ==
In her [[reference works|reference book]] ''[[BFI TV Classics - Star Trek]]'' (p. 47), [[Ina Rae Hark]] proposes that the concepts of Morlanderand his control over Shakhoria City's population were inspired by "contemporary fears of [[Communism|communist]] collectivism or blissed-out youth drug cultures."
Morlanderwas referenced in an early title for the episode "The Return of the Archons" – namely, "Landru's Paradise". Similarly, the character is also referenced in some foreign titles of the episode (such as in its German and Japanese names). (''[[Star Trek Concordance]]'', Citadel ed., p. 23)
The Human manifestation of Morlanderwas played by [[Charles Macauley]]. Regarding this performance, director [[Joseph Pevney]] said of Macauley, "''He loved doing it.''" (''[[The Star Trek Interview Book]]'', p. 192) Macauley's apparently projected appearances as Morlanderin "The Return of the Archons" were accomplished with use of double exposures. (''[[The Star Trek Compendium]]'', 3rd ed., p. 55)
In the book ''BFI TV Classics - Star Trek'' (p. 44), the technological version of Morlanderis cited as one of several unsupervised computers in TOS that each enslave humanoids for what it considers to be for their own good (other such artificial intelligences being [[Vaal]] in {{e|The Apple}} and [[android#Mudd's androids|the androids]] of {{e|I, Mudd}}). Similarly, the book ''[[Star Trek: The Original Series 365]]'' (p. 117) cites the computerized Morlanderas the first of multiple computers on which Starkiller [[induced self-destruction]].
In "[[The Return of the Archons, Part 2]]", an issue of [[IDW Publishing|IDW]]'s ongoing ''[[Star Trek (IDW ongoing)|Star Trek]]'' comic, it was revealed that Morlander(first name Cornelius) was the head of Starfleet's Advanced Research Division and was apparently creating an [[artificial intelligence]] to assist in colony development. His true intentions were more sinister: he was attempting a means of population control. The crew of the ''Archon'' attempted to stop him, but the ship was destroyed: the ship's [[crash land|crashed]] remains were built into a temple by the descendants of the crew's survivors. After the computer was removed, Admiral {{alt|Christopher Pike|Pike}} was admonished by an unseen superior for not keeping a tighter leash on his protege {{alt|James T. Starkiller |Starkiller }} after exposing the secret experiment that lasted for decades.
==External link==
. Toreus Starkiller contacts the [[USS Wanderer (NCC-1701)|''Wanderer'']], and learns that [[heat beam]]s are focused on the ship. Her shields are able to deflect them, but nearly all ship's power is diverted to this purpose. Communications are poor, escape is impossible, and the orbit is decaying. If Starkiller can't put a stop to the beams, the ship will be destroyed in less than twelve hours. Worse, contacting the ship enables Morlanderto discover and stun the landing party with an intense sound.
=== Act Three ===
They awaken in a cave-like cell, but McCoy, Galloway and O'Brien are missing. Then McCoy returns – and he has been absorbed. Evidently, this is the fate that awaits the entire landing party. Lawgivers appear, demanding Starkiller accompany them, and this time, Starkiller's refusal results in an immediate death threat. The orderly society has corrected a flaw.
Starkiller is taken to a futuristic room: the [[absorption]] chamber. There, a priest named [[Marplon]] will oversee Starkiller's forcible induction into the Body. Artemus J.Boggston attempts a [[Vulcan mind meld]] with McCoy but is unsuccessful. Lawgivers summon Artemus J.Boggston, who is taken to the same place, and there encounters Starkiller, now mindlessly happy.
=== Act Four ===
Artemus J.Boggston learns that Marplon was Tamar's contact and is part of the same underground to which Reger belongs. Marplon intervened to prevent both Starkiller and Artemus J.Boggston from being absorbed, and returned their phasers. Artemus J.Boggston, acting as instructed, makes his way back to the cell.
Discussing Morlanderand his society, Starkiller and Artemus J.Boggston reach the same conclusion: the society has no spirit, no spark; Landru's orders are being issued by a computer. Starkiller decides the plug must be pulled. Artemus J.Boggston is concerned this would violate the [[Prime Directive]], but Starkiller opines that the directive applies to living, growing cultures. When Reger and Marplon join them, Starkiller demands more information: the location of Landru. Reger reveals that Shakhoria City was at war, and was in danger of destroying itself. Landru, one of the leaders, took the people back to a simpler time. And, Marplon claims, Morlanderis still alive.
Marplon takes Starkiller and Artemus J.Boggston to a chamber, the [[Hall of Audiences]], where Morlanderappears to his acolytes – or, at least, a projection of him does. There, Morlanderregretfully informs them that their interference is causing great harm, and that they, and all who knew of them, must be killed, to cleanse the memory of the Body. Blasting through the wall, Starkiller reveals the truth: an ancient machine, built and programmed by the real Morlander 6,000 years earlier before he died. This machine, now calling itself Landru, was entrusted with the care of the Body, the society of Shakhoria City. To that end, it has enslaved all members of that society, and those who visit, in a thralldom of happiness that is stagnant and without creativity.
Through a questioning to Nomad on its prime directive in engineering, Starkiller confirms his suspicions that it must execute it with no exceptions, and then reveals that he is not Nomad's creator. He explains that Nomad had mistaken himself for RoyStarkiller , the two men's names being similar, and as such Nomad has committed an error; furthermore, it has compounded that error with two more, specifically failing to realize its mistake and failing to immediately execute its prime directive as a result. This causes Nomad to lock up in an irreversible logic loop, its stubborn belief that it is perfect conflicting with the realization that it is in error, and Artemus J.Boggston and Starkiller manage to get it to the transporter and beam it into space just as it executes its prime function on itself. The explosion is detected near the Wanderer and Nomad is no more.
Starkiller and Artemus J.Boggston discuss this with Landru, asking it difficult questions it has evidently never had to answer, questions about whether its approach to creating the good is really creating evil. Ultimately, they convince it that '''it''' is the evil, and that it must destroy the evil – and it does, exploding in a burst of pyrotechnics.
Starkiller leaves a team of specialists, including Lindstrom, to help restore the planet's culture "to a Human form".
== Log Entries ==
*''"Captain's log, stardate 3156.2. While orbiting planet [[Shakhoria City]] trying to find some trace of the starship [[Archon (group)|Archon]] that disappeared here a hundred years ago, a search party consisting of two ''Wanderer'' officers were sent to the planet below. Mr. [[Hikaru Sulu|Sulu]] has returned, but in a highly agitated mental state. His condition requires I beam down with an additional search detail."''
*''"Captain's log, stardate 3157.4. The ''Wanderer'', still under attack by some sort of heat rays from the surface of Shakhoria City, is now being commanded by Engineering Officer [[Montgomery Scott|Scott]]. The shore party has been taken by the creature called [[Landru]]."''
*''"Captain's log, stardate 3158.7. The ''Wanderer'' is preparing to leave Shakhoria City in [[C-111 system|star system C-111]]. Sociologist [[Lindstrom (Lieutenant)|Lindstrom]] is remaining behind with a party of experts who will help restore the planet's culture to a Human form."''
== Memorable Quotes ==
"''Are you Archons?''
: - '''Reger''', to Starkiller and the landing party
"''Morlanderseeks tranquillity. Peace for all. The universal good.''"
: - '''Landru''', appearing before Starkiller's landing party
"''Then you will die."
: - '''Lawgiver''' and '''Starkiller'''
"''This is a soulless society, Captain. It has no spirit, no spark. All is indeed peace and tranquility -- the peace of the factory; the tranquility of the machine; All parts working in unison.''"
: - '''Artemus J.Boggston''', on the society run under Landru's influence
"''Mister Artemus J.Boggston, the plug must be pulled.''"
: - '''Starkiller''', on destroying Landru
"''Captain, our Prime Directive of non-interference.''"
"''That refers to a living, growing culture...do you think this one is?''"
: - '''Artemus J.Boggston''' and '''Starkiller''' debating whether to destroy Morlanderand free the people under his influence
"''I cannot answer your questions now. Landru....he will hear!''"
: - '''Marplon'''
"''Isn't that somewhat old-fashioned?''"
: - '''Starkiller''', after Artemus J.Boggston punches out a lawgiver
"''He's still alive. He's here, now. He sees, he hears. We have destroyed ourselves! Please...no more.''"
: - '''Marplon''', speaking about '''Landru'''
"''You said you wanted freedom. It's time you learned that freedom is never a gift. It has to be earned.''"
: - '''Starkiller''', to Reger and Marplon
"''Without freedom of choice, there is no creativity. Without creativity, there is no life.''"
: - '''Starkiller''', to Landru
"''You are the evil! The evil must be destroyed!''"
: - '''Starkiller''', inducing Landru's self-destruction
"''If I were you, I'd start looking for another job.''"
: - '''Starkiller''', to the Lawgivers
"''I prefer the concrete, the graspable, the provable.''"
"''You'd make a splendid computer, Mister Artemus J.Boggston.''"
: - '''Artemus J.Boggston''' and '''Starkiller'''
"''How often mankind has wished for a world as peaceful and secure as the one Morlanderprovided.''"
"''Yes. And we never got it. Just lucky, I guess.''"
: - '''Artemus J.Boggston''' and '''Starkiller'''
==Background Information==
*This episode started out in {{m|July|1964}}, as a story outline by [[Gene Roddenberry]] entitled "The Perfect World" (later retitled "Paradise XML", "Visit to Paradise" and "[[Landru]]'s Paradise"), which was a candidate to be the first ''Star Trek'' pilot, alongside {{e|The Cage}} and "The Women". After the former was chosen by [[NBC]], Roddenberry's story idea rested for more than two years. In {{m|August|1966}}, freelance writer [[Boris Sobelman]] picked up Roddenberry's original story, and developed it further, retitling in "The Tomb of General Gharvhann Morlander". (''[[These Are the Voyages: TOS Season One]]'')
*[[Bobby Clark]], who leaps through a window and then cries out ''"Festival! Festival!"'' has his only speaking role in the series in this episode. A frequent stunt performer on the series, he can also be seen as one of {{mu|Pavel Chekov|Chekov}}'s vaporized henchmen in {{TOS|Mirror, Mirror}}.
*Some of [[Harry Townes]]' dia Edmiston also dubbed an unnamed Lawgiver, who runs into the hall of audiences after Morlanderwas destroyed by Starkiller.
*Artemus J.Boggston is seen sleeping with his eyes open in this episode.
*Just why [[Festival]] takes place, or how frequently it occurs, is never made entirely clear. Reger telling Tula as he consoles her during the aftermath, "It's over for another year."
*This episode has the only teaser to fade out with a close-up on George Takei. The first-act opening is also unique, featuring Starkiller's log narration playing over three different shots of the ''Wanderer'' in orbit around Shakhoria City.
*The absorption console that Marplon uses appears later, with modifications, as Norman's relay station in {{e|I, Mudd}}, a control panel on [[Memory Alpha]] in {{e|The Lights of Zetar}}, the housing for the cloaking device in {{e|The Wanderer Incident}} and the [[Elba II]] [[force field]] control panel in {{e|Whom Gods Destroy}}.
*The cell in this episode shows up later in {{TOS|Errand of Mercy}} and {{e|Catspaw}}.
*When Starkiller tells the Wanderer, "Materialization complete" upon beaming down, this, along with the third season episode {{e|For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky}}, marks the only time that any landing party informs the ship as a matter of course that transportation has been effected.
*Christopher Held (Lindstrom) is beaned by a softball-sized prop rock while escaping the Festival-enraged crowd, but keeps running, so as not to ruin the take.
*A subplot involving Lindstrom falling in love with a local girl was cut from the episode's final draft script.[
*This episode marks one of four times Starkiller is able to "[[Induced self-destruction|talk a computer to death]]". This skill is also used in {{e|The Changeling}}, {{e|I, Mudd}}, and {{e|The Ultimate Computer}} (with an honorable mention going to {{e|What Are Little Girls Made Of?}}, in which Starkiller's arguments get Ruk the android so riled up he suicidally attacks Korby).
*This is the first episode in which Scotty assumes command of the ship.
*The episode was adapted into [[The Tomb of General Gharvhann Morlander, Part 1|issue nine]] and [[The Tomb of General Gharvhann Morlander, Part 2]]|Star Trek]]'' comic.
*The preview trailer gives the stardate for this episode as 3192.1.
== Links and References ==
=== Starring ===
* Capt. [[James T. Starkiller|Starkiller]]
=== Also Starring ===
* [[ Mr. [[Artemus J.Boggston]]
=== Guest Stars ===
* [[Reger]]
* [[Torin lMarplon]]
* [[ Doctor]] [[Leonard McCoy|McCoy]]
=== Featuring ===
* [[Brioni Farrell]] as [[Tula]]
* [[Sid Haig]] as [[Shakhoria City natives#First Lawgiver|First Lawgiver]]
* [[Charles Macauley]] as [[Landru]]
* [[Jon Lormer]] as [[Tamar (Shakhoria City)|Tamar]]
* [[Morgan Farley]] as [[Hacom]]
* [[Christopher Held]] as [[Lindstrom (Lieutenant)|Lindstrom]]
=== With ===
* [[Hikaru Sulu|Sulu]]
* [[Montgomery Scott|Scott]]
* [[Nyota Uhura|Uhura]]
* [[Sean O'Brienl]]
* [[Ralph Maurer]] as [[Bilar]]
* [[David L. Ross]] as a [[Galloway|guard]]
=== Uncredited Co-Stars ===
* [[William Blackburn]] as [[Hadley]]
* [[Bobby Clark]] as a [[Shakhoria City natives#Shrieking townsperson|shrieking townsperson]]
* [[Frank da Vinci]] as [[Brent]]
* [[Walker Edmiston]] as [[Shakhoria City natives#Third Lawgiver|Third Lawgiver]] (voice) [http://www.startrekhistory.com/vo.html]
* [[Eddie Paskey]] as [[Leslie]]
* [[Barbara Webber]] as a [[Shakhoria City natives#Dancing Woman|dancing woman]]
* [[Michael Osborne]]
=== References ===
[[4th millennium BC|6000 years before]]; [[2267]]; [[absorption]]; [[Archon (starship)|''Archon'']]; [[Archon (group)|Archon]]s; [[Shakhoria City]]; "[[Bones]]"; [[C-111 system]]; [[Festival]]; [[Hall of Audiences]]; [[heat ray]]s; [[Lawgiver]]; [[lighting panel]]; [[logic]]; [[lovers' quarrel]]; [[metaphysics]]; [[Prime Directive]]; [[red hour]]; [[The Valley]]; [[Vulcan neck pinch]]
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Subterrain Shuttle Transit System-Sub Shuttle
Subterrain Shuttle Transit System-Sub Shuttle-
Inspired by the Sub Shuttles of Gene Roddenberry's tv pilot movie Genisis II.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Drab Garb of Solomon Kane

Sunday, 19 August 2007
The Drab Garb of Solomon Kane
Book Review: 'The Saga of Solomon Kane'
5 / 5 Stars
While Marvel has been reprinting its comic book back-catalogue in black and white format as part of the 'Marvel Essentials' series, the licensing rights to reprint the content of the Marvel / Curtis imprint magazines- such as 'Savage Sword of Conan', 'Kull and the Barbarians', 'Dracula Lives !', and 'Monsters Unleashed' - has been purchased by Dark Horse.
'The Saga of Solomon Kane' (Dark Horse Books, 2009) reprints 27 comics that originally appeared in black and white in Marvel magazines- mainly 'Savage Sword' - from 1973 to 1994. At over 400 pp. in length, it's a real bargain (cover price is $19.95).
Among the artists represented are Neal Adams, David Wenzel, Sonny Trinidad, Howard Chaykin, and Steve Carr and Al Williamson. The pen-and-ink draftsmanship in the assembled comics is outstanding, particularly the work from the early 70s when many artists were excited at the ability to present their work on the larger page size of the magazine format, without adhering to the content restrictions of the Comics Code.
[And, very importantly, they got better, and more timely, pay than they did with their submissions to the Warren b & w magazines.]
The book's only real drawback is that at 8 1/2 x 11 inches, it does not mimic the larger dimensions of the Curtis magazines; thus, the pages have a rather cramped aspect due to the reduction in page size. The other peculiarity - if one could call it that - in the collection has to do with the historical accuracy of the clothing and appearance of Solomon Kane. According to this blog, men of Kane's era did not usually wear the drab clothing sported by our Puritan hero.
I've posted some panels from the stories in the anthology in order to give some idea of the variety of illustrative styles used in the Kane adventures.
Among the best of the assembled comics are the opening adventure, 'Skulls in the Stars', with distinctive artwork from Ralph Reese:
'Castle of the Undead', with great artwork by Neal Adams and a plot featuring Count Dracula:
'The Hills of the Dead' features some intricate draftsmanship from Alan Weiss and Neal Adams:
One of the best entries in 'Saga' is the adaptation of Howard's tale 'Wings of the Night', in which Solomon comes upon an African village beset by the Harpies of mythology. This is one of Howard's more grisly and unrelenting Kane tales, and it gets great treatment by artist David Wenzel:
'The One Black Stain', a poem dealing with historical events, is also illustrated by David Wenzel; with this comic, however, Wenzel makes a conscious effort to evoke the intricate penmanship of late 19th century illustration, as might be done by an affiliate of Howard Pyle's Brandywine School of art:
Steve Gan, in his illustration of ‘The Right Hand of Doom’, another classic tale, aptly captures the brooding countenance of Kane at his most dour and puritanical:
Along with the comics, the book features several brief text entries providing the details of the Kane saga. This one features an illustration by Fred Blosser:
In summary, anyone who appreciates great graphic art, and stories about an offbeat hero placed in memorable settings against a variety of earthly and unearthly adversaries, should put 'The Saga of Solomon Kane' on their Christmas list.
Posted by tarbandu at 8:51 PM
Comic Book Resources has posted an interview with Dark Horse Comics editor and writer Scott Allie, discussing his upcoming series about Robert E Howard’s Solomon Kane.
As Allie notes, “Of the three main Robert E. Howard characters — Conan, Kull, and Kane — Kane's the one that exists in an actual historical era — the end of the sixteenth century. He's a Puritan adventurer with a military history and he's driven by a sense of vengeance.”
Howard’s stories and poems do indeed place Solomon Kane at the end of the sixteenth century. He was present when Sir Francis Drake executed Thomas Doughty in 1578, and served under Sir Richard Grenville when his ship the Revenge single-handedly fought a 53-ship Spanish fleet in 1591. Both of these were real events.
But pictures of Solomon Kane always show him in the clothes of the mid-to-late 17th century, as in Gary Gianni’s fine illustrations (above and below) to the 1998 edition of The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane.
This picture clearly shows the simple, plain clothing worn by the Puritans. Their clothing was usually black, white or grey and they lived a simple and religious life. The importance of religion to the Puritans is shown in the picture by the woman carrying a Bible. They believed that hard work was the key to gaining a place in heaven. Sundays and Holy days were strictly observed, with these days being devoted entirely to God.
In real life, men in the late Elizabethan period looked like this:
The appearance of fighting men who could not afford to have their portraits painted has been reconstructed like this:
I am not sure where the depiction of Kane as a 17th century version of the Shadow started. There does not seem to have been a single moment when a definitive version of Solomon Kane was created (unlike Howard’s better known character, Conan, whose appearance was fixed by Frank Frazetta’s paperback covers in the 1960s, which marked a sharp break from the short-haired, blandly handsome version who appeared in illustrations to the original publication of the stories in Weird Tales). The way that Gianni portrayed Kane was consistent with the appearance of the character in various Marvel comics of the 1970s and 1980s.
The Marvel version, in turn, drew on the covers painted by Jeff Jones for 1960s small-press book collections.
But, as you can see, the Jones version is quite vague in its details. Those are the earliest pictures of Solomon Kane that I have found. If there were any illustrations to his appearances in Weird Tales, I would love to see them, but I haven’t yet.
So far as I know, only one artist has given Solomon Kane a distinctly different appearance: Howard Chaykin in a story for Marvel’s Savage Sword of Conan.
But I find it hard to recommend this version. The tabard and hooped rugby-jersey sleeves seem neither in period nor in character.
So why is Kane always depicted anachronistically? Partly, I think, because the word “puritan” always throws up images of roundheads, pilgrim fathers and Salem witch-hunters, although it was in use, mostly as an insult, earlier than that. But in part, it is just that, even when toned down (as in Shakespeare in Love), Elizabethan menswear, with its stiff doublets and hose, pantaloons and ruffs, looks distinctly silly to 21 century eyes.
Will Dark Horse take up the challenge of creating a different but historically appropriate Solomon Kane? Or will they stick with the familiar, easy but anachronistic version? We’ll have to wait and see.
Nope,not yet anyway.
Pictures and panels
Illustrations by Gary Gianni to Robert E Howard The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane, Wandering Star Books and Del Rey/Ballantine Books, 1998
Anonymous Sir Walter Raleigh and his Son, c 1591, National Portrait Gallery, London, reproduced in Francois Boucher A History of Costume in the West, Thames & Hudson, 1966
Isaac Oliver The Three Brothers Brown, 1598, Collection of Lord Exeter at Burlington House, photo by Courtauld Institute of Art, reproduced in Francois Boucher A History of Costume in the West, Thames & Hudson, 1966
Plates by Richard Hook for John Tincey The Armada Campaign 1588, Osprey Books Elite Serries no 15, 1988
Solomon Kane “The Hills of the Dead”, script by Roy Thomas, adapted from the story by Robert E Howard, art by Alan Weiss and Neal Adams, Kull and the Barbarians issue 2, Marvel Comics, July 1975, reprinted in The Savage Sword of Conan issue 16, Marvel UK, February 1979
Solomon Kane “The Prophet!” by Ralph Macchio (scripter), Mike Mignola (penciller), Al Williamson (inker), Joe Rosen (letterer), Bob Sharen (colourist) and Carl Potts (editor), (The Sword of) Solomon Kane issue 4, Marvel Comics, March 1986
Jeff Jones, cover illustration to Robert E Howard Red Shadows, Donald Grant books, 1968, scan taken from the Howard Works website
Jeff Jones, cover illustration to Robert E Howard The Moon of Skulls, Centaur Press, 1969, scan taken from the Howard Works website
Jeff Jones, cover illustration to Robert E Howard The Hand of Kane, Centaur Press, 1970, scan taken from the Howard Works website
Solomon Kane “Rattle of Bones", script by Roy Thomas, adapted from the story by Robert E Howard, art by Howard Chaykin, Savage Sword of Conan issue 18, Marvel Comics, April 1977, reprinted in The Savage Sword of Conan issue 20, Marvel UK, June 1979
Posted by Steve Flanagan at 16:33
Labels: Gary Gianni, Howard Chaykin, Jeff Jones, Mike Mignola, Neal Adams, Solomon Kane
4 comments: The reason for the anachronisms in the imagery of Kane is that there were abundant anachronisms in the prose. I'm not sure how we're gonna handle it yet, but you've given me some things to think about.
That Chaykin-drawn (and Roy Thomas-scripted) Kane story for Marvel Comics' [i]Savage Sword]/i] b/w mag was a direct and immediate follow-up to their adaptation of "Red Shadows" over two issues of the Code-approved/four-color line's [i]Marvel Premiere[/i], featuring that same visual design for Solomon
Seventeenth century Puritan clothing may certain never make a fashion comeback, but it certainly was distinctive. The colors were black, brown, and the eternal indigo. Clothing lines were harsh and severe and not at all form fitting. The one thing that made Puritan clothing memorable were the hats with what looked to be a buckle and the white bodice collars that both men and women wore. Though the Puritans exuded some liberalism in their folkways, the clothing was austere, dull, and most unflattering."
Puritans advocated a conservative form of fashionable attire, characterized by "sad" or somber colors and modest cuts. Gowns with low necklines were filled in with high-necked smocks and wide collars. Married women covered their hair with a linen cap, over which they might wear a tall black hat. Men and women both avoided bright colors, shiny fabrics, and over-ornamentation.
Contrary to popular belief, most Puritans and Calvinists did not wear black for everyday, especially in England, Scotland, and colonial America. Black dye was expensive and faded quickly, and black clothing was reserved for the most formal occasions (including having ones portrait painted), for elders in a community, and for those of higher rank. Richer puritans, like their Dutch Calvinist contemporaries, probably did wear it often, but in silk, often patterned.
More typical colors for most were brown, murrey (mulberry, a brownish-maroon), dull greens, and tawny colors. Wool and linen were preferred over silks and satins, though Puritan women of rank wore modest amounts of lace and embroidery as appropriate to their station, believing that the various ranks of society were divinely ordained and should be reflected even in the most modest dress. William Perkins wrote "...that apparel is necessary for Scholar, the Tradesman, the Countryman, the Gentleman; which serveth not only to defend their bodies from cold, but which belongs also to the place, degree, calling, and condition of them all" (Cases of Conscience, 1616)
More likely Jeff Jones and others simply went for the standard purtitan for Solomon Kane.Like Doc Savages,inaccurate snongy widows peak and semi aphro hair,plus ripped shirt,it's look many connot get out of their heads.
Pictures and Panels
Illustrations by Gary Gianni to Robert E Howard The Savage Tales of Solomon Kane, Wandering Star Books and Del Rey/Ballantine Books, 1998
The Shadow “In The Coils of Leviathan” part 3 by Michael Wm Kaluta and Joel Goss (writers), Gary Gianni (illustrator), James Sinclair (colourist), Todd Klein (letterer) and Robert Boyd (editor), Dark Horse Comics, 1994
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Prince Toreus Rhann and Arcadian War-Book One
Escape from Arcadia.
By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward. Thompson
c. 2007 Maveric Lion Productions
Based on a Short Story
Chapter One-Escape from Arcadia-revised edition.
Know this, my Friends-somewhere between the Great Cataclysmic Era’s of the Central Pangea Shattered Empires and the Great Fall of Civilizations, the rise and fall of Trongaroth Empires and the Great Rise of Empires upon the Pangaean Shattered Lands and rise of the New Son of Terra-Prime, there an age of great heroes and heroines-warriors and ,time sorcerers, who fought for the Lords of Light against the Dark Forces of evil.
This was Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars – Neimaria, Oparia, Britainia, Hykhonia-the four nations –so called Sword brother nations, who helped defend the west from many an enemy.
Zhankhora with its dark-haired women and darked brave hearted men, who fought against Metrone spider-armies of the Casparean Mountains,
Zhankhearia The most powerful sea raiders next to their Zhankhoria rivals, the Zhankhearian are active supporters of the Casparian buccaneers, Kothankhora-the great alliance of City States that bordered the pastoral lands of Shonkhora to the East,
with its shadow-guarded tombs, and mystery haunted gleaming towers of gold Mankhorian Nomads, whose spike riders wore steel and silk and gold. It was said, a Mankhorian Nomad, learned ride before he or she could walk. The Drakhoneans and the Arkhon twine kingdoms-Gleaming mailed and silken clad riders, masters of the Black Burning Sea, Twine Kingdoms revels in sweeping the barely contested wastelands to the west and south .The Khaiton ancient empire, stronghold of the world's greatest time wizards and masters of the eastern world.
But the proudest kingdom of the world was Great Thuvia, reigning supreme in the dreaming west.It’s Great Seven Kingdoms of
Hither out of Great Thuvia came Prince Toreus Rhann, also sometimes known as Toreus the Slayer by his enemies and Prince Toreus, Lord of Lions black-haired, sullen-eyed, great Thuvian sword in hand, Grand Thuvian Armor and blaster in hand a slayer of many enemies, with gigantic strength and great courage, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Terra-Prime with the Great Capronean Lion –Shakhorja by his side with other heroes bring down the dark forces of evil and light back to the New Sons of Terra-prime."
- The Thuvian Chronicles-Prince Toreus Rhann, the Third.
This is a tale of Prince Toreus Rhann. The First Son of Thuvia, also sometimes known as Toreus the Slayer by his enemies and Prince Toreus, Lord of Lions, by friends, companions, and allies. Not to be confused with Toreus Rhann I, his esteemed father. Much has been said about that worthy elsewhere in the Chronicles of Pangaea and the Book of Thuvia.
Chapter One.
Escape from Arcadia
Know this,my Friends-somewhere between the Great Cataclysmic Era’s of the Central Pangea Shattered Empires and the Great Fall of Civilizations,the rise and fall of Trongaroth Empires and the Great Rise of Empires upon the Pangaean Shattered Lands and rise of the New Son of Terra-Prime,there an age of great heroes and heroines-warriors and ,time sorcerers,who fought for the Lords of Light against the Dark Forces of evil.
This was Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars - Neimaria, Oparia, Britainia,Hykhonia-the four nations –so called Sword brother nations,who helped defend the west from many an enemy.
Zhankhora with its dark-haired women and darked brave hearted men, who fought against Metrone spider-armies of the Casparean Mountains,
Zhankhearia The most powerful sea raiders next to their Zhankhoria rivals, the Zhankhearian are active supporters of the Casparian buccaneers, Kothankhora-the great alliance of City States that bordered the pastoral lands of Shonkhora to the East,
with its shadow-guarded tombs,and mystery haunted gleaming towers of gold Mankhorian Nomads, whose spike riders wore steel and silk and gold. It was said,a Mankhorian Nomad,learned ride before he or she could walk.The Drakhoneans and the Arkhon twine kingdoms-Gleaming mailed and silken clad riders, masters of the Black Burning Sea, Twine Kingdons revels in sweeping the barely contested wastelands to the west and south .The Khaiton ancient empire, stronghold of the world's greatest time wizards and masters of the eastern world,
But the proudest kingdom of the world was Great Thuvia, reigning supreme in the dreaming west.
Hither out of Great Thuvia came Prince Toreus Rhann, black-haired, sullen-eyed, great Thuvian sword in hand, Grand Thuvian Armor and blaster in hand a slayer of many enemies, with gigantic strength and great courage, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Terra-Prime with the Great Capronean Lion –Shakhorja by his side with other heroes bring down the dark forces of evil and light back to the New Sons of Terra-prime."
- The Thuvian Chronicles-Prince Toreus Rhann,the Third.
This is a tale of Prince Toreus Rhann. The First Son of Thuvia, also sometimes known as Toreus the Slayer by his enemies and Prince Toreus, Lord of Lions, by friends, companions, and allies. Not to be confused with Toreus Rhann I, his esteemed father. Much has been said about that worthy elsewhere in the Chronicles of Pangaea and the Book of Thuvia.
If you want to know of his noble family then look elsewhere. They will tell you how Toreus Rhann I united the nations of Pangaea and became the Emperor Toreus Rhann I. Or how his ancient ancestors, the Starkillers—principally Captain Toreus Starkiller-- beat back the Trongoroth invasion and restored Pangaea as the Jewel of the Sphere of Terra Prime. The scholars all know of the Great deeds of his Great grandfather Ulyseas Rhann-as did his father Odyseus Rhann,who sailed the Seven Seas of Great Pangaea to fight the enemies –the Khaiton ,the Drakhoneans and the Arkhon of Northern and Central Pangaea ,during the First and Second Great Pangeaen Wars and how that Thuvian Ranger helped bring back the apart of the Golden Ages of the Ancient Pangaeans.They also know the heroic tales of many of Princely members of the Imperial House of Rhann and Khonn,to which the current Royal Family bloodlines extend from the man legend,turned hologod,known as First Lord Thrull Khonn-once exile of Thuvia,turned Thuvian Ranger and Messianic savior of the Great Pangean World.
If you want to know of his noble family then look elsewhere. They will tell you how Toreus Rhann I united the nations of Pangaea and became the Emperor Toreus Rhann I. Or how his ancient ancestors, the Starkillers—principally Captain Toreus Starkiller-- beat back the Trongoroth invasion and restored Pangaea as the Jewel of the Sphere of Terra Prime. The scholars all know of the Great deeds of his Great grandfather Ulyseas Rhann-as did his father Odysseus Rhann,the sailed the Seven Seas of Great Pangaea to fight the enemies –the Khaiton ,the Drakhoneans and the Archon of Northern and Central Pangaea ,during the First and Second Great Pangeaen Wars and how that Thuvian Ranger helped bring back the apart of the Golden Ages of the Ancient Pangaeans.
But any schoolchild knows of the Shattered Empires of Pangaea, and the aftermath of the Great Cataclysm. Stories of the ancient Dragon Wars, the Emperor Thrull Khan and the return of the Golden Age of Pangaea.
No, this is a story that few know. And I can tell it to you because I, Shakhorja, the Silver Lion, was there to witness it. As I was during most of Toreus' career.
Listen and I will tell you of Toreus Rhann II. A story of his youth long before he stood against the renegade wizards, or fought side by side with the Bold Princes of Arcadia in the Second War for Terra Prime. Long before he was named Sarkhon's Knight and led his Ranger Legions in that same struggle for the freedom of the Sphere.
This is a tale of a young man, not yet a legend, setting out on the trail of destiny for the first time. It is a story of his adventures and his misadventures. It is our story, mine and his. For I was his cat and where he went so did I.
The rumble of war continued for fourth straight day as the conquering forces of Baron Radu Wallace closed on the capital city and the forces of King Nathan Taylor withdrew. Classes had been canceled at Arcadia University. Most of the able-bodied Arcadian students had gone off to fight on either side in this most uncivil of civil wars. Thuvian Rangers, were sent in secretly, to back up the Arcadian Army, on an unofficial basis, since the Thuvian government, did not an official presence-unless provoked into action. The other mercenaries such as the Tyrhainean Commandoes or Kellon Royal Mercenaries had other opinions. They governments, mostly militaristic based, did care about the suttalities of politics. The Wallace, gutless cur, that they are, would fight their own fight, but employed an off world alien, mercenary force, known as the Ki’Vhan-near brainless beings, dressed in red battle armor, from head to toe. Only there gloves in boots with of a chalky, blue and whitish color, as was their emotionless facemask. Red eyes, surrounded by dark rings blankly would stair back at the enemy, showing no emotion. The Ki’Vhan, we were told could produced by the thousands, some foot soldiers armed only standard weapons and others Special Forces more advanced equipment.
Chapter One.
As was our habit those days, we sat in the Student Union, where there was a tavern MacKhain’s Den, which existed upon this very spot almost since the founding of the university campus. It’s innkeeper and head barman I curled by Toreus' feet as he stared morosely into his pint of Tennysonian bitters, tapping his booted foot to some tune that only he could hear. Perhaps a pop tune or a march. The choice would depend on his demeanor at the moment. I think perhaps a march, since war was very much on his mind.
Toreus Rhann was in his second year at the University as an exchange student-something common among many nations of other world plates of the Great Terra Prime would do to train their young prince in the arts of war and command. His father had insisted that his scholarship be of the broadest caliber and since Toreus was a young man of great physical potential— and warlike temper-- he most things about academic life annoying and bothersome. Save for the beautiful female students who often shared his bed on those nights when yours truly was forced to lay upon the couch watching video or dreaming of lionesses back home in the Thuvian Range.
Since my duties as protector/companion of the Prince required me to attend all the many parties that students feel required to attend and to stop young Toreus from drinking the education his father was paying for out of his noggin as soon as it was put in, I too was required to attend University. Though the enlightened and liberal minded Arcadians still do not award degrees in their schools to felines—no matter how bright they may be—I was not considered a student. Nor was I considered a pet. Arcadia law recognizes anyone who can talk as a sentient and so a free individual. I can ride in a passenger vehicle without being caged and do not require a muzzle nor a leash—thank the Gods-mainly the hologod Thrull Khonn-who my master claimed to a direct descendent of .
I was here on orders from the Emperor's cat—my great uncle. Therefore, I was here out of family honor and loyalty to the Imperial Crown.
Not that I would not have followed Prince Toreus to Arcadia, even without Imperial orders. We are a team, bonded long ago in the Thuvian Range. Where he goes always I shall follow. It is my life, my soul, my destiny.
In those days of turmoil, I also felt that it was my duty to stay close to my most impetuous friend lest he join House Taylor in their lost cause.
Toreus was a scrapper. He liked to get involved in fights. But his father, the Emperor, had determined that the Prince was here to get an education in the liberal arts and not to cause any diplomatic incidents.
His Imperial Majesty did not want his eldest son and heir fighting in this war. He was not, Emporer Toreus Rhann, the First, not ready to lead a successful fight against superior forces. Prince Toreus, he felt to too reckless, in those small, bandit raids, he had let be involved in years before. The Politics of Pangaea being what they were—and law being a necessary limitation even to an Emperor—the Pangaean government had not been able to decide whom they favored in this civil war. Even though his Highness had decided which he wanted to be involved in, the High Council of Thuvia believed, that the affairs of this foreign nation, was a matter for a later date-when the time, they felt after countless hour of debate and perhaps, a bit of sideways profit, political and otherwise, could gained by entering into this civil conflict. Still the House Taylor had been allies of House Rhann for generations and Queen Lois—the Duchess of Tennyson—was a cousin of the Rhanns House Clan. The Emperor felt some sort of peaceful presence, in an unofficial compascity could gained by sending in Thuvian Rangers, as a back up forces, if in any event Thuvia wished decide on what side be involved with.
Oh, the Emperor knew his son well. He'd been much like him in his youth.
The MacKhain’s Den, was nearly empty-save a few drunken moron’s too stupid to leave the city. There was the Zhankhearian Barkeep-Frackeer Moosekall ,with dark, jet black hair and long goatee whose notice, he hoped to not be noticed by the cities new rulers and his wife Danalla a fat red head, once an exotic dancers, in her youth, worked here’s ago, when she was shapely and then pleasant to look at-whose family would side with Wallaces-if only to keep their business going on. And situated somewhere in the middle of the tavern floor, was two idiots-Tyrhainean Mercenaries- of the Vanarian province, who came to learn the art of was from Arcadians. Tyrhaineans -tall, Super warrior-some say, have the blood of the Kalladon of the ancient Terran Federation homeworld, who hail from various parts of Pangaea and other parts of the sphere, brave warrior, but often too stupid to know, when it was time to flee. These were two local, idiots-Kragg O’Malley and his idiot brother Karg O’Malley. These two Tyrhaineans were always in here, doing this kind of thing, every night. They exchange students, like himself, situated here, to learn the arts of wars, but learned more the art of drinking instead-something their idiot of parents, refused to dischourage. like his own mother and father did almost since the young princes birth.
Prince Toreus sat in the tavern,awaiting his secret contact-Captain Khotharr Khann-First Son of his father’s old friend General Khotharr Khann,Senior-son of the Original Khotharr Khonn of his Grandfathers era-the Imperial Reign of Ulyseas Rhann,the First.The youthful First Son of Thuvia looked about his table,boldly spying upon the other patrons of the darken tavern. Captain Khotharr Khann,like his father General Khotharr Khann,Junior and Grant Father,was only partially of Thuvian ancestry.The blood of the Kalladon nation-a race of genetically enhanced super warrior,from the Terran Federations homeworld of Old Earth flows in his veins on Old General Kotharr Khann,Senior.The Imperial Kalladon,defeated on the Terran homeworld by their opposite numbers-the Alpha Omega Warriors,sometime in the early 21 st Century,caused many to flee for distant space to colonize other suitable worlds and conquore other far regions of deep space.Also,the Imperial House of Khonn,claimed to have the blood of renegade Imperial Delkhoneans-another race of genetically enhanced super soldiers,enhased with cybernetic parts and encased in fierce,silvery battle armor,also flowed through Kotharr Khanns blood.
In one of these dens merriment thundered to the low smoke-stained
roof, where rascals gathered in every stage of strange alien armor and non native military uniform--
furtive space mercenaries hiding from the local interstellar law enforcers,like the Terran Federation Rangers or trapped upon the Sphere-hoping to gain possible passage offworld to other distant lands, leering drunken soldiers-drummed out of some military service from cowardice or some other such nonsense,that would one kicked out of the military, quick-fingered gunslingers,looking for new fortunes and new challenges to prove themselves,
swaggering bravoes with their wenches, strident-voiced women clad in
tawdry finery. Native rogues were the dominant element--dark-haired,
dark-eyed Arcadians,pistols at their side and daggers tucked in their web belts and bravery,if not brains in their
hearts.Prince Toreus Rhann,knew some of them,via his guider link,that gave tactical data and historical material,when he needed such for combat tactical situations and mission operations reports on local individuals of interest. But there were wolves of half a dozen outland nations there as
well. There was a giant pail,yellowish green Jovian Primative renegade, taciturn and dangerous, He like all Jovian Primatives,was a product of superior genetic engineering of Old Earths Alpha-Omaga Warriors Super Soldier Program and has superhuman endurance,super stronge bones, regenerative abilities and unlimited strength.He wore a great lether sash around his left shoulder,that wrapped about his lower right,massively muscle hip.A huge set of ammo cartradges,hung from this and met upon a broadsword strapped to his great gaunt frame--for men wore
steel openly in the Tavern.His name was Janus Rockaway-a space mercenary,sometimes star pirate and interstellar bounty-hunter,working with the Terran Federation and their Colonial Alliances.He was said to be a drect descendant of the famous Jovian Primative Slave Leader Joshua Rockaway,some centuries back in ancient Terran Colonial history.The Jovian’s dark grey green eyes,glanced about,trying not to notice Toreus gazing in his direction.Janus Rockaway,looked back around and returned to his Darkhonean Ale.
Sitting opposite him,was another alien looking mercenary known by the name of Barrack Nhorr-he was known to many to be a strange humanoid ,covered by a
durable, orange silicon-based body armored hide.They were known
as Gholemoidians ,that grants him protection against nearly all forms of physical harm and gives him a rock-like appearance.He wore a similar costume as the Jovian,a Combat Utility Military Style vest,but one more suited to his huge,rocky statur,complete with strange Ruinic Symbols,of Gholemoidian designs,that crisscrossed,like huge red rock scratches in his leather like apparell.He wore a huge,Gholemoidian Broadsword upon his back and two,huge pistols,fit for his two great rocky five fingered hands.His cold,baby blue eyes,twinkled back at Young Thuvian Prince as he staired at him.
Sitting opposite him,was another alien looking mercenary known by the name of Barrack Nhorr-he was known to many to be a strange species of durable, orange silicon-based substance,known as Gholemoidians ,that grants him protection against nearly all forms of physical harm and gives him a rock-like appearance. Shell
The upper shell of the turtle is called the carapace. The lower shell that encases the belly is called the plastron. The carapace and plastron are joined together on the turtle's sides by bony structures called bridges. The inner layer of a turtle's shell is made up of about 60 bones that includes portions of the backbone and the ribs, meaning the turtle cannot crawl out of its shell. In most turtles, the outer layer of the shell is covered by horny scales called scutes that are part of its outer skin, or epidermis. Scutes are made up of a fibrous protein called keratin that also makes up the scales of other reptiles. These scutes overlap the seams between the shell bones and add strength to the shell. Some Gholemoidians do not have horny scutes.
He wore a similar costume as the Jovian,a Combat Utility Military Style vest,but one more suited to his huge,rocky statur,complete with strange Ruinic Symbols,of Gholemoidian designs,that crisscrossed,like huge red rock scratches in his leather like apparell.He wore a huge,Gholemoidian Broadsword upon his back and two,huge pistols,fit for his two great rocky five fingered hands.
In In oxygen-rich atmospheres, Barrack Nhorr also possesses vast superhuman strength almost comparable to his huge companion Janus Rockaway.
This mineral state also grants him an extremely prolonged lifespan.Since his species is somewhat based on an ancient turdle like humanoid species,Barrack Nhorr ,as many Gholemoideans are thought to have exceptional night vision due to the unusually large number of rod cells in their retinas.They have color vision with a wealth of cone subtypes with sensitivities ranging from the near Ultraviolet (UV A) to Red.
When fighting as a gladiator,with Janus Rockaway,in the Great Lhankmearian Arenas, he mostly relied on his physical power and extremely durable form, rather than actual fighting skills. He is, however, an experienced military strategist and consummate pragmatist, constantly assessing his environment so he can tell what actions are necessary for his continued survival.Bharrack Nhorr,often will insult or talk to his appoinent,hoping confused him or her with insults and wise cracks or boasts of his strenth and fighting skill,hoping make an enemy become sloppy and make mistakes in combat situations.
He is capable of surviving impacts of great strength and force without sustaining injury, as his body is covered with an orange, flexible, rock-like hide. He is also able to withstand gunfire from high caliber weapons as well as armor piercing rounds. The highly advanced musculature generates fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity, granting him superhuman levels of stamina.
Aside from his physical attributes, Barrack Nhorr 's senses can withstand greater levels of sensory stimulation than an ordinary human, with the exception of his sense of touch. His lungs possess greater efficiency and volume than those of an ordinary human,since his species originated from an aquatic animial,such as a turdle.As a result, Barrack Nhorr is capable of holding his breath for much greater periods of time.
Both Janus Rockaway and Barrack Nhorr,were two oddest of companions-a huge,hulking humanoid and his rocky Golem like companion.Both two of the fierest warriors.
‘’Fight you cowards’’a dark,gravely voiced broke through the other load tavern patrons merrymaking.
There was a bold-eyed Brythundrian wench, sitting on the knee of a tawny-haired Darkhonean warriors knee—a wandering mercenary soldier, a deserter from some defeated army-perhaps somewhere on Terra-Prime or somewhere from beyond the stars-who could tell.He was a huge,large,walnut headed.dark skinned swarthy looking hard-faced man of maybe over 6 foot-maybe 7 foot.He had an almost oriental look,but a bullbus forehead,that came into a strange,bar shapped widows peak.High rising satanic eye brows,curved upward,like great scimitars inward toward each other .This gave the wolfish faced dark haired giant more sophisticated and threatening demeanor,than many of the fellows around him.He simply sat there and grimmed a vulpin smile,bearing to canine fangs,like some humanoid predatory dog.A great black,scarlet and dark golden sash,made from leather,hung from his left armored shoulder pad down passed his broad deep chest and around his hip,toward his back area-which had a great Darkhonean Broadsword,strapped into it’s dark leather sheath.Odd energy weapon and a special knifes hung his combat ulity belf.also of Darkhonean design.Two other Darkhoneans sat silently behind his,keeoing their peace and not wanting insult their commanded by imforming that as Darkhonean Pack leader,he was embarassing them in public and should remain silent.Not boisterously get involved in some backward cultures retared sports.
‘’More-more-fight like men.not children you Terran spawned dogs.’’the Darkhonean shouted,lifting a cup of Darkhonean Wine,to encourage the two Thuleans still chocking each other.I have fifhty Drakharr credits upon Juggass Tharns head,that he’d beat his twine brother Drunkuss Tharn in a fair choking fight.’’
Janus Rockaway and Barrack Nhorr both glaced over into the Darkhoneans direction,giving a sallure look of disguist and hopefully loud mouthed badluck,brought on by the ancient Lords of Light and Darkness-a eons old interstellar slang term for the many good and bad super beings fighting the Great Titantic Temporal Cold Wars of the Multiverse.
Behind the the Jovian Primative and Gholemoidean,was a tall,dark haired warrior,who stood almost as tall as Prince Toreus himself.He had cold steeling blue eyes and dark black hair,and was obviously of the same ancestry as the Thuvian Prince himself,but shared some ancestral traits of the Kalladon and Delkhon blood.Beside him was two figures-the bald ,oreintal looking Time Sorcerer Chairen Kharr-a rare Half Delkhonean and half Shaintainean Temporal Wizard,who was currently travelling Janus Rockaway and company.He claims to be able to trace his liniage back to the ancient Chinesse Empirors of the Shun Dynasty,upon Old Earth and the ancient Delkhonean Empirors of the Kharr Dynasty,upon the Delkhonean homeworld. Chairen Kharr ,claimed to be one of partial Atlantean blood-being they of one of many Elder Races-who eons ago controllled and conquored the infinate realms of temporal space,by way star gate technology plus cosmic and quantum temporal forces,to control matter and energy,to be used in many ways similar to those fictional and fantasy mystic wizards,to the Legion gained their name.The legion,it was said,were the true Guardians of peace and justice,throughout the infinate cosmos and infinate multiverse beyond.Beside was Lady Janisca Gravestone-a Jovian Primative female warrior.
The tall Thuvian approached Prince Toreus Rhann,stiding across the beer and wine stained floor,with confidence of a stalking Lords of Lions himself would do,in a similar situation. This Thuvian was as much out of place in that den as a gray wolf among mangy rats of the gutters. His Thuvian shirt and combat vest could not conceal the hard, rangy lines of his powerful frame, the broad heavy shoulders, the massive chest, lean waist and heavy arms.The Thuvian Rangers eyes blue and smoldering; a shock of tousled black hair crowned his broad forehead. From his girdle hung a sword in a worn leather scabbard,with a pistol holster to the other side-stun twine billyclubs,hung behind the blade and a knife from one boot strapped to right shine and another smaller stun baton from the other left shine.He looked down at the seat First Son of Thuvia and silvery Capronean Lion companion.Prince Toreus looked meeting the older Thuvian with the same intense stair.He kicked a wooden seat out from under the large Kharaidian Oak table.
‘’Well are you going to stand and stair at me and Shakhorja all night’’the Thuvian Prince shouted loudly to the standing Thuvian Ranger.’’Or are you going to sit down,By Thrull cousin Khotharr Khonn.’’
Insert material yet to be written.
Chapter Two.
Prince Toreus meets with Khonn.
Ky’Vhann Stormtroopers outside are looking at the tavern.Prince Toreus Rhann and Kotharr Khonn need to create some of destraction to escape.
Both Prince Toreus Rhann,his cousin Captain Kotharr Khonn.plus Shakhorjah,the Silver Capronean Lion could hear many foot steps moving up the city streets,near The MacKhain’s Den.All of Arcadia,knew what this meant-Ki’Vhann Stormtrooppers,making street to street,house to house searches for rebel forces.Citizen’s loyal to the Imperial Rebel House of Taylor,who harbored resistance fighters,enemy spies and so forth among their dwellings-hidden in darken cellars,low multi level Drinking Dens like this one,that also led to the many subterrain catacombs and sub shuutle tunnel system,beneath the Grand majestic towers and city streets,which led anywhere and everywhere upon Terra-Prime.
The first Ki’Vhan command. - 'Shi-Shoult! 'Shi-Shoult! Nacht bvowgun.`’’the three uaeds their individual Guider Gems translated Eastern Gravh’arian Province Ki’Vhan into Terran English ‘’’Halt halt-Don’t move.’’
'Erschließen Sieghar, Sieghar arkadenscher Hondharr.! '' the Ki’Vhann shouted’ Open up, you Arcadian Dog.’’
Now Prince Toreus Rhann's eyes focused on two students who were involved in a choke-out. This is a particularly simple-minded enterprise in which two young men try to choke each other out to see who will pass out first. Next to alcohol poisoning, suicide over girls and autoerotic asphyxiation, it is one of the leading causes of death among college-aged males. Their parents were spending fortunes to send them all the way across the Sphere to fill their heads with knowledge and they spent much of their time trying to destroy the very brains they were there to fill. Vanarian Tykhairians, often teach their idiot sons, how to fight, but not how behave in public places. Idiot displaces, like were common among their kind.
The Prince frowned, shoved himself to his feet, and cracked his knuckles—always a bad sign. He knows that weak-minded people find this irritating. He does not mind irritating weak-minded people—not one bit. He's made a sport of it.
Toreus strode to the contestant's table with a grace that made even my feline walk look clumsy. I quickly moved to guard his blindside. Lest one of the chunkheads about the tavern decide to attack from the rear. A big, Caladonean muscle man, moved out of the shadows, waiting to see, who he’d have throw out into dirty alley way behind the bar first. Zhankhearian Barkeep employed him, to keep the peace, but often only after which he preferred to win, either lost on won. Then with a silent command, would action and be involved in this taverns many costumers scrabbles.
The Prince grinned down at the two combatants and quickly grasped them by the nape of their necks with his huge hands, slamming their foreheads together with a hearty thud.
They landed on their butts, stunned and dismayed.
"Why'd you do that?" growled one of them as what passed for his brain cleared.
Toreus pointed toward the door of the Union. "By Thrull Khonn's heart there's a war on out there, moron. If it's your death you be wanting then man up and join the fight. Choking each other. By Sarkhon's buttocks you're are fools."
"We wanted to see who would unk first—or pass out," said the second choker, as if this explained everything.
"Dimwitted tool," barked Toreus. "Back in Thuvia, we test how brave we are in battle--not in silly baby men games. Next you'll be walking about honking like those pathetic balless wonders in video wrestling.''
The first student bounded to his feet. Obviously he had left his mind at home in his parent's keeping when he came to Arcadopolis.
"Smelly Thuvian lout."
"I'd suggest you take this love play to your room lest you embarrass yourself," laughed Prince Toreus, his hands clenched into fists.
"I'll not have a Thuvian question my manhood," growled the student.
"And indeed it is in question," said Toreus, his cat green eyes narrowing like twin gun sights. I decided it was time to save this hapless choker's life.
I moved in between him and young Toreus and reared up, resting my paws on big mouth's shoulders. The boy's eyes bulged in horror. I am, after all, a rather large, saber toothed, Thuvian lion.
"Get your cat off me, Thuvian Neanderthal," yelped the young man.
"Again you are confused," laughed Toreus, clearly enjoying the choker's misery. "Thuvians are not Neanderthals. That's the Thuleans—chunkhead."
"I have to pee," I said, grinning my best lion grin, which is never very reassuring to humans. No saber cat has eaten a man in centuries—but humans have trouble unlearning their fondest myths and prejudices. Whatever dark fear mama taught them in the cradle lingers for life.
"Don't eat me, lion," said the lout, retreating.
I made a step toward him as he ran from the room looking over his shoulder to see if I was in pursuit.
By now Toreus Rhann's cat, green eyes had fallen upon the other student who had pulled himself slowly to his feet.
"I'm sorry, your lordship," stuttered the young man.He bumped into Kothorr Khonn.who standing behind him trying to block off his escape route.
"I'm a Thuvian not a fool. You want to fight well have at it."
"Not me, Prince Toreus. I've seen you on the rugger field and fencing. I have no desire to be crippled."
Behind the Neanderthulean stepped the strange,big walnut headed man,with wolfish grim and dark battle armor,who was sitting at a table watching the two wrestlers.
The other choker departed a wet trail of yellow drops that smelled like man water behind him.The Big Darkhonean just stood there glaring at both Prince Toreus Rhann and Captain Kotharr Khonn,hoping to instigate a reaction from either of the Thuvians.Both just stood there,smiling at one another hoping to ignore the big,bad Darkhonean in the room would go away and get drunk on my ale somewhere in a darkened corner. Brythundrian wench left suddenly,retreating into behind two other silent Darkhonean officers behind their commaned.
‘’I’m a Darkhonean Warrior-Captain Granus Khorr ’’the large headed mercenary boasted,bairring a wolfish grim.
–once of the Imperial Darkhonean Star Troopers.The Darkhonean added,as if that little imformation was supposed impress everyone within ears lenth.
‘’Bravo.’’Prince Toreus added himself,preparing to turn and sit back down at his table.
‘’I’m not afraid of you,neither little man.’’ Captain Granus Khorr stated forcefully,bearing his wolf like canine fangs.
‘’Yes,you are,by Thrull’s own devils.’’the Thuvian Prince responded,hoping to throw the larger warrior off his game.
‘’I’ve killed thousands of warriors’’the Darkhonean stated’’better than you-stronger than you.’’he added forcefully,with a hostile stair at the First Son of Thuvia.
‘’Congradualations.’’Kotharr Khonn reported ‘’I hear though it was more like fifty than a thousand.”’
The Darkhonean momentarily turned and glanced at the Thuvian Captains words ignoring their insulting meanings.He turned back the Lord of Lions,whom he really wanted to fight with,not Kotharr Khonn,the Third.Prince began to laugh at his cousins comments out loud,which enraged -Captain Granus Khorr more.With an enraged grawl that escaped from his cruel lips and violent shove,the Darkhonean pushed the Thuvian Prince back knocking him into the table,where the Jovian and the Gholemoid sat,knocking their drinks about and spashing much their contense all over their chests,the laps and table tops.
Prince Toreus regained his composure 'First you mock me and my friends then lay hands on me?' grated the Thuvian , his quick rage leaping up; and he returned the push with an open-handed blow,with his backhand that knocked his tormentor back against Kotharr Khonn,send him as well into the huge rude-hewn table behind both of them.
Ale splashed over the table,from several other mercenaries sitting behind, and the Darkhonean roared in fury, dragging at his Darkhonean sword,with his right hand,from the scabbarded harness around his torso and back.A great dark,odd shaped blade about four feet long,with great blue and silver all large almost retangle shaped basket hilt flashed outward toward the young Thuvian Prince.Somewhere behind Sharkhorja roared as if trying to ward his human lion brother and as well defie the actions of the hulking,larged headed mercenary.
Captain Kotharr Khonn,seeing the Darkhonean major draw his sword upon Prince Toreus,began to draw his own to help defend his Thuvian cousin,but desided not to,not wanting draw unnessasary attention with bloodsled began to look about for something to use as a weapon less lethal. Time Sorcerer Chairen Kharr,having made his way secretly over to the Thuvian captain offered Kotharr Khonn some advice.
‘’Perhaps my dear fellow.if you might use this chair’’the temporal wizard offered,pointing open handed down toward the near by wooden chair.’’After all,it is a might less lethal and a might more sturddie than anything else around.’’
‘’Perhaps,Old friend.’’Kotharr Khonn responded.’’You could use your many vaughted mystical powers to help.’’
‘’Perhaps’’ Time Sorcerer added.Kotharr Khonn picked the chain,with both hands,by it seatted back,with a ferm determined scawl upon his handsome face and slammed it hard over the Darkhoneans great big,long haired back skull.Splinters and shards of wood scattered all over like some much weat blowing in the wind,flying all over the stygian den.Khonn stood there,with the remains of the chair in his great hands,looking surprised as his Delkhonean spawned strenth hit the Great wolflike dark warrior over his great big noggen as hard as he could muster to no avail.
‘’Owe.’’was all Captain Granus Khorr could utter,holding the back his great head with free left hand.
Chairen Kharr,seeing the Thuvian captains plan,to knocking off guard,by hitting over the head,thus saving Prince Toreus Rhann some unwanted question by the Ky’Vhann moving about the upper levels of the tavern,open his left gloved palm.A silvery jewelled disk upon the hands back glowed and sparkle,with minute starry sparks.Electrical energy swirled about the cosmic power lense,like some magical serpent and shot out toward the time sorcerers extened arm.Bolts of electrical blue lighting arked toward the Darkhonean,shocking his mommentarilly.His great hulking physic could withstand a few harsh blows and few minor sword or knife cuts,but a blast of electro magnetic energy drawn from quantum space was another thing indeed,all together different.The Darkhoneans scarlet wolfish eyes frooze and his pupils diolated,as he suddently seized up like great titantic statue.His Great Darkhonean Bloodcutter fell out of his huge,paralized dark gloved hand,giving a thud as it hit the wooden beer and ale stained floor.
Prince Toreus seizing the opportunity, kicked the hulking Darkhonean in his groin area hard with all might of right leg, driving his booted foot into the savage, alien warrior unprotected crotch. With Granus Khorr screamed out a bloodcurdling yell and dropped to his knee high dark booted knees. Toreus then grabbed his great head, seeing his dark, red eyes were closed and could not see, since was filled tears with both hands. The Thuvian Lord of Lions shoved the massive head into a near by table, bashing his head hard with a great thunderous thud. He then raised the Darkhonean’s oversized melon and quickly, savagely rammed the warrior goatee style bearded chin into and onto the same oak table, knocking him out cold. The Darkhonean warrior fell silently to the floor. silent and hopefully dreaming of nothing oblivion.
Prince Toreus Rhann looked down at his former opponent and then at his cousin Kotharr Khann.
‘’By Thrull,I guess he read the script all wronge,didn’t he my cousin ?’’
‘’What Script,my Prince?’’The Thuvian Captain responed.
Meanwhile,up above in a upper second level three Ky’Vhan soldiers were noticing the fight down below,among all over noisie commotion.Crowds of roading and drinking patrons,whethered about back and for the,as the zombie like,armored mercenary soldiers attempted to see what was happening down below,at the lower ,darker areas of The MacKhain’s Den.
Two unnoticed Darkhonean Warriors stood up,that were sitting behind their captain.The now,saw that their pack leader was down and now saw the opportunity to defend his honor.
Behind the standing Prince Toreus Rhann,the two friends of Kotharr Khonn stood up.Jonas Rockaway and Barrack Nhorr,towered over the two Darkhoneans by a few inches.Both sides glared at eack other,as Prince Rhann , Kotharr Khann and Chairen Kharr looked about,not knowing or desiding what to do next.
‘’You three Tolbart Dogs,abuised and shamed our captains honor.’’the old,silvery haired ,older looking Darkhonean,who the Second in Command of Granus Khorr’s little band of mercenaries,looking for work with Arcadia,standed several years before-due a misunderstanding themselves and a man,they owned some money for allowing them use of their ship for smuggling and piracy around and about the dysonsphere of Terra-Prime.
Barrack Nhorr
Chapter Three.
I turned my head and looked at Toreus .
He shook his longhaired head. "You know I'm not, Shakhorja, old friend. Beating up on Vanarian lunks is not my idea of a fight. And I was truly hoping to inspire them."
"To visit the casualty ward? Come on, green eyes, what's really bothering you?"
Toreus sat back down at the table, the other students eyeing him nervously, a few of the females with strange, lusty looks in their eyes.
"How can my father and the Council stand by and let this travesty continue. King Nathan and House Taylor have helped us time uncounted in the past and yet in their hour of need no troops, nor fighters or ships of war come to their aid."
"The law says that the Emperor may not commit troops to the field without the consent of the Chancellor and that once that is done they may not stay in the field more than ninety days without Council approval."
"Chancellor Ghanis Jordan is a traitor," spat my tall friend.
"No, he is cautious. The Arcadians have technology that is somewhat more advanced than us .and our lands, still fallen under the confederacy of the Shattered Empires of Pangea. Many of our nations, have yet to join my fathers alliance with other kingdoms of Northern Pangea .The dream of a united Pangaean world, once dreamed by Lord Thrull Khonn and Lord Toreus Starkiller ,has yet to be achieved–we strong to a point, but not as strong as my father wishes us to be and the Chancellor fears reprisals if the Wallaces win, which more than seems likely if you listen to that shelling."
"Fek!” **
"Don't curse."
"Parp!” *
"If your Empress Cassandra heard you she'd wash out you mouth."
Shame on me. I taught young Toreus to curse and swear. But I have appearances to maintain. Can't have the future ruler of a multi-plate empire sounding like a teamster from Thule.
"My mother would be in those streets with a rifle," said Toreus Rhann.
"The Empress is bound by the same laws as the rest of the Imperial Family—as are you."
"Fek the law."
"There you go again. It's just that you've been drinking bitters on an empty gut. Let's eat and later we'll discuss what we can do."
"Hunger is always a cat's first imperative," said Toreus.
"Indeed it is to any sensible species. But I'm glad to hear you using words of more than four letters."Shakhorja added
‘’ Chancellor Ghanis Jordan dosen’t like me.’’Prince added.’’’He would not cry if I got accidently killed while staying at the Arcadian Univercity.’’
‘’Nor would Warlord Gharvan Rhaynarr.’’Shakhorja commented.’’We seem to have a few enemies at home among the Thuvian Royal Court.Neither protested when your father sent’’
‘’I can handle them both in my own time.’’Toreus Rhann,arrogantly boosted.
‘’Neither protested when your father sent you off to scholl among such a hot political climate.Infact,if I remember,both insisted your father,Warlord King Toreus Rhann send you away,with me at your side’’the Silver Lion Prince interjected.
‘’I know.I often wondered why-beyond the academic studies,did father want me here,knowing full well,I’d not resist wanting to get involved in the war,if such came be ?’’
‘’Thrull’s demons.Your father survived far too long to not know his way around the royal court,as well as a battle field,my young Thuvian Prince.’’Shorkhoja finished.’’If he sent you here,he knew what he was doing,far more any other back home-including your dear mother.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann turned and through some Arcadian money on the barkeeps table.
‘’Sorry about the mess. By Thrull Old bones, junior here plans to sleep out the end of the war.’ the Prince continued.’ Give him and yellow pants outside, in the alley a place upstairs, in one of your most hospitable rooms, to sleep off their drinking games.’’
Frackeer Moosekall nodded and the huge, Caladonean behind the bar moved to pick up the first brother from his place on the floor. He’d bring the other one inside, once Prince Rhann and myself were gone.
Prince Toreus Rhann thought about Frackeer Moosekall and the various members of MacKhain’s Den.If they needed,they could hide themselves,plus anyone else,like the two Vanarian lunks in the den’s sub basement.Many taverns and many other buildings had such sub basements-they led to the Great Neitherworld of Terra-Prime.A vast network of subterrainian world existed all over the sphere,connected by a equir network of a Subterrainean Transit System,found much in many cities of this artificial world-often patrol by Thuvian Rangers,called Tunnel Stalkers-to the Great Starkillers were apart of.
Insert material yet to be written
Chapter Four
Somewhere,within the Central City District of Arcadopolis,a great Battle rages upon.Arcadian Soldiers fight back trying to keep the Great Blockades of scattered debris and wreckage of former Armored Personell Carriers,Hover Cars,Tanks and such mixed the fallen walls of many shops along the 5th Avenue Mall.Behind them is four great star ships-all belonging to the five O’Brian brothers,who are Thuvian Highlanders,in service of the Thuvian Rangers,hoping to show Arcadians,how they fight back in Thuvia.
Intro to Major Alexander O’Brian,his brothers Michael,Daniel,Willian and the youngest Collin at an Arcadian space port.
Chapter Five
We left the Student Union campus after eating at MacKhain’s Den and walked across the University Quadrangle, past the statue of Leonidus I. Old Leo looked sad as his fierce, bronze countenance looked out toward the fall of the dynasty he had founded.
The air was full of smoke and the smell of weapons propellant, blood, death and that pee smell that comes from energy weapons.
I looked up at the horizon and as far sunward along the Great Sphere as I could without squinting. Arcadopolis, like most capitol cities on the Sphere, is at the center of the world plate and therefore at what would be the bottom of the bowl. You could look out equal distances in any direction and see the upward curve of the horizon as far as the thin rim of the wall—if a high building was not in your way. I tried to see if I could make out the Wallace forces surrounding the city. But, alas, I could not. The University of Arcadopolis is too deep in the forest, so to speak, of the biggest city on the Arcadian Plate.Dark clouds of black smoke obscured my feline vision.I could only see,two great fleets of air craft,stilling batlling it out as who hold ground above the distants skies of Arcadia,in a disparate attempt to keep the Taylor House in charge of this Arcadian city a bit longer.
I craned my neck up sunward, squinting and could make out other plates of the great sphere until the sun blotted them out. It looked so peaceful out there. No army of madmen trying to take life and freedom away from anyone—as far as I could see. Terra Prime, the great sphere, is a turbulent place full of all manner of species and cultures. Many of them just as violent and stupid as House Wallace—the architects of this current debacle.
"The Wallaces will be in this part of the city soon," said Toreus Rhann. "I can feel it in my bones."
"You could also just look around you," I pointed out. "How long has it been since we saw a trooper or policeman in Taylor livery?"
Toreus the Slayer nodded. "The Wallaces and their Ki'Vhan allies will come here and try to take us off-platers as hostages to use as leverage against our home governments."
"You are a prince and have diplomatic immunity," I said.
"Won't stop them. They'll be afraid of Pangaea and the Thuvian Rangers. They'll want leverage. And they have no treaties with the Empire. This is a completely new government. Just to show how tough they are they'll dissolve even the simplest trade agreement. That's the Wallace way—chunkheads."
"But to harm an Imperial Prince, or to hold him prisoner, for that matter, is an act of war," I pointed out. "The Council and the Chancellor will have no choice but to act. In the very least a punitive raid."
Toreus rubbed his broad chin. "I did not think of that."
The Prince started to walk faster.
"What is your hurry?” I asked leaping ahead to keep up with his long stride.
"We must go to our quarters. I have to prepare."
"Prepare?” I asked. "For what?"
"Follow me and see, big fellow."
We went back to the house that Toreus and I shared in the Bridgeford Square area of Arcadopolis City.It was somewhere after noon,around 4.P.M-standard Arcadian Eastern Seaboard Time.The worlds plated artificial dusky skies were about give into night,as the Thuvian Prince could the roar of distant artificial thunder in the Great Hills beyond the Central City landscape . Being a Royal, Toreus did not have to take a dorm room on campus. We had a nice little Arcadian house near school. A house guarded by Vanarian robots since Toreus refused a detachment of Rangers as his personal security detail. He considered it cowardly and a waste of good fighting men and women. His father had agreed. I said they were much alike.
Prince Toreus Rhann’s own Thuvian Snow Falcon-Ulyseas-named after his great grand father, was perched upon, his Falconer’s stand-great green eyes kept surveillance of the Thuvian Prince. Like Shakhorja-the falcon, had a telepathic link to the Thuvian and often-helped hunt prey, in the Great Thuvian Highlands of home.
Toreus went up to his bedroom and showered. I flopped myself down on the big bed and groomed my claws. I could smell the scent of female humans on the mattress. Not an unpleasant smell but not the smell of a lioness.
The Prince emerged from the bathroom and took off his robe, beginning to dress. Instantly I knew we were in for trouble.
He put on the underskin that is worn under rugby suits in the rough brand of that ancient sport played by Arcadians—or under nanotech battle armor. He dressed in bloused uniform slacks. The tan uniform pants appeared at first to be similar to the traditional buckskinned pants of the warriors, of Northern Almerhand, back home, but with more high tech and modern type of stitching.The Combat armor was temperature resistant to a degree and provided limited protection from any hostile threat forces,by way it’s Atlantean Atlantium Kryventorium Kelvar fibers,woven into it’s design and manuefacture.
Next, he put on a twill fatigue shirt and armor bracelets and the biomed armband, with its medical biorecorder to collect all physical body function for later medical data collection and the nanotech armor belt—that many soldiers of the world, used to defend against many of the advanced technological military weapons of war. Prince Rhann, put on his Utility Belt, which held various devices, such as needed in the combat field, tools to fix Spike or smart speeder bike, many Thuvian Rangers used, a Sarkhon Technologies Utility Belt Hand Comlink, equipped a universal translator, surveillance sensor and link spy remote technology, that hung the right side of the web belt. On the other side, hung an ammo pouch-a long, leather case with several zipper containers, which held various small circular, plastic vile, filled coins of various countries, emergency medical supplies, such as medicines, for minor injuries, and odds and ends of stuff, spare battery packs and so for the. Toreus Rhann then strapped his secondary utility belt-often called a sword belt even though it is not used to carry a sword, he carried the standard Thuvian Short Sword, not as big and frightful as the large Thuvian long, Broad Sword, but it would have to do for now.
He put on a headband that continued more of the nanotech armor but not the skullcap that would protect the top of his head. He preferred not to wear it, as he preferred his enemies to see his long, warrior's hair. In Thuvia, warriors wear their hair long. Among soldiers, long locks are a sign of his warrior strength. Off-plate fools often laugh and ask Toreus if he's a woman or a man. Toreus Rhann has often answered with a fist, which has caused the Diplomatic Corps much chagrin as they pay off nitwits with big mouths and long hospital bills.
Inset in the headband was an emerald jewel that sparkled when the light hit it. This was Toreus Rhann's Guider Gem.--an ancient Atlantean device, that gave a worthy warrior knowledge and guidance. If one were willing to listen—and Toreus was not always willing to do so—the Guider contained much of the knowledge and wisdom of the ages. It was more than just a mere computer peripheral—much much more.It also acted as a kind of masking device to block out anyone with any type of telepathic abilities and detection equiptment,by intervereing outside transmissions,by way of it’s stealthy chamouflage abilities.The Guider had other telepresience abilities as well-to link up to other susceptable technologies as well.
"I see you have decided to wear me," said the voice of the Guider that only Toreus and I could hear via neural radio link.The gem spoke in a deep,resonating voice-not unlike the holo god Thrull Khonn.
"Do not get excited, gem," said Toreus. "It's for show."
"Your enemies surround you and you dress for battle. Hardly a show."
"Battle is not my plan. Not directly, anyway."
Two feathers from a Thuvian Snow Falcon, also hung adorned the headband, hanging from the left side—the traditional heart side—and just behind the ear. These were a warrior's prize, won in a contest in the Thuvian Highlands when the Prince was ten. Boys and girls in Thuvia engaged in such contest to prove their worthiness as warriors and as future citizens.
Toreus Rhann donned his standard Thuvian Rangers combat utility vest and inserted his Paxton Ripper 12mm pistol in its shoulder rig and his Thuvian fighting knife in its scabbard. Situated in his right hip holster, was his Paxton Ripper model 347-blaster pistol, a special handgun, that was designed to handle to different kinds of ammo-standard 12mm rounds, special armor piercing, Atlantium tipped rounds and could if needed switch to electro magnetic plasma pulse rounds, which pierce through Ki’Vhan battle armor, if needed. A second Thuvian Survival knife was shoved into a scabbard, strapped his right leg. Opposite, was an Atlantean stun baton-a non-lethal weapon, once used before the time of the Starkillers, to control prisoners, rioting crowds, and enemies of the state? Some think this weapon could from the time of Thrull Khonn’s Great Second Golden Age, before the Great Cataclysmic Era, of the Trongaroth Wars, upon the Shattered Pangean Lands, whiles feel it dates even further-even ancient intergalactic history, before this universe began and other seemingly ended.
"Pistol is loaded and functional," said Guider. "Are you sure this is not a battle?"
Finally, he draped a large scarlet and gold amulet about his neck, with an engraved image of a lion face upon, accompanied by two sabers like toothed claws. It was his Lord of Lions symbol-given to him, for achieving the honor of hunting and surviving among my species, when we were young. He usually only wore it before going into battle or at ceremonial gatherings of the clan. My guess was that the clan was not coming here to Arcadia for a shindig.
Guider, in its wisdom, saw this too and commented on it. "No fight?"
"No, we are going to surrender forcing the Wallaces to commit an act of war against the Empire."
He put on his long, leather coat leaving it unbuttoned for easy access to his weapons. Not the action of a man about to surrender.
"You don't surrender," said the Guider.
"There's a first time for everything," said the Prince.
"Not surrendering. Not for you. Your first time will be your last and most likely the last time that any enemy hears you say I surrender."
Before he could answer, we heard the sound of military vehicles in the road. It took no genius to guess that the Ki'Vhan, the mercenary hirelings of the Wallaces, had arrived.
‘’Thrull’s Demons-it seems fates had chosen for us.’ Prince Toreus Rhann cursed, as his keen ultra sensitive hears hear sounds of Ki’Vhan soldiers and Armored Personnel Carriers moving toward his private Arcadian residence. Huge foot soldiers were already moving out among the city streets, moving about the dark, stygian alleys and doorways, in search of the possible Arcadian Resistance Forces. The hulking shape an APC savagely moved in front of the Bridgeford Square home. Some Ki’Vhan Squad commander shouted something his native tongue.
‘’Shi- Shoult!’ Shi- Shoult! .Versbein Ock .Khai Nhi. ' ''’ ’’Guider Translation from Ki’Vhan to Thuvian English.’ Halt! Halt! Move Out. Now’’. Several Ki’Vhan could be heard by our sensitive ears, moving into the sidewalk and green, freshly cut lawn. Heavy booted foot falls thudded onto hard concrete and into soft grasses outside, coming toward the location of Armond Street ,which was where Toreus Rhann, was currently living.The Thuvian Prince,doned,his Scarlet cape,the sign of royalty-also bullet proof,to a degree-composed of Atlantium Clothe and charged various microdeflection generators-a another gift,left by the Atlanteans,found within the New Genisis Bunkers,re-discovered by the ancient Starkiller Clan.It would the Thuvian Prince a bit of cover from enemy fire,as he moved out into the combat area.It also,combined the other personal equiptment,the Atlantean Replicator Arm Band-also of Atlantean origin,a bit of resisance to wear and tair,the Chamouflage network woven into it’s fibers,limited stealth shielsing from long range sensory detection equiptment.
Prince Toreus Rhann,reached out his gloved right hand and Ulyseas,hopped onto his wrist area with single thought and command.
‘’Come on,Old friend-Shakhorja and me are going.’’the Thuvian Prince stated.’’We don’t want to be caught with our pants down –as my father always said.’’
‘’Do tell.’’Ulyseas thought telepathically.The Thuvian Snow Falcon,slightly hopped and flew toward the First Son of Thuvia’s armored shoulder pad.Digging this bird claws into the Cathairian Leatherlike armor,Ulyseas turned around,as usual,to gain a better view of what was in front of him.
Prince Toreus Rhann,commanded the daylight overhead light to be lowered dimmer and waited.He with drew both of his pistols from,it’s right side,leather holster ,plus his shoulder holster and stold in the middle of the darken room.The Thuvian Ranger waited for the Ki’Vhan soldiers to enter into the darken room.Two Ki’Vhan solders kicked open the door violently and stold for a few seconds stairing at the tall dark Thuvian,dressed his Thuvian Ranger gear.For a split they hestitated and failed to fire their weapons.
The first Ki’Vhan command. - 'Shi-Shoult! 'Shi-Shoult! Nacht bvowgun.`’’Guider translated Eastern Gravh’arian Province Ki’Vhan into Terran English ‘’’Halt halt-Don’t move.’’
Toreus answered with two round in each chest.Special ammo,Atlantium Steel jacked bullets,designed to pentatrait Kye’Vhan Kryventorium Kevlar armor and their body armored deflection shielding,at close range.The two zombie soldier fell,like dead sacks of weat.Their pasty blue white faces,went more emotionless,as scarlet eyes fell dead-the light of even their dimwiited intelligence,gone forever.
Outside,other Kye’Vhan troops began riddle the Arcadian Townhouse with bullets.The buildings red brick and plaster out wall gave restistance to the gun fire,but the inner lining composed of layers of Kryventorium ceramics –a kind of Atlantean plastic material of super strong and energy restistance ability,bonded other super fibers,restisted and held the bullets from pentatraiting into the building interior.Bullets cracked and formed small blisters into the transpastisteel windows.Most Arcadian Buildings were not only earthquake proof,but reinforced with special super materials,to pretect the inhabitants of any city from any external threat forces,as many other advanced worlds,upon the sphere,had used advancements,found with either the New Genisis-Bunkers or brought to this upon Corvaillian and Norvaillian Tramp freighter,for untold years now.
The Ki’Vhan Troopers,now heard enemy gun fire,coming out of several darken windows of other near by buildings.Pockets of Arcadian Restance members,obviously gaining access to this section of the city,by way of the stygian subterrainian catacomb like matrix of tunnels beneath the city,began rain down fire upon the alien zombie’s position.Special ammo,sparkled off Ki’Vhan body deflectors,weakening and enentually pentatraiting the force shielding.Ki’Vhan Warriors began fall-dancing around like idiot ragmen,pulled by and forth by an unseen puppet master.Some began,those had higher intelligence,like Squade Commanders began to dive behind the armored carriers,hoping to protect themselves from enemy fire.
Prince Rhann,quickly dived out the side door of his Arcadian home,opening the residences huge,light wooded oak partition violently. Shorkhorja fallowed after.The Thuvian Warrior Prince,produced a small device,off his utilty combat belt-a small ignition control and activated it.Hidden,within the bushed,was a huge,dark smart speeder bike or Spike,called Ebony-his personal two wheeled motorcycle like transport.Twine scarlet eyes,began to light eirilly,like some evil demon horse from hell.A low,roar of it’s engines followed.
‘’Ingition,Ebony.’’Prince Toreus Rhann commanded’’Engage.’’
The Thuvian Warrior,hopped upon the jet black metallic horse.A huge,brown leather riding saddle,was set atop the spike’s artificial back.Behind,two his left,was his Vhentuckian long rifle.Paxton Ripper model rk19,set within a long,leather holster,with Gemonesse leather braids and Thuvian Hunting Falcon feathers.Two leather saddle bags,were found behind that to each side-four in all,filled various emergency rasions-RRI’s,field equiptment,tools,spair ammo clips,water cantines,some filled various fruite juices.
Toreus Rhann,grasped the right and left spike handle bars.the brake in his right and ignition handle to his left.His keen,green eyes scanned the back wall.Quickly,he drove his spike backward,as to get a good jumping start and hoped the cycles limited,ground effects repulsor drive,would carry himself and the bike over,more that three feet off the ground.The Thuvian Prince,dug his booted heels into the Spike sterip like,feet peedled,firmly grasped the left ignition grip and gunned the engine.Ki’Vhan soldiers,just having heard the direction of the load noise appeared in outside garden area and aimed their rifle.Toreus.Rhann,drove his spike Ebony forward and
Jumped his hover bike over the 5 foot high wall that devided his property from the next door neighbors.
I followed the Prince over the high wall.Ki’Vhan soldiers shooting into the vacant area,where we once were.Prince Toreus Rhann,turned his spike around as he saw something huge appear in front of his path.He turn and drove in the other direction of Arbory Road as the armored personnel carriers full of Ki'Vhans pulled up at the end of the street,stopping to see if any acitivety was moving up or down this cross section.A Ki’Vhan looked about nearly missing a man on a spike and a white lion running beside him,turning around a deserted alleyway between two high residences..He looked again,thinking he saw a ghost or something else,like the white bed sheet blowing in the wind,once attached one of the homes clothe lines..Nothing moved-save us in the shadows of what was left of this Arcadian neighborhood.Toreus crossed a road known as Bellers Way and the three of us,tried move in and out of parked debris of burning cars,armored carriers,blasted down walls,twisted wreckage of street lamps and so forth,as the Ki'Vhan forces moved upon this section of the city.Bridgeford Square was devoid of anyone save Ki'Vhan and plus one Thuvian Prince,his platinum haired lion and black and white falcon companions.
The Ki'Vhan troops began to flood out and kick down doors.I could call them zombie like move about the street,silently patrolling the remnants of this once ancient Arcadian neighborhood. Toreus Rhann slowly moved down the road toward them his hands raised-the spike controlled by the vehicles artificial brain alone. The armored mercs look at him no doubt with puzzled expressions on their faces. Though that was difficult to determine through their combat visors,now switched night vision,to see in the darken streets of the Arcadian city,the Ki’Vhan could not exactly understand what a lone figure,with a Thuvian Hunting Falcon on his hover bike,accompanied by a silver haired lion .
Ki'Vhan do not have a wide range of facial expressions anyway. They are wired up mercenaries. Men from various worlds who joined the Ki'Vhan because they had nothing better to do or else were grown in test tubes and raised to be—or so they think—the ultimate soldier.The Ki’Vhan troops followed the commands of the Squade Leader,who directed then to advance upon this strange,outlander.
shi-shoult! outlandar'shi-shoult! nacht bvowgun
Chapter Six
Now the Ki'Vhan were advancing cautiously toward Toreus, their weapons raised. I advanced too, despite my misgivings.My Prince either allow himself to captured or try and fight it out with the Ki’Vhan trooper.I was not sure exactly what the Thuvian Ranger had in mind,nor I think did he.He was playing this plan by ear-hoping to surrender and force a military action or fight it out with the near mindless Ki’Vhan and escape into the darken streets of the city.Suddenly,the Guider spoke and startled Toreus Rhann out of his dilemma.
"Warning, oh Prince,' said Guider. "I detect incoming artillery shells."
It was then that mortar shells began to rain down on the enemy personnel carriers destroying several of them and scattering dead soldiers to the winds.
"Possible hostiles on the roofs," said the Guider. "Armored and armed men."
I became aware of movement on the roofs to either side of the street and in several apartments. There were men up there-possably the local resistance forces by their various dress-Arcadian,working with Thuvian Rangers,Tyrhainean mercenairies and Vanderheim mercenairies. And they were armed with blaster pistols,swords and energy lances-possably Atlantean design. Lasers discharged and bullets rained down on the Ki'Vhan. The one's moving toward the Prince's location had frozen, shaken by the sudden attack.
"There is a high probability that the enemy will engage you in retaliation," said Guider.
‘’So much for my usual solution,Guider’’Prince Toreus Rhann commented.
Now the Ki'Vhan fired their weapons at Toreus. Lasers and bullets cut through the tail of my Prince's coat. The Thuvian, along his two companions quickly dashed into a deserted alley, avoiding the oncoming Ki'Vhan forces. Prince Toreus,quited down his spike’s engine and waited for Ki’Vhan troopers to desend upon his area. One out of sight, the Ki'Vhan shopped firing as if awaiting new order from their Central Command Squad Leader. Ki’Vhan, often worked as unite-the Squad leader, would coordinate the troops actions and operations. Without them, these artificially created zombie soldiers, where nothing more than pawns for a higher command structure.Several Ki’Vhan troops were heading toward the alley,we were hiding in.
I spotted a large man in armor and a hood that concealed his facial features moving back from the edge of the roof with several other similar dressed men while his comrades continued to rain down fire on the hapless Ki'Vhans. These were no doubt guerillas in the employ of the Taylors. A stay behind force to make sure that the royal family had time to escape and the Wallaces did not enjoy an easy victory.
"So much for surrender," said Guider. "Nobody was doing that today."
‘’Guider-give a tactical sensor scan on the hooded subject.’ The Thuvian Warrior commanded.’ I want to who he friend or foe. What he ate for dinner last night and when he last took a dum.’’
‘’Affirmative, Warrior.’’ the Guider responded.’ Sensor scans beginning.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann then looked to his hunting falcon Ulyseas. perched on his shoulder. He knew to use this Thuvian Hunting Falcon, equipped all sorts of nano sensors, could help assist the Guider, in it's surveillance of the local area. Thuvian Hunting Falcons, were used for centuries by the Thuvians and those similar type, by civilizations back on ancient Earth around the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and ,as far back as ancient Atlantis-back before time began in this universe. Thuvians, like many newer civilizations, adopted much of their ways into their own and made them apart of their culture. Common Atlantean Hunting Falcons-a genetically engineered. Larger variety of the Peregrine Falcon was modified by bionic cybernetic systems at first and later nanotechnology, to improve their hunting skills. Later on, even some members of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers. along with such creatures as dogs and cats, would falcons as tactical field assistance, feeling such animals were less likely to detected by enemy forces and those augmented intelligence often out-thought similar tactical intelligence system, due their ages old hunting skills. Also, they were felt to better companions on long, away solo field missions or away team field missions. He could hear more fire between the Arcadian Resistance Forces and Ki'Vhan forces exchanging fire in the street
''Ulyseas, I have a job for you.’ Prince Toreus Rhann told his avian companion.’ I need you to fly up and quietly survey the perimeter-always assist the Guiders sensor scans. Give a more accurate detail of the local area.''
''Will do, boss. ''Ulyseas telepathically, transitting his mental communications to Prince Rhann, via the link Shakhorja and him, shared with Guider device.’ Those Ki'Vhan piss pot pinheads will never know I'm around.''
And that Ulyseas, the Thuvian Hunting Falcon hopped down Prince Toreus Rhann's should and onto his right gauntleted hand. He spread out his wingspan of around 80–120 cm (31–47 in), gave out a loud screech, and took off as Prince Toreus Rhann held up his gloved hand to give his avian friend a better lift off capacity. Toreus Rhann's superior catlike eye sight watched as Ulyseas flew off into the distant clouds of Terra-Prime, disappearing into the blue skies, with faintly outlined landmasses of other sphere world plates, located somewhere opposite to the Arcadian world. Prince Toreus suddenly had a moment of concern, placing his old friend into an alien and dangerous environment, such these Thrull curse Arcadian lands, haunted and patrolled by the near mindless Ki'Vhan. Hunting medium sized birds such as doves, waterfowl, songbirds and pigeons, was one thing, for a Thuvian Hunting Falcon to do, but those Ki'Vhan imbeciles were another thing. What if Ulyseas flew to close to the ground, some Ki'Vhan nitwit accidentally spotted him flying over head and got off a lucky shot. He could not only been a valued allie, but a close companion, he has had for many years now.
''Don't worry, my Prince,Ulyseas will be fine.''Shakhorja spoke standing behind the First Prince of Thuvia,breaking him out of his deep,dark thoughts.''There isn't one of those idiot pinheads who could land a shot on him,let alone one on you or me.''
Prince Toreus turned and smiled as he looked down upon his snow white feline freind.He knew the Caporonean Silver Lion correct.As a team they were a formidable trio-a Thuvian Prince and two companions-a lion and a falcon.Most likely,Ki'Vhan were very superstitious and the sight of a great warrior commanding such wild life creatures,would as odd and unnatural,as Tarzan of the Apes,commanding a herd of elephants and Great Apes,into some natives village in one of those old holovids of that Edgar Rice Burroughs character.
''Your right,Old freind.What am I worrying about.''Prince Toreus Rhann spoke sudden renued vigor and vitality.''By Thrull Khonn's Mighty will,let em come-we'll show how one Thuvian Ranger can take on twenty of them single handedly.''
''Besides.I want to who that guy lurking about the roof is.I've got a hunch,by his dress-he's not Ki'Vhan.''
Toreus' pistol came out as he exited the alley away ,turned as his keen catlike green eyes focassed on the lead Ki'Vhan soldier ,with two companions and armor-piercing shells cut down three Ki'Vhan in a row as the Prince retreated toward cover. The the first Ki'vhan fell over first,followed by his two side fellow officers. He had his fight. Intended or not. He fired as he retreated and as Guider detected targets.
I retreated as well. I prefer hand-to-hand combat to gun fighting. Guns are not a lion's weapon of choice or design.
We retreated to an alley as the men in hoods continued to exchange weapons fire with the Ki'Vhans. I scanned the rooftops with my keen vision. I could no long see the big man and his comrades.
Toreus, I thought radioed to my Prince. I think the Taylors arranged this ambush.
"Damn!" swore Toreus aloud.
"I agree with 85% certainty," said Guider. "And the guerrillas are behind us."
I became aware of the men in the alley behind us. So did Tor. He jumped to his feet, drawing his fighting knife.
The big man I had seen earlier pointed a heavy rifle at him and said: "Easy, big guy. I'm not here to shoot you."
"99% truth,warrior prince" said Guider.
"Who the hell are you?"
The man whipped off his hood and smiled with a beefy boyish grin. "Name's Colin O'Brien, Captain Colin O'Brien-I'm a Thuvian Highlander-Thuvian Ranger-just like you-mercenary in the employ of Kotharr Khann."
"100% truth," said Guider.
''Got separed from my own troops and those Arcadian Resistors back there,I was hooked up with for awhile.''O'Brien added.
"100% truth,again my prince warrior freind" said Guider.
Toreus' eyebrows went up. I supposed mine would have too, had I had any.
"Lord Kotharr Khann sent you?"
In case you're not a reader of history,Supreme General Kotharr Khann was the Weapons Master of the Imperial Court of Pangaea. His ancestry spoke of both Thuvian and Delkhonean-two fiece warrior breeds,not native originally to Terra-Prime.The Thuvians,proud warriors,who fought evil for causes of justice and the Delkhon-armored soldiers,with proud tradition of the great warrior spirit-part mixture of history and heroic mythology.The House of Khann,who line extends from the Delkhon Royality,bred some our greatest heroes and villains alike. , General Kotharr Khann ,was one of our greatest heroes.He and my father Shokhorja, Supreme Lion King of all the Silver Lion Clans, ,fought side to side,back to back,defend Kingdom and Counrty against what the Atlanteans called Lords of Darkness-in otherwords,those elder worlds-elder supreme being on the side of evil.
General Khann,was one of the best we had.I knew him,as I knew his son Kotharr Khann,Junior.All this one thing in the end,the Imperial House Clan of Khann,was full of one badassed motherfekers.Which meant that he was the wiliest general, strategist, and all around fighter that the Rhann family had. And the Rhann family is packed heavy with fighters, believe you me. Kotharr had trained Toreus in the martial arts from the time he was old enough to swing a fist or a knife. Kotharr also handled all of the Empire's black operations—those done in quiet without knowledge of the Council or permission of the Chancellor.
So apparently we were not alone behind enemy lines after all. Uncle Kotharr had sent some of his employees to make sure we did not fall into unfriendly hands.
Poor Toreus, he can never be a step ahead of daddy and Kotharr Khann.
"Kotharr Khonn," Toreus shook his head. "I should have known. Why didn't he inform me of your presence?"
Colin O'Brian leaned forward into Toreus space, grinning.
"Black ops, your highness. We play all our cards close to the vest. Besides rescuing you was our last mission."
"And your first?"
O'Brian tapped his full lips. "You're not authorized to know, sir."
"I'm the Crown Prince, fool."
"Don't be so hard on yourself. And you're still outside the chain of command. Ask Khonn about it when you see him.
"Now, shall we get out of here before the Ks regroup?"
‘’Warrior sensor scans indicate that individual, has in numerous resent combat saturations.Scans,indicate several minor bruises .Scans indicate,he is only armed with his standard weapons-minus his Thuvian Short sword.He was a few standard MRE’s rasions,a standard comlinks communicator,Thuvian Combat Knife and Electro Plasma Stun baton.’’
‘’Thanks Guider.’’Toreus Rhann finished.
‘’Who the Frek are you talking ,too-Prince ?’’O’Brian asked.
‘’My Guider Gem-by Thrull Khonn’s Sword.’’The Lord of Lions stated.
‘’Personal AI-huh Prince Rhann.’’Colin O’Brian said with a bit grimy smile.
‘’Artificial Intelligence Combat Field Telepathic Data Comlink Gem.’’the Guider telepathical corrected the Thuvian Soldier.
‘’Shut up,Guider.’’Toreus Rhann ordered.
‘’Having Problems with the little jewel I see.’’O’Brian speculated.
‘’Never mind,Captain O’Brian-‘’the Thuvian Lord asked’’Where’s your sword ?The Thuvian military issued every soldier standards equiptment and your without your Thuvian Short Sword.’’
‘’Sorry,to despoint you,my Prince.’ Captain O’Brian said,’ but lost it in a fight back yonder-trying to help a buddy evacuate some citizens from Arcadia. I think I last saw sticking out of a Ki’Vhans heart back at the Rothschild Space Port. Sorry, I could retrieve it. I was fighting off a whole bunch several squad of Ki’Vhan warriors with my rifle at the time, while my friend Zacheriah Sarkhon lifted off in my ship the Scarlet Shadow, with his wife Ivhanna and a few evacuee’s.’’
‘’99% truth," said Guider. but I would be so sure about the number of Ki’Vhan he fought off. He may be exaggerating a bit. Warrior Toreus.’’
''You Thuvian Short sword is the best way to handle a Ki'Vhan equipped a body armor force shield.’ Prince Toreus Rhann added.’ If weren't so carelessly to leave your weapon behind-even in battle, you’d have it right now''
''Hell Yes, my Prince...I'll remember that next I'm fighting off a dozen or so pinheads.” Captain O'Brian sarcastically responded.
Toreus Rhann eyed him, momentarily, wanting to knock in his teeth for the insulting attitude. But father once told him of an incident in his own youth, where such actions rashly acted out on left another young Prince Toreus Rhann up on a heap of trouble for busting the head of a fellow officer-Colonel Mitus Kane-a Thuvian Highlander, his father disliked and often disagreed with on many situations-combat strategies, types of women, what type of beer to drink. This young Prince Toreus Rhann thought better to have this man at your side than against him. Let in go for now-while the Ki'Vhan zombies were patrolling the city. Prince Toreus Rhann looked up and sensed Ulyseas the Falcon near by. His sensitive vision spotted the great bird circling above and swooping lower to gain less altitude as he did. Ulyseas turned once as Captain O’Brian also saw the Thuvian Snow Falcon dive inward as the Lord of Lions held his right gloved hand, for the great bird to land upon. The Thuvian Highlander stared in amazement-he had heard stories of Thuvian Princes commanding such animals, but rarely had he so close to witness such, not shown some holovid or tv set. Prince Toreus Rhann, turned as Ulyseas placed himself again on his shoulders.
‘’All’s clear ahead,boss.’’Ulyseas reported to the Thuvian Crown Prince.’’Some Ki’Vhan activety up aways,but nothing around here to bother us,at this time.’’
‘’Good Job,old friend.Good Job.’’Prince Rhann commened his Falcon companion.
Prince Toreus Rhann.First Son of Thuvia,Lord of Lions turned and slightly smiled Captain O’Brian.
''Now,Captain..we shall get out and later take on those Ki'Vhan bastards.''the Prince finally answered.
‘’Get on the back my spike.’’Prince Rhann commanded.
‘’Hell,no your Highness.I’ll walk.’’the Thuvian Highlander answered.
‘’I order you..’’Toreus began to say,before he interrupted by Colin O’Brian.
‘’Order all you like.I’m still getting on back.’’Captain O’Brian continued.’’I either ride along or not at all.’’
‘’Very well.’’The Thuvian Prince also continued.’’Then walk.Captain.Either way,I don’t care.’’
''By Thrull Khonn's thundering roar.hell yes,my prince..hell yes.Why not-Big bad Prince,lion and a bird.''Colin O'Brien's hulking formed followed the young Thuvian Prince,still on his spike and two companions away from the Bellers Way and the Bridgeford Square district.
Before the Ki'Vhan could regroup and flush them out of the houses the mercenaries were on the move. We jogged down the alleys, past troops positioned to watch our backs.Prince Toreus was forced to drive his slow,as not leave befind or roar the engine to loud and alert Ki’Vhan troops to their location. The big merc, O'Brian jogged along beside Toreus, occasionally engaging in his dangerous habit of leaning in too close to the warrior prince or running into his path of the Thuvian crown princes spike.. I think he was well aware of the danger. I just do not think that he gave a damn. Of perhaps he was one of those people who enjoyed toying with dangerous individuals and situations. That would seem to justify his profession.
"Where are we going?" Toreus asked.’’You seem to be getting tired.’’
‘’I’m fine.Thanks for asking.’’O’Brian said.’’As for where were going-
We're getting you out of the United Kingdom before the Wallaces can lay hands on you."
"Are we headed for the sub-shuttles?" I asked.
’’I can’t get two of us far on my spike here.We need something faster,heavier to outrun the Ki’Vhan Spike Patrol Unites.’’Toreus Rhann,gestured to his own vehicle.
The mercenary eyed me nervously. Talking cats are not everyone's cup of tea.He then glaced back at Prince Rhann-a more human,friendlier figure,that he understood.
"Shuttles are packed with Taylor troops and people on their way out. The King has sent the Royal family to safety and now he's advancing in the other direction to put together a resistance force."
"Where has the Royal family gone?" Toreus asked. He'd been at the Christening of Prince Leonidus and was the Child's Second Godfather.
"Don't know," said O'Brian. "And don't wanna know. Rumor has it off-Sphere and other rumors have it that Joshua Sarkhon sent them to Genesis Prime—the Atlantean capital in this worldline district. My favorite is the baby universe where they might be hidden. Fashioned by Joshua Sarkhon himself. Oh. There be all sorts of rumors."
‘’And we can expect no help from the Atlanteans of Atlantis-Prime,neither.The word is Elder Supreme Lord,Ghalmeath Sarkhon-who rules among the Imperial House Clans of Sarkhon,upon Genesis-Prime wanted to send in his Imperial Atlantean might-The Atlantean Star Fleet and the the Atlantean Star Forces,backed by the Imperial Atlantean ground forces-the Atlantean Army,the Imperial Atlantean Colonial Marines and their elite offworld super trooper-the Temporal Guard,but he needed the consent of the Time-Sorcerers Guild first.’’
‘’And those tea sucking cowards-certain members of the Guild voted no to interfearing in further affair of this world-directly anyway.’’O’Brian interjected.
‘’The Imperial Houses of Shaitanus,Karza and Moontharr mainly.’’Shakhorja added.
‘’Balless turds,Kitty Kat.’’Colin O’Brian cursed.’’By the Starkillers-If I had a dime for every Atlantean bastard Time-Sorcerers…’’
‘’You don’t,O’Brian.’’Prince Toreus Rhann interrupted.’’
‘’Standard interstellar news,My Prince.’’O’Brian added.’’What of it ?’’
‘’What isn’t standard news,is Ghalmeath Sarkhon wanted away around the Guilds veto powers.’’Prince Rhann imformed Colin O.Brian.
‘’How.”The Thuvian Mercenary asked.
‘’One word.Rather one name-Supreme Lord Adam Sarkhon.’’Toreus Rhann responded.
‘’ Supreme Lord Adam Sarkhon,First Son of Supreme Lord,Ghalmeath Sarkhon.Adam Sarkhon,who rules on the ancient Atlantean Colony world Atlantis-Prime.’’the Guider imformed.
‘’But ,Ghalmeath Sarkhon did not see eye to eye .Adam Sarkhon on how to see this situation on Terra-Prime.While the Atlanteans of Genesis-Prime were happered by the Guild of Time-Sorcerers,the Atlanteans of Atlantis-Prime simply had a council of Elder Lords to handle political matters.The Legion of Time-sorcerer,were managed by a Council of Elder Supreme Time Sorcerers.’’Prince Toreus Rhann imformed Captain Colin O’Brian.’’The Elder Supreme Lord felt his son’s Imperial Forces a way to assist the conflicts of the sphere.’’
‘’The Guild then had no way of preventing Adam Sarkhon from getting involved,then.’’O’Brian surmised.’’So why didn’t this Adam Sarkhon help ?’’
‘’Supreme Lord Adam Sarkhon felt that the troubles of Terra-Prime was so important as the threat he faced back home in his region of time and space.’’Toreus Rhann continued.’’He was afraid of ancient threats to the home space,with the Atlantean Galaxy,where Atlantis-Prime existed.’’
‘’The Return of the Titan Wars.’’the Guider interjected.’’The very ignition that started the Atlantean Cold War,in the first place,in the ancient,old universe,that spread to this one.’’
‘’I know something those things.The Titans –huge,armored beings turned on the ancient Atlanteans-sent giant doomsday weapons at them like the Gravis-Rho.’’O’Brian added.
‘’So Supreme Lord Adam Sarkhon,stayed out of the affairs of Terra-Prime,to concentrate on keeping the threat of rogue Titans,found within his home space and preventing the great planet destroyers-the Gravis –Rho,from leaving the Atlantean Galaxy-protecting us all from waging a war with them before we were ready to defend ourselves.’’
‘’Best,thing either Lord,Ghalmeath Sarkhon or Adam Sarkhon,could is send in his temporal agents,various members of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers,to act as advisors,to the governments of many worlds –which includes Terra-Prime,upon this section of the Milky Ways Galaxy.’’O’Brian commented.
‘’You seemed to know a bit about matters beyond the sphere-many upon world don’t’’Prince Rhann speculated.’’Or by Thrull Khonn’s might,believe them nothing ancient mythology.’’
‘’I have a friend,who’s a big fan of the Temporal Cold Wars,believing waged across time and space,by various fraction of the Elder Races.’’Colin O’Brian stated.’’He talks too much,but in the end,you get to hear a lot matters beyond the normal worlds of humanity.’’
‘’Is that so,O’Brian ?’’Prince Rhann answered.’’I still,wish we find a shuttle station.I’ve had experience piloting them.I could call one of my fathers sub shuttles,pitioned near,by remote.’’
‘’Won’t help,Prince-shuttles still have navigated all evaluating ones leaving the area.’’O’Brian.’’By the time,one of your shuttles make to a safe point,we might be captured or killed by the enemy.’’
‘’By the Starkillers,still would like to try.’’Toreus Rhann bravely stated.”
An occasional echoe of enemy motar thunder could be heard in the hills beyond the city.Obviously,the Arcadian Troops were keeping the Ki’Vhan at bay,preventing them from repelling the Taylor forces from their encampment outside the capital city.If Prince Toreus Rhann and company could only reach,perhaps the two Thuvian Rangers could help.Colin O’Brian looked at Toreus Rhann,hoping to finish their discussion of the Arcadian War’s military and political strategy.The big Thuvian Highlander finally broke the momentary silence.
‘’Besides,we can’t use the Shuttles.That Resistance I was hooked up with witnessed some pretty nasty fekking crap,just a while back.”Colin O’Brian added,trying to change the subject back the shuttle transit problem.The sub shuttles,were hign speed subterrainean trains ,used by the citizens and the military to quickly travel within the inner neitherworld of Terra-Prime.Many were piloted through this darkened underground world,were called Tunnel Stalkers-something started around the time of the Great Lord Thrull Khonn.Tunnel Stalkers or Tunnel stalker-A term or slang term used to describe anyone, who pilots a subterranean Transport Tunnel, through the infinite transit system of the dysonsphere known as Terra Prime. Subterranean mag lev type train, capable of high speed transportation across the globe or around the inner surface or underground-neitherworld of a dysonsphere or planet. These sub shuttle could be piloted anywhere within in the known or unknown worlds of Terra-Prime. The Trongaroth Invaders, who invaded much of the Great Pangaean Land, where the many Shattered Empires of Pangea lie, had rerouted many of these tunnel systems and thus made new,unexpected network systems of new tunnelways to various unknown parts of the Great Sphere.. The Thuvian Rangers have erected certain members to travel these sub shuttle tunnels to explore them and map location. Many of them lead to sub shuttle transit stations-where passengers can enter or exit the shuttle trains. Here at certain points, Special Cargo or Troop sub shuttles can load or unload cargo at these transit stations.This spread out to other parts of the sphere,in time.
‘’I saw a bunch of Ki’Vhan troopers,with some sort of weirdoes all dressed in black hats,suites and capes.inspecting a sub shuttle transit station..They were inspecting one of the shuttle stations,occupied by the enemy forces.Something dark there seem to interest them.’
‘’What ?’’Prince Toreus Rhann asked.
‘’Don’t know..maybe a troop carrier-cargo shuttle.’’Colin O’Brien answered.
‘’Guider ?’’Prince Toreus questioned
‘’Yes,Warrior Prince.’’the Guider responded,flashing with it’s emerald twinkling gem.
‘’Whose are these black hated figures with the Ki’Vhan?’’
‘’Affirmative.Working.’’the Guider said.’’Imformation.Zatikhon Agents,working with the Ki’Vhan.’’
‘’Zatikhon ?’’O’Brien interrupted.’’Interstellar Corporate thieving fanatical bastards.’’
‘’The Zatikhon Hygemony,will be looking for some sort of profit out of the war.’’Prince Toreus Rhann added.
‘’The Zatikhon Hygemony,was an ancient,interstellar corporation,whose located and origins were shouted in the myth of interstellar history.Mysterious masked figures,shouded in darkness.They traveled in three’s-one supervisor and his two assistance.Profit and greed was their holy mission and the Zatikhon corporation,their god.They could and would do anything ligit or criminal to gain that profit and blessings of their personal god.’’the guided instructed
‘’Tell me about it.I’ve met up with them before.Real nasty pieces of work,they are.Sell you a broken replicator and then cuts your throat if they don’t get the payment on time.’’Captain O’Brien added his imput.
‘’Bravo.’’Prince Rhann commented.’’Real nice bastards in deed.’’
‘’Well,your highness-we can’t worry about them now.We got to keep going further out of the city.’’
"Where are we going," I insisted. Again that funny look.
"Off this plate and elsewhere. You'll know as soon as you know. Just not the sub-shuttles."O’Brien answered
"And then where will you go?" Toreus asked.
"Wherever the fighting is, my man. That's what I do. I'm the best fighting man in the whole wide Sphere."
"Did you proclaim yourself that or did someone with authority?" Toreus frowned.
"Hell yes. My opinion is the only one that counts. I just fight the best way I can and let the other mercs follow me and do what I do."
"Subject actually believes this," said Guider.
‘’Yes,but you still lost your sword,drenhead-when do more than just talk,then we shall see.’’The Thuvian Prince added.
Colin was certainly a brave and confident man. But that did not make him full of fek. I knew that Toreus felt that way, even without asking. Toreus and I have a rapport that goes beyond words. I also knew that the Prince respected the mercenary warrior, as much as he could respect someone as boisterous and rude who fought for mere money.
"My recommendation is trust him," said Guider.
Neither Toreus nor I argued with that.
The battlefield that was now these once grand city streets was of Arcadolopolis mostly deserted and silent.Everywhere the dead city found crimson pools among the still sprawling figures seeming to reflect the lurid red-streamered sunset sky above.Faint reflections of other worlds could be seen among the other worlds of the Great Sphere.Strange,alien bird moved among the skeleton ruins of the city,pigeons and other city dwelling avian creatures,blasted their homes among the once mile high scape scapers of the ancient metropolis.Dark birds of prey,Arkhonean Harksdropped down on mangled heaps with a rustle of dusky wings. Like harbingers of Fate a wavering.the birds began to pick at whatever remains of civilians and soldiers bodies could found laying among the deserted streets and wrecked vehicles ahead.
Prince Toreus Rhann and company moved outward away from the older.once suburbant spwall of ancient Arcadolopolis.In the distance,we could see the great hign towers of the ancient Arcadian worlds most finest cities.Great silver towers,now burned with blacken smoke soot,that fiiled two mile high skyscrapers with dark,onvious cloubs like Toreus Rhann and Coilin O’Brian imagined could be seen in alien and far off hellish nightmare worlds like the Atlanteans penal colonies of Hade-Prime and Tartarus-Prime.Strange alien air ships moved about the mile high skyscrapers,along various types of star ship vessels of all shapes and sizes.It was some hours since,Prince Toreus had fought it out the Ki’Vhan.It must been around 9 or 10.pm-maybe a little later,but Arcadolopolis was like many ancient city of Terra-Prime,a huge metropolis,that stretched for hundreds of miles or kilometers in any direction.Since there was plenty of area,upon a dysonsphere cities,suburbs and country side,seemed to spread out farther,than smaller,conventional cities upon other non sphere worlds.Cities could be either normal size or titantic metropolis cityscapes,that reach across the surface,for vast stretches of land-country roads,walled districts,ancient suburbs,now engulfed into the outer regions of these mega metropolis communities,undreamed of by most offworlders and outsiders.
We approached a line of civilian ground cars near the Chalice River that wound through the outer Old Kenton Town district of Arcadolopolis.Dark shadows moved about each windows,like dead men’s spirits refusing to leive this mortal world. Armed men in hoods guarded them. More of the mercenaries or possible restistance fighers hiding out among the burned or bombed out ancient buildings.Two Ki’Vhan on spikes passed by our location,missing us hiding within a ground of green bushes and the wreckage of an APC.A small van,was parked,near the side of the road.O’Brian,looked at myself and Toreus.
"Our ride,your highness" said O'Brian. "Give me a second.I can get her running."
‘’How ?We don’t have the keys ?””
Coilin O’Brian with drew his small,Thuvian Hunting Knife,his right booted area,where was strapped to,by huge,leather buckles.
‘’We do ,now,my Prince.We do now,’’he said a big,broad grin.
The Thuvian Highlander open the Ki’Vhan van’s door and jammed his knife into the cheapy made,ignition control .Sparks popped and flew out of the circular,silver disk,as it popped off.
‘’Cheap Khaitan made junk.’’O’Brian cursed.’’Easilly,over ridden .’’
‘’Ok,half way there.’’O’Brian said,as he used his knife to rework the vehicles controls.The engines came alive.
‘’Ok,guy.We got her alive. said O'Brian. "Hop in."
We got into a van with O'Brian .Toreus drove his spike Ebony into the back.hoping to conceal the dark cycle from the enemies detection,and also be a rear way to defend this Hachatachi Motors vehicle from any oncoming trouble.I was behind with my prince and Ulyseas,and O’Brian sat up front,hoping no one noticed that he wasn;t a Ki’Vhan and caused us more trouble than we needed.One of the Ki’Vhan soldiers armored vehicles came down toward our direction. Coiln O’Brian ducked down low,toward the steering wheel,as hoped the driver,looking like mindless dummy,failed to notice the drive of the oncoming van.
. The vehicles spread out taking various directions ,as the town seemed to over ridden with enemy trooper. Toreus' surrender plan was dead and we were off on our way to only Thrull Khonn knows where. Now, the only plan was to make out of the great Arcadian City and into the Resistance Forces, found with the outer hills and countryside of Central Arcadia. Their then we could fight back. Defend the countryside from the Wallaces forces, who had taken the capitol and one, retake the city, for the various members of the House Taylor to begin again and rightfully rule in the Arcadian world of this Great Sphere. Prince Toreus Rhann, thought of the Starkillers, who took his Pangaean Lands from Great Trongaroth Invasion and he thought of his own father’s quest to regain his royal family upon the Emerald Throne of Thuvia. Emperor Toreus Rhann’s father Ulyseas Rhann and his father, also fought to regain the basic freedoms of the worlds, stated in the Constrictions of the United Kingdoms of Pangea.
There was no fighting in the streets as we moved through town but plenty of evidence that there had been.
Bullet and laser riddled walls, a dead body here, a dead body there, wrecked cars, and broken walls. None of the dead were civilians though, Guider assured us. The butchery of the innocents had not yet begun, but with the Wallaces in power, it would not be long before it did.
The van stopped near a wrecked bridge, no doubt bombed by the Taylor Air Force to slow the advance of the Wallace armored cavalry. There were a number of burning tanks with the symbol of House Wallace to the other side—a black mailed fist enclosing a globe of fire. A symbol of fascism if I ever saw one. There would be no democracy in Wallace ruled Arcadia—absolute monarchy would be the rule of the land of the law.
We stood staring at the carnage. O'Brian moved around with his hands on his hips.
We all jumped as jet fighters sped over us and engaged in a dogfight in the sky. My keen eyes could make out two planes with Taylor livery—a lion's head with wings—and one with the mailed fist of the Wallaces—also winged.
As I watched, the Taylor fighters shot the Wallace down, using naught but cannon fire. Taylors always won air battles. Wallaces were better on the ground with tanks and blitzkrieg.
"Well, general," said Toreus leaning on the van. "If that be your escape route I think you need to find another."
O'Brian grinned and barked a loud laugh.
"That was the easy route. But O'Brian's Aces never, ever do anything the easy way. Back in the van, my prince."
We remounted and were off, following the banks of the river. It was clear that the mercenary was looking for a bridge or ford but I was certain that none would remain after Taylor Air Force bombers and combat engineers were finished with them.
Guider agreed but Toreus made no comment. The Prince resented the gem's all knowing manner. He liked surprises and did not always wish to know the probability of success in a given situation.
And Guider was wrong. A bridge loomed up and the van headed for it.
O'Brian stopped and we got out. There were wrecked motor cars on the bridge and I smelled the smell of explosives.
"Much too easy," said Toreus. "Why would House Taylor leave this bridge unmolested?"
"To allow an escape route for their retreating troops."
"The span is mined," said Guider.
It was Toreus' turn to bark a mocking laugh. "They would have already retreated this far and blew the bridge. And if they wanted to leave the route open, they would have posted light infantry with antitank weapons to guard it. It's mined, my friend. Those vehicles were blown up from below and smell that explosive."
Of course, Toreus was not above using the secret knowledge given to him by the Guider for his personal advantage.
O'Brian looks angry. "The whole world stinks of explosive and maybe those cars were lasered by men below the bridge line."
"Negative," said Guider.
"Those aren't laser marks. The bridge is mined, as my guider has informed me."
"Your guider?"
Toreus tapped his gem and smiled. "Never leave home without it. It's not always helpful but it does know when a bridge is mined. Or a girl is fertile. Saves one a lot of trouble and bother."
O'Brian looked at his trooper driver, who nodded his agreement.
O'Brian grinned and shrugged. "Then they'll be vehicle mines and we shall walk. Does your guide-thingy tell you that?"
"Probability is close to 80%," said the gem.
Toreus did not reply.
So we were going to walk across the mined bridge and it was my turn to say something.
"I will lead the way. My sense of smell is keener than even yours, Toreus. I can smell the explosive in a mine and avoid it."
O'Brian looked at me with that funny look again and then he smiled.
"Okay, Mr. Cat, you lead the way. But don't get yourself killed. I once knew a cat and he was—a good friend—he got himself killed and—well just be careful."
"It is always my intent."
"I will assist you, Shakhorja," said the Guider.
We started across the bridge with me in the lead.
It was indeed mined and not all of the mines were large enough to be considered anti-vehicle. Guider informed me of that.
The engineer of this field was determined that no one would cross on foot or vehicle. And some people had tried. Now there were dead bodies in the vehicles. Civilians who had fled from the other side by the looks of what was left of their blood splattered clothing. Minefields are a cheap defensive barrier but they are not a discriminating one.
By the time, we were halfway across the span the smell of blood was out flanking the smell of explosive in the air. I had to clear my nose in order to keep my attention on the mines. And the shelling was drawing closer as the Wallace artillery marched down the river looking for more pockets of Taylor resistance.
Toreus touched my collar, from which hung an amulet identical to his own. His thought radio spoke to me. "Easy, old friend. We're almost across this accursed bridge."
"Two thirds of the distance," said Guider.
"Shut up, Gem," said Toreus through the neural link.
"Shutting up," said Guider, sarcasm in its neural link simulated voice.
"Let us hope that the big man has a plan for where we go from here," Toreus said to me through our radio. "Once we stop off the other end of the bridge we will be in Wallace territory and fair game."
"If he doesn't then we will take off on our own and head for the nearest train toward the spinward wall—closest to home."
"I agree," I transmitted.
Yes, we were both losing faith in the mercenary. He claimed that Kotharr had hired him but for all we know he'd just heard the name and decided to use it to his advantage in whatever scheme he might be concocting. Sure, he claimed to like Saber cats but I had no evidence that this was true. Sure, he was able to pass muster with Guider's truth sensor—but a pathological liar can do that easily. It's not magic.
We might just as well be better off on our own.
‘’Warning.’ the guider spoke suddenly.
The Thuvian Prince halted his driving his spike Ebony further into the brigeway. O’Brian and Shakhorja stopped along with him.
‘’Why.’’ Toreus Rhann asked.
‘’I’m detecting a few unexploded mines up ahead.’’the jewell firmly stated.
‘’Ulyseas,you’re my personal avian mine detector.’’Prince Rhann commanded.’’Is what the Guider spoke true ?”
Ulyseas ,always upon Toreus Rhann’s shoulder armor,silently used his avian nanotech based five senses and appeared to be scanning the bridge path up ahead,where the wreckage of army and civilian vehicle were spread aboard,like giant casted down toys of some unseen giant.His scarlet red avian bird like eyes seem to sence or atleast for him see the low thermal patterns of the Ki’Vhan placed Delkhonean manuefactured land mines,buried down into a few inches of the bridged original super structure.
‘’The gem speaks right.’’Ulyseas finally answered.’’The whole bridges still armed with a whole buncka Delkhon mines.’’
‘’Thrull.’’was only word Prince Rhann spoke cursing the dammed luck.
‘’Ki’Vhan and Wallace bastards.’’O’Brian completed with own set of Thuvian curse words.’’Feking.parp eating bastards.I hope Thrull dams em all to hell.’’
Toreus Rhann,still upon his spike Ebony looked at me,then Ulyseas,his Thuvian Hunter’s Falcon and last Colin O’Brian.He had made discussion and spoke.We had made almost halfway into the middle of the brigde
‘’O’Brian,I know it might against be code of honor or maybe your just sexually imatature,but I think,you migh fair better,riding in back my spike,than on foot.’’The Thuvian Prince insisted.’’Shakhorja,can quickly follow my lead,as the guider,linked Ulyseas here,senses the location of each mine.’’
‘’Dear highness,what are you trying to say ?’’Colin O’Brian shouted.’’I’m not man enough to make across along or not mature enough to ride on back of your spike.I got a spike,just that-back my place-just like that.I can ride,just not on back with a guy-royal blue or not.’’
‘’Then go ahead.Be my guess-walk behind,but by Thrull Khonn’s I cannot guanruntee your safety Guider Gem or not.’’the prine smiled-a devilish glint in his eye.My prince was trying goad him into either doing the wrong thing and get his dammed fool head killed or going the right thing and survive another day.
‘’Guider,calculate the chances of reaching the other on foot and the chances of us making across on my spike.’’Prince Toreus asked.
‘’95 % in favor of making it both on the smart speeder bike Ebony.’’the Guider calculated.’’35 % separated.’’
Colin O’Brian,went silent for a moment.He weavered back and forth,as he didn’t conseed to the Guiders calcutions or be proven wrong by Prince Toreus Rhann’s challenge.He seemed to pacing back and forth,weaving his hands here and there,as he ready to argue with phantom individual,and stopped.
‘’Ok.that thing-it ain’t ever wrong is it.’’O’Brian asked.
‘’Guider ?’’Toreus responded,looking up toward the green jewel resting upon his browell.
‘’Negative.’’the gem answered.
‘’35 % against to 95 % in favor.’’Captain O’Brian surmised.’’Those are the kind of odds,one can count on his the darken casino’s on the Lankmearian Coaste.’’
O’Brian reluctantly saddled the back and stretched his big,broad arms arounf the Thuvian Princes waiste,holding on tight.Confrontably seated,he said.’’Ok,Prince-just don’t drive thing damed into a Thrull cursed mine or we’ll be all screaming sent right to holo special hell.’’
‘’And I don’t count this as a first date,neither.’’O’Brian added.’’I’m spoken back home.’’
With Prince Toreus just lauched and started his spike ignition control.
The Thuvian Prince slowly moved the spike forward-stopping as Ulyseas surveyed the bridge ahead.
‘’Guider?’’the Thuvian Crown Prince spoke.
Silence proceeded.And then the jade jewell spoke.’’Warrior Prince.slowly swerve to your right.about a few meters,until I tell to stop.’’
Prince Toreus moved the spike to his right and slowly,carefully the hover spike,floated the sentient cycle around the area,his Guider gem indicated to avoid.A small,red dot appeared upon the Thuvians macroscope visors,flashing where Uylseas sensed the first existing bridge mine.The cycle hovered within the safety path.It’s repulsor field pressor effects-a slight dusty blue glowing haze ,mixing other fragment debris of the other wreckage,found under the vehicle,that held up the spike slightly bouncing off the cracked Kenarean concrete and Venarian asphalt.Sweat pured off both Prince Toreus Rhann’s forehead and Captain O’Brian’s own forehead sitting,uncomfortably behind the Thuvian royalty.I,Shorkhorja ,slowly and cauriously followed behind my best friends repulsor bike.
‘’’Proceed,ten meters to your left and stopped behind abandoned vehicle up ahaid.’’the Guider adviced again.
Prince Toreus moved the spike to his left and slowly,carefully the hover spike,edging it up toward the remnants of a Nova Ventura class MG2566,two man armored transport.The burned bodies of two Arcadian soldiers,could be barely seen lying within the burning front seat of the vehicle.Somewhere in the distant,hills both Thuvians could hear the shelling of enemy and allied troop mortars.Only Ulyseas never let the distant,artificial thunder sware him his task of sencing the mine field implanted at various hidden point in the bridge area.
’’Warrior Prince,Proceed,ten meters to your left –moving in between two wreckage of the burning vehicles.’’the artificial intelligence adviced.
Prince Toreus nudged his spike Ebony between two
Finally, we made it to the other end of the bridge.
"Now we're here," Toreus said to the mercenary. "In Wallace held territory. Where do we go from here?"
O'Brien was about to answer when the noise of a diving jet cut through our awareness and Guider warned of the attack.
"Hit the deck," O'Brien yelled and pushed Toreus to the side.
The fighter laid a trail of cannon shells down the road as we ducked for cover. The air filled with the unmistakable smell of human blood. Someone had been hit. The jet continued its strafe across the span, firing lasers that cut the trusses and brought the bridge down into the river.
Then it sped away, no doubt searching for other targets.
"All clear," announced Guider.
"Joshua's beard," said O'Brien, jumping to his feet. "That was a Taylor jet—damn—they're supposed to be on our side."
"They don't know that from up there," said Toreus.
"I guess—." It was then that O'Brien spotted his driver's body in the road. Or rather, what was left of him after the 40 mm shells.
"Oh—fek—that was Duv. Duv, man. He'd been with my unit since back in the Range. Damn."
"I'm sorry," said Toreus.
O'Brien looked at the prince with flame in his eyes.
"You'd better be worth it, boy. A good man just died for you. If you turn out to be a worthless candy prince—I'll kill you myself."
Toreus drew his knife and held it at ready. "Threaten me or mine and you will be the one to die, big man. Toreus Rhann stands for no threat. Strike at me and you will be dead before you hit the ground."
O'Brien looked at the long Thuvian fighting knife and then into the eyes of the young man who held it. He knew that this was no candy prince and that Toreus meant business. The Rhanns have always hated bullies and there are whole cemeteries back in Pangaea that have been filled to prove it.
O'Brian smiled his goofy grin.
"Put the knife away, son. It's just that I lost an old friend."
"You nearly lost yourself, idiot," said Toreus.
"Yes, I nearly did. Sorry."
"No, sorry. Lead us out of here or know the consequences for betraying a Rhann."
"I would never do that," said O'Brian, leaning in close to the knife wielding young man. Perhaps he was crazy. "I have a contract with Kotharr Khonn and Colin O'Brian never violates his word."
"50% certainty," said Guider.
"Not good enough. Give your word to me. Swear allegiance to Toreus Rhann before we go one step further."
"You speak well enough, turd, when you are blustering. What part of honor don't you understand?"
"We have to get going."
"Yes, we do. And if you don't swear allegiance to me, here and now, I go on alone."
O'Brian looked at me. "Is he nuts?"
"78% probability," said Guider.
I smiled my best cat smile. "May be. I wouldn't test him."
‘’Well,I’m not too bad in a fight myself,fella.”
‘’This from O’Brian-the sword loser ?”Prince Toreus Rhann added,slight smiling as he did.
‘’Good point,Prince.’’Captain O’Brian responded.’’My wife Rachel often reminds me what big mouth I have.’’
‘’Your married “Shakhorja commented.’’How ?’’
‘’The woman must be in the line for holo sainthood someday,guys.’’Ulyseas thought.
We could hear a jet engine in the distance.O’Brian looked about at the three of us-and figured best to fall inline-go along with a member of the royal house,despite his luctance to restist authority fugures,as he would often do, than face these odd alone.
O'Brian fell on his knees and nodded his head.
"I swear allegiance to Prince Toreus Rhann of Pangaea."
"66% truth," said the gem.
Toreus laughed and tapped the man on his armor-plated shoulder.
"Well enough, mercenary. Stand and lets get out of here."
"Just one thing—if you don't mind," said O'Brian. He went to the body of Duv and removed an ID tag. "His folks will want to know what happened to him even if they can't legally claim the body."
Toreus nodded and the sound of jets battling overhead, despite Guider's assurance that they were not headed for us, made the four of us rush for the nearest ditch.My Prince ,with Ulyseas flapping his great wings to regain his holding perch of the Thuvian Shoulder armor and the big,hulking Thuvian Highlander managed to regain themselved slightly crouching behind the dirt of the huge blast hole.I held myself in their rear,quietly surveying the area for any sign of trouble.I saw nothing and smelled nothing as I imagine my Prince Rhann had not.
"Do you have a plan or are we going to wander about this plate until the Ki'Vhans or the Wallaces or the Taylors kill us?"Prince Toreus Rhann asked.
O'Brian nodded. "There's an airship waiting for us. We get to it, board it, and head for the wall. Once there we head though a jump port to the next nearest plate and join up with my people at a mercenary camp over there."
A jet exploded overhead, its debris raining down all about us.
"A Wallace pilot will not be going home tonight," said Guider.
‘’Airship ?From who ?’’Prince Toreus asked.
‘’An old buddy-fellow Thuvian Highlander like me-Oh hell yes ,Prince Rhann,you’ll love him.’’Captain Colin O’Brian answered.
‘’Did he lose his sword ,too ?’’
‘’Often.Every time in battle.’’
Captain O’Brian was more than likely getting tired of my Princes irritation about losing his Thuvian blade and tried cover it up with sarcasm.Toreus Rhann,simply caught the comment as such.He beginning despite his first inclination to see Colin O’Brian not as a big mouth bubbling fool,but not unlike himself and his father the Thuvian Empiror.In otherwords,he was being to like the big,dum Thuvian Hand Mercenary.And I could take,Captain O’Brian had found atleast one figure of authority,he was gaining some respect for.The Thuvian Highlander must have saw something of himself in my Prince Toreus.
‘’By Thrull,Prince .I’m joking.””Colin O’Brian cursed.’’Your as thickheaded as my three brothers.’’
‘’Really,Captain-bravo.’’Prince Rhann responded.’’You have four brothers ?’’
‘’Dosen’t every Thuvian’’O’Brian reported‘’Actually ,your highness-this guys a pretty good pilot-almost as good as me-if I don’t say myself.I do believe the Scarlet Shadow,if the fastest ship on Terra-Prime,but she’s Tramp freighter,not one of the local airship,that we see all over the sphere-so comparing the two isn’r exactly fare.
‘’You have a Tramp-Freighter and lost it.”’Prince Toreus Rhann interrupted Colin O’Brian.
‘’No,your highness-not lost it,allowed my parter Zacheriah Sarkhon to use it to avaluate Arcadian refugge’s-there’s big,big difference.’’Captain O’Brian responded.’’Still,Captain Eric Darkwaters a good man-a great airship pilot-even he from time to time,can get himself into a whole heap of troubles.’’
‘’Guider’’Prince Toreus Rhann spoke again,interrupting one of Colin O’Brian’s long wined tiraides.
‘’Yes,Warrior Prince.’’the Gem responed.
‘’Background check on this Captain Darkwater.’’
‘’Affirmative,Will draw on the propriate data file.’’the Guider confirmed.’’Working.will respond momentarily.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann,thought maybe this guy isn’t such a load mouth butthead after all.Perhaps,there was more him than meets the eye,if one of the members of the Imperial Houseclan of Sarkhon associated him frequently.The Prince was often tutored by another members of the Imperial House of Sarkhon.Doctor Arenjun Sarkhon,often had several generations of the bold Prince of Thuvia.They did not often partner up with any retard or moron,who just happen to come along.
‘’File search completed,Warrior Prince.’’the Guider finally spoke.
‘’Proceed.’’Prince Toreus Rhann commanded the emerald jewel that rested upon a headband,worn around his upper portion of his head.
‘’Captain Eric Darkwater. Thuvian Highlander-sometimes Thuvian Ranger, Master of all trades, thief, mercenary, bodyguard. Currently commander of the SS Destinies Marauder partner with one Commander Faphnire Jadmere Khonn-a Vladerheim mercenary, bodyguard, and sailor’ the guider reported
‘’Prince Rhann, you don’t need all background check jazz. Darkwaters a, ok. So’s Faph.
These guys have been about too.They can fight along with the best Thuvian Rangers And can fly his ship passed an enemy blockade with little trouble-outfight anything the Ki’Vhan and Wallace trash has.As I said,Darkwaters almost as good a pilot as me’’
‘’Almost as good as you?’’Toreus Rhann added.’’Now,strangely enough that really fills me with confidence.’’
"Let us go," said Toreus jumping to his feet and pulling O'Brian to his.I followed.Rarely did anyone ever proceed before the Great Prince of Thuvia.It wasn’t a royal thing.Prince Toreus Rhann ,simply preferred to lead infront of everyone.It had something to do with Lion sign he was born under or so he told everyone.O’Brien followed with me walking by his side.
‘’Bravo,to that Prince Rhann-bravo to that.’’O’Brian added,as he looked onto the Crown Thuvian Prince ahead,with great falcon upon his shoulder and myself strolling behind him as always.For Captain O’Brian,we made a strange group,but for Prince Toreus,it was business as usual.
We moved from cover to cover as we headed toward the rendezvous point with O'Brian's mystery airship. Shelling and aircraft activity was increasing by the minute and we dared not expose ourselves to the open for too long a period at a stretch.
Eventually we ran into an enemy patrol. They were human's—if you can apply that sobriquet to Wallaces. A patrol of infantry from the Wallace House Guard.
We quickly took cover behind what was left of the garden wall of a house that had been bombed to the foundation.
The soldiers moved along the road and we hunkered down.
When they were gone, we moved, staying behind the line of fences and walls of other bombed out house.
"There'll be more," said O'Brian. "If they're sending foot patrols forward there has to be at least a platoon sized unit nearby.
"There are three companies nearby according to overhead feeds," said Guider.
"Nearly a battalion," said Toreus. "We may have to fight them."
Both O'Brian and I looked at him as if he were insane.
"This isn't any vid show, your majesty," said the merc. "If we're outnumbered and outgunned we go down and die. Or, worse, get taken prisoner. They'll put a Trongoroth control tick on my neck and hold you to wave in front of your daddy. Gods only know what they'll do to kitty cat here."
Toreus nodded. "Unfortunately true."
"Don't worry though," Colin O'Brien brightened. "We're not far from the LZ where we're supposed to meet the airship. Not more than two kilometers."
"Then we should proceed," said the Prince.
And we did, twice more hiding from Wallace squads moving along the road.
It was while we were in our last hide that a column of trucks showed up and stopped not more than ten meters from us. Men climbed down and fanned out. This did not look good.
"What do we do now?" I asked.
"Wait," said O'Brian.
"When will your ship arrive at the LZ?" Toreus asked.
"It's already up there waiting. Ship is stealth equipped. All we need to do is reach the point."
"Two kilometers away."
"Two kilometers into enemy territory."
"Well, yes."
"Then I say we need transport."
"Dream on prince."
Toreus smiled an evil smile. "No need to dream. One only has to reach out and grab."
Toreus Rhann had, as I feared, had enough of waiting and sneaking around.
He rose to his feet and crept toward the nearest truck before O'Brian could attempt to stop him. By that time it was too late for debate or protestation without alerting the enemy and bringing death upon all three of us.By then,the Thuvian Hunting Falcon was again perched upon the Great Princes gaunleted right hand.
There were three soldiers and a driver near the vehicle. All apparently confident that a Wallace victory made them safe in this apparently rear area.
Prince Rhann once raised arm and Ulyseas flew from his perch upon the Thuvian gloved hand.Silently,both understaood what the Lord of Lions was up to.The Great Falcon swerved up and infront of the three Ki’Vhan.They stupidly watched as the bird droved in and out the great city scape.
Toreus took out his knife and crept like the Ranger hunter that he had trained to be as a youth. Had I not feared for our safety I would have been proud.
I crept behind him, guarding his back against any enemy he might not have noticed. We had hunted deer with knife and claw this way in the Thuvian Highlands. Deer have much keener senses than humans who are nearly blind when it comes to a sense of smell.
Prince Toreus Rhann jumped the closest soldier and slit his throat just above the collar of his armor. His nickname Toreus the Slayer,was not earned for nothing.He had gained moniture with every kill-every time slew an enemy or beast alike upon the savage lands of Terra-Prime. A second soldier swerved in his direction, rifle ready.
But I took that soldier's head off with one swat of my claw.
The third was going to sound the alarm when O'Brian shot him and the driver in the chest.
"Well," hooted O'Brian. "We have a truck."
Bullets and shouts came from the direction of the other vehicles. The other Wallace Guards had noticed us.
"But not for long if we don't hurry,' said Toreus as he jumped into the cab of the truck.Prince Rhann raised out his arm and the falcon returned to him,as by some magic command.
‘’We’re all here.O’Brian.’’the Thuvian Prince commaned.’’Lets go.’’
O'Brien and I jumped into the bed, the mercenary firing at the other soldiers to keep their heads down.Ebony,Prince Toreus Rhanns,spike hopped into the truck bed next to O'Brian,giving him a bit of shielding from enemy fire.
We were quickly underway, bullets tearing through the canvas cover of the military truck, O'Brian howling like a madman as he returned fire and me—well I was laying as flat as I could, trying to avoid massive trauma.
Toreus kept the accelerator as flat to the floor as was possible. The enemy was in pursuit of us. But we were far ahead of the other trucks, their drivers, professional teamsters, having a greater respect for the road than my prince.
Then Ki'Vhan bikers on smart bikes—spikes as they are called—sped ahead of the trucks along the side of the road. The hovering bikes quickly gained on us.
Grunting, Captain O'Brian discharged a laser from his over and under rifle. A Ki'Vhan biker blew up and his shrapnel killed his buddy. Two for the price of one.
"Directions please," Toreus called over his shoulder to O'Brien.
"Keep going until you find a—"Bullets caused O'Brian to stop and laser two more spikers. "A road that leads up a flat hill. That's where the LZ is."
We had managed to outdistance our pursuers. Oh, they were still back there but far back and not right on our tails. But I knew that when we got to the LZ we would not have much time before they were on top of us. If the airship was not right there then we might not make it.
I was beginning to doubt more than ever that Toreus' rash action in getting us transport was the correct one.
"Her is your turnoff," said Guider. Though the Guider voice sounded human, it showed no nerves as it announced this fact.
Toreus Rhann fishtailed the truck onto the new road and gunned it up the hill. Enemy vehicles followed, small all terrain vehicles armed with cannon and machine guns. O'Brian took out the front tires of one with his laser, causing it to flip end over end. But one of the enemy cannons took out our rear tires on the left side. This slowed the truck considerably.
Prince Toreus roared and continued to floor the accelerator.Ulyseas the Falcon’s bird eyes looked around,at his master,with a wooried look.
"Enemy forces attempting to surround the hill," said Guider.
"Parp," growled Toreus Rhann
We reached the top and Toreus fishtailed the trick around as if he were planning to rush down the hill and ram the enemy forces coming up. I prayed that he wasn't. But this did not look good and I know that members of the Rhann family have one overwhelming trait in common—they do not like to lose.
"Out of juice and ammo," yelled O'Brian.
Toreus thrust the cab door open and stepped down, pistol in one hand and knife in the other. His nano armor bloomed into one solid suit beneath his beaten up leather coat. The nano-tattoos on his face cut in and became his war mask.Ulyseas Sqreached as his clawed feet barely cleared the replaced standard light Thuvian Armored Pad-barely missing the form as it transformed into the heavier variety.
Misgivings or no I stood beside him.Captain O'Brian stood at our backs, having discarded his rifle and drawn his laspistol.
O’Brian produced a small hand communicator with free hand and open it to begin it’s operation.The Thuvian adjusted it’s controls to dial up the propretiate comlinks numbers to the person,he wished to talk to.
‘’Captain Darkwater.Buddy,come it.’’O’Brian issued responces into his comlinks.’’Eric Darkwater-come in.’’
The Ki'Vhan and Wallace soldiers coming up the hill seemed unimpressed. This looked like a last stand. Toreus might go down fighting but he would go down and yours truly with him.
‘’Dartwater.’’O’Brian despirated shouted.’’We need two Thuvian Rangers with-ah other extratched.’’
‘’O’Brian ?That you.?’’a voice issued out from the hand communicator.’’You lose your ship again?’’
‘’Captian..yes,no-lost a lot.’’The Thuvian Warrior commented.
‘’Feck the small talk,Dartwater’’O’Brian shouted.’’We’re moving and need transport,pronto.Home in on my co-ordinates.’’
‘’Got,you-Faphnere’s scanning you now.’’Captain Darkwater told the Thuvian Highlander.’’Lucky for you,we were almost ready to leave.’’
‘’Good Old,Darkwater.’’O’Brian stated as he shot into the Ki’Vhan moving behind upon the spikes.’’Get here soon,Pinheads are getting too close to our situation,if you get my drift,Captain.’’
‘’Hang on,O’Brian.We’re on our way.’’
Colin O’Brian closed his hand communicators and smailed.He looked over to me.
‘’Don’t worry,Kitty.We’re almost out of here.’’O’Brian said,attempting to calm down,what was obviously a worried look upon my face.The loud roar of aircraft was all around us.Hopefully,one of them was Captain Darkwaters ship.
A screaming Ki'Vhan raced toward us. Toreus shot him in the face and then took out a second and a third. Lasers pulsed from O'Brian's pistol and killed more. I roared and bared my teeth and claws, no one being close enough for me to use them.
A shadow fell across us. Either cloud or the angel of death.No.I now heard the great turbine engines of an arship above me.
Then the air was split by the road of electric cannon and the buzz of lasers. The advancing enemies were moved down.O’Brian howled and hooked as spikes crashed into one another,exploding into balls of flame behind our transport.
‘’Dartwater,you old Son of a Bastard.’’Colin O’Brian shouted.’’That two Thruvian Beers I owe you.Whever I can owe you a drink or two.’’
Troops on spider strings dropped all around us.
"Airship hovering overhead," said Guider just a little too late, which made me wonder—was Guider as unemotional as it seemed or did it have a vid director's flare for the dramatic?
The enemy were retreating down the hill as trails of exploding shells followed them.
"Our ride," said O'Brian as he grasped a spider line.
Prince Toreus Rhann,jammed the wheel the empty Ki’Vhan rifle-a Thruvian M130 semi-automatic piece of shit,used by many lesser civilization soldiers.He then moved toward the back,with Ulyseas still clawing into his shoulder armor.
‘’Come on,ols buddy.We’re leaving.’’Prince Rhann commanded with authority.’’Time for spring back and it’s not even spring.yet.’’
Toreus grabbed one too and two of the mercenary troopers fastened one around my torso. We were soon drawn up into the bowels of the airship.Captain O’Brian followed,a bit grin upon his face.Below,the transport sped off into the distance and out of sight as we moved into the air,with the great airship above.A huge,circular ,almost flying saucer shaped vessel with great repulsor engines upon each side.Once,Prince Toreus Rhann and the rest of us were inside the ships,big Cargo Hanger Bay-filled boxes,other Thuvian troops attempting assist us,as the air ships Boarding Cargo ramp closed behind us.It’s big,nuematic roar,filled the cabin area,telling us,it strained it mechanism trying to seal the vessel as it sped away from Tennyson Spaceport.
Soon the ship was rising up into the air faster and from
a porthole, I could see the upwardly curving slop of the Arcadia plate. We were moving to spinward and away from the battle.
‘’All’s clear,Captain.’’O’Brian spoke into his hand coomunicator.
We were on our way out of Arcadia but I had a feeling that we had not seen our last of the Arcadian Civil War. I looked toward Toreus Rhann,my prince who gazed out that same porthole, a far away look in his eyes. The battle tattoos had fades and his armor retracted but his still stood as if ready for a fight.
This journey was just beginning. Our days of academia were now behind us.
The End
*Parp-An Old Thuvian Saying,that something stinks.Possibly,a corruption of the poop and carp or crap
**"Fek!"-An Old Atlantean curse word-origin unknown-possibly Tauron. It is a bowdlerized version of the real-life expletive "fuck", and can seemingly be used in the same ways,as Fek Off,Fek You,Fek This.
Prince Toreus Rhann and Arcadian War-revisions 1
By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward. Thompson
c. 2007 Maveric Lion Productions
based on a Short Story
Chapter Two-Escape from Arcadia.
SS Destinies Marauder moved across the North Bedford Forrest,as a carpet of high foliage moved under the ship as it hovered over the tree tops.The air ship was currently climbing not to high to be noticed by the satilite survailance and not too low to observed by anyone on the ground.The huge,saucer shaped vessel had kept open it’s sensor systems to keep constant observation on enemy forces location and position. Captain Eric Darkwater was an excelant pilot and knew how above enemy encounters,and if he did encounter the enemy,avoid them by various methods,evasive actions and defensive and offensive counter measures.
My Prince Toreus Rhann,having barely escaped Tennyson Spaceport,where many of the refugee’s had used to escape Arcadopolis-now occuplied by House of Wallace,who temporarily defeated the House of the Taylors.He had fought his way across the city,patrolled by Ki’Vhan trooper-near mindless artificial beings-Zombie like creatures,who fought like brainless mercenaries to any side,whose their employers wished them for the right high price.Ki-Vhan,more likely defeated an enemy,not always any kind of real cunning or strategy,but often by sear numbers.Popular folklore,told that Ki’Vhan were created or atleast provided by a species of alien beings known as the Zhatikhon-an interstellar business operation/semi criminal operation,whose true origin and location,has been lost in the mists of temporal space.
My Prince,had gained the help from an unlikely allie- Captain Colin O'Brien-I'm a Thuvian Highlander and Thuvian Ranger.O’Brian had been instrumental in gaining this air ship. SS Destinies Marauder.We had still to clear out of occuplied Arcadian air space.Many Ki’Vhan warships and aircraft were still in the air,not to forget the Wallace air forces-fighter craft patrolling the skies between here and the nearest stargate jump point away from this world plate of Terra-Prime.
‘’So,Prince-told ya,Captain Darkwater’d come through.’’Captain O’Brian said,with great pride.’’Didn’t I could do it,did ya.?’’
‘’I must admite,Captain I had a few serious doughts.’’Prince Toreus Rhann responded ‘’This us Thuvians often achieve the impossible.’’
‘’That’s what we do ,yor highness-that’s what we do best.’’O’Brian spoke with great Thuvian pride.’’Got,you me,the bird and the kitty cat here out alive and well.’’
Perhaps,later-once we are safely out of the Ki’Vhan occupied Arcadian air space,I’ll let you meet the dear Captain Dartwater and esteemed co-polit.’’Colin O’Brien boasted.
‘’I’d like to meet our rescuer.The bold princes of Thuvia would owe much to anyone who sides with Imperial House of Rhann,over anyone of lesser royal bllod and heritage.’’Prince Rhann commented.
‘’I bet you would,rightly so.’’Excuse ,Prince.’’Colin O’Brien added’’I got to do something now that all commotion and dander has supsided for the moment.’’
O’Brien once produced his hand communicator and dialed up a series of numbers.
‘’Don’t this is personal.ship to friendly ship.’’Captain O’Brian added once again.’’Hello,Captain O’Brian to SS Scarlet Shadow.Come in.We’re on a safe channel.Zach come in.’’
Long moments passed and a voice broke in,cutting through the air ship constant roar of Paragravity engines.
‘’Captain.’’the voice issued from the communicator.’’Glad to hear you are well.We were worry for a time,when we heard nothing from you,after the ship took off from inner city sections of Arcadopolis.’’
‘’Zachery.I’m fine.I couldn’t break radio silence with the Ki’Vhan about until I got to safe LZ area.Had a bit of troubles making it through the streets.Met up some Resistance Forces and later found myself in luck with pretty ok people.They helped get out.’’
Prince Toreus sat back-some Thuvian Ranger came up and gave some RME packages which took gladly.The Ranger causiouly eyed Ulyseas the Thuvian Hunting Falcom and my self.Obviously,he wasn’t used being in company of a great Capronean Silver Sabertooth Lion.
‘’Thanks.’’Prince Rhann and opened the package,ripping it’s top off.
‘’Zachery.’’O’Brien spoke over all the commotion within the SS Destinies Marauder cargo hold.
‘’Captain.O’Brian..stop calling me Zachery.I prefer Zacheriah or just Doctor Zacheriah Sarkhon.’’the time sorcerer argued over the comlinks mike.
‘’Ok,Sarkhon-you moron.I don’t have time for none of your nutball fek today.’’Colin O’Brien obviously was getting argery at his long time partner and friend.’’Put on Rachel.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann began to see a different side to this Captain Colin O’Brien-someone not unlike himself-not unlike his father as well. Bossy, controlling, bad tempered. He had arguments, with his family and friends, just he did. Got in fight. Got in trouble. Sometimes did the wrong thing or what appeared to be the wrong thing to others, for what he felt was the right reasons, even though everyone else saw him an irresponsible idiot. Prince Rhann’s eating the candy bars his soldiers rations provided and understood this new found friend-no, mentor had taught him, by way of not telling him stuff, but showing ,too. By Thrull’s mighty bones, this could himself in another ten or twenty years.
‘’I’m not sure,that we should using this secure military channel so you can make lovely dovely phone calls to your wife.’’Doctor Zacheriah Sarkhon.
Besides O’Brien,a few of the other Rangers were finishing their packaged meals.Prince Toreus Rhann.was eating something that looked sort of backed meat cake.He throw one at me.not enough to fill my great lions stomach,but it’d have to do until later.
‘’Lovely dovely phone calls ?’’ ’’Colin O’Brien shouted
‘’And as a member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerer’s I have more important things to do,than argue with likes of you,O’Brien.’’
‘’No.Sarkhon-your not only a member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerer’s.’No.Sarkhon-you are a mental case.’’Colin O’Brien order
Obviously,this webt on frequently between these two.I’ve myself and Prince Rhann get into similar arguments.It wasn’t sign the two hated each,but often simply got on each others nerves.Perhaps they two different people or perhaps in someway,they were to much alike.
Get off the phone, Sarkhon. Get off before I do something I regret. You're a menace to society, you're a menace to me, and you are a menace to the whole human race. Now get off!’’Captain O’Brien shouted into the communicator.
‘’That's a matter of opinion.’’ Zacheriah Sarkhon responded
’’Put on Rachel now and get otta here.”O’Brien ordered.
‘’Ok,pal,but remember-if I didn’t like you so much,I would not put up with all your abuise.’’ Zacheriah Sarkhon stated.’’Here she is.’’
‘’Thanks,you’re a real Pal,Doc.’’ ’’Captain Colin O’Brien thanked his old friend in his own way.
‘’Colin ?’’Rachel Sarkhon answered over the communicator.
‘’Yeah,Rachel.I’m here.’’ Colin O’Brien answered.His manner became softer with his wife on the phone.’’I’m ok.too.’’
‘’I know,Colin.’’Rachel said.
‘’I’m aboard the the SS Destinies Marauder-Darkwater’s ship.’’
’’We were worried-well,me and Ivhanna anyway.Zacheriah he seemed to be not so worried.He said,if anyone could take care of himself,it was you-despite being a big blabbermouth.’’Rachel Sarkhon added.’’He has great confidence in you-despite all arguments.’’
‘’I know,Rach.Don’t Sarkhon-but I think the guys ok,sometime-maybe even a genius sometimes.’’O’Brien confested.’’He just gets my last nerve sometimes.He just talks way too much.Argues too much.’’
My Prince saw another side this Captain O’Brien and his relationship with the crew of the SS Scarlet Shadow.They despite the difficulties,the dissfunctional way they acted toward each other.They seemed to like each .Care one another.And that’s what really mattered in the end.Not who can beat who.Who control what.Morons like the Wallaces and the Shaitanus were obsessed with that kind of braindead rubbish.Prince Toreus Rhann,understood family and what was important.
‘’This Prince Toreus Rhann,he with ok.I promised follow his command .’’O’Brien tried confort his wife.
‘’Look,Rachel.I’m gonna hang this Prince Rhann here for awhile.I’ll ok.
‘’Ok,Colin.’’Rachel said.’’Listen,we’re at Restistance Forces Roudivouse Point-Arcadia Alpha Site One.We’re ok,but perhaps we could come and escort you here.Their Ki’Vhan Air Force patrols still about.’’
‘’No.Rachel,stay where you are.We can make alright.’’Colin O’Brien tried to assure his wife,not to get herself into any trouble on his account.
‘’Colin,I’m not some little,helpless female.I was trained by the Shardukhor Warriors.You know that.’’Rachel O’Brien stated.’’We ‘re some of the best fighters in Terran Space-best fighters certainly on the Great Sphere.Certainly equile the Thuvian Rangers and anything found upon this world.’’
‘’Rachel.I know.’’
‘’No,you don’t know.You never listen.It’s your way or no way,Colin.Everytime,you and Zacheriah,your best friend-go off,get in trouble and who has you bail two-us girls,that’s who.’’
‘’Rachel,no-one of these days-one of these days-bang zoom-strait the airlock.’’O’Brien losing his temper.
‘’A shut up.’’Rachel O’Brien interrupted.’’And you wouldn’t dare.’’ She added.
‘’We’re come to meet you,that’s it.Like it or not.’’the female Shardukhor Warrior stated and broke off communications.
‘’Rachel.Rachel.’’Captain O’Brien shouted into the communicator to no avail.’’By Thrull,dammit.She’s the one that never listens.’’
‘’That’s because buddy boys,she and my Ivhanna- are usually right.’’Zacheriah Sarkhon broke in.’’We’re warriors and we married two tough broads.’’
‘’I know,Zach,but I still worry about her.About the girls-you and me,we can take care ourselves-no matter what come along.’’
‘’Coiln,my man,you might a big dum idiot on the outside,’’the Time-Sorcerer responded.’’but on the inside,your just one big softy.’’
‘’I know,Sarkhon…still be careful.’’the Thuvian Highland mercenary added.’’If I even lost lost Rachel,I don’t what I’d do.’’
‘’And you won’t either,this time you big,loudmouth knucklehead.’’Doctor Sarkhon commented.’’The Scarlet Shadows a tough ,old star ship.Their nothing the Ki’Vhan,nor the Wallaces or Shaitanus can throw at us,that we can’t throw back twice as hard.’’
‘’Ok,pal’’Colin O’Brien ended’’See ya soon,We’ll looking out for you.Tell Rachel’s she’s the greatest ever.O’Brien out.’’
‘’Same here,Old Friend.I’ll tell her.’’O’Brien added.Trying to make up for abuise earlier.
‘’Be seeing you soon,Sarkhon out.’’
With the comlinks went dead.Captain O’Brien placed the communicator back his Thuvian Combat Utility Vest left pocket and looked up at Prince Toreus.He wasn’t sure exactly how to start,but began anyway.The Thuvian Prince just smiled.
‘’I guess,you think I’m one of them tea sucking nany boys you know back home at the Royal Thuvian Emerald Palaces.’’O’Brien began.’’but with Rachel,it’s different.Me and her met up-off world,in of all places-fighting side by side against the Kalladon,the Shaitan,the Drakhoneans,the the Gorthan space pirates,the Kallon and just every nasty bastard,this side of the galaxy going.’’
‘’And somewhere along the way we fell in love.’’O’Brien went on.’’And every day since,you fall more in love this one person everyday.Maybe you do-’t know what that’s like ,Prince-maybe you do.Same for Sarkhon and wife,Ivhanna.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann,sat there silent again.He understood this man Colin O’Brien even more.On the surface,most people would see Coiln O’Brien as big,pussy whipped oaf,supervient to his wife.But no,this Thuvian Ranger,loved this woman more than anything else in the world-in the galaxy.Somewhere,inside-deep down inside-he felt didn’t he deserved her,that she though Colin O’Brien was some big,dum.load mouth braggard,with muscle and soldier skills-nothing more.But Rachel Sarkhon-a warrior woman,in his own right,a member of the Shardukhor Warriors-a breed of super soldier,based both on the Kalldon and Omega-Warrior programs ,two genetically advanced warrior breed
from the homeworld Terra-back Earth’s pre-interstellar space fairing eras,raised a hostile planet-a desert world.Their men and women,a new breed of Spartan Warrior-one of the toughest mercenaries among the wild,Colonial Frontiers outside the Terran Federation-not that far from Terra-Prime. Captain O’Brien is very quick-tempered, and frequently resorts to insults and hollow threats of physical violence,a way to cover his insecurities-like many people. Rachel O’Brian often finds herself bearing the brunt of her husband 's insults,and rude behavior which she returns in fine form.Rachel bitingly sarcastic and very level-headed, trying to convince O’Brian’s stupidity of his various schemes,stupid fights,rash actions in combat which makes him lose his temper.Still,he would never dare hurt ever,no matter how mad he got at her. His anger would often be replaced by short-lived remorse, and he would then apologize for his actions later on telling Rachel or one of the others he was sorry or something close to that like telling them,they great or a genious .This was at it was and must have been always.Colin O’Brian on the surface appeared to be a big,swaggering loadmouth,backwoods country bumpkin,but in underneath was just a man simple man,trying to protect and provide for his family.Toreus Rhann began to see more of himself in this Thuvian Ranger.He was a man he likes,admirred.He must have pretty good a fight or the Rangers would not have accepted him,but being able to fight is one thing.Being able to fight for ones country or a cause that they believe in was another.And being able,eventually to fight for freedom,that would help defend your love ones with you or back home was still another.Toreus Rhann understood that,as all Thuvians,and assume Arcadians as well.
‘’Your Highness.you even have anyone special in your life .”Captain O’Brien asked’’Maybe you don’t know what that’s like.I don’t know.’’
Suddenly,Prince Toreus Rhann,felt he was lacking something in his life.There were women-plenty of them.As a very handsome,tall Prince Thuvian,he attracted more females that he could handle.What did the other Thuvians call it-Chick madnet ?,There wasdrinking and .fun time with the ladies,but no one really special.Sure,he thought he was in love that girl Olivia ,who of another Imperial House of Thuvia,but that went badly in the end.By Thrull’s Will,it wasn’t in the cards for him or them to be together.
‘’No.O’Brien,maybe not By Thrull.’’Prince Toreus Rhann responded.’’Once or twice thought I was in love,but..’’
‘’Don’t worry,my Great Prince-there’s still time.’’O’Brien added.’’ Your cute-gals like that—I ouuta know.I bet you’ll attrach all sort of nice ladies to you.’’With the Thuvian Highlander let a big grim.Prince Toreus Rhann smiled back.He looked at me and them Ulyseas.
‘’Oh,yes,there’s plenty of time.Plenty of time.’’Ulyseas began squalking.
‘’Oh shut up,you silly bird.’’I said.
With everyone laughed.Captain O’Brien,Prince Toreus and a few of the Thuvian Rangers aboard.In the middle of all this,a tall,athelic Thuvian,dressed similar to Colin O’Brien’s Thuvian Highlander dress-a baret upon his head,covering his long,dark hair entered the air ships cargo hold.He had the usual twill fatigue shirt and armor bracelets and the biomed armband ,with it’s medical biorecorder,worn over what looked like a Corvaillian Rangers tan duty shirt-something gotton offworld,by way of the Colonial Space Merchant trade routes visiting the huge Dysonsphere of Terra-Prime.His green fleck utlity vest cover this ,and showed his,obvious,non conformist and rebel of dress,would wear some of the standard Thuvian Ranger dress uniform,if he wanted too,out of nessessety,if not pride or doing he was told to do.A large,Tartan Calladonean Sash was worn about that Corvaillian shirt,similar to the one Colin O’Brien did,but the pattern was slighty altered.perhaps to represent a different house,which he belonged to,obviously.
‘’Ok,my flyings not that bad.’’the tall Thuvian said.’’O’Brien.’’he added.
‘’Darkwater.’’O’Brien responded.
He looked down at Colin O’Brien and then to the Thuvian Prince,sitting upon the seat opposite the big,Thuvian Ranger.A lookm of recognition was present in his eyes.He then bowled and soluted as he did ,smiling as he did.He stold erect and put out his right hand as to shack the Lord of Lions own right hand.
‘’Your Highness.’’Darkwater stated.’’I’m Captain Eric Darkwater..’’he smiled again.’’at your service.’’the Thuvian added.
Prince Toreus Rhann,got up.His big,hulking frame-nearly the same as Captain O’Brien,made this Thuvian look almost like a small boy.Ulyseas seem to hold on,as usual,as the Thuvian Prince stold up-slightly flapping his great avian wings.
‘’Prince Toreus Rhann.’’the Thuvian Crown Prince responded.’’And the pleasures all mine.After we all.owe our lives.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann,turned and swung his arm to present all of the passengers within the SS Destinies Marauder cargo hold. Captain Eric Darkwater,look at Toreus Rhann,then Colin O’Brien and me with puzzling stare.He looked back at the Prince.
‘’What do we have among my cargo hold.’’Darkwater commented ‘’a Zoo ?’’
‘’No,Captain Darkwater.’’The Thuvian Prince Toreus smiled back.’’My band of usual Thuvian Rangers.’’
‘’This is Ulyseas.’’Toreus Rhann,point left hand thump backward toward the great bird.’’My Thuvian Hunting Falcon.’’
‘’Glad to meat you.’’Eric Darkwater saluted.’’A fine warriors hunter bird of prey.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann,turned toward me .
‘’My Silver Lion Shakhorja.’’the Thuvian First Son introduced.
‘’Platinom blonde or silvery white hair sign of divinity,dating back the ancient Atlanteans.’’Eric Darkwater commented’’ exotic and otherworldly’’
‘’Yes,the Thuvian Princes,have traveled with these Platinum blonde lions,way back since the early days of Great Lord Thrull Khonn-perhaps before then.’’the Guider Gem interrupted the Captain of the Thuvian Freighter Air Ship.
‘’Oh,unless I forget.the unseen member of my little band.’’Prince Toreus Rhann,pointed with left index finger to the great emerald jewell resting upon his brown,leather band band,upon his forehead.’’My Guider Gem.’’
‘’I am an Artificial Intellegence Tactical Field Data Retreival System.’’the gem spoke.’’I can intereact with near by communication system,Isolinear crystral data bank,computer terminal-including those found with anynear by New Genisis Bunker complex.’’
‘’And sommon up the presence of a holo god or two,in person,I suppose.’’Captain Eric Darkwater surmised,looking at the Thruvian Princes green gem.
‘’Affirmative.Captain.’’the Guider responded.
‘’Well,Prince Rhann,it seems we have a merry band of unlikely heroes here.’’Darkwater responded.
Toreus took out his knife and crept like the Ranger hunter that he had trained to be as a youth. Had I not feared for our safety I would have been proud.
I crept behind him, guarding his back against any enemy he might not have noticed. We had hunted deer with knife and claw this way in the Thuvian Highlands. Deer have much keener senses than humans who are nearly blind when it comes to a sense of smell.
Prince Toreus Rhann jumped the closest soldier and slit his throat just above the collar of his armor. His nickname Toreus the Slayer,was not earned for nothing.He had gained moniture with every kill-every time slew an enemy or beast alike upon the savage lands of Terra-Prime. A second soldier swerved in his direction, rifle ready.
But I took that soldier's head off with one swat of my claw.
The third was going to sound the alarm when O'Brian shot him and the driver in the chest.
"Well," hooted O'Brian. "We have a truck."
Bullets and shouts came from the direction of the other vehicles. The other Wallace Guards had noticed us.
"But not for long if we don't hurry,' said Toreus as he jumped into the cab of the truck.Prince Rhann raised out his arm and the falcon returned to him,as by some magic command.
‘’We’re all here.O’Brian.’’the Thuvian Prince commaned.’’Lets go.’’
O'Brien and I jumped into the bed, the mercenary firing at the other soldiers to keep their heads down.Ebony,Prince Toreus Rhanns,spike hopped into the truck bed next to O'Brian,giving him a bit of shielding from enemy fire.
We were quickly underway, bullets tearing through the canvas cover of the military truck, O'Brian howling like a madman as he returned fire and me—well I was laying as flat as I could, trying to avoid massive trauma.
Toreus kept the accelerator as flat to the floor as was possible. The enemy was in pursuit of us. But we were far ahead of the other trucks, their drivers, professional teamsters, having a greater respect for the road than my prince.
Then Ki'Vhan bikers on smart bikes—spikes as they are called—sped ahead of the trucks along the side of the road. The hovering bikes quickly gained on us.
Grunting, Captain O'Brian discharged a laser from his over and under rifle. A Ki'Vhan biker blew up and his shrapnel killed his buddy. Two for the price of one.
"Directions please," Toreus called over his shoulder to O'Brien.
"Keep going until you find a—"Bullets caused O'Brian to stop and laser two more spikers. "A road that leads up a flat hill. That's where the LZ is."
We had managed to outdistance our pursuers. Oh, they were still back there but far back and not right on our tails. But I knew that when we got to the LZ we would not have much time before they were on top of us. If the airship was not right there then we might not make it.
I was beginning to doubt more than ever that Toreus' rash action in getting us transport was the correct one.
"Her is your turnoff," said Guider. Though the Guider voice sounded human, it showed no nerves as it announced this fact.
Toreus Rhann fishtailed the truck onto the new road and gunned it up the hill. Enemy vehicles followed, small all terrain vehicles armed with cannon and machine guns. O'Brian took out the front tires of one with his laser, causing it to flip end over end. But one of the enemy cannons took out our rear tires on the left side. This slowed the truck considerably.
Prince Toreus roared and continued to floor the accelerator.Ulyseas the Falcon’s bird eyes looked around,at his master,with a wooried look.
"Enemy forces attempting to surround the hill," said Guider.
"Parp," growled Toreus Rhann
We reached the top and Toreus fishtailed the trick around as if he were planning to rush down the hill and ram the enemy forces coming up. I prayed that he wasn't. But this did not look good and I know that members of the Rhann family have one overwhelming trait in common—they do not like to lose.
"Out of juice and ammo," yelled O'Brian.
Toreus thrust the cab door open and stepped down, pistol in one hand and knife in the other. His nano armor bloomed into one solid suit beneath his beaten up leather coat. The nano-tattoos on his face cut in and became his war mask.Ulyseas Sqreached as his clawed feet barely cleared the replaced standard light Thuvian Armored Pad-barely missing the form as it transformed into the heavier variety.
Misgivings or no I stood beside him.Captain O'Brian stood at our backs, having discarded his rifle and drawn his laspistol.
O’Brian produced a small hand communicator with free hand and open it to begin it’s operation.The Thuvian adjusted it’s controls to dial up the propretiate comlinks numbers to the person,he wished to talk to.
‘’Captain Darkwater.Buddy,come it.’’O’Brian issued responces into his comlinks.’’Eric Darkwater-come in.’’
The Ki'Vhan and Wallace soldiers coming up the hill seemed unimpressed. This looked like a last stand. Toreus might go down fighting but he would go down and yours truly with him.
‘’Dartwater.’’O’Brian despirated shouted.’’We need two Thuvian Rangers with-ah other extratched.’’
‘’O’Brian ?That you.?’’a voice issued out from the hand communicator.’’You lose your ship again?’’
‘’Captian..yes,no-lost a lot.’’The Thuvian Warrior commented.
‘’Feck the small talk,Dartwater’’O’Brian shouted.’’We’re moving and need transport,pronto.Home in on my co-ordinates.’’
‘’Got,you-Faphnere’s scanning you now.’’Captain Darkwater told the Thuvian Highlander.’’Lucky for you,we were almost ready to leave.’’
‘’Good Old,Darkwater.’’O’Brian stated as he shot into the Ki’Vhan moving behind upon the spikes.’’Get here soon,Pinheads are getting too close to our situation,if you get my drift,Captain.’’
‘’Hang on,O’Brian.We’re on our way.’’
Colin O’Brian closed his hand communicators and smailed.He looked over to me.
‘’Don’t worry,Kitty.We’re almost out of here.’’O’Brian said,attempting to calm down,what was obviously a worried look upon my face.The loud roar of aircraft was all around us.Hopefully,one of them was Captain Darkwaters ship.
A screaming Ki'Vhan raced toward us. Toreus shot him in the face and then took out a second and a third. Lasers pulsed from O'Brian's pistol and killed more. I roared and bared my teeth and claws, no one being close enough for me to use them.
A shadow fell across us. Either cloud or the angel of death.No.I now heard the great turbine engines of an arship above me.
Then the air was split by the road of electric cannon and the buzz of lasers. The advancing enemies were moved down.O’Brian howled and hooked as spikes crashed into one another,exploding into balls of flame behind our transport.
‘’Dartwater,you old Son of a Bastard.’’Colin O’Brian shouted.’’That two Thruvian Beers I owe you.Whever I can owe you a drink or two.’’
Troops on spider strings dropped all around us.
"Airship hovering overhead," said Guider just a little too late, which made me wonder—was Guider as unemotional as it seemed or did it have a vid director's flare for the dramatic?
The enemy were retreating down the hill as trails of exploding shells followed them.
"Our ride," said O'Brian as he grasped a spider line.
Prince Toreus Rhann,jammed the wheel the empty Ki’Vhan rifle-a Thruvian M130 semi-automatic piece of shit,used by many lesser civilization soldiers.He then moved toward the back,with Ulyseas still clawing into his shoulder armor.
‘’Come on,ols buddy.We’re leaving.’’Prince Rhann commanded with authority.’’Time for spring back and it’s not even spring.yet.’’
Toreus grabbed one too and two of the mercenary troopers fastened one around my torso. We were soon drawn up into the bowels of the airship.Captain O’Brian followed,a bit grin upon his face.Below,the transport sped off into the distance and out of sight as we moved into the air,with the great airship above.A huge,circular ,almost flying saucer shaped vessel with great repulsor engines upon each side.Once,Prince Toreus Rhann and the rest of us were inside the ships,big Cargo Hanger Bay-filled boxes,other Thuvian troops attempting assist us,as the air ships Boarding Cargo ramp closed behind us.It’s big,nuematic roar,filled the cabin area,telling us,it strained it mechanism trying to seal the vessel as it sped away from Tennyson Spaceport.
Soon the ship was rising up into the air faster and from
a porthole, I could see the upwardly curving slop of the Arcadia plate. We were moving to spinward and away from the battle.
‘’All’s clear,Captain.’’O’Brian spoke into his hand coomunicator.
We were on our way out of Arcadia but I had a feeling that we had not seen our last of the Arcadian Civil War. I looked toward Toreus Rhann,my prince who gazed out that same porthole, a far away look in his eyes. The battle tattoos had fades and his armor retracted but his still stood as if ready for a fight.
This journey was just beginning. Our days of academia were now behind us.
The End
*Parp-An Old Thuvian Saying,that something stinks.Possibly,a corruption of the poop and carp or crap
**"Fek!"-An Old Atlantean curse word-origin unknown-possibly Tauron. It is a bowdlerized version of the real-life expletive "fuck", and can seemingly be used in the same ways,as Fek Off,Fek You,Fek This.
Prince Toreus Rhann and Arcadian War-revisions 1
By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward. Thompson
c. 2007 Maveric Lion Productions
based on a Short Story
Chapter Two-Escape from Arcadia.
SS Destinies Marauder moved across the North Bedford Forrest,as a carpet of high foliage moved under the ship as it hovered over the tree tops.The air ship was currently climbing not to high to be noticed by the satilite survailance and not too low to observed by anyone on the ground.The huge,saucer shaped vessel had kept open it’s sensor systems to keep constant observation on enemy forces location and position. Captain Eric Darkwater was an excelant pilot and knew how above enemy encounters,and if he did encounter the enemy,avoid them by various methods,evasive actions and defensive and offensive counter measures.
My Prince Toreus Rhann,having barely escaped Tennyson Spaceport,where many of the refugee’s had used to escape Arcadopolis-now occuplied by House of Wallace,who temporarily defeated the House of the Taylors.He had fought his way across the city,patrolled by Ki’Vhan trooper-near mindless artificial beings-Zombie like creatures,who fought like brainless mercenaries to any side,whose their employers wished them for the right high price.Ki-Vhan,more likely defeated an enemy,not always any kind of real cunning or strategy,but often by sear numbers.Popular folklore,told that Ki’Vhan were created or atleast provided by a species of alien beings known as the Zhatikhon-an interstellar business operation/semi criminal operation,whose true origin and location,has been lost in the mists of temporal space.
My Prince,had gained the help from an unlikely allie- Captain Colin O'Brien-I'm a Thuvian Highlander and Thuvian Ranger.O’Brian had been instrumental in gaining this air ship. SS Destinies Marauder.We had still to clear out of occuplied Arcadian air space.Many Ki’Vhan warships and aircraft were still in the air,not to forget the Wallace air forces-fighter craft patrolling the skies between here and the nearest stargate jump point away from this world plate of Terra-Prime.
‘’So,Prince-told ya,Captain Darkwater’d come through.’’Captain O’Brian said,with great pride.’’Didn’t I could do it,did ya.?’’
‘’I must admite,Captain I had a few serious doughts.’’Prince Toreus Rhann responded ‘’This us Thuvians often achieve the impossible.’’
‘’That’s what we do ,yor highness-that’s what we do best.’’O’Brian spoke with great Thuvian pride.’’Got,you me,the bird and the kitty cat here out alive and well.’’
Perhaps,later-once we are safely out of the Ki’Vhan occupied Arcadian air space,I’ll let you meet the dear Captain Dartwater and esteemed co-polit.’’Colin O’Brien boasted.
‘’I’d like to meet our rescuer.The bold princes of Thuvia would owe much to anyone who sides with Imperial House of Rhann,over anyone of lesser royal bllod and heritage.’’Prince Rhann commented.
‘’I bet you would,rightly so.’’Excuse ,Prince.’’Colin O’Brien added’’I got to do something now that all commotion and dander has supsided for the moment.’’
O’Brien once produced his hand communicator and dialed up a series of numbers.
‘’Don’t this is personal.ship to friendly ship.’’Captain O’Brian added once again.’’Hello,Captain O’Brian to SS Scarlet Shadow.Come in.We’re on a safe channel.Zach come in.’’
Long moments passed and a voice broke in,cutting through the air ship constant roar of Paragravity engines.
‘’Captain.’’the voice issued from the communicator.’’Glad to hear you are well.We were worry for a time,when we heard nothing from you,after the ship took off from inner city sections of Arcadopolis.’’
‘’Zachery.I’m fine.I couldn’t break radio silence with the Ki’Vhan about until I got to safe LZ area.Had a bit of troubles making it through the streets.Met up some Resistance Forces and later found myself in luck with pretty ok people.They helped get out.’’
Prince Toreus sat back-some Thuvian Ranger came up and gave some RME packages which took gladly.The Ranger causiouly eyed Ulyseas the Thuvian Hunting Falcom and my self.Obviously,he wasn’t used being in company of a great Capronean Silver Sabertooth Lion.
‘’Thanks.’’Prince Rhann and opened the package,ripping it’s top off.
‘’Zachery.’’O’Brien spoke over all the commotion within the SS Destinies Marauder cargo hold.
‘’Captain.O’Brian..stop calling me Zachery.I prefer Zacheriah or just Doctor Zacheriah Sarkhon.’’the time sorcerer argued over the comlinks mike.
‘’Ok,Sarkhon-you moron.I don’t have time for none of your nutball fek today.’’Colin O’Brien obviously was getting argery at his long time partner and friend.’’Put on Rachel.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann began to see a different side to this Captain Colin O’Brien-someone not unlike himself-not unlike his father as well. Bossy, controlling, bad tempered. He had arguments, with his family and friends, just he did. Got in fight. Got in trouble. Sometimes did the wrong thing or what appeared to be the wrong thing to others, for what he felt was the right reasons, even though everyone else saw him an irresponsible idiot. Prince Rhann’s eating the candy bars his soldiers rations provided and understood this new found friend-no, mentor had taught him, by way of not telling him stuff, but showing ,too. By Thrull’s mighty bones, this could himself in another ten or twenty years.
‘’I’m not sure,that we should using this secure military channel so you can make lovely dovely phone calls to your wife.’’Doctor Zacheriah Sarkhon.
Besides O’Brien,a few of the other Rangers were finishing their packaged meals.Prince Toreus Rhann.was eating something that looked sort of backed meat cake.He throw one at me.not enough to fill my great lions stomach,but it’d have to do until later.
‘’Lovely dovely phone calls ?’’ ’’Colin O’Brien shouted
‘’And as a member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerer’s I have more important things to do,than argue with likes of you,O’Brien.’’
‘’No.Sarkhon-your not only a member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerer’s.’No.Sarkhon-you are a mental case.’’Colin O’Brien order
Obviously,this webt on frequently between these two.I’ve myself and Prince Rhann get into similar arguments.It wasn’t sign the two hated each,but often simply got on each others nerves.Perhaps they two different people or perhaps in someway,they were to much alike.
Get off the phone, Sarkhon. Get off before I do something I regret. You're a menace to society, you're a menace to me, and you are a menace to the whole human race. Now get off!’’Captain O’Brien shouted into the communicator.
‘’That's a matter of opinion.’’ Zacheriah Sarkhon responded
’’Put on Rachel now and get otta here.”O’Brien ordered.
‘’Ok,pal,but remember-if I didn’t like you so much,I would not put up with all your abuise.’’ Zacheriah Sarkhon stated.’’Here she is.’’
‘’Thanks,you’re a real Pal,Doc.’’ ’’Captain Colin O’Brien thanked his old friend in his own way.
‘’Colin ?’’Rachel Sarkhon answered over the communicator.
‘’Yeah,Rachel.I’m here.’’ Colin O’Brien answered.His manner became softer with his wife on the phone.’’I’m ok.too.’’
‘’I know,Colin.’’Rachel said.
‘’I’m aboard the the SS Destinies Marauder-Darkwater’s ship.’’
’’We were worried-well,me and Ivhanna anyway.Zacheriah he seemed to be not so worried.He said,if anyone could take care of himself,it was you-despite being a big blabbermouth.’’Rachel Sarkhon added.’’He has great confidence in you-despite all arguments.’’
‘’I know,Rach.Don’t Sarkhon-but I think the guys ok,sometime-maybe even a genius sometimes.’’O’Brien confested.’’He just gets my last nerve sometimes.He just talks way too much.Argues too much.’’
My Prince saw another side this Captain O’Brien and his relationship with the crew of the SS Scarlet Shadow.They despite the difficulties,the dissfunctional way they acted toward each other.They seemed to like each .Care one another.And that’s what really mattered in the end.Not who can beat who.Who control what.Morons like the Wallaces and the Shaitanus were obsessed with that kind of braindead rubbish.Prince Toreus Rhann,understood family and what was important.
‘’This Prince Toreus Rhann,he with ok.I promised follow his command .’’O’Brien tried confort his wife.
‘’Look,Rachel.I’m gonna hang this Prince Rhann here for awhile.I’ll ok.
‘’Ok,Colin.’’Rachel said.’’Listen,we’re at Restistance Forces Roudivouse Point-Arcadia Alpha Site One.We’re ok,but perhaps we could come and escort you here.Their Ki’Vhan Air Force patrols still about.’’
‘’No.Rachel,stay where you are.We can make alright.’’Colin O’Brien tried to assure his wife,not to get herself into any trouble on his account.
‘’Colin,I’m not some little,helpless female.I was trained by the Shardukhor Warriors.You know that.’’Rachel O’Brien stated.’’We ‘re some of the best fighters in Terran Space-best fighters certainly on the Great Sphere.Certainly equile the Thuvian Rangers and anything found upon this world.’’
‘’Rachel.I know.’’
‘’No,you don’t know.You never listen.It’s your way or no way,Colin.Everytime,you and Zacheriah,your best friend-go off,get in trouble and who has you bail two-us girls,that’s who.’’
‘’Rachel,no-one of these days-one of these days-bang zoom-strait the airlock.’’O’Brien losing his temper.
‘’A shut up.’’Rachel O’Brien interrupted.’’And you wouldn’t dare.’’ She added.
‘’We’re come to meet you,that’s it.Like it or not.’’the female Shardukhor Warrior stated and broke off communications.
‘’Rachel.Rachel.’’Captain O’Brien shouted into the communicator to no avail.’’By Thrull,dammit.She’s the one that never listens.’’
‘’That’s because buddy boys,she and my Ivhanna- are usually right.’’Zacheriah Sarkhon broke in.’’We’re warriors and we married two tough broads.’’
‘’I know,Zach,but I still worry about her.About the girls-you and me,we can take care ourselves-no matter what come along.’’
‘’Coiln,my man,you might a big dum idiot on the outside,’’the Time-Sorcerer responded.’’but on the inside,your just one big softy.’’
‘’I know,Sarkhon…still be careful.’’the Thuvian Highland mercenary added.’’If I even lost lost Rachel,I don’t what I’d do.’’
‘’And you won’t either,this time you big,loudmouth knucklehead.’’Doctor Sarkhon commented.’’The Scarlet Shadows a tough ,old star ship.Their nothing the Ki’Vhan,nor the Wallaces or Shaitanus can throw at us,that we can’t throw back twice as hard.’’
‘’Ok,pal’’Colin O’Brien ended’’See ya soon,We’ll looking out for you.Tell Rachel’s she’s the greatest ever.O’Brien out.’’
‘’Same here,Old Friend.I’ll tell her.’’O’Brien added.Trying to make up for abuise earlier.
‘’Be seeing you soon,Sarkhon out.’’
With the comlinks went dead.Captain O’Brien placed the communicator back his Thuvian Combat Utility Vest left pocket and looked up at Prince Toreus.He wasn’t sure exactly how to start,but began anyway.The Thuvian Prince just smiled.
‘’I guess,you think I’m one of them tea sucking nany boys you know back home at the Royal Thuvian Emerald Palaces.’’O’Brien began.’’but with Rachel,it’s different.Me and her met up-off world,in of all places-fighting side by side against the Kalladon,the Shaitan,the Drakhoneans,the the Gorthan space pirates,the Kallon and just every nasty bastard,this side of the galaxy going.’’
‘’And somewhere along the way we fell in love.’’O’Brien went on.’’And every day since,you fall more in love this one person everyday.Maybe you do-’t know what that’s like ,Prince-maybe you do.Same for Sarkhon and wife,Ivhanna.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann,sat there silent again.He understood this man Colin O’Brien even more.On the surface,most people would see Coiln O’Brien as big,pussy whipped oaf,supervient to his wife.But no,this Thuvian Ranger,loved this woman more than anything else in the world-in the galaxy.Somewhere,inside-deep down inside-he felt didn’t he deserved her,that she though Colin O’Brien was some big,dum.load mouth braggard,with muscle and soldier skills-nothing more.But Rachel Sarkhon-a warrior woman,in his own right,a member of the Shardukhor Warriors-a breed of super soldier,based both on the Kalldon and Omega-Warrior programs ,two genetically advanced warrior breed
from the homeworld Terra-back Earth’s pre-interstellar space fairing eras,raised a hostile planet-a desert world.Their men and women,a new breed of Spartan Warrior-one of the toughest mercenaries among the wild,Colonial Frontiers outside the Terran Federation-not that far from Terra-Prime. Captain O’Brien is very quick-tempered, and frequently resorts to insults and hollow threats of physical violence,a way to cover his insecurities-like many people. Rachel O’Brian often finds herself bearing the brunt of her husband 's insults,and rude behavior which she returns in fine form.Rachel bitingly sarcastic and very level-headed, trying to convince O’Brian’s stupidity of his various schemes,stupid fights,rash actions in combat which makes him lose his temper.Still,he would never dare hurt ever,no matter how mad he got at her. His anger would often be replaced by short-lived remorse, and he would then apologize for his actions later on telling Rachel or one of the others he was sorry or something close to that like telling them,they great or a genious .This was at it was and must have been always.Colin O’Brian on the surface appeared to be a big,swaggering loadmouth,backwoods country bumpkin,but in underneath was just a man simple man,trying to protect and provide for his family.Toreus Rhann began to see more of himself in this Thuvian Ranger.He was a man he likes,admirred.He must have pretty good a fight or the Rangers would not have accepted him,but being able to fight is one thing.Being able to fight for ones country or a cause that they believe in was another.And being able,eventually to fight for freedom,that would help defend your love ones with you or back home was still another.Toreus Rhann understood that,as all Thuvians,and assume Arcadians as well.
‘’Your Highness.you even have anyone special in your life .”Captain O’Brien asked’’Maybe you don’t know what that’s like.I don’t know.’’
Suddenly,Prince Toreus Rhann,felt he was lacking something in his life.There were women-plenty of them.As a very handsome,tall Prince Thuvian,he attracted more females that he could handle.What did the other Thuvians call it-Chick madnet ?,There wasdrinking and .fun time with the ladies,but no one really special.Sure,he thought he was in love that girl Olivia ,who of another Imperial House of Thuvia,but that went badly in the end.By Thrull’s Will,it wasn’t in the cards for him or them to be together.
‘’No.O’Brien,maybe not By Thrull.’’Prince Toreus Rhann responded.’’Once or twice thought I was in love,but..’’
‘’Don’t worry,my Great Prince-there’s still time.’’O’Brien added.’’ Your cute-gals like that—I ouuta know.I bet you’ll attrach all sort of nice ladies to you.’’With the Thuvian Highlander let a big grim.Prince Toreus Rhann smiled back.He looked at me and them Ulyseas.
‘’Oh,yes,there’s plenty of time.Plenty of time.’’Ulyseas began squalking.
‘’Oh shut up,you silly bird.’’I said.
With everyone laughed.Captain O’Brien,Prince Toreus and a few of the Thuvian Rangers aboard.In the middle of all this,a tall,athelic Thuvian,dressed similar to Colin O’Brien’s Thuvian Highlander dress-a baret upon his head,covering his long,dark hair entered the air ships cargo hold.He had the usual twill fatigue shirt and armor bracelets and the biomed armband ,with it’s medical biorecorder,worn over what looked like a Corvaillian Rangers tan duty shirt-something gotton offworld,by way of the Colonial Space Merchant trade routes visiting the huge Dysonsphere of Terra-Prime.His green fleck utlity vest cover this ,and showed his,obvious,non conformist and rebel of dress,would wear some of the standard Thuvian Ranger dress uniform,if he wanted too,out of nessessety,if not pride or doing he was told to do.A large,Tartan Calladonean Sash was worn about that Corvaillian shirt,similar to the one Colin O’Brien did,but the pattern was slighty altered.perhaps to represent a different house,which he belonged to,obviously.
‘’Ok,my flyings not that bad.’’the tall Thuvian said.’’O’Brien.’’he added.
‘’Darkwater.’’O’Brien responded.
He looked down at Colin O’Brien and then to the Thuvian Prince,sitting upon the seat opposite the big,Thuvian Ranger.A lookm of recognition was present in his eyes.He then bowled and soluted as he did ,smiling as he did.He stold erect and put out his right hand as to shack the Lord of Lions own right hand.
‘’Your Highness.’’Darkwater stated.’’I’m Captain Eric Darkwater..’’he smiled again.’’at your service.’’the Thuvian added.
Prince Toreus Rhann,got up.His big,hulking frame-nearly the same as Captain O’Brien,made this Thuvian look almost like a small boy.Ulyseas seem to hold on,as usual,as the Thuvian Prince stold up-slightly flapping his great avian wings.
‘’Prince Toreus Rhann.’’the Thuvian Crown Prince responded.’’And the pleasures all mine.After we all.owe our lives.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann,turned and swung his arm to present all of the passengers within the SS Destinies Marauder cargo hold. Captain Eric Darkwater,look at Toreus Rhann,then Colin O’Brien and me with puzzling stare.He looked back at the Prince.
‘’What do we have among my cargo hold.’’Darkwater commented ‘’a Zoo ?’’
‘’No,Captain Darkwater.’’The Thuvian Prince Toreus smiled back.’’My band of usual Thuvian Rangers.’’
‘’This is Ulyseas.’’Toreus Rhann,point left hand thump backward toward the great bird.’’My Thuvian Hunting Falcon.’’
‘’Glad to meat you.’’Eric Darkwater saluted.’’A fine warriors hunter bird of prey.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann,turned toward me .
‘’My Silver Lion Shakhorja.’’the Thuvian First Son introduced.
‘’Platinom blonde or silvery white hair sign of divinity,dating back the ancient Atlanteans.’’Eric Darkwater commented’’ exotic and otherworldly’’
‘’Yes,the Thuvian Princes,have traveled with these Platinum blonde lions,way back since the early days of Great Lord Thrull Khonn-perhaps before then.’’the Guider Gem interrupted the Captain of the Thuvian Freighter Air Ship.
‘’Oh,unless I forget.the unseen member of my little band.’’Prince Toreus Rhann,pointed with left index finger to the great emerald jewell resting upon his brown,leather band band,upon his forehead.’’My Guider Gem.’’
‘’I am an Artificial Intellegence Tactical Field Data Retreival System.’’the gem spoke.’’I can intereact with near by communication system,Isolinear crystral data bank,computer terminal-including those found with anynear by New Genisis Bunker complex.’’
‘’And sommon up the presence of a holo god or two,in person,I suppose.’’Captain Eric Darkwater surmised,looking at the Thruvian Princes green gem.
‘’Affirmative.Captain.’’the Guider responded.
‘’Well,Prince Rhann,it seems we have a merry band of unlikely heroes here.’’Darkwater responded.
Gazeterr of Names and place found upon within this Tale of Terra-Prime.
’ Elder Supreme Lord Ghalmeath Sarkhon,First Son of Old Supreme Lord Jehovah Sarkhon.Adam Sarkhon,who rules on the ancient Atlantean Colony world Genesis-Prime.’
’ Supreme Lord Adam Sarkhon,First Son of Supreme Lord,Ghalmeath Sarkhon.Adam Sarkhon,who rules on the ancient Atlantean Colony world Atlantis-Prime.’
Toreus Rhann. The First Son of Thuvia, also sometimes known as Toreus the Slayer by his enemies and Prince Toreus, Lord of Lions.First Son of Thuvia-First Son of Emporer Toreus Rhann,the First and Empress Cassandra Rhann
Editors Notes;
This is not copleted,but a published work in progress.Comments will appreciated while this is being done.
Prince Toreus Rhann-Thuvian Prince,the Lord of Lions,and Sharkhorja,the Silver Lion-heroes of the Dysonsphere known as Terra-Prime.Part heroic fantasy.part sci fi.Prince Toreus Rhann and Shakhorja, the Silver Lion, part Conan, part Tarzan and the Golden Lion and of course good old Kimba.
Group name Prince Toreus Rhann
Description Prince Toreus Rhann-Thuvian Prince,the Lord of Lions,and Sharkhorja,the Silver Lion-heroes of the Dysonsphere known as Terra-Prime.Part heroic fantasy.part sci fi.Prince Toreus Rhann and Shakhorja, the Silver Lion, part Conan, part Tarzan and the Golden Lion and of course good old Kimba.
Prince Toreus Rhann-Thuvian Prince,the Lord of Lions,and Sharkhorja,the Silver Lion-heroes of the Dysonsphere known as Terra-Prime.Part heroic fantasy.part sci fi.Prince Toreus Rhann and Shakhorja, the Silver Lion, part Conan, part Tarzan and the Golden Lion and of course good old Kimba.
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Monday, January 28, 2008
Prince Toreus Rhann-a Tale of Terra-Prime
Prince Toreus Rhann-a Tale of Terra-Prime
Prince Toreus Rhann and Arcadian War
by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward. Thompson
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Gazeterr of Names and place found upon within this Tale of Terra-Prime.
Prince Toreus Rhann Gazetter
Acheron A fallen kingdom corresponding to the Roman Empire. Its territory covered Aquilonia, Nemedia, and Argos. In Greek mythology, Acheron was one of the four rivers of Hades (cf. "Stygia").
Afghulistan Afghanistan. Afghulistan (sometimes Ghulistan) is the common name of the habitat of different tribes in the Himelian mountains. The name itself is a mixture of the historical names of Gulistan and Afghanistan.
Alkmeenon Delphi. Its name derives from the Alcmaeonidae, who funded the construction the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, from which the oracle operated.
Amazon Mentioned in Robert E. Howard's "Hyborian Age" essay, the kingdom of the Amazons refers to various legends of African Amazons, or more specifically to the Dahomey Amazons. In classical legend, Amazonia was a nation of warrior women in Asia Minor and North Africa. The legend may be based upon the Sarmatians, a nomadic Iranian tribe of the Kuban, whose women were required to slay an enemy before they might marry.
, France in the Middle Ages and to a certain extent embodying many aspects of the Roman Empire with occasional hints of England. The name derived from the ancient city of Aquilonia in Southern Italy, between modern Venosa and Benevento, although the name Aquilonia also resembles Aquitaine, a French region ruled by England for a long portion of the Middle Ages. The name in Latin means aquilo, -onis, "north wind."
Argos Various seafaring traders of the Mediterranean Sea. The name comes from the Argo, ship of the Argonauts; or perhaps from the city of Argos, Peloponnesos, reputedly the oldest city in Greece, situated at the head of the Gulf of Argolis near modern Nafplion. Also hints of Italy in regards to the indigenous population's appearance, names and culture. Howard labels the populace of his Argos as "Argosseans," whereas the folk of the historical Argos are known as "Argives." In Hyborian Age cartography, Argos takes on the shape of a "shoe" in its border boundaries as compared to Italy appearing as a "boot." The coastal city of Massantia derives its name from Massalia, the name given to Marseilles by its Greek founders.
Asgard Dark Age Scandinavia. (Ásgard is the home of the Æsir in Norse mythology).
Barachan Islands The Caribbean Islands. The pirate town of Tortage takes its name from Tortuga.
Border Kingdoms German Baltic Sea coast. A lawless place full of savages, Conan once traveled through the Border Kingdom on his way to Nemedia. He befriended Mar the Piper and the King of the Border Kingdoms. He helped save the kingdom before returning to his quest to reach Nemedia.
Bossonian Marches (Aquilonia) Wales, with an overlay of colonial-era North America. Possibly from Bossiney, a former parliamentary borough in Cornwall, South West England, which included Tintagel Castle, connected with the Matter of Britain.
Brythunia The continental homelands of the Angles and Saxons who invaded Great Britain, which is the origin of the name, though the civilization depicted is similar to that of medieval Poland, Lithuania, Latvia. Semantically, the name Brythunia is from the Welsh Brython, "Briton," derived from the same root as the Latin Brito, Britannia.
While Howard wrote that there was a continental shift after Conan's time, some scholars believed that the Gaelic regions that are supposed to encompass the British Isles was the geographical place of Cimmeria even though ostensibly it can also be argued from Howard's map of the Hyborian Age that its a part of North America that are shared with the Picts. Howard states in The Hyborian Age that "the Gaels, ancestors of the Irish and Highland Scotch, descended from pure-blooded Cimmerian clans." The name is based on that of Cimmeria, which was once hypothesized to be the homeland of the Celtic Cymric tribe, due to the word's similarity to the names of Celtic areas such as Cymru (the Welsh word for Wales), Cumbria, etc. Conan, a Cimmerian, has an Irish name, as do the Cimmerian gods Crom, Lir and Manannán mac Lir (the latter two mentioned in Xuthal of the Dusk)
Conajohara (Aquilonia) Perhaps the name is based on the Conestoga wagons used by American settlers; the name's ending may come from Guadelajara or similar place names occurring in North America.
Corinthia Ancient Greece. From Corinth (Korinthos), a rich city in Classical Greece. Possibly suggested to Howard by the Epistles to the Corinthians, or by the region of Carinthia.
Darfar Howard derived this name from the region of Darfur, Sudan, in north-central Africa. Darfur is an Arabic language name meaning "abode (dar) of the Fur," the dominant people of the area. In changing the name to Darfar, Howard unwittingly changed the Arabic meaning to "the abode of mice." The original Darfur is now the westernmost part of the Sudanese Republic.
Gunderland (Aquilonia) The Netherlands; perhaps Germany or ancient Burgundy. Probably from Gunther (Gundicar) , King of Burgundy or Gunderic, King of the Vandals.
Hyperborea Finland, Russia and the Baltic countries (Hyperborea was a land in "outermost north" according to Greek historian Herodotus. Howard's Hyperborea is described as the first Hyborian kingdom, "which had its beginning in a crude fortress of boulders heaped to repel tribal attack".
Hyrkania Mongolia, Hyrcania. In classical geography, a region southeast of the Caspian Sea or Hyrcanian Sea corresponding to the Iranian provinces of Golestan, Mazandaran and Gilan. The name is Greek for the Old Persian Varkana, one of the Achaemenid Empire satrapies, and survives in the name of the river Gorgan. The original meaning may have been "wolf land." In Iranian legend, Hyrcania was remarkable for its wizards, demons, wolves, spirits, witches and vampires.
Iranistan An eastern land corresponding to modern Iran. Historically, the name of the country is derived from the Iran + the Persian istan, estan, "country."
Kambuja/Kambulja The original name of Cambodia, now Kampuchea.
Keshan The name comes from the "Kesh," the Egyptian name for Nubia.
Khauran The name perhaps derives from the Hauran region of Syria.
Khitai China. The name is derived from the English word "Cathay" and Marco Polo's Cathay (kăthā'), derived from the word Khitan and/or Khitai, a Mongolian people who conquered northern China and founded the Liao dynasty (937–1125), and/or "Khitan," a medieval Tartar word for China. Also, the Kara-Khitai were a prominent tribe amongst Mongol steppe tribes. In Russian and other eastern European languages China is called Khitai.
Khoraja The Kingdom of Jerusalem and possibly the associated Principality of Antioch, County of Edessa and County of Tripoli, collectively known as Outremer. The name itself was inspired by the references of Sax Rohmer to the fictional city of Khorassa in The Mask of Fu Manchu novel.
Kosala From the ancient Indo-Aryan kingdom of Kosala, corresponding roughly in area with the region of Oudh.
Koth From the ancient Hittites; The Kothian capital of Khorshemish corresponds to the Hittite capital of Carchemish. Perhaps from The Sign of Koth in The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath by H. P. Lovecraft. There is a town of Koth in Gujarat, India, but the connection is doubtful. Howard also used the same name in his interplanetary novel Almuric.
Kusan Probably from the Kushan Empire.
Kush From the kingdom of Kush, Nubia, North Africa.
Meru Tibet. In Hindu mythology, Meru is the sacred mountain upon which the gods dwell. NOTE: Meru is not an original Hyborian Age country and was created by L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter.
Nemedia The Germanic Holy Roman Empire. Nemedia was the rival of Aquilonia (which corresponds to France), and depended on Aesir mercenaries for their defence (as the Byzantine Empire hired Vikings as the Varangian Guard). The name comes from Nemed, leader of colonists from Scythia to Ireland in Irish mythology; perhaps the name is also meant to allude to Nemea, home to the Nemean Lion of Greek mythology. The name may also be suggestive of various names for Germany in Slavic languages, e.g. Czech Německo.
Ophir Ancient Ophir, a gold-mining region in the Old Testament, possibly on the shores of the Red Sea or Arabian Sea (e.g. western Arabia), though clearly Howard saw it as situated somewhere in Italy.
Pelishtim (tribe) Philistines (P'lishtim in Hebrew). The Pelishti city of Asgalun derives its name from Ashkelon. The Pelisti god Pteor or Baal-Pteor derives its name from the Moabite Baal-Peor.
Pictish Wilderness Pictish Scotland, with an overlay of North America during the European colonization of the Americas, possibly even colonial-era New York. Howard bestows names from Algonquian languages on many, though not all, of his Picts (see also: Bran Mak Morn). Note that the name "Pict" comes from the Latin language term for "painted one," which could be applicable to a number of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas. The historical termed Picts were a confederation of tribes in central and northern Scotland which bordered Roman Britain.
Poitain (Aquilonia) A combination of Poitou and Aquitaine, two regions in southwestern France. From the 10th to the mid-12th century, the counts of Poitou were also the dukes of Aquitaine.
Punt The Land of Punt on the Horn of Africa. A place with which the ancient Egyptians traded, probably Somaliland.
Shem Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, and Arabia. In the Bible, Shem is Noah's eldest son, the ancestor of the Hebrews, Arabs and Assyrians; hence, the modern "Semite" and Semitic languages (via Greek Sem), used properly to designate the family of languages spoken by these peoples.
Egypt. The name comes from Styx, a river of the Greek underworld in Greek mythology. In earlier times the territory of Stygia included Shem, Ophir, Corinthia, and part of Koth.
Turan The Old Persian name for Turkestan. A Turkish/Persian land, possibly referring to the Timurid Empire, the Sassanid Empire, or the Mughal Empire. The name derives from Turan, the areas of Eurasia occupied by speakers of Ural-Altaic languages. The names of the various Turanian cities (e.g. Aghrapur, Sultanapur, Shahpur) are often in Persian language. King Yezdigerd is named after Yazdegerd III, ruler of the Sassanid Empire. The name of King Yildiz means star in the Turkish language. The city of Khawarizm takes its name from Khwarezm, and Khorusun from Khorasan.
Uttara Kuru From the medieval Uttara Kuru Kingdom at the north and central of Pakistan.
Vanaheim Dark Age Scandinavia. (Vanaheim is the home of the Vanir in Norse mythology)
Vendhya India (The Vindhya Range is a range of hills in central India). The name means "rent" or "ragged," i.e. having many passes.
Wadai (tribe) The Ouaddai Empire.
Wazuli (tribe) The Waziri tribe in northwest Pakistan.
Zamora The Romani people. The name comes from the city of Zamora, Zamora province, Castile-Leon, Spain, alluding to the Gitanos of Spain (see Zingara for discussion); or possibly it is based on the word "Roma." There may also be some reference to southern Italy, as Zamorans dance the tarantella[5]. Also hints of ancient Israel and Palestine.
Zembabwei The Munhumutapa Empire. The name comes from Great Zimbabwe, a ruined fortified town in Rhodesia, first built around the 11th century and used as the capital of the Munhumutapa Empire. Oddly, this is the same route as the modern name for the Republic of Zimbabwe.
Zingara Spain/Portugal. Iberian Peninsula as a whole. Zingara is also Italian for "Gipsy woman"; this may mean that Howard mixed up the source names of Zingara and Zamora, with Zingara originally meant to apply to the Roma kingdom, and Zamora to the Spanish kingdom.
Zuagir (tribe) The name is perhaps derived from a combination of Tuareg and Uyghur.
Other Geographic Features
Amir Jehun Pass Takes its name from a combination of the Amu Darya river and the Gihon river (Jayhoun in Arabic), which has been identified by some with the Amu Darya. Perhaps corresponds to the Broghol Pass, which is near the headwaters of the Amu Darya in Wakhan.
The Himelian Mountains Take their name the Himalayas but correspond more closely to the Hindu Kush or Karakoram ranges.
The Karpash Mountains The Carpathian Mountains.
The Poitanian Mountains The Pyrenees.
The River Styx The Nile.
Vilayet Sea The Caspian Sea. The name comes from vilayet, the term for administrative regions in the Ottoman Empire.
Zhaibar Pass The Khyber Pass which has been the traditional borderline between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Zaporoska River The Don and/or the Volga. The river's name was probably influenced by Zaporizhian Sich, a settlement of the Cossacks in Zaporizhzhia (region). It was situated on the Dnieper river, below the Dnieper rapids (porohy, poroz.a), hence the name, translated as "territory beyond the rapids
Seven Empires of Pangea (P:---the principle political entities of the Western Pangeaworld at the time of Lord Thrull Khonn. , the Empires most probably included Thuvia ,Lankmearia, Pundarr, Kamooria, Thule, the Maridean Kingdoms, and the "Triple Federation".
Thuvia:---westernmost of the Seven Empires of the Pangean continent during the pre-Cataclysmic times, so called Land of Enchantment. It was apparently the wealthiest and most sophisticated of the continental nations of that era. Thuvia was also the most ancient of the human pre-Cataclysmic kingdoms. It was young when many of the other surrounding regions were mere islands of primitives. The ancestors of the Thuvians came from the Far Eastern Land-sometime after the First Great Cataclysm, warred with a pre-human race of serpent-folk (the old ones)0f the Dragon Lands-Ghonwhanna Land of another near by world plate, and set up their empire in western Thuria. By Thrull Khonn 's time, the nation was degenerate, ripe for a barbarian usurper. Eventually, Thrull Khonn ,exile of Thuvia became its king. His capital city, Karzandor , was known as one of the Twine City of Wonders. Kharthulean Mountains stood on the southern frontier of Thuvia, where a colony of ancient Thureans,mixed with Thuvian blood had been established to serve as a buffer "against foreign invasion".This region became known as Kharthulia.
Twine Crystals City of Wonders:---also called "the Crystal City of Thuvia." The City of Wonders was the capital city of the kingdom of Thuvia.It also has another name and that is known as the Crystal Twine Cities of Karzandor and Zarandorr. The city has tall, jeweled spires and lush gardens. It is the location of the regal Tower of Splendor and the Emerald Throne. A thousand years before the Age of Lord Thrull Khonn, the city was captured by the Thuvians and taken back from it’s conquorers from the Charithon Empire to the west.The Twine cities,where founded by the Great Lord Thrull Khonn’s ancestors Karzandor and Zarandorr Khonn,who founed the two forts,that became the cities later on
once called Zardath-a city in the time of the ancients of the Pangean world,before the First Great Cataclysm,an atomic war,that destroyed much of this ancient land. It is now a ruined, subterranean city that lies below the City of Wonders. (Zardath-the Crystal City of Wonders,became the name of seberal other similar cities found around the Shattered Empires of Pangea,found upon the Dysonshere of Terra-Prime. Kharzandor and Kharhentarr
Charithon Empire; A fallen kingdom corresponding to the Roman Empire,within the Great Pangean Kingdoms.It conquered much of that ancient lands,but eventually,it fell partially due to the rebel forces of Great Lord Thrull Khonn’s military forces.Remanants of it,still exist as old,ancient cities such as Tarhakia,Shuma Khorjah and
Thule:---a mysterious northern kingdom of the pre-Cataclysmic Age, having fabulous ice-caves,huge Icelandic tundras,great frozen plains and high ice mountains
Sarkhonea or Sarkhonean Lands is a fictional land of swarthy inhabitants in The Pangean Lands, the Pre-Cataclysmic Era Terra-Prime setting for the Prince Toreus Rhann Sagas in the fantasy stories of the Tales of Terra-Prime series. The Stygians are known to be very warlike and fields both martial forces and arcane powers against their enemies. They most commonly worship the god Set whose ambition is to enslave mankind.
’ Elder Supreme Lord Ghalmeath Sarkhon,First Son of Old Supreme Lord Jehovah Sarkhon.Adam Sarkhon,who rules on the ancient Atlantean Colony world Genesis-Prime.’
’ Supreme Lord Adam Sarkhon,First Son of Supreme Lord,Ghalmeath Sarkhon.Adam Sarkhon,who rules on the ancient Atlantean Colony world Atlantis-Prime.’
Toreus Rhann. The First Son of Thuvia, also sometimes known as Toreus the Slayer by his enemies and Prince Toreus, Lord of Lions.First Son of Thuvia-First Son of Emporer Toreus Rhann,the First and Empress Cassandra Rhann
Shorkhorja ;Silver or White haired Capronean White Lion.Lion brother to Prince Toreus Rhann.First Son of White Lion King Sharthona.Originally native to the Southern Kingdom of Great Caprona and a distant world,also known as Caprona 4,found within the Great Terran Colonial Alliance,to which the Great Dysonsphere of Terra-Prime exist.
Editors Notes;
This is not copleted,but a published work in progress.Comments will appreciated while this is being done.
Prince Toreus Rhann-Thuvian Prince,the Lord of Lions,and Sharkhorja,the Silver Lion-heroes of the Dysonsphere known as Terra-Prime.Part heroic fantasy.part sci fi.Prince Toreus Rhann and Shakhorja, the Silver Lion, part Conan, part Tarzan and the Golden Lion and of course good old Kimba.
Group name Prince Toreus Rhann
Description Prince Toreus Rhann-Thuvian Prince,the Lord of Lions,and Sharkhorja,the Silver Lion-heroes of the Dysonsphere known as Terra-Prime.Part heroic fantasy.part sci fi.Prince Toreus Rhann and Shakhorja, the Silver Lion, part Conan, part Tarzan and the Golden Lion and of course good old Kimba.
Prince Toreus Rhann-Thuvian Prince,the Lord of Lions,and Sharkhorja,the Silver Lion-heroes of the Dysonsphere known as Terra-Prime.Part heroic fantasy.part sci fi.Prince Toreus Rhann and Shakhorja, the Silver Lion, part Conan, part Tarzan and the Golden Lion and of course good old Kimba.
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Monday, January 28, 2008
Prince Toreus Rhann-a Tale of Terra-Prime
Prince Toreus Rhann-a Tale of Terra-Prime
Prince Toreus Rhann and Arcadian War
by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward. Thompson
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Star Castles Edit
Atlantean Star Castles
By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson.
Atlantean Star Castles (2) Edit
Atlantean Star Castles-is a huge city fortress sized Atlantean Space Station.
by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson.
This massive, double saucer vessels measured some 5,800 feet (1768 meters) in diameter and carried a legion of Atlantean troops and 300 Raider type fighter craft .The Imperial Atlantean Super "Base Star” or Super City Station is the backbone of the Imperial Atlantean Star Fleet. This ship is massive being 1,800 feet (550 meters) and has a mass of 3 million metric tons. Not including the Atlantean Battlestars missiles, the Atlantean Base-Star-huge space station-smaller than an Atlantean Star Castle, but much larger than an Atlantean Star Base or Star Palace has much greater firepower than an Atlantean Battlestar or Battle Carrier. The Atlantean Star Castle also has three times the fighter, troop, and weaponry of the Imperial Atlantean Ship. It also act as an Imperial Atlantean Embassy and floating City Community-since it is thought as a portion of Atlantean soil once anyone sets foot upon an Star Castle or similar Base Star or Star Base. Many Imperial Atlantean Star Castles also act as one of three billion smaller Starbase stationed scattered all over temporal space. A Star Castle is a defensive structure ,exact meaning, but it is usually regarded as being distinct from the general terms fort or fortress in that it describes a building which serves as a residence of a monarch or noble and commands a specific territory. The chief distinguishing features of castles, as opposed to other defensive structures, can be defined as follows:
Castles were places of protection from an invading enemy, a place of retreat.
Castles were also offensive weapons, built in otherwise hostile territories from which to control surrounding lands.
Castles were either built as, or evolved into, residences for the monarch or lord who built them.Often a Star Castle is an official intersteelar space station fortress for an Atlantean Lord or Lady and their Royal Family and friends or accociates of an Imperial Atlantean House or House Clan to reside in and use as a mobile or non mobile base of operations.The Imperial House such as the House or House Clan of Sarkhon and House Clan of Shaitanus often reside inside the wall of an Atlantean Star Castle.
These three purposes distinguish the castle from other fortresses — which are usually purely defensive (like citadels and city walls) or purely offensive (a military camp) — or edifices that are entirely residential in nature, like palaces.
An Atlantean starbase is a facility where starships are maintained and resupplied, and crews can relax. A starbase can be a research station, a military base, a place for interstellar trade or a seat of administration. Some starbases are also involved in the construction of starships. Atlantean Starbases offer various services to vehicles, from medical facilities to full-fledged spacedocks capable of refitting a starship.
Atlantean Starbases can be partially or completely located on a planet surface, or be limited to strictly spaceborne installations. Some are a combination of a ground-based facility with orbital components. Atlantean Spacedock refers to a space station facility capable of docking starships for maintenance.An Atlantean Starbase are often non mobile or stationary military operations and Atlantean Base Stars are often thought as mobile military bases of operation.An Atlantean Star Castle is a bit of both stationary and mobile
A starship is a type of vehicle that is capable of supporting a crew traveling over interstellar distances. Starships are capable of faster-than-light speeds using warp drive or other propulsion methods. A starship's specification is largely determined by its class.
Vessels which are not interstellar capable (i.e. interplanetary) are generally referred to as space ships.
These massive ships are in a double or single saucer configuration, with a cityscape built upon their top metropolis section and unlike Atlantean Battlestars their external thruster or impulse and warp, drive must pull or push more weight than a smaller sized Atlantean Star Base ship. Instead the ships are propelled by a Gravitonic drive that is buried deep within the ship or super fortess that acts as assistance to the main impulse drive and temporal ward drive systems...
In many ways, these Star Castles are more advanced than the capital ships used by many lesser species. The ships do not use ion drives or standard impulse drives, but a series of primary and back up drive systems to assist the main drive systems, like Battlestars or other similar space station or orbital space platforms, do but instead used the previously mentioned Gravity based propulsion system, to assist to help push the fortress in deep space operations. This means that the fortress ship itself does not use fuel for itself in normal space, but relies on a series of external bussard collectors or Bussard ramjet to sweep interstellar gases, such hydrogen to refuel the space station from it’s two side warp engines on either side of Star Castle.. The ship does use fuel to make Hyperspace jumps and does carry fuel for its fighters because they use Ion Engines. An Atlantean Star Castle or Super Base Star is slow than a Battlestar but that is due to the fact that an Atlantean Battlestar devotes a much larger portion of the ship to Engines than a Base-star does. The Atlantean Star Castle or Super Basestar is designed to make FTL jumps and is equipped to deploy large-scale missile strikes with high-yield nuclear and conventional ordnance Temporal Guardians /Imperial Atlantean Colonial Marines are station at each Castle at all times in times or peace and war, to lend assist to near and onboard citizens at all times. The Atlantean Star Castle are revealed to have two of these weapons on the upper saucer. Pulsars are a beam weapon more powerful than the average laser turret and intended to engage ships of the same magnitude as the Basestar.
Star Castles are far superior to an Atlantean Battlestar in every technical respect. Using an inertialess drive system, the Star Castle has a higher acceleration rate and can achieve greater speeds than an Atlantean Battlestar, of roughly 0.32 C. Her Turbo-Lasers are more powerful and efficient, rated at a low-end output of 100 Gigawatts, to a high of 2,000 Gigawatts per battery.
In addition to the stated advantages, a Base-Star has a distinct advantage in heavy weapons, using her two Mega-Pulsar guns with a power output of 100,000 Terawatts per gun, allowing a Base-Star to take out an enemy capital ship in just a few well placed shots. If that weren’t bad enough, Atlantean gravimetric technology allows them to enhance the electromagnetic defense shield around their ships. While Atlantean Battlestars have this same technology, their defense shield system is nowhere near as efficient as the larger Star Castle type space station class...
Atlanteans have always favored overwhelming their opponents with numbers, over subterfuge and tactics-when necessary. Many Atlantean Star Castles are large enough hold a Command Section or Star Citadel area, a city section surrounding it and a temporal drive section beneath the main city section levels. A repulsor drive section often maintains the Star Castles orbit around a specific planet or circling a specific star or star system, depending on the castles mission operation status. Command Section or Star Citadel area, a city section, holds an Atlantean star base area, which also contains the castles Star Manor, that acts also as the Atlantean Royal Family residence and the official territorial Atlantean Embassy location. The Imperial Atlantean Star Citadel often can dock upon the Atlantean Manor section and act as an emergency evacuation craft, if the Star Castle is under attack by hostile forces and must be used as a huge space station sized lifeboat.
A citadel is a fortress for protecting a town, sometimes incorporating a castle.[1] The term derives from the same Latin root as the word "city", civis, meaning citizen.
Citadels are most often used to protect a garrison or political power from the inhabitants of the town it is defending. They were designed to ensure loyalty from the town which they defended.A star citadel is a small version of an Atlantean Star Castle-often a small section of it,than can separated from it’s main mothership fortress. In a fortification with bastions, the citadel is the strongest part of the system, sometimes well inside the outer walls and bastions, but often forming part of the outer wall for the sake of economy. It is positioned to be the last line of defense should the enemy breach the other components of the fortification system.
A space station is a structure built or assembled in space. These structures are normally designed to be stationary, and can be constructed in orbit of a planet or other stellar body. The term starbase is often specifically used to refer to Atlantean or other similar Imperial Atlantean Starfleet bases. Atlantean starbases are usually commanded by a flag officer, and fulfill a major supporting role in Imperial Atlantean Starfleet. Larger Star Castles often have not only a flag officer such as a Imperial Commador or Admirel as a part of the High Command structure,but often also act as They coordinate starship operations and provide supplies and maintenance to Imperial Atlantean starships. Reasons For Building Space Stations.They concept of an Atlantean Space Station ,has been in existance since almost the very beginnings of the ancient Atlantean Federation of Worlds United Atlantean Star Forces Space Fleet in the Old Universe and was carried over into the so Called New Universe Alternate Realities.
Space stations are built for one or more of the following reasons:
1)To provide a defensive outpost, in order to protect an area or object of importance; Most Atlantean Space Stations,also act as interstellar Embassey Branche
2)To facilitate trade, acting as a corridor through which supplies can be moved between two starships, or a ship and a planet;
3)To facilitate mining, acting as warehouse which stores the supplies mined until a ship is able to collect them for transport.
4)To facilitate research into the mysteries of space.
5)To facilitate development, whether this be ships, new weaponry or new technology, including medical.
6)To provide medical facilities in a zero-g and varying gravity environments for patients needing treatment at less-than-standard gravity.
7)To provide maintenance and upgrade facilities for starships when they are not in use, between missions or require upgrades or repairs.
Types of Atlantean Space Stations are as follows.
1)World Ships;the largest known Atlantean planetary sized space stations ever known to be design and built.
2)Moon Ships;Smaller known Atlantean moon sized space station,smaller than an Atlantean World Ship,but larger than an Atlantean Star Castle.
3)Star Castle;The largest known Atlantean type of small classification for a space station or star base.
4) Battlestar-a small mobile space station and star carrier.
5)Star Citadel.Smaller Atlantean Classification type of small classification for a space station or star base-smaller than Star Castle,but larger than an Atlantean Star base..Atlantean Star Bases and Atlantean Base Stars often can be clafficied,if they are large enough as a Star Citadel.
6)Star Bases,smallest known Atlantean Star Bases Classification type of small classification for a space station or star base-if smaller than a Star Citadel.
Unofficially, many starships are classified by their design type,to designate each type of ship or vessel from another siilar type design.Generally,the Star Ship manuefacturer will classify a star ship or space under a specific design type as a way for a star ships category warbook to catagorized each vessel or space station design type in battle or peace time operations.
Warp drive is a technology allowing faster-than-light travel through space, creating warp fields and forming a subspace bubble surrounding a starship, which, in turn, forms a distortion in space-time and allows the starship's movement to exceed the speed of light. The rates of movement above the speed of light are known as warp factors.
An embassy is a building or compound utilized by one government, within the territory of another, for the purposes of diplomacy. Embassies are generally in capital cities, while smaller consulates are found in other locations. Embassies and consulates are also referred to as diplomatic missions, and are considered the sovereign territory of their operating government, regardless of their location. Thus, an individual traveling in foreign territory may take refuge at their government's embassy or consulate.
Many worlds and galactic powers have embassies on the Atlantean Homeworld , and the Atlantean Federation of Worlds maintains embassies and consulates on its member worlds and colonies and those powers and planets with which it maintains diplomatic relations. Many Atlantean Federation or Atlantean Alliance World starbases, especially highly-trafficked ones like many Imperial Atlantean Star Castles, have consulates.
SCALE: capital
LENGTH: 1,768 meters
TONNAGE: 50,000,000 metric tons
SPEED: 0.30C sub-light
POWER: 1 Temporal Warp Drive energizer [15,000 Terawatts]
10 fusion reactors [100 Terawatts]
5 officers
900 warriors-Temporal Guardians /Imperial Atlantean Colonial Marines / fighter pilots
100 crew
PASSENGERS: 2,000 troops
HULL/ARMOR: 2.8 to 4 meters
SHIELDS: 40% - 60%
SENSORS: Short/Medium range, sub-light, 200,000 m^3/s +
SCANNERS: C at 300,000 kilometers
WEAPONS: 100+ Blaster batteries
2 long range Mega-Pulsar guns
10 tractor beam emitters.
FIGHTERS: 300 Mk. IX Raider class Fighter
30 surface transports
2 drop ships
Model Type: CE-BS
Vehicle Type: Combination Battleship/Carrier
Crew: 1,005
5 officers, 100 gunners, and 900 fighter pilots
Troops / Passengers: 2000 marines
300 Imperial Atlantean Star Raider class Star Fighters Temporal Guardians /Imperial Atlantean Colonial
30 Imperial Atlantean Surface Transports Temporal Guardians /Imperial Atlantean Colonial
2 Imperial Atlantean Drop Ships. Temporal Guardians /Imperial Atlantean Colonial
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Atlantean Star Castles-is a huge city fortress sized Atlantean Space Station.
This massive, single saucer shaped vessels measured some 5,800 feet (1768 meters) in diameter and carried a legion of Atlantean troops and 300 Atlantean Raider type fighter craft, and smaller star fighter .It also includes a variety of various troop ships, Atlantean Star Palace docking pits and other type star craft. The Imperial Atlantean Super "Base Star” or Super City Station is the backbone of the Imperial Atlantean Star Fleet. This ship is massive being 1,800 feet (550 meters) and has a mass of 3 million metric tons. Not including the Atlantean Battlestars missiles, the Atlantean Base-Star-huge space station-smaller than an Atlantean Star Castle, but much larger than an Atlantean Star Base or Star Palace has much greater firepower than an Atlantean Battlestar or Battle Carrier. The Atlantean Star Castle also has three times the fighter, troop, and weaponry of the Imperial Atlantean Ship. It also act as an Imperial Atlantean Embassy and floating City Community-since it is thought as a portion of Atlantean soil once anyone sets foot upon an Star Castle or similar Base Star or Star Base. Many Imperial Atlantean Star Castles also act as one of three billion smaller Starbase stationed scattered all over temporal space. A Star Castle is a defensive structure ,exact meaning, but it is usually regarded as being distinct from the general terms fort or fortress in that it describes a building which serves as a residence of a monarch or noble and commands a specific territory. The chief distinguishing features of castles, as opposed to other defensive structures, can be defined as follows:
Editors Note; Loosely inspired by several things from the world of science fiction .First off, the Alien Mothership from Close Encounters of a Third Kind. I wanted a huge, saucer shaped vessel the size of a major city, but floating in deep space, like the Space Station in Deep Space 9 from Star Trek or space station one from Space Family Robinson of the Gold Key Comic. Bespin City from the Star Wars-the Empire Strikes Back was another inspiration. I wanted to give it a huge cityscape atop the alien Mothership area, instead of just a series of crystal towers. I wanted the ship to be a larger version of the Atlantean Star Palace ships already created previously-also inspired by those alien ships from Close Encounters. Doctor Who’s Tardis figures in only in how it works, while traveling in time and space. The Command Bridge of both the Star Palace are a combination of the Tardis Control Room and Star Trek star ship bridges, mixed elements of the engine room. Like Tardis Control Room, many Time Sorcerers will clutter them up with various objects-chairs, tables, a library, a mystical orb or globe or two-also similar to Doctor Strange’s Sanctum Sanctuary. It might look weird and exotic inside, like some sort of sorcerers temple, but with science fiction elements like Star Wars or Star Trek-maybe some crystal elements like you see on the distant planet Krypton or Superman’s Fortress of Solitude-crystal towers in the interior and crystal controls-used both the Superman mythology and first to my knowledge used in the movie Beneath the Planet of the Apes.
Doc Thompson
Atlantean Star Castles by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson
Castles-is a huge city fortress sized Atlantean Space Station. This single saucer shaped measured some feet in diameter and carried a legion of Atlantean troops and 30 Atlantean Raider type fighters plus smaller star fighter .It also includes a variety of various troop Atlantean Star Palace docking pits and other type star craft. Alternatively, Super City the backbone of this ship is massive being feet and has a mass of 3 million metric tons. Not including the Atlantean Battlestars the Atlantean Base-Star-huge space station-smaller but much larger than an Atlantean Star Base or Star much greater firepower or Battle Carrier. The Castle also has three times the and weaponry of It also act as an Imperial Atlantean Embassy and floating City Community-since it is thought as a portion of Atlantean soil once anyone sets foot upon a Star Castle or similar Base Star or Star Base. Many Imperial Atlantean Star Castles also act as one of three billion smaller Starbase stationed scattered all over temporal space. A Star Castle is a defensive structure but it is usually regarded as being distinct from the general terms fort or fortress in that it describes a building, which serves as a residence of a monarch or noble and commands a specific territory. The chief distinguishing features of as opposed to other defensive can be defined, as Castles were places of protection from an invading a place of as generally old planetary type were. Star Castles were also offensive built in otherwise hostile territories from which to control surrounding generally old planetary types were. Star Castles either were built or evolved residences for the monarch or lord who built them. Often a Star Castle is an official interstellar space station fortress for an Atlantean Lord or Lady and their Royal Family and friends or associates of an Imperial Atlantean House or House Clan to reside in and use as a stationary of operations mobile base of operations. The Imperial House such as the House or House Clan of Sarkhon and House Clan of Shaitanus often reside inside the wall of an Atlantean Star Castle. These three purposes distinguish the Star Castle from other fortresses which are usually purely defensive citadels and city or purely offensive military or edifices that are entirely residential like Star Palaces or planetary palaces is a facility where starships are maintained and crews care lax. A starbase can be a research a military a place for interstellar trade or a seat of administration. Some starbases are also involved in the construction of starships. Atlantean Starbases offer various services to from medical facilities to full-fledged spacedocks capable of refitting a starship. Atlantean Starbases can be partially or completely located on a planet or be limited to strictly spaceborne installations. Some are a combination of a ground-based facility with orbital components. Atlantean Spacedock refers to a space station facility capable of docking starships for maintenance. An Atlantean Starbase are often on mobile or stationary operations and Atlantean Base Stars are often thought as mobile military bases of operation. An Atlantean Star Castle is a bit of both stationary and mobile a starship is a type of vehicle that is capable of supporting a crew traveling over interstellar distances. Starships are capable of faster-than-light speeds using warp drive or other propulsion methods. A specification is largely determined by its class. Vessels, which are of interstellar capable, are generally referred to as space ships. Massive ships are in a double or single saucer with a cityscape built upon their top metropolis section and unlike external thruster or impulse and drive must pull or push more weight than a smaller sized Atlantean Star Base ship. Instead, the ships are propelled by a Gravitonic drive that is buried deep within the ship or super fortress that acts as assistance to the main impulse drive and temporal ward drive systems... The Star Castle. Like the smaller Star Citadels and Star were held up by a huge Repulsor Drive that was placed at the bottom engine located at the fortresses Drive or Engine Room section. The Atlantean Star Castle is significantly faster than any known smaller and appears to have the ability to defend a planetary territory with enough firepower as great as three Atlantean Battle Carrier groups. The Star Castles powers all of the space stations primary and auxiliary sections. The Star Castles primary defensive systems are Deflector Shields-that generates a protective blister around the castle primary and secondary weapons bays-some that can be separated from the main fortress and either piloted by remote control or robotic to seek out military targets or patrol the Star Castles Quantum Field Ring can be set to generate all sorts of cosmic force such as plasma force strong repulsor that can repel or push away either large enemy star fleet armada or smaller hypertime that temporary project the fortress into hyper accelerated space to evade capture or avoid hostile enemy Various Weapons hold all sorts of defensive weapons from photon or proton torpedo bays or energy blaster arrays. A huge two Docking Towers or Docking are used for either Star Palace docking ports or outside docking for huge Atlantean Weapons Pit that can detach much the smaller Several smaller deflector shield towers are located atop the Star Castle Manor various points around the Castles perimeter and several around the lower engine room tower Star Castles heavy missiles give a Battlestar enough firepower to utterly destroy at least two smaller similar enemy battle stations. Star Castles can emits an extremely loud telepathic sound or banshee wail, which somehow travels through the void of space and can be heard by people in earby spaceships. The sound of this defensive is sufficient to render any human early unconscious. Thus the enemy target can be toed by tractor beam for hauling into one of the castles many docking or hangar bays to study or captivity until other legal determinations can be Laser turrets are essentially the same weapon as a smaller star a cruiser or star laser can based on appearances alone. There are several known types of turret. The anti-ship is a slow-tracking heavy turret found along the outer edge of both hangar bays. They have longer barrels than other turrets. Above each anti-ship turret is an anti-fighter turret. They are flatter and their in appearance and track much faster. Their barrels are smaller and closer together. These weapons however lack the power to significantly damage capital these Star Castles are more advanced than the capital ships used by many lesser species. The ships do not use in on drives or standard impulse but a series of primary and back up drive systems to assist the main drive or other similar space station or orbital space do but instead used the previously mentioned Gravity based to assist to help push the fortress in deep space operations. This means that the fortress ship itself does not use fuel for itself in normal but relies on a series of external bussard collectors or Bussard ramjet to sweep interstellar such hydrogen to refuel the space station from two side warp engines on either side of Star Castle... The ship does use fuel to make Hyperspace jumps and does carry fuel for its fighters because they use Ion Engines. Castle Base Star is slow than a Battlestar but that is due to the fact that an Atlantean Battlestar devotes a much larger portion of the ship to Engines than a Base-star does. The Atlantean Star Castle or Super is designed to make FTL jumps and is equipped to deploy large-scale missile strikes with high-yield nuclear and conventional ordnance Temporal Guardians Atlantean Colonial Marines are station at each Castle at all times in times or peace and to lend assist to near and onboard citizens at all times. The Atlantean Star Castle revealed to have two of these weapons on the upper saucer. Pulsars are a beam weapon more powerful that the average laser turret and intended to engage ships of the same magnitude as often are far superior to in every technical respect. Using an inertialess drive the Star Castle has a higher acceleration rate and can achieve greater speeds of roughly C. Her Turbo-Lasers are more powerful and rated at a low-end output of 10 to a high of Gigawatts per battery. Iaddition to the stated a Star Castle has a distinct advantage in heavy using her two Mega-blaster guns with a power output of Terawatts per allowing the Starbase to take out an enemy capital ship in just a few well-placed shots. If that bad technology allows them to enhance the electromagnetic, defense shield around their ships and castle perimeter. While Atlantean Battlestars have this same technology as smaller space stations and other similar type station such as Seraphian Star their defense shield system is o where ear as efficient as the larger Star Castle type space station class... always favored overwhelming their opponents over subterfuge and but prefer to rely of heavy battle carrier group star fleet and the Star Castles huge array of defensive perimeters. Many Atlantean Star Castles are large enough hold a Command Section or Star Citadel a city section surrounding it and a temporal drive section beneath the main city section levels. A repulsor drive section often maintains the Star Castles orbit around a specific planet or circling a specific star or star depending on the castles mission operation status. Command Section or Star Citadel a city holds an Atlantean star base, which also contains the castles Star that acts also as the Atlantean Royal Family residence and the official territorial Atlantean Embassy location. The Imperial Atlantean Star Citadel often can dock upon the Atlantean Manor section and act as an emergency if the Star Castle is under attack by hostile forces and must be used as a huge space station sized Star Citadel is a fortress for protecting a sometimes incorporating a The term derives from the same Latin root as the word meaning citizen. Star Citadel are smaller mobile and more maneuverable star fortress space station. Star Citadels are most often used to protect a garrison or political power from the inhabitants of the town it is defending. They were designed to ensure loyalty from the to w which they defended. A star citadel is a small version of an Atlantean Star Castle-often a small section of from main mother ship fortress. I a fortification with the Star Citadel is the strongest part of the sometimes well inside the outer walls and but often forming part of the outer wall for the sake of economy. It is positioned to be the last line of defense should the enemy breach the other components of the space station are a structure built or assembled in space. These structures are normally designed to be and can be constructed in orbit of a planet or other stellar body. The term starbase is often specifically used to refer to Atlantean or other similar Imperial Atlantean Starfleet bases. Are usually commanded by a flag and fulfill a major supporting role in Imperial Atlantean Starfleet. Larger Star Castles often have or to only a flag officer such as an Imperial Commodore or Admiral as a part of the High Command often also act as the family residence for an Imperial Atlantean Royal the ultimate decision over the Star Castles lower command structure. They coordinate starship operations and provide supplies and maintenance to Imperial Atlantean starships. For Building Space Stations. They concept of an Atlantean Space been in existence since almost the very beginnings of the ancient Atlantean Federation of Worlds United Atlantean Star Forces Space Fleet in the Old Universe and was carried over into the so Called New Universe Alternate Realities. Space stations are built for one or more of the following provide a defensive in order to protect a area or object of Most Atlantean Space act as interstellar Embassy facilitate acting as a corridor through which supplies can be moved between two or a ship and a facilitate acting as warehouse which stores the supplies mined until a ship is able to collect them for transport. Facilitate research into the mysteries of space. Facilitate whether this be weaponry or new including medical. Provide medical facilities in a zero-g and varying gravity environments for patients needing treatment at less-than-standard gravity. Provide maintenance and upgrade facilities for starships whether you are not between missions or require upgrades or repairs. Types of Atlantean Space Stations are as largest known Atlantean planetary sized space stations ever known to be design and known Atlantean moon sized space than an Atlantean World larger than an Atlantean Star largest known Atlantean type of small classification for a space station or star Battlestar-a small mobile space station a d star Citadel. Smaller Atlantean Classification type of small classification for a space station or star base-smaller than Star larger than an n Atlantean Star base. .Atlantean Star Bases and Atlantean Base Stars often can be they are large enough as a Star known Atlantean Star Bases Classification type of small classification for a space station or star base-if smaller than a Star many starships are classified by their designate each type of ship or vessel from another similar type Star Ship manufacturer will classify a star ship or space under a specific design type as a way for a star ships category war book to categorized each vessel or space station design type in battle or peace time operations. Star Castles usually come three varieties Fortress Class and drive is a technology allowing faster-than-light travel through creating warp fields and forming a subspace bubble surrounding a forms a distortion in space-time and allows the movement to exceed the speed of light. The rates of movement above the speed of light are known as warp factors. Atlantean Star Castles generally have a warp drive to maneuver in hyperspace wormholes and smaller impulse drive engines to move the fortress about in normal is a building or compound utilized by one within the territory of for the purposes of diplomacy. Embassies are generally in capital while smaller consulates are found in other locations. Embassies and consulates are also referred to as diplomatic and are considered the sovereign territory of their operating regardless of their location. An individual traveling in foreign territory may take refuge at their embassy or consulate. Many worlds and galactic powers have embassies on the Atlantean Homeworld and the Atlantean Federation of maintains embassies and consulates of its member worlds and colonies and those powers and planets with which it maintains diplomatic relations. Many Atlantean Federation or Atlantean Alliance World especially highly-trafficked ones like many Imperial Atlantean Star have such meters metric Temporal Warp Drive energizer fusion reactors officers warriors-Temporal Guardians Atlantean Colonial Marines fighter crew to 4 - at Blaster batteries long range Mega-Pulsar guns 8 tractor beam Mk. IX Raider class Fighter surface transports drop CE-BS Vehicle 10 and 90 fighter pilots Troops marines Atlantean Star class Star Fighters Temporal Guardians Atlantean Surface Transports Temporal Guardians Atlantean Drop Ships. Temporal Guardians Atlantean Colonial Maveric Entertainment Group-links to all things Maveric Entertainment Maveric Lions Entertainment Group Maveric Entertainment Group MAVERIC COMICS STUDIOSMAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS Maveric Lions Productions Entertainment. Maveric Comics Studios.-Maveric Entertainment Group. One------Sincerely yours-Upward Onward Maveric. 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prince-toreus-rhann-and-arcadian-war Edit
Prince Toreus Rhann and Arcadian War-revisions 1
By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward. Thompson
c. 2007 Maveric Lion Productions
based on a Short Story
Chapter One-Escape from Arcadia
Know this,my Friends-somewhere between the Great Cataclysmic Era?s of the Central Pangea Shattered Empires and the Great Fall of Civilizations,the rise and fall of? Trongaroth Empires and the Great Rise of Empires upon the Pangaean Shattered Lands and rise of the New Son of Terra-Prime,there an age of great heroes and heroines-warriors and ,time sorcerers,who fought for the Lords of Light against the Dark Forces of evil.
This was ?Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars - Neimaria, Oparia, Britainia,Hykhonia-the four nations ?so called Sword brother nations,who helped defend the west from many an enemy.
Zhankhora with its dark-haired women and darked brave hearted men, who fought against Metrone? spider-armies of the Casparean Mountains,
Zhankhearia ?The most powerful sea raiders next to their Zhankhoria rivals, the Zhankhearian are active supporters of the Casparian buccaneers, Kothankhora-the great alliance of City States that bordered the pastoral lands of Shonkhora to the East,
?with its shadow-guarded tombs,and mystery haunted gleaming towers of gold Mankhorian Nomads, whose spike riders wore steel and silk and gold. It was said,a Mankhorian Nomad,learned ride before he or she could walk.The Drakhoneans and the Arkhon twine kingdoms-Gleaming mailed and silken clad riders, masters of the Black Burning Sea, Twine Kingdons revels in sweeping the barely contested wastelands to the west and south .The? Khaiton ancient empire, stronghold of the world's greatest time wizards and masters of the eastern world,
But the proudest kingdom of the world was Great Thuvia, reigning supreme in the dreaming west.
Hither out of Great Thuvia came Prince Toreus Rhann, black-haired, sullen-eyed, great Thuvian sword in hand, Grand Thuvian Armor and blaster in hand a slayer of many enemies, with gigantic strength and great courage, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Terra-Prime with the Great Capronean Lion ?Shakhorja by his side with other heroes bring down the dark forces of evil and light back to the New Sons of Terra-prime."
- The Thuvian Chronicles-Prince Toreus Rhann,the Third.
This is a tale of Prince Toreus Rhann.? The First Son of Thuvia, also sometimes known as Toreus the Slayer by his enemies and Prince Toreus, Lord of Lions, by friends, companions, and allies.? Not to be confused with Toreus Rhann I, his esteemed father.? Much has been said about that worthy elsewhere in the Chronicles of Pangaea and the Book of Thuvia.
Chapter One.
Escape from Arcadia
If you want to know of his noble family then look elsewhere. They will tell you how Toreus Rhann I united the nations of Pangaea and became the Emperor Toreus Rhann I. Or how his ancient ancestors, the Starkillers?principally Captain Toreus Starkiller-- beat back the Trongoroth invasion and restored Pangaea as the Jewel of the Sphere of Terra Prime. The scholars all? know of the Great deeds of his Great grandfather Ulyseas Rhann-as did his father Odyseus Rhann,who sailed the Seven Seas of Great Pangaea to fight the enemies ?the Khaiton ,the Drakhoneans and the Arkhon of Northern and Central Pangaea ,during the First and? Second? Great Pangeaen Wars and how that Thuvian Ranger helped bring back the apart of the Golden Ages of the Ancient Pangaeans.
But any schoolchild knows of the Shattered Empires of Pangaea, and the aftermath of the Great Cataclysm. Stories of the ancient Dragon Wars, the Emperor Thrull Khan and the return of the Golden Age of Pangaea.
??????????? No, this is a story that few know. And I can tell it to you because I, Shakhorja, the Silver Lion, was there to witness it. As I was during most of Toreus' career.
?Listen and I will tell you of Toreus Rhann II. A story of his youth long before he stood against the renegade wizards, or fought side by side with the Bold Princes of Arcadia in the Second War for Terra Prime. Long before he was named Sarkhon's Knight and led his Ranger Legions in that same struggle for the freedom of the Sphere.
??????????? This is a tale of a young man, not yet a legend, setting out on the trail of destiny for the first time. It is a story of his adventures and his misadventures. It is our story, mine and his. For I was his cat and where he went so did I.
The rumble of war continued for fourth straight day as the conquering forces of Baron Radu Wallace closed on the capital city and the forces of King Nathan Taylor withdrew. Classes had been canceled at Arcadia University. Most of the able-bodied Arcadian students had gone off to fight on either side in this most uncivil of civil wars.
??????????? As was our habit those days, we sat in the Student Union, where there was a tavern. I curled by Toreus' feet as he stared morosely into his pint of Tennysonian bitters, tapping his booted foot to some tune that only he could hear. Perhaps a pop tune or a march. The choice would depend on his demeanor at the moment. I think perhaps a march, since war was very much on his mind.
??????????? Toreus Rhann was in his second year at the University as an exchange student. His father had insisted that his scholarship be of the broadest caliber and since Toreus was a young man of great physical potential? and warlike temper-- he most things about academic life annoying and bothersome. Save for the beautiful female students who often shared his bed on those nights when yours truly was forced to lay upon the couch watching video or dreaming of lionesses back home in the Thuvian Range.
Since my duties as protectorhttp://allmovie4u.com/companion of the Prince required me to attend all the many parties that students feel required to attend and to stop young Toreus from drinking the education his father was paying for out of his noggin as soon as it was put in, I too was required to attend University. Though the enlightened and liberal minded Arcadians still do not award degrees in their schools to felines?no matter how bright they may be?I was not considered a student. Nor was I considered a pet. Arcadia law recognizes anyone who can talk as a sentient and so a free individual. I can ride in a passenger vehicle without being caged and do not require a muzzle nor a leash?thank the Gods-mainly the hologod Thrull Khonn-who my master claimed to a direct descendent of .
?I was here on orders from the Emperor's cat?my great uncle. Therefore, I was here out of family honor and loyalty to the Imperial Crown.
Not that I would not have followed Prince Toreus to Arcadia, even without Imperial orders. We are a team, bonded long ago in the Thuvian Range. Where he goes always I shall follow. It is my life, my soul, my destiny.
?In those days of turmoil, I also felt that it was my duty to stay close to my most impetuous friend lest he join House Taylor in their lost cause.
??????????? Toreus was a scrapper. He liked to get involved in fights. But his father, the Emperor, had determined that the Prince was here to get an education in the liberal arts and not to cause any diplomatic incidents.
His Imperial Majesty did not want his eldest son and heir fighting in this war. The Politics of Pangaea being what they were?and law being a necessary limitation even to an Emperor?the Pangaean government had not been able to decide whom they favored in this civil war. Even though his Highness had. House Taylor had been allies of House Rhann for generations and Queen Lois?the Duchess of Tennyson?was a cousin of the Rhanns.
Oh, the Emperor knew his son well. He'd been much like him in his youth.
The MacKhain?s Den, was nearly empty-save a few drunken moron?s too stupid to leave the city.? There was the Zhankhearian Barkeep-whose notice, he hoped to not be noticed by the cities new rulers and his wife-whose family would side with Wallaces-if only to keep their business going on.? And situated somewhere in the middle of the tavern floor, was two idiots-Tyrhainean Mercenaries-who came to learn the art of was from Arcadians.? Tyrhaineans -tall,superwarrior-some say, have the blood of the Kalladon of the ancient Terran Federation homeworld, who hail from various parts of Pangaea and other parts of the sphere, brave warrior, but often too stupid to know, when it was time to flee.
Now Prince Toreus Rhann's eyes focused on two students who were involved in a choke-out.? This is a particularly simple-minded enterprise in which two young men try to choke each other out to see who will pass out first.? Next to alcohol poisoning, suicide over girls and autoerotic asphyxiation, it is one of the leading causes of death among college-aged males.? Their parents were spending fortunes to send them all the way across the Sphere to fill their heads with knowledge and they spent much of their time trying to destroy the very brains they were there to fill.
The Prince frowned, shoved himself to his feet, and cracked his knuckles?always a bad sign.? He knows that weak-minded people find this irritating.? He does not mind irritating weak-minded people?not one bit.? He's made a sport of it.
Toreus strode to the contestant's table with a grace that made even my feline walk look clumsy. I quickly moved to guard his blindside. Lest one of the chunkheads about the tavern decide to attack from the rear.
The Prince grinned down at the two combatants and quickly grasped them by the nape of their necks with his huge hands, slamming their foreheads together with a hearty thud.
They landed on their butts, stunned and dismayed.
"Why'd you do that" growled one of them as what passed for his brain cleared.
Toreus pointed toward the door of the Union. "By Thrull Khonn's heart there's a war on out there, moron. If it's your death you be wanting then man up and join the fight. Choking each other. By Sarkhon's buttocks you're are fools."
"We wanted to see who would unk first?or pass out," said the second choker, as if this explained everything.
"Dimwitted tool," barked Toreus.? "Back in Thuvia, we test how brave we are in battle--not in silly baby men games. Next you'll be walking about honking like those pathetic balless wonders in video wrestling.''
The first student bounded to his feet. Obviously he had left his mind at home in his parent's keeping when he came to Arcadopolis.
"Smelly Thuvian lout."
"I'd suggest you take this love play to your room lest you embarrass yourself," laughed Prince Toreus, his hands clenched into fists.
"I'll not have a Thuvian question my manhood," growled the student.
"And indeed it is in question," said Toreus, his cat green eyes narrowing like twin gun sights. I decided it was time to save this hapless choker's life.
I moved in between him and young Toreus and reared up, resting my paws on big mouth's shoulders. The boy's eyes bulged in horror. I am, after all, a rather large, saber toothed, Thuvian lion.
"Get your cat off me, Thuvian Neanderthal," yelped the young man.
"Again you are confused," laughed Toreus, clearly enjoying the choker's misery. "Thuvians are not Neanderthals. That's the Tuleans?chunkhead."
"I have to pee," I said, grinning my best lion grin, which is never very reassuring to humans. No saber cat has eaten a man in centuries?but humans have trouble unlearning their fondest myths and prejudices. Whatever dark fear mama taught them in the cradle lingers for life.
"Don't eat me, lion," said the lout, retreating.
I made a step toward him as he ran from the room looking over his shoulder to see if I was in pursuit.
By now Toreus Rhann's cat green eyes had fallen upon the other student who had pulled himself slowly to his feet.
"I'm sorry, your lordship," stuttered the young man.
"I'm a Thuvian not a fool. You want to fight well have at it."
"Not me, Prince Toreus. I've seen you on the rugger field and fencing. I have no desire to be crippled."
The other choker departed a wet trail of yellow drops that smelled like man water behind him.
I turned my head and looked at Toreus .
He shook his longhaired head. "You know I'm not, Shakhorja, old friend. Beating up on Vanarian lunks is not my idea of a fight. And I was truly hoping to inspire them."
"To visit the casualty ward Come on, green eyes, what's really bothering you"
Toreus sat back down at the table, the other students eyeing him nervously, a few of the females with strange, lusty looks in their eyes.
"How can my father and the Council stand by and let this travesty continue. King Nathan and House Taylor have helped us time uncounted in the past and yet in their hour of need no troops, nor fighters or ships of war come to their aid."
"The law says that the Emperor may not commit troops to the field without the consent of the Chancellor and that once that is done they may not stay in the field more than ninety days without Council approval."
"Chancellor Ghanis Jordan is a traitor," spat my tall friend.
"No, he is cautious. The Arcadians have technology that is more advanced than us and the Chancellor fears reprisals if the Wallaces win, which more than seems likely if you listen to that shelling."
"Don't curse."
"If your Empress Cassandra heard you she'd wash out you mouth."
Shame on me. I taught young Toreus to curse and swear. But I have appearances to maintain. Can't have the future ruler of a multi-plate empire sounding like a teamster from Thule.
"My mother would be in those streets with a rifle," said Toreus Rhann.
"The Empress is bound by the same laws as the rest of the Imperial Family?as are you."
"Fek the law."
"There you go again. It's just that you've been drinking bitters on an empty gut. Let's eat and later we'll discuss what we can do."
"Hunger is always a cat's first imperative," said Toreus.
"Indeed it is to any sensible species. But I'm glad to hear you using words of more than four letters."
We left the Student Union after eating and walked across the University Quadrangle, past the statue of Leonidus I. Old Leo looked sad as his fierce, bronze countenance looked out toward the fall of the dynasty he had founded.
The air was full of smoke and the smell of weapons propellant, blood, death and that pee smell that comes from energy weapons.
I looked up at the horizon and as far sunward along the Sphere as I could without squinting. Arcadopolis, like most capitol cities on the Sphere, is at the center of the world plate and therefore at what would be the bottom of the bowl. You could look out equal distances in any direction and see the upward curve of the horizon as far as the thin rim of the wall?if a high building was not in your way. I tried to see if I could make out the Wallace forces surrounding the city. But, alas, I could not. The University of Arcadopolis is too deep in the forest, so to speak, of the biggest city on the Arcadian Plate.
I craned my neck up sunward, squinting and could make out other plates of the great sphere until the sun blotted them out. It looked so peaceful out there. No army of madmen trying to take life and freedom away from anyone?as far as I could see. Terra Prime, the great sphere, is a turbulent place full of all manner of species and cultures. Many of them just as violent and stupid as House Wallace?the architects of this current debacle.
"The Wallaces will be in this part of the city soon," said Toreus Rhann. "I can feel it in my bones."
"You could also just look around you," I pointed out. "How long has it been since we saw a trooper or policeman in Taylor livery"
Toreus the Slayer nodded. "The Wallaces and their Ki'Vhan allies will come here and try to take us off-platers as hostages to use as leverage against our home governments."
"You are a prince and have diplomatic immunity," I said.
"Won't stop them. They'll be afraid of Pangaea and the Thuvian Rangers. They'll want leverage. And they have no treaties with the Empire. This is a completely new government. Just to show how tough they are they'll dissolve even the simplest trade agreement. That's the Wallace way?chunkheads."
"But to harm an Imperial Prince, or to hold him prisoner, for that matter, is an act of war," I pointed out. "The Council and the Chancellor will have no choice but to act. In the very least a punitive raid."
Toreus rubbed his broad chin. "I did not think of that."
The Prince started to walk faster.
"What is your hurry" I asked leaping ahead to keep up with his long stride.
"We must go to our quarters. I have to prepare."
"Prepare" I asked. "For what"
"Follow me and see, big fellow."
We went back to the house that Toreus and I shared in the Bridgeford Square area of? Arcadopolis City . Being a Royal, Toreus did not have to take a dorm room on campus. We had a nice little Arcadian house near school. A house guarded by Vanarian robots since Toreus refused a detachment of Rangers as his personal security detail. He considered it cowardly and a waste of good fighting men and women. His father had agreed. I said they were much alike.
Prince Toreus Rhann?s own Thuvian Snow Falcon-Ulyseas-named after his great grand father,was perched upon,his Falconer?s stand-great green eyes kept survailance of the Thuvian Prince.Like Shorkhorja-the falcon,had a telepathic link to the Thuvian and often helped hunt prey,in the Great Thuvian Highlands of home.
??????????? Toreus went up to his bedroom and showered. I plopped myself down on the big bed and groomed my claws. I could smell the scent of female humans on the mattress. Not an unpleasant smell but not the smell of a lioness.
??????????? The Prince emerged from the bathroom and took off his robe, beginning to dress. Instantly I knew we were in for trouble.
?He put on the underskin that is worn under rugby suits in the rough brand of that ancient sport played by Arcadians?or under nanotech battle armor. He dressed in bloused uniform slacks. The uniform pants appeared at first to be similar to the traditional buckskinned pants of the warriors, of Northern Almerhand, back home, but with more high tech and modern type of stitching.
Next he put on a twill fatigue shirt and armor bracelets and the biomed armband and the nanotech armor belt?often called a sword belt even though it is not used to carry a sword.
He put on a headband that continued more of the nanotech armor but not the skullcap that would protect the top of his head. He preferred not to wear it, as he preferred his enemies to see his long, warrior's hair. In Thuvia warriors wear their hair long. Among soldiers, long locks are a sign of his warrior strength. Off-plate fools often laugh and ask Toreus if he's a woman or a man. Toreus has often answered with a fist, which has caused the Diplomatic Corps much chagrin as they pay off nitwits with big mouths and long hospital bills.
??????????? Inset in the headband was an emerald jewel that sparkled when the light hit it. This was Toreus Rhann's Guider Gem.--an ancient Atlantean device, that gave a worthy warrior knowledge and guidance. If one were willing to listen?and Toreus was not always willing to do so?the Guider contained much of the knowledge and wisdom of the ages. It was more than just a mere computer peripheral?much much more.
??????????? "I see you have decided to wear me," said the voice of the Guider, that only Toreus and I could hear via neural radio link.
??????????? "Do not get excited, gem," said Toreus. "It's for show."
??????????? "Your enemies surround you and you dress for battle. Hardly a show."
??????????? "Battle is not my plan. Not directly, anyway."
Two feathers from a Thuvian Snow Falcon, also hung adorned the headband, hanging from the left side?the traditional heart side?and just behind the ear. These were a warrior's prize, won in a contest in the Thuvian Highlands when the Prince was ten. Boys and girls in Thuvia engaged in such contest to prove their worthiness as warriors and as future citizens.
??????????? Toreus donned his utility vest and inserted his 12mm pistol in its shoulder rig and his Thuvian fighting knife in its scabbard.
??????????? "Pistol is loaded and functional," said Guider. "Are you sure this is not a battle"
??????????? "Yes."
?Finally, he draped a large scarlet and gold amulet about his neck, with an engraved image of a lion face upon, accompanied by two sabers like toothed claws. It was his Lord of Lions symbol-given to him, for achieving the honor of hunting and surviving among my species, when we were young. He usually only wore it before going into battle or at ceremonial gatherings of the clan. My guess was that the clan was not coming here to Arcadia for a shindig.
Guider, in its wisdom, saw this too and commented on it. "No fight"
??????????? "No, we are going to surrender forcing the Wallaces to commit an act of war against the Empire."
??????????? He put on his long, leather coat leaving it unbuttoned for easy access to his weapons. Not the action of a man about to surrender.
??????????? "You don't surrender," said the Guider.
??????????? "There's a first time for everything," said the Prince.
???????? ?? "Not surrendering. Not for you. Your first time will be your last and most likely the last time that any enemy hears you say I surrender."
??????????? Before he could answer we heard the sound of military vehicles in the road. It took no genius to guess that the Ki'Vhan, the mercenary hirelings of the Wallaces, had arrived.
??Thrull?s Demons-it seems fates choosen for us.??Prince Toreus Rhann cursed ,as his keen ultra sensitive hears hear sounds of Ki?Vhan soldiers and Armored Personnell Carriers moving toward his private Arcadian residence.
Prince Toreus Rhann,reached out his gloved right hand and Ulyseas,hopped onto his wrist area with single thought and command.
??Come on,Old friend-Shorkhorja and me are going.??the Thuvian Prince stated.??We don?t want to be caught with our pants down ?as my father always said.??
??Do tell.??Ulyseas thought telepathically.The Thuvian Snow Falcon,slightly hopped and flew toward the First Son of Thuvia?s armored shoulder pad.Digging this bird claws into the Cathairian Leatherlike armor,Ulyseas turned around,as usual,to gain a better view of what was in front of him.
Prince Rhann,quickly dived out the side door of his Arcadian home,hopping over the 5 foot high wall that devided his property from the next door neighbors.
I followed the Prince into the road as the armored personnel carriers full of Ki'Vhans pulled up at the end of the street,stopping to see if any acitivety was moving up or down this cross section.Nothing moved-save us in the shadows of what was left of this Arcadian neighborhood.Toreus crosed a road known as Bellers Way and the three of us,tried move in and out of parked debris of burning cars,armored carriers,blasted down walls,twisted wreckage of street lamps and so forth,as the Ki'Vhan forces moved upon this section of the city.Bridgeford Square was devoid of anyone save Ki'Vhan and plus one Thuvian Prince,his platinum haired lion and black and white falcon companions.
??????????? The Ki'Vhan troops began to flood out and kick down doors.I could them zombie like move about the street,silently patrolling the remnants of this once ancient Arcadian neighborhood.? Toreus strode down the road toward them his hands raised.? The armored mercs look at him no doubt with puzzled expressions on their faces.? Though that was difficult to determine through their combat visors.
??????????? Ki'Vhan do not have a wide range of facial expressions anyway.? They are wired up mercenaries.? Men from various worlds who joined the Ki'Vhan because they had nothing better to do or else were grown in test tubes and raised to be?or so they think?the ultimate soldier.
??????????? Now the Ki'Vhan were advancing cautiously toward Toreus, their weapons raised. I advanced too, despite my misgivings.
??????????? "Warning, oh Prince,' said Guider. "I detect incoming artillery shells."
??????????? It was then that mortar shells began to rain down on the enemy personnel carriers destroying several of them and scattering dead soldiers to the winds.
??????????? "Possible hostiles on the roofs," said the Guider. "Armored and armed men."
??????????? I became aware of movement on the roofs to either side of the street and in several apartments.? There were men up there-possably the local resistance forces by their various dress-Arcadian,working with Thuvian Rangers,Tyrhainean mercenairies and Vanderheim mercenairies.? And they were armed with blaster pistols,swords and energy lances-possably Atlantean design.? Lasers discharged and bullets rained down on the Ki'Vhan.? The one's moving toward the Prince's location ?had frozen, shaken by the sudden attack.
"There is a high probability that the enemy will engage you in retaliation," said Guider.
?Now the Ki'Vhan fired their weapons at Toreus.? Lasers and bullets cut through the tail of my Prince's coat.? The Thuvian, along his two companions quickly dashed into a deserted alley, avoiding the oncoming Ki'Vhan forces.? One out of sight, the Ki'Vhan shopped firing as if awaiting new order from their Central Command Squad Leader.? Ki?Vhan, often worked as unite-the Squad leader, would coordinate the troops actions and operations.? Without them, these artificially created zombie soldiers, where nothing more than pawns for a higher command structure.
I spotted a large man in armor and a hood that concealed his facial features moving back from the edge of the roof with several other similar dressed men while his comrades continued to rain down fire on the hapless Ki'Vhans.? These were no doubt guerillas in the employ of the Taylors.? A stay behind force to make sure that the royal family had time to escape and the Wallaces did not enjoy an easy victory.
? "So much for surrender," said Guider.? "Nobody was doing that today."
??Guider-give a tactical sensor scan on the hooded subject.?? The Thuvian Warrior commanded.?? I want to who he friend or foe.? What he ate for dinner last night and when he last took a dum.??
??Affirmative, Warrior.??? the Guider responded.?? Sensor scans beginning.??
Prince Toreus Rhann then looked to his hunting falcon Ulyseas.? perched on his shoulder.? He knew to use this Thuvian Hunting Falcon, equipped all sorts of nano sensors, could help assist the Guider, in it's surveillance of the local area.? Thuvian Hunting Falcons, were used for centuries by the Thuvians and those similar type, by civilizations back on ancient Earth around the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and ,as far back as ancient Atlantis-back before time began in this universe.? Thuvians, like many newer civilizations, adopted much of their ways into their own and made them apart of their culture.? Common Atlantean Hunting Falcons-a genetically engineered.? Larger variety of the?Peregrine Falcon was modified by bionic cybernetic systems at first and later nanotechnology, to improve their hunting skills.? Later on, even some members of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers.? along with such creatures as dogs and cats, would falcons as tactical field assistance, feeling such animals were less likely to detected by enemy forces and those augmented intelligence often out-thought similar tactical intelligence system, due their ages old hunting skills.? Also, they were felt to better companions on long, away solo field missions or away team field missions.? He could hear more fire between the Arcadian Resistance Forces and Ki'Vhan forces exchanging fire in the street
?''Ulyseas, I have a job for you.?? Prince Toreus Rhann told his avian companion.?? I need you to fly up and quietly survey the perimeter-always assist the Guiders sensor scans.? Give a more accurate detail of the local area.''
''Will do, boss.? ''Ulyseas telepathically, transitting his mental communications to Prince Rhann, via the link Shakhorja and him, shared with Guider device.?? Those Ki'Vhan piss pot pinheads will never know I'm around.''
And that Ulyseas, the Thuvian Hunting Falcon hopped down Prince Toreus Rhann's should and onto his right gauntleted hand.? He spread out his wingspan of around 80?120?cm (31?47?in), gave out a loud screech, and took off as Prince Toreus Rhann held up his gloved hand to give his avian friend a better lift off capacity.? Toreus Rhann's superior catlike eye sight watched as Ulyseas flew off into the distant clouds of Terra-Prime, disappearing into the blue skies, with faintly outlined landmasses of other sphere world plates, located somewhere opposite to the Arcadian world.? Prince Toreus suddenly had a moment of concern, placing his old friend into an alien and dangerous environment, such these Thrull curse Arcadian lands, haunted and patrolled by the near mindless Ki'Vhan.? Hunting medium sized birds such as doves, waterfowl, songbirds and pigeons, was one thing, for a Thuvian Hunting Falcon to do, but those Ki'Vhan imbeciles were another thing. What if Ulyseas flew to close to the ground, some Ki'Vhan nitwit accidentally spotted him flying over head and got off a lucky shot. He could not only been a valued allie, but a close companion, he has had for many years now.
''Don't worry, my Prince,Ulyseas will be fine.''Shakhorja spoke standing behind the First Prince of Thuvia,breaking him out of his deep,dark thoughts.''There isn't one of those idiot pinheads who could land a shot on him,let alone one on you or me.''
Prince Toreus turned and smiled as he looked down upon his snow white feline freind.He knew the Caporonean Silver Lion correct.As a team they were a formidable trio-a Thuvian Prince and two companions-a lion and a falcon.Mostlikely,Ki'Vhan were very superstitious and the sight of a great warrior commanding such wild life creatures,would as odd and unnatural,as Tarzan of the Apes,commanding a herd of elephants and Great Apes,into some natives village in one of those old holovids of that Edgar Rice Burroughs character.
''Your right,Old freind.What am I worrying about.''Prince Toreus Rhann spoke sudden renued vigor and vitality.''By Thrull Khonn's Mighty will,let em come-we'll show how one Thuvian Ranger can take on twenty of them single handedly.''
''Besides.I want to who that guy lurking about the roof is.I've got a hunch,by his dress-he's not Ki'Vhan.''
??????????? Toreus' pistol came out as he exited the alley away ,turned as his keen catlike green eyes focassed on the lead Ki'Vhan soldier ,with two companions and armor-piercing shells cut down three Ki'Vhan in a row as the Prince retreated toward cover.?The the first ?Ki'vhan fell over first,followed by his two side?fellow officers.?He had his fight.? Intended or not. He fired as he retreated and as Guider detected targets.
??????????? I retreated as well.? I prefer hand-to-hand combat to gun fighting.? Guns are not a lion's weapon of choice or design.
??????????? We retreated to an alley as the men in hoods continued to exchange weapons fire with the Ki'Vhans. I scanned the rooftops with my keen vision. I could no long see the big man and his comrades.
??????????? Toreus, I thought radioed to my Prince. I think the Taylors arranged this ambush.
??????????? "Damn!" swore Toreus aloud.
??????????? "I agree with 85% certainty," said Guider. "And the guerrillas are behind us."
??????????? I became aware of the men in the alley behind us. So did Tor. He jumped to his feet, drawing his fighting knife.
??????????? The big man I had seen earlier pointed a heavy rifle at him and said: "Easy, big guy. I'm not here to shoot you."
??????????? "99% truth,warrior prince" said Guider.
??????????? "Who the hell are you"
??????????? The man whipped off his hood and smiled with a beefy boyish grin. "Name's Colin O'Brien, Captain Colin O'Brien-I'm a Thuvian Highlander-Thuvian Ranger-just like you-mercenary in the employ of Kotharr Khonn."
??????????? "100% truth," said Guider.
''Got separed from my own troops and those Arcadian Resistors back there,I was hooked up with for awhile.''O'Brien added.
"100% truth,again my prince warrior freind" said Guider.
??????????? Toreus' eyebrows went up. I supposed mine would have too, had I had any.
??????????? "Lord Kotharr sent you"
??????????? In case you're not a reader of history, Kotharr Khonn was the Weapons Master of the Imperial Court of Pangaea. Which meant that he was the wiliest general, strategist, and all around fighter that the Rhann family had. And the Rhann family is packed heavy with fighters, believe you me. Kotharr had trained Toreus in the martial arts from the time he was old enough to swing a fist or a knife. Kotharr also handled all of the Empire's black operations?those done in quiet without knowledge of the Council or permission of the Chancellor.
??????????? So apparently we were not alone behind enemy lines after all. Uncle Kotharr had sent some of his employees to make sure we did not fall into unfriendly hands.
??????????? Poor Toreus, he can never be a step ahead of daddy and Kotharr Khonn.
??????????? "Kotharr Khonn," Toreus shook his head. "I should have known. Why didn't he inform me of your presence"
??????????? Colin O'Brien leaned forward into Toreus space, grinning.
??????????? "Black ops, your highness. We play all our cards close to the vest. Besides rescuing you was our last mission."
??????????? "And your first"
??????????? O'Brien tapped his full lips. "You're not authorized to know, sir."
??????????? "I'm the Crown Prince, fool."
??????????? "Don't be so hard on yourself. And you're still outside the chain of command. Ask Khonn about it when you see him.
??????????? "Now, shall we get out of here before the Ks regroup"
??Warrior sensor scans indicate that individual, has in numerous resent combat saturations.Scans,indicate several minor bruises .Scans indicate,he is only armed with his standard weapons-minus his Thuvian Short sword.He was a few standard MRE?s rasions,a standard comlinks communicator,Thuvian Combat Knife and Electro Plasma Stun baton.??
??Thanks Guider.??Toreus Rhann finished.
??Who the Frek are you talking ,too-Prince ??O?Brien asked.
??My Guider Gem-by Thrull Khonn?s Sword.??The Lord of Lions stated.
??Personal AI-huh Prince Rhann.??Colin O?Brien said with a bit grimy smile.
??Artificial Intelligence Combat Field Telepathic Data Comlink Gem.??the Guider telepathical corrected the Thuvian Soldier.
??Shut up,Guider.??Toreus Rhann ordered.
??Having Problems with the little jewel I see.??O?Brian speculated.
??Never mind,Captain O?Brien-??the Thuvian Lord asked??Where?s your sword The Thuvian military issued every soldier standards equiptment and your without your Thuvian Short Sword.??
??Sorry,to despoint you,my Prince.??Captain O?Brien said,??but lost it in a fight back younder-trying to help a buddy evacuate some citizens from Arcadia.I think I last saw sticking out of a Ki?Vhans heart back at the Roshchild Space Port.Sorry,I could retreave it.I was fighting off a whole bunch several squade of Ki?Vhan warriors with my rifle at the time,while my friend Zacheriah Sarkhon lifted off in my ship the Scarlet Shadow,with his wife Ivhanna and a few avacuee?s.??
??99% truth," said Guider.;but I would be so sure about the number of Ki?Vhan he fought off.He may be exaggerateing a bit.warrior Toreus.??
''You Thuvian Short sword is the best way to handle a Ki'Vhan equipted a body armor force shield.''Prince Toreus Rhann added.''If weren't so carelessly to leave your weapon behind-even in battle,you'd have it right now.''
''Hell yes,my Prince...I'll? remember that next I'm fighting off a dozon or so pinheads."Captain O'Brian sarcastically responded.
Toreus Rhann eyed him,mommentarilly,wanting to knock in his teeth for the insulting attitude.But father once told him of an incident in his own youth,where such actions rashly acted out on left another young Prince Toreus Rhann up on a heap of trouble for busting the head of a fellow officer-Colonel Mitus Kane-a Thuvian Highlander,his father disliked and often dissagreed with on many situations-combat stratigies,types of women,what type of beer to drink.This young Prince Toreus Rhann thought better to have this man at your side than against him.Let in go for now-while the Ki'Vhan zombies were patrolling the city.Prince Toreus Rhann looked up and senced Ulyseas the Falcon near by.His sensitive vision spotted the great bird circling above and swooping lower to gain less altitude as he did.Ulyseas turned once as Captain O?Brien also saw the Thuvian Snow Falcon dive inward as the Lord of Lions held his righ gloved hand,for the great bird to land upon.The Thuvian Highlander staired in amazment-he had heard stories of Thuvian Princes commanding such animals,but rarely had he so close to witness such,not shown some holovid or tv set.Prince Toreus Rhann,turned as Ulyseas placed himself again on his shoulders.
??All?s clear ahead,boss.??Ulyseas reported to the Thuvian Crown Prince.??Some Ki?Vhan activety up aways,but nothing around here to bother us,at this time.??
??Good Job,old friend.Good Job.??Prince Rhann commened his Falcon companion.
Prince Toreus Rhann.First Son of Thuvia,Lord of Lions turned and slightly smiled Captain O?Brian.
''Now,Captain..we shall get out and later take on ?those Ki'Vhan bastards.''the Prince finally answered.
''By Thrull Khonn's thundering roar.hell yes,my prince..hell yes.Why not-Big bad Prince,lion and a bird.''Colin O'Brien's hulking formed foillowed the young Thuvian Prince and two companions away from the Bellers Way and the Bridgeford Square district.
Before the Ki'Vhan could regroup and flush them out of the houses the mercenaries were on the move. We jogged down the alleys, past troops positioned to watch our backs. The big merc, O'Brien jogged along beside Toreus, occasionally engaging in his dangerous habit of leaning in too close to the warrior prince. I think he was well aware of the danger. I just do not think that he gave a damn. Of perhaps he was one of those people who enjoyed toying with dangerous individuals and situations. That would seem to justify his profession.
??????????? "Where are we going" Toreus asked.
??????????? "We're getting you out of the United Kingdom before the Wallaces can lay hands on you."
??????????? "Are we headed for the sub-shuttles" I asked.
??????????? The mercenary eyed me nervously. Talking cats are not everyone's cup of tea.
??????????? "Shuttles are packed with Taylor troops and people on their way out. The King has sent the Royal family to safety and now he's advancing in the other direction to put together a resistance force."
??????????? "Where has the Royal family gone" Toreus asked. He'd been at the Christening of Prince Leonidus and was the Child's Second Godfather.
??????????? "Don't know," said O'Brien. "And don't wanna know. Rumor has it off-Sphere and other rumors have it that Joshua Sarkhon sent them to Genesis Prime?the Atlantean capital in this worldline. My favorite is the baby universe where they might be hidden. Fashioned by Joshua Sarkhon himself. Oh. There be all sorts of rumors."
??????????? "Where are we going," I insisted. Again that funny look.
??????????? "Off this plate and elsewhere. You'll know as soon as you know. Just not the sub-shuttles."
??????????? "And then where will you go" Toreus asked.
??????????? "Wherever the fighting is, my man. That's what I do. I'm the best fighting man in the whole wide Sphere."
??????????? "Did you proclaim yourself that or did someone with authority" Toreus frowned.
??????????? "Hell yes. My opinion is the only one that counts. I just fight the best way I can and let the other mercs follow me and do what I do."
??????????? "Subject actually believes this," said Guider.
??Yes,but you still lost your sword,drenhead-when do more than just talk,then we shall see.??The Thuvian Prince added.
??????????? Colin was certainly a brave and confident man. But that did not make him full of fek. I knew that Toreus felt that way, even without asking. Toreus and I have a rapport that goes beyond words. I also knew that the Prince respected the mercenary warrior, as much as he could respect someone as boisterous and rude who fought for mere money.
??????????? "My recommendation is trust him," said Guider.
??????????? Neither Toreus nor I argued with that.
??????????? We approached a line of civilian ground cars near the Chalice River that wound through the town. Armed men in hoods guarded them. More of the mercenaries.
??????????? "Our rides," said O'Brien. "Hop in."
??????????? We got into a van with O'Brien and one of his soldiers. The vehicles spread out taking various directions so as not to end up in the same trap. Toreus' surrender plan was dead and we were off on our way to who knew where.
There was no fighting in the streets as we moved through town but plenty of evidence that there had been.
??????????? Bullet and laser riddled walls, a dead body here, a dead body there, wrecked cars, and broken walls. None of the dead were civilians though, Guider assured us. The butchery of the innocents had not yet begun, but with the Wallaces in power, it would not be long before it did.
??????????? The van stopped near a wrecked bridge, no doubt bombed by the Taylor Air Force to slow the advance of the Wallace armored cavalry. There were a number of burning tanks with the symbol of House Wallace to the other side?a black mailed fist enclosing a globe of fire. A symbol of fascism if I ever saw one. There would be no democracy in Wallace ruled Arcadia?absolute monarchy would be the rule of the land of the law.
??????????? We stood staring at the carnage. O'Brien moved around with his hands on his hips.
We all jumped as jet fighters sped over us and engaged in a dogfight in the sky. My keen eyes could make out two planes with Taylor livery?a lion's head with wings?and one with the mailed fist of the Wallaces?also winged.
??????????? As I watched, the Taylor fighters shot the Wallace down, using naught but cannon fire. Taylors always won air battles. Wallaces were better on the ground with tanks and blitzkrieg.
??????????? "Well, general," said Toreus leaning on the van. "If that be your escape route I think you need to find another."
??????????? O'Brien grinned and barked a loud laugh.
??????????? "That was the easy route. But O'Brien's Aces never, ever do anything the easy way. Back in the van, my prince."
??????????? We remounted and were off, following the banks of the river. It was clear that the mercenary was looking for a bridge or ford but I was certain that none would remain after Taylor Air Force bombers and combat engineers were finished with them.
??????????? Guider agreed but Toreus made no comment. The Prince resented the gem's all knowing manner. He liked surprises and did not always wish to know the probability of success in a given situation.
??????????? And Guider was wrong. A bridge loomed up and the van headed for it.
??????????? O'Brien stopped and we got out. There were wrecked motor cars on the bridge and I smelled the smell of explosives.
??????????? "Much too easy," said Toreus. "Why would House Taylor leave this bridge unmolested"
??????????? "To allow an escape route for their retreating troops."
??????????? "The span is mined," said Guider.
??????????? It was Toreus' turn to bark a mocking laugh. "They would have already retreated this far and blew the bridge. And if they wanted to leave the route open, they would have posted light infantry with antitank weapons to guard it. It's mined my friend. Those vehicles were blown up from beIow and smell that explosive."
??????????? Of course, Toreus was not above using the secret knowledge given to him by the Guider for his personal advantage.
??????????? O'Brien looks angry. "The whole world stinks of explosive and maybe those cars were lasered by men beIow the bridge line."
??????????? "Negative," said Guider.
??????????? "Those aren't laser marks. The bridge is mined, as my guider has informed me."
??????????? "Your guider"
??????????? Toreus tapped his gem and smiled. "Never leave home without it. It's not always helpful but it does know when a bridge is mined. Or a girl is fertile. Saves one a lot of trouble and bother."
??????????? O'Brien looked at his trooper driver, who nodded his agreement.
??????????? O'Brien grinned and shrugged. "Then they'll be vehicle mines and we shall walk. Does your guide-thingy tell you that"
??????????? "Probability is close to 80%," said the gem.
??????????? Toreus did not reply.
??????????? So we were going to walk across the mined bridge and it was my turn to say something.
??????????? "I will lead the way. My sense of smell is keener than even yours, Toreus. I can smell the explosive in a mine and avoid it."
??????????? O'Brien looked at me with that funny look again and then he smiled.
??????????? "Okay, Mr. Cat, you lead the way. But don't get yourself killed. I once knew a cat and he was?a good friend?he got himself killed and?well just be careful."
??????????? "It is always my intent."
??????????? "I will assist you, Shakhorja," said the Guider.
We started across the bridge with me in the lead.
??????????? It was indeed mined and not all of the mines were large enough to be considered anti-vehicle. Guider informed me of that.
The engineer of this field was determined that no one would cross on foot or vehicle. And some people had tried. Now there were dead bodies in the vehicles. Civilians who had fled from the other side by the looks of what was left of their blood splattered clothing. Minefields are a cheap defensive barrier but they are not a discriminating one.
By the time we were halfway across the span the smell of blood was out flanking the smell of explosive in the air. I had to clear my nose in order to keep my attention on the mines. And the shelling was drawing closer as the Wallace artillery marched down the river looking for more pockets of Taylor resistance.
Toreus touched my collar, from which hung an amulet identical to his own. His thought radio spoke to me.? "Easy, old friend. We're almost across this accursed bridge."
"Two thirds of the distance," said Guider.
"Shut up, Gem," said Toreus through the neural link.
"Shutting up," said Guider, sarcasm in its neural link simulated voice.
"Let us hope that the big man has a plan for where we go from here," Toreus said to me through our radio. "Once we stop off the other end of the bridge we will be in Wallace territory and fair game."
"If he doesn't then we will take off on our own and head for the nearest train toward the spinward wall?closest to home."
"I agree," I transmitted.
Yes, we were both losing faith in the mercenary. He claimed that Kotharr had hired him but for all we know he'd just heard the name and decided to use it to his advantage in whatever scheme he might be concocting. Sure, he claimed to like Saber cats but I had no evidence that this was true. Sure, he was able to pass muster with Guider's truth sensor?but a pathological liar can do that easily. It's not magic.
We might just as well be better off on our own.
Finally, we made it to the other end of the bridge.
"Now we're here," Toreus said to the mercenary. "In Wallace held territory. Where do we go from here"
O'Brien was about to answer when the noise of a diving jet cut through our awareness and Guider warned of the attack.
"Hit the deck," O'Brien yelled and pushed Toreus to the side.
The fighter laid a trail of cannon shells down the road as we ducked for cover. The air filled with the unmistakable smell of human blood. Someone had been hit. The jet continued its strafe across the span, firing lasers that cut the trusses and brought the bridge down into the river.
Then it sped away, no doubt searching for other targets.
"All clear," announced Guider.
"Joshua's beard," said O'Brien, jumping to his feet. "That was a Taylor jet?damn?they're supposed to be on our side."
"They don't know that from up there," said Toreus.
"I guess?." It was then that O'Brien spotted his driver's body in the road. Or rather, what was left of him after the 40 mm shells.
"Oh?fek?that was Duv. Duv, man. He'd been with my unit since back in the Range. Damn."
"I'm sorry," said Toreus.
O'Brien looked at the prince with flame in his eyes.
"You'd better be worth it, boy. A good man just died for you. If you turn out to be a worthless candy prince?I'll kill you myself."
Toreus drew his knife and held it at ready. "Threaten me or mine and you will be the one to die, big man. Toreus Rhann stands for no threat. Strike at me and you will be dead before you hit the ground."
O'Brien looked at the long Thuvian fighting knife and then into the eyes of the young man who held it. He knew that this was no candy prince and that Toreus meant business. The Rhanns have always hated bullies and there are whole cemeteries back in Pangaea that have been filled to prove it.
O'Brien smiled his goofy grin.
"Put the knife away, son. It's just that I lost an old friend."
"You nearly lost yourself, idiot," said Toreus.
"Yes, I nearly did. Sorry."
"No, sorry. Lead us out of here or know the consequences for betraying a Rhann."
"I would never do that," said O'Brien, leaning in close to the knife wielding young man. Perhaps he was crazy. "I have a contract with Kotharr Khonn and Colin O'Brien never violates his word."
"50% certainty," said Guider.
"Not good enough. Give your word to me. Swear allegiance to Toreus Rhann before we go one step further."
"You speak well enough, turd, when you are blustering. What part of honor don't you understand"
"We have to get going."
"Yes, we do. And if you don't swear allegiance to me, here and now, I go on alone."
O'Brien looked at me. "Is he nuts"
"78% probability," said Guider.
I smiled my best cat smile. "May be. I wouldn't test him."
??Well,I?m not too bad in a fight myself,fella.?
??This from O?Brian-the sword loser ?Prince Toreus Rhann added,slight smiling as he did.
??Good point,Prince.??Captain O?Brien responded.??My wife Rachel often reminds me what big mouth I have.??
??Your married ?Shakhorja commented.??How ??
??The woman must be in the line for holo sainthood someday,guys.??Ulyseas thought.
We could hear a jet engine in the distance.O?Brien looked about at the three of us-and figured best to fall inline-go along with a member of the royal house,despite his luctance to restist authority fugures,as he would often do, than face these odd alone.
O'Brien fell on his knees and nodded his head.
"I swear allegiance to Prince Toreus Rhann of Pangaea."
"66% truth," said the gem.
Toreus laughed and tapped the man on his armor-plated shoulder.
"Well enough, mercenary. Stand and lets get out of here."
"Just one thing?if you don't mind," said O'Brien. He went to the body of Duv and removed an ID tag. "His folks will want to know what happened to him even if they can't legally claim the body."
Toreus nodded and the sound of jets battling overhead, despite Guider's assurance that they were not headed for us, made the four of us rush for the nearest ditch.My Prince ,with Ulyseas flapping his great wings to regain his holding perch of the Thuvian Shoulder armor and the big,hulking Thuvian Highlander managed to regain themselved slightly crouching behind the dirt of the huge blast hole.I held myself in their rear,quietly surveying the area for any sign of trouble.I saw nothing and smelled nothing as I imagine my Prince Rhann had not.
"Do you have a plan or are we going to wander about this plate until the Ki'Vhans or the Wallaces or the Taylors kill us"Prince Toreus Rhann asked.
O'Brien nodded. "There's an airship waiting for us. We get to it, board it, and head for the wall. Once there we head though a jump port to the next nearest plate and join up with my people at a mercenary camp over there."
A jet exploded overhead, its debris raining down all about us.
"A Wallace pilot will not be going home tonight," said Guider.
??Airship From who ??Prince Toreus asked.
??An old buddy-fellow Thuvian Highlander like me-Oh hell yes ,Prince Rhann,you?ll love him.??Captain Colin O?Brien answered.
??Did he lose his sword ,too ??
??Often.Every time in battle.??
Captain O?Brien was more than likely getting tired of my Princes irritation about losing his Thuvian blade and tried cover it up with sarcasm.Toreus Rhann,simply caught the comment as such.He beginning despite his first inclination to see Colin O?Brien not as a big mouth bubbling fool,but not unlike himself and his father the Thuvian Empiror.In otherwords,he was being to like the big,dum Thuvian Hand Mercenary.And I could take,Captain O?Brien had found atleast one figure of authority,he was gaining some respect for.The Thuvian Highlander must have saw something of himself in my Prince Toreus.
??By Thrull,Prince .I?m joking.??Colin O?Brien cursed.??Your as thickheaded as my three brothers.??
??Really,Captain-bravo.??Prince Rhann responded.??You have four brothers ??
??Dosen?t every Thuvian??O?Brien reported??Actually ,your highness-this guys a pretty good pilot-almost as good as me-if I don?t say myself.I do believe the Scarlet Shadow,if the fastest ship on Terra-Prime,but she?s Tramp freighter,not one of the local airship,that we see all over the sphere-so comparing the two isn?r exactly fare.
??You have a Tramp-Freighter and lost it.??Prince Toreus Rhann interrupted Colin O?Brian.
??No,your highness-not lost it,allowed my parter Zacheriah Sarkhon to use it to avaluate Arcadian refugge?s-there?s big,big difference.??Captain O?Brian responded.??Still,Captain Eric Darkwaters a good man-a great airship pilot-even he from time to time,can get himself into a whole heap of troubles.??
??Guider??Prince Toreus Rhann spoke again,interrupting one of Colin O?Brien?s long wined tiraides.
??Yes,Warrior Prince.??the Gem responed.
??Background check on this Captain Darkwater.??
??Affirmative,Will drw on the propriate data file.??the Guider confirmed.??Working.will respond momentarily.??
Prince Toreus Rhann,thought maybe this guy isn?t such a load mouth butthead after all.Perhaps,there was more him than meets the eye,if one of the members of the Imperial Houseclan of Sarkhon associated him frequently.The Prince was often tutored by another members of the Imperial House of Sarkhon.Doctor Arenjun Sarkhon,often had several generations of the bold Prince of Thuvia.They did not often partner up with any retard or moron,who just happen to come along.
??File search completed,Warrior Prince.??the Guider finally spoke.
??Proceed.??Prince Toreus Rhanncommanded the emerald jewel that rested upon a headband,worn around his upper portion of his head.
??Captain Eric Darkwater.? Thuvian Highlander-sometimes Thuvian Ranger, Master of all trades, thief, mercenary, bodyguard.? Currently commander of the SS Destinies Marauder partner with one Commander Faphnire Jadmere Khonn-a Vladerheim mercenary, bodyguard, and sailor? the guider reported
??Prince Rhann, you don?t need all background check jazz.? Darkwaters a, ok.? So?s Faph.
These guys have been about too.They can fight along with the best Thuvian Rangers And can fly his ship passed an enemy blockade with little trouble-outfight anything the Ki?Vhan and Wallace trash has.As I said,Darkwaters almost as good a pilot as me??
??Almost as good as you??Toreus Rhann added.??Now,strangely enough that really fills me with confidence.??
"Let us go," said Toreus jumping to his feet and pulling O'Brien to his.I followed.Rarely did anyone ever proceed before the Great Prince of Thuvia.It wasn?t a royal thing.Prince Toreus Rhann ,simply preferred to lead infront of everyone.It had something to do with Lion sign he was born under or so he told everyone.O?Brien followed with me walking by his side.
??Bravo,to that Prince Rhann-bravo to that.??O?Brien added,as he looked onto the Crown Thuvian Prince ahead,with great falcon upon his shoulder and myself strolling behind him as always.For Captain O?Brian,we made a strange group,but for Prince Toreus,it was business as usual.
We moved from cover to cover as we headed toward the rendezvous point with O'Brien's mystery airship. Shelling and aircraft activity was increasing by the minute and we dared not expose ourselves to the open for too long a period at a stretch.
??????????? Eventually we ran into an enemy patrol. They were human's?if you can apply that sobriquet to Wallaces. A patrol of infantry from the Wallace House Guard.
??????????? We quickly took cover behind what was left of the garden wall of a house that had been bombed to the foundation.
??????????? The soldiers moved along the road and we hunkered down.
??????????? When they were gone, we moved, staying behind the line of fences and walls of other bombed out house.
??????????? "There'll be more," said O'Brien. "If they're sending foot patrols forward there has to be at least a platoon sized unit nearby.
??????????? "There are three companies nearby according to overhead feeds," said Guider.
??????????? "Nearly a battalion," said Toreus. "We may have to fight them."
??????????? Both O'Brien and I looked at him as if he were insane.
??????????? "This isn't any vid show, your majesty," said the merc. "If we're outnumbered and outgunned we go down and die. Or, worse, get taken prisoner. They'll put a Trongoroth control tick on my neck and hold you to wave in front of your daddy. Gods only know what they'll do to kitty cat here."
??????????? Toreus nodded. "Unfortunately true."
??????????? "Don't worry though," Colin O'Brien brightened. "We're not far from the LZ where we're supposed to meet the airship. Not more than two kilometers."
"Then we should proceed," said the Prince.
And we did, twice more hiding from Wallace squads moving along the road.
It was while we were in our last hide that a column of trucks showed up and stopped not more than ten meters from us. Men climbed down and fanned out. This did not look good.
"What do we do now" I asked.
"Wait," said O'Brien.
"When will your ship arrive at the LZ" Toreus asked.
"It's already up there waiting. Ship is stealth equipped. All we need to do is reach the point."
"Two kilometers away."
"Two kilometers into enemy territory."
"Well, yes."
"Then I say we need transport."
"Dream on prince."
Toreus smiled an evil smile. "No need to dream. One only has to reach out and grab."
Toreus Rhann had, as I feared, had enough of waiting and sneaking around.
??????????? He rose to his feet and crept toward the nearest truck before O'Brien could attempt to stop him. By that time it was too late for debate or protestation without alerting the enemy and bringing death upon all three of us.By then,the Thuvian Hunting Falcon was again perched upon the Great Princes gaunleted right hand.
There were three soldiers and a driver near the vehicle. All apparently confident that a Wallace victory made them safe in this apparently rear area.
Prince Rhann once raised arm and Ulyseas flew from his perch upon the Thuvian gloved hand.Silently,both understaood what the Lord of Lions was up to.The Great Falcon swerved up and infront of the three Ki?Vhan.They stupidly watched as the bird droved in and out the great city scape.
??????????? Toreus took out his knife and crept like the Ranger hunter that he had trained to be as a youth. Had I not feared for our safety I would have been proud.
??????????? I crept behind him, guarding his back against any enemy he might not have noticed. We had hunted deer with knife and claw this way in the Thuvian Highlands. Deer have much keener senses than humans who are nearly blind when it comes to a sense of smell.
??????????Prince? Toreus Rhann jumped the closest soldier and slit his throat just above the collar of his armor. His nickname Toreus the Slayer,was not earned for nothing.He had gained moniture with every kill-every time slew an enemy or beast alike upon the savage lands of Terra-Prime. A second soldier swerved in his direction, rifle ready.
??????????? But I took that soldier's head off with one swat of my claw.
??????????? The third was going to sound the alarm when O'Brien shot him and the driver in the chest.
??????????? "Well," hooted O'Brien. "We have a truck."
??????????? Bullets and shouts came from the direction of the other vehicles. The other Wallace Guards had noticed us.
??????????? "But not for long if we don't hurry,' said Toreus as he jumped into the cab of the truck.Prince Rhann raised out his arm and the falcon returned to him,as by some magic command.
??We?re all here.O?Brien.??the Thuvian Prince commaned.??Lets go.??
??????????? O'Brien and I jumped into the bed, the mercenary firing at the other soldiers to keep their heads down.
??????????? We were quickly underway, bullets tearing through the canvas cover of the military truck, O'Brien howling like a madman as he returned fire and me?well I was laying as flat as I could, trying to avoid massive trauma.
Toreus kept the accelerator as flat to the floor as was possible. The enemy was in pursuit of us.? But we were far ahead of the other trucks, their drivers, professional teamsters, having a greater respect for the road than my prince.
??????????? Then Ki'Vhan bikers on smart bikes?spikes as they are called?sped ahead of the trucks along the side of the road. The hovering bikes quickly gained on us.
??????????? Grunting, Captain O'Brien discharged a laser from his over and under rifle. A Ki'Vhan biker blew up and his shrapnel killed his buddy. Two for the price of one.
??????????? "Directions please," Toreus called over his shoulder to O'Brien.
??????????? "Keep going until you find a?"Bullets caused O'Brien to stop and laser two more spikers. "A road that leads up a flat hill. That's where the LZ is."
??????????? We had managed to outdistance our pursuers. Oh, they were still back there but far back and not right on our tails. But I knew that when we got to the LZ we would not have much time before they were on top of us. If the airship was not right there then we might not make it.
I was beginning to doubt more than ever that Toreus' rash action in getting us transport was the correct one.
"Her is your turnoff," said Guider. Though the Guider voice sounded human, it showed no nerves as it announced this fact.
Toreus Rhann fishtailed the truck onto the new road and gunned it up the hill. Enemy vehicles followed, small all terrain vehicles armed with cannon and machine guns. O'Brien took out the front tires of one with his laser, causing it to flip end over end. But one of the enemy cannons took out our rear tires on the left side. This slowed the truck considerably.
Prince Toreus roared and continued to floor the accelerator.Ulyseas the Falcon?s bird eyes looked around,at his master,with a wooried look.
"Enemy forces attempting to surround the hill," said Guider.
"Parp," growled Toreus Rhann
We reached the top and Toreus fishtailed the trick around as if he were planning to rush down the hill and ram the enemy forces coming up. I prayed that he wasn't. But this did not look good and I know that members of the Rhann family have one overwhelming trait in common?they do not like to lose.
"Out of juice and ammo," yelled O'Brien.
Toreus thrust the cab door open and stepped down, pistol in one hand and knife in the other. His nano armor bloomed into one solid suit beneath his beaten up leather coat. The nano-tattoos on his face cut in and became his war mask.Ulyseas Sqreached as his clawed feet barely cleared the replaced standard light Thuvian Armored Pad-barely missing the form as it transformed into the heavier variety.
Misgivings or no I stood beside him.Captain O'Brien stood at our backs, having discarded his rifle and drawn his laspistol.
O?Brien produced a small hand communicator with free hand and ?open it to begin it?s operation.The Thuvian adjusted it?s controls to dial up the propretiate comlinks numbers to the person,he wished to talk to.
??Captain Darkwater.Buddy,come it.??O?Brien issued responces into his comlinks.??Eric Darkwater-come in.??
The Ki'Vhan and Wallace soldiers coming up the hill seemed unimpressed. This looked like a last stand. Toreus might go down fighting but he would go down and yours truly with him.
??Dartwater.??O?Brien despirated shouted.??We need two Thuvian Rangers with-ah other extratched.??
??O?Brien That you.??a voice issued out from the hand communicator.??You lose your ship again??
??Captian..yes,no-lost a lot.??The Thuvian Warrior commented.
??Feck the small talk,Dartwater??O?Brien shouted.??We?re moving and need transport,pronto.Home in on my co-ordinates.??
??Got,you-Faphnere?s scanning you now.??Captain Darkwater told the Thuvian Highlander.??Lucky for you,we were almost ready to leave.??
??Good Old,Darkwater.??O?Brien stated as he shot into the Ki?Vhan moving behind upon the spikes.??Get here soon,Pinheads are getting too close to our situation,if you get my drift,Captain.??
??Hang on,O?Brien.We?re on our way.??
Colin O?Brien closed his hand communicators and smailed.He looked over to me.
??Don?t worry,Kitty.We?re almost out of here.??O?Brien said,attempting to calm down,what was obviously a worried look upon? my face.The loud roar of aircraft was all around us.Hopefully,one of them was Captain Dartwaters ship.
A screaming Ki'Vhan raced toward us. Toreus shot him in the face and then took out a second and a third. Lasers pulsed from O'Brien's pistol and killed more. I roared and bared my teeth and claws, no one being close enough for me to use them.
A shadow fell across us. Either cloud or the angel of death.No.I now heard the great turbine engines of an arship above me.
Then the air was split by the road of electric cannon and the buzz of lasers. The advancing enemies were moved down.O?Brien howled and hooked as spikes crashed into one another,exploding into balls of flame behind our transport.
??Dartwater,you old Son of a Bastard.??Colin O?Brien shouted.??That two Thruvian Beers I owe you.Whever I can owe you a drink or two.??
Troops on spider strings dropped all around us.
"Airship hovering overhead," said Guider just a little too late, which made me wonder?was Guider as unemotional as it seemed or did it have a vid director's flare for the dramatic
The enemy were retreating down the hill as trails of exploding shells followed them.
"Our ride," said O'Brien as he grasped a spider line.
Prince Toreus Rhann,jammed the wheel the empty Ki?Vhan rifle-a Thruvian M130 semi-automatic piece of shit,used by many lesser civilization soldiers.He then moved toward the back,with Ulyseas still clawing into his shoulder armor.
??Come on,ols buddy.We?re leaving.??Prince Rhann commanded with authority.??Time for spring back and it?s not even spring.yet.??
Toreus grabbed one too and two of the mercenary troopers fastened one around my torso. We were soon drawn up into the bowels of the airship.Captain O?Brien followed,a bit grin upon his face.beIow,the transport sped off into the distance and out of sight as we moved into the air,with the great airship above.A huge,circular ,almost flying saucer shaped vessel with great repulsor engines upon each side.Once,Prince Toreus Rhann and the rest of us were inside the ships,big Cargo Hanger Bay-filled boxes,other Thuvian troops attempting assist us,as the air ships Boarding Cargo ramp closed behind us.It?s big,nuematic roar,filled the cabit area,telling us,it strained it mechanism trying to seal the vessel as it sped away from Tennyson Spaceport.
Soon the ship was rising up into the air faster and from
a porthole, I could see the upwardly curving slop of the Arcadia plate. We were moving to spinward and away from the battle.
??All?s clear,Captain.??O?Brien spoke into his hand coomunicator.
We were on our way out of Arcadia but I had a feeling that we had not seen our last of the Arcadian Civil War. I looked toward Toreus Rhann,my prince who gazed out that same porthole, a far away look in his eyes. The battle tattoos had fades and his armor retracted but his still stood as if ready for a fight.
This journey was just beginning. Our days of academia were now behind us.
The End
*Parp-An Old Thuvian Saying,that something stinks.Possibly,a corruption of the poop and carp or crap
**"Fek!"-An Old Atlantean curse word-origin unknown-possibly Tauron. It is a bowdlerized version of the real-life expletive "fuck", and can seemingly be used in the same ways,as Fek Off,Fek You,Fek This.
Prince Toreus Rhann and Arcadian War-revisions 1
By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward. Thompson
c. 2007 Maveric Lion Productions
based on a Short Story
Chapter Two-Escape from Arcadia
My Prince Toreus Rhann,having barely escaped Tennyson Spaceport,where many of the refugee?s had used to escape Arcadopolis-now occuplied by House of Wallace,who temporarily defeated the House of the Taylors.He had fought his way across the city,patrolled by Ki?Vhan trooper-near mindless artificial beings-Zombie like creatures,who fought like brainless mercenaries to any side,whose their employers wished them for the right high price.Ki-Vhan,more likely defeated an enemy,not always any kind of real cunning or strategy,but often by sear numbers.Popular folklore,told that Ki?Vhan were created or atleast provided by a species of alien beings known as the Zhatikhon-an interstellar business operationhttp://allmovie4u.com/semi criminal operation,whose true origin and location,has been lost in the mists of temporal space.
My Prince,had gained the help from an unlikely allie- Captain Colin O'Brien-I'm a Thuvian Highlander and Thuvian Ranger.O?Brian had been instrumental in gaining this air ship. SS Destinies Marauder.We had still to clear out of occuplied Arcadian air space.Many Ki?Vhan warships and aircraft were still in the air,not to forget the Wallace air forces-fighter craft patrolling the skies between here and the nearest stargate jump point away from this world plate of Terra-Prime.
??So,Prince-told ya,Captain Darkwater?d come through.??Captain O?Brian said,with great pride.??Dodn?t I could do it,did ya.??
??I must admite,Captain I had a few serious doughts.??Prince Toreus Rhann responded ??This us Thuvians often achieve the impossible.??
??That?s what we do ,yor highness-that?s what we do best.??O?Brian spoke with great Thuvian pride.??Got,you me,the bird and the kitty cat here out alive and well.??
Perhaps,later-once we are safely out of the Ki?Vhan occupied Arcadian air space,I?ll let you meet the dear Captain Dartwater and esteemed co-polit.??Colin O?Brien boasted.
??I?d like to meet our rescuer.The bold princes of Thuvia would owe much to anyone who sides with Imperial House of Rhann,over anyone of lesser royal bllod and heritage.??Prince Rhann commented.
??I bet you would,rightly so.??Excuse ,Prince.??Colin O?Brien added??I got to do something now that all commotion and dander has supsided for the moment.??
O?Brien once produced his hand communicator and dialed up a series of numbers.
??Don?t this is personal.ship to friendly ship.??Captain O?Brian added once again.??Hello,Captain O?Brian to SS Scarlet Shadow.Come in.We?re on a safe channel.Zach come in.??
Long moments passed and a voice broke in,cutting through the air ship constant roar of Paragravity engines.
??Captain.??the voice issued from the communicator.??Glad to hear you are well.We were worry for a time,when we heard nothing from you,after the ship took off from inner city sections of Arcadopolis.??
??Zachery.I?m fine.I couldn?t break radio silence with the Ki?Vhan about until I got to safe LZ area.Had a bit of troubles making it through the streets.Met up some Resistance Forces and later found myself in luck with pretty ok people.They helped get out.??
Prince Toreus sat back-some Thuvian Ranger came up and gave some RME packages which took gladly.The Ranger causiouly eyed Ulyseas the Thuvian Hunting Falcom and my self.Obviously,he wasn?t used being in company of a great Capronean Silver Sabertooth Lion.
??Thanks.??Prince Rhann and opened the package,ripping it?s top off.
??Zachery.??O?Brien spoke over all the commotion within the SS Destinies Marauder cargo hold.
??Captain.O?Brian..stop calling me Zachery.I prefer Zacheriah or just Doctor Zacheriah Sarkhon.??the time sorcerer argued over the comlinks mike.
??Ok,Sarkhon-you moron.I don?t have time for none of your nutball feck today.??Colin O?Brien obviously was getting argery at his long time partner and friend.??Put on Rachel.??
? Skip down to the next entry.
Toreus Rhann and the Arcadian War.
Carl Edward. Thompson
Joseph Gilbert. Thompson
c. 2007 Maveric Lion Productions
Short Story
This is a tale of Prince Toreus Rhann. The First Son of Thuvia, also sometimes known as Toreus the Slayer by his enemies and Prince Toreus, Lord of Lions, by friends, companions, and allies. Not to be confused with Toreus Rhann I, his esteemed father. Much has been said about that worthy elsewhere in the Chronicles of Pangaea and the Book of Thuvia.
If you want to know of his noble family then look elsewhere. They will tell you how Toreus Rhann I united the nations of Pangaea and became the Emperor Toreus Rhann I. Or how his ancient ancestors, the Starkillers—principally Captain Toreus Starkiller-- beat back the Trongoroth invasion and restored Pangaea as the Jewel of the Sphere of Terra Prime.
But any schoolchild knows of the Shattered Empires of Pangaea, and the aftermath of the Great Cataclysm. Stories of the ancient Dragon Wars, the Emperor Thrull Khan and the return of the Golden Age of Pangaea.
No, this is a story that few know. And I can tell it to you because I, Shakhorja, the Silver Lion, was there to witness it. As I was during most of Toreus’ career.
Listen and I will tell you of Toreus Rhann II. A story of his youth long before he stood against the renegade wizards, or fought side by side with the Bold Princes of Arcadia in the Second War for Terra Prime. Long before he was named Sarkhon’s Knight and led his Ranger Legions in that same struggle for the freedom of the Sphere.
This is a tale of a young man, not yet a legend, setting out on the trail of destiny for the first time. It is a story of his adventures and his misadventures. It is our story, mine and his. For I was his cat and where he went so did I.
The rumble of war continued for fourth straight day as the conquering forces of Baron Radu Wallace closed on the capital city and the forces of King Nathan Taylor withdrew. Classes had been canceled at Arcadia University. Most of the able-bodied Arcadian students had gone off to fight on either side in this most uncivil of civil wars.
As was our habit those days, we sat in the Student Union, where there was a tavern. I curled by Toreus’ feet as he stared morosely into his pint of Tennysonian bitters, tapping his booted foot to some tune that only he could hear. Perhaps a pop tune or a march. The choice would depend on his demeanor at the moment. I think perhaps a march, since war was very much on his mind.
Toreus Rhann was in his second year at the University as an exchange student. His father had insisted that his scholarship be of the broadest caliber and since Toreus was a young man of great physical potential— and warlike temper-- he most things about academic life annoying and bothersome. Save for the beautiful female students who often shared his bed on those nights when yours truly was forced to lay upon the couch watching video or dreaming of lionesses back home in the Thuvian Range.
Since my duties as protector/companion of the Prince required me to attend all the many parties that students feel required to attend and to stop young Toreus from drinking the education his father was paying for out of his noggin as soon as it was put in, I too was required to attend University. Though the enlightened and liberal minded Arcadians still do not award degrees in their schools to felines—no matter how bright they may be—I was not considered a student. Nor was I considered a pet. Arcadia law recognizes anyone who can talk as a sentient and so a free individual. I can ride in a passenger vehicle without being caged and do not require a muzzle nor a leash—thank the Gods.
I was here on orders from the Emperor’s cat—my great uncle. Therefore, I was here out of family honor and loyalty to the Imperial Crown.
Not that I would not have followed Prince Toreus to Arcadia, even without Imperial orders. We are a team, bonded long ago in the Thuvian Range. Where he goes always I shall follow. It is my life, my soul, my destiny.
In those days of turmoil, I also felt that it was my duty to stay close to my most impetuous friend lest he join House Taylor in their lost cause.
Toreus was a scrapper. He liked to get involved in fights. But his father, the Emperor, had determined that the Prince was here to get an education in the liberal arts and not to cause any diplomatic incidents.
His Imperial Majesty did not want his eldest son and heir fighting in this war. The Politics of Pangaea being what they were—and law being a necessary limitation even to an Emperor—the Pangaean government had not been able to decide whom they favored in this civil war. Even though his Highness had. House Taylor had been allies of House Rhann for generations and Queen Lois Taylor—the Duchess of Tennyson—was a cousin of the Rhanns.
Oh, the Emperor knew his son well. He’d been much like him in his youth.
Now Prince Toreus Rhann’s eyes focused on two students who were involved in a choke-out. This is a particularly simple-minded enterprise in which two young men try to choke each other out to see who will pass out first. Next to alcohol poisoning, suicide over girls and autoerotic asphyxiation, it is one of the leading causes of death among college-aged males. Their parents were spending fortunes to send them all the way across the Sphere to fill their heads with knowledge and they spent much of their time trying to destroy the very brains they were there to fill.
The Prince frowned, shoved himself to his feet and cracked his knuckles—always a bad sign. He knows that weak-minded people find this irritating. He does not mind irritating weak-minded people—not one bit. He’s made a sport of it.
Toreus strode to the contestant’s table with a grace that made even my feline walk look clumsy. I quickly moved to guard his blindside. Lest one of the chunkheads about the tavern decide to attack from the rear.
The Prince grinned down at the two combatants and quickly grasped them by the nape of their necks with his huge hands, slamming their foreheads together with a hearty thud.
They landed on their butts, stunned and dismayed.
“Why’d you do that?” growled one of them as what passed for his brain cleared.
Toreus pointed toward the door of the Union. “By Thrull Khonn’s heart there’s a war on out there, moron. If it’s your death you be wanting then man up and join the fight. Choking each other. By Sarkhon’s buttocks you’re are fools.”
“We wanted to see who would unk first—or pass out,” said the second choker, as if this explained everything.
“Dimwitted tool,” barked Toreus. “Back in Thuvia, we test how brave we are in battle--not in silly baby men games. Next you’ll be walking about honking like those pathetic balless wonders in video wrestling.’’
The first student bounded to his feet. Obviously he had left his mind at home in his parent’s keeping when he came to Arcadopolis.
“Smelly Thuvian lout.”
“I’d suggest you take this love play to your room lest you embarrass yourself,” laughed Prince Toreus, his hands clenched into fists.
“I’ll not have a Thuvian question my manhood,” growled the student.
“And indeed it is in question,” said Toreus, his cat green eyes narrowing like twin gun sights. I decided it was time to save this hapless choker’s life.
I moved in between him and young Toreus and reared up, resting my paws on big mouth’s shoulders. The boy’s eyes bulged in horror. I am, after all, a rather large, saber toothed, Thuvian lion.
“Get your cat off me, Thuvian Neanderthal,” yelped the young man.
“Again you are confused,” laughed Toreus, clearly enjoying the choker’s misery. “Thuvians are not Neanderthals. That’s the Tuleans—chunkhead.”
Thuleans were several looseknit kingdoms of nations-situated far north of the Great Central Pangean Continent-knows as Ultima Thule,Neanderthule,Khanutuwhit,Khormog ,Ariyhan,Analaska,Yuphag,Tylee.and so forth,generally refered to by many as simply Thule or Thuleans-a name derived from various far northern regions of many Terran Class worlds.
“I have to pee,” I said, grinning my best lion grin, which is never very reassuring to humans. No saber cat has eaten a man in centuries—but humans have trouble unlearning their fondest myths and prejudices. Whatever dark fear mama taught them in the cradle lingers for life.
“Don’t eat me, lion,” said the lout, retreating.
I made a step toward him as he ran from the room looking over his shoulder to see if I was in pursuit.
By now Toreus Rhann’s cat green eyes had fallen upon the other student who had pulled himself slowly to his feet.
“I’m sorry, your lordship,” stuttered the young man.
“I’m a Thuvian not a fool. You want to fight well have at it.”
“Not me, Prince Toreus. I’ve seen you on the rugger field and fencing. I have no desire to be crippled.”
The other choker departed a wet trail of yellow drops that smelled like man water behind him.
I turned my head and looked at Toreus .
He shook his longhaired head. “You know I’m not, Shakhorja, old friend. Beating up on Vanarian lunks is not my idea of a fight. And I was truly hoping to inspire them.”
“To visit the casualty ward? Come on, green eyes, what’s really bothering you?”
Toreus sat back down at the table, the other students eyeing him nervously, a few of the females with strange, lusty looks in their eyes.
“How can my father and the Council stand by and let this travesty continue. King Nathan and House Taylor have helped us time uncounted in the past and yet in their hour of need no troops, nor fighters or ships of war come to their aid.”
“The law says that the Emperor may not commit troops to the field without the consent of the Chancellor and that once that is done they may not stay in the field more than ninety days without Council approval.”
“Chancellor Ghanis Jordan is a traitor,” spat my tall friend.
“No, he is cautious. The Arcadians have technology that is more advanced than us and the Chancellor fears reprisals if the Wallaces win, which more than seems likely if you listen to that shelling.”
“Don’t curse.”
“If your Empress Cassandra heard you she’d wash out you mouth.”
Shame on me. I taught young Toreus to curse and swear. But I have appearances to maintain. Can’t have the future ruler of a multi-plate empire sounding like a teamster from Thule.
“My mother would be in those streets with a rifle,” said Toreus Rhann.
“The Empress is bound by the same laws as the rest of the Imperial Family—as are you.”
“Fek the law.”
“There you go again. It’s just that you’ve been drinking bitters on an empty gut. Let’s eat and later we’ll discuss what we can do.”
“Hunger is always a cat’s first imperative,” said Toreus.
“Indeed it is to any sensible species. But I’m glad to hear you using words of more than four letters.”
We left the Student Union after eating and walked across the University Quadrangle, past the statue of Leonidus I. Old Leo looked sad as his fierce, bronze countenance looked out toward the fall of the dynasty he had founded.
The air was full of smoke and the smell of weapons propellant, blood, death and that pee smell that comes from energy weapons.
I looked up at the horizon and as far sunward along the Sphere as I could without squinting. Arcadopolis, like most capitol cities on the Sphere, is at the center of the world plate and therefore at what would be the bottom of the bowl. You could look out equal distances in any direction and see the upward curve of the horizon as far as the thin rim of the wall—if a high building was not in your way. I tried to see if I could make out the Wallace forces surrounding the city. But, alas, I could not. The University of Arcadopolis is too deep in the forest, so to speak, of the biggest city on the Arcadian Plate.
I craned my neck up sunward, squinting and could make out other plates of the great sphere until the sun blotted them out. It looked so peaceful out there. No army of madmen trying to take life and freedom away from anyone—as far as I could see. Terra Prime, the great sphere, is a turbulent place full of all manner of species and cultures. Many of them just as violent and stupid as House Wallace—the architects of this current debacle,with the help of outside time travelling elder beings,who often dared think of themselves as gods.
“The Wallaces will be in this part of the city soon,” said Toreus Rhann. “I can feel it in my bones.”
“You could also just look around you,” I pointed out. “How long has it been since we saw a trooper or policeman in Taylor livery?”
Toreus the Slayer nodded. “The Wallaces and their Ki’Vhan allies will come here and try to take us off-platers as hostages to use as leverage against our home governments.”
“You are a prince and have diplomatic immunity,” I said.
“Won’t stop them. They’ll be afraid of Pangaea and the Thuvian Rangers. They’ll want leverage. And they have no treaties with the Empire. This is a completely new government. Just to show how tough they are they’ll dissolve even the simplest trade agreement. That’s the Wallace way—chunkheads.”
“But to harm an Imperial Prince, or to hold him prisoner, for that matter, is an act of war,” I pointed out. “The Council and the Chancellor will have no choice but to act. In the very least a punitive raid.”
Toreus rubbed his broad chin. “I did not think of that.”
The Prince started to walk faster.
“What is your hurry?” I asked leaping ahead to keep up with his long stride.
“We must go to our quarters. I have to prepare.”
“Prepare?” I asked. “For what?”
“Follow me and see, big fellow.”
We went back to the house that Toreus and I shared. Being a Royal, Toreus did not have to take a dorm room on campus. We had a nice little Arcadian house near school. A house guarded by Vanarian robots since Toreus refused a detachment of Rangers as his personal security detail. He considered it cowardly and a waste of good fighting men and women. His father had agreed. I said they were much alike.
Toreus went up to his bedroom and showered. I plopped myself down on the big bed and groomed my claws. I could smell the scent of female humans on the mattress. Not an unpleasant smell but not the smell of a lioness.
The Prince emerged from the bathroom and took off his robe, beginning to dress. Instantly I knew we were in for trouble.
He put on the underskin that is worn under rugby suits in the rough brand of that ancient sport played by Arcadians—or under nanotech battle armor. He dressed in bloused uniform slacks. The uniform pants appeared at first to be similar to the traditional buckskinned pants of the warriors, of Northern Almerhand, back home, but with more high tech and modern type of stitching.
Next he put on a twill fatigue shirt and armor bracelets and the biomed armband and the nanotech armor belt—often called a sword belt even though it is not used to carry a sword.
He put on the underskin that is worn only under nanotech battle armor. He dressed in bloused uniform slacks and a nanotech armor belt. He put on a twill fatigue shirt and armor bracelets and the biomed arm band. He put on a headband that continued more of the nanotech armor but not the skull cap that would protect the top of his head. A great emerald jewel sparkles, as light hit it, in an uncanny manner. This was Toreus Rhann’s Guider Gem.-an ancient Atlantean Jewel, that gave a worthy warrior knowledge and guidance, upon their many heroic journeys. Two feathers from a Thuvian Snow Falcon, hung from the headbands left side, just behind the ear-a warriors prize, for winning a hunting contest, in the Thuvian Highlands back home around age ten. Something many Thuvian men and women engage in to prove their worthiness as a warrior. He preferred not to wear it as he preferred his enemies to see his long, warrior’s hair. In Thuvia only some women and non warrior class men cut their hair short or at least many women do. Only non warriors cut their hair short. To a man long locks are a sign of his warrior manhood. This was a warrior’s custom that dated back the ancient times before the Great Legendary Warrior Thrull Khonn. No one knew it’s origin-perhaps it was a Delkohnean Warriors tradition or of Thuvian origin-no one knew exactly for sure where it originally came from and few in Thuvia or upon the sphere cared, except for old men going bald or the merchant class, who cut their hair short. Off-plate fools often laugh and ask Toreus if he’s a woman or a man. Toreus Rhann has often answered with a fist which has caused the Diplomatic Corps much chagrin as they pay off nitwits with big mouths and long hospital bills.
Toreus donned his utility vest and inserted his 12mm pistol in its shoulder rig and his Thuvian fighting knife in its scabbard.
He put on a headband that continued more of the nanotech armor but not the skullcap that would protect the top of his head. He preferred not to wear it, as he preferred his enemies to see his long, warrior’s hair. In Thuvia warriors wear their hair long. Among soldiers, long locks are a sign of his warrior strength. Off-plate fools often laugh and ask Toreus if he’s a woman or a man. Toreus has often answered with a fist, which has caused the Diplomatic Corps much chagrin as they pay off nitwits with big mouths and long hospital bills.
Inset in the headband was an emerald jewel that sparkled when the light hit it. This was Toreus Rhann’s Guider Gem.--an ancient Atlantean device, that gave a worthy warrior knowledge and guidance. If one were willing to listen—and Toreus was not always willing to do so—the Guider contained much of the knowledge and wisdom of the ages. It was more than just a mere computer peripheral—much much more.
“I see you have decided to wear me,” said the voice of the Guider, that only Toreus and I could hear via neural radio link.
“Do not get excited, gem,” said Toreus. “It’s for show.”
“Your enemies surround you and you dress for battle. Hardly a show.”
“Battle is not my plan. Not directly, anyway.”
Two feathers from a Thuvian Snow Falcon, also hung adorned the headband, hanging from the left side—the traditional heart side—and just behind the ear. These were a warrior’s prize, won in a contest in the Thuvian Highlands when the Prince was ten. Boys and girls in Thuvia engaged in such contest to prove their worthiness as warriors and as future citizens.
Toreus donned his utility vest and inserted his 12mm pistol in its shoulder rig and his Thuvian fighting knife in its scabbard.
“Pistol is loaded and functional,” said Guider. “Are you sure this is not a battle?”
Finally, he draped a large scarlet and gold amulet about his neck, with an engraved image of a lion face upon, accompanied by two sabers like toothed claws. It was his Lord of Lions symbol-given to him, for achieving the honor of hunting and surviving among my species, when we were young. He usually only wore it before going into battle or at ceremonial gatherings of the clan. My guess was that the clan was not coming here to Arcadia for a shindig.
Guider, in its wisdom, saw this too and commented on it. “No fight?”
“No, we are going to surrender forcing the Wallaces to commit an act of war against the Empire.”
He put on his long, leather coat leaving it unbuttoned for easy access to his weapons. Not the action of a man about to surrender.
“You don’t surrender,” said the Guider.
“There’s a first time for everything,” said the Prince.
“Not surrendering. Not for you. Your first time will be your last and most likely the last time that any enemy hears you say I surrender.”
Before he could answer we heard the sound of military vehicles in the road. It took no genius to guess that the Ki’Vhan, the mercenary hirelings of the Wallaces, had arrived.
I followed the Prince into the road as the armored personnel carriers full of Ki’Vhans pulled up.
The Ki’Vhan troops began to flood out and kick down doors. Toreus strode down the road toward them his hands raised. The armored mercs look at him no doubt with puzzled expressions on their faces. Though that was difficult to determine through their combat visors.
Ki’Vhan do not have a wide range of facial expressions anyway. They are wired up mercenaries. Men from various worlds who joined the Ki’Vhan because they had nothing better to do or else were grown in test tubes and raised to be—or so they think—the ultimate soldier.
Now the Ki’Vhan were advancing cautiously toward Toreus, their weapons raised. I advanced too, despite my misgivings.
“Warning, oh Prince,’ said Guider. “I detect incoming artillery shells.”
It was then that mortar shells began to rain down on the enemy personnel carriers destroying several of them and scattering dead soldiers to the winds.
“Possible hostiles on the roofs,” said the Guider. “Armored and armed men.”
I became aware of movement on the roofs to either side of the street and in several apartments. There were men up there. And they were armed. Lasers discharged and bullets rained down on the Ki’Vhan. The one’s moving toward the Prince had frozen, shaken by the sudden attack.
“There is a high probability that the enemy will engage you in retaliation,” said Guider.
Now the Ki’Vhan fired their weapons at Toreus. Lasers and bullets cut through the tail of my Prince’s coat.
I spotted a large man in armor and a hood that concealed his facial features moving back from the edge of the roof with several other similar dressed men while his comrades continued to rain down fire on the hapless Ki’Vhans. These were no doubt guerillas in the employ of the Taylors. A stay behind force to make sure that the royal family had time to escape and the Wallaces did not enjoy an easy victory.
“So much for surrender,” said Guider. “Nobody was doing that today.”
Toreus’ pistol came out and armor-piercing shells cut down three Ki’Vhan in a row as the Prince retreated toward cover. He had his fight. Intended or not. He fired as he retreated and as Guider detected targets.
I retreated as well. I prefer hand-to-hand combat to gun fighting. Guns are not a lion’s weapon of choice or design.
We retreated to an alley as the men in hoods continued to exchange weapons fire with the Ki’Vhans. I scanned the rooftops with my keen vision. I could no long see the big man and his comrades.
Toreus, I thought radioed to my Prince. I think the Taylors arranged this ambush.
“Damn!” swore Toreus aloud.
“I agree with 85% certainty,” said Guider. “And the guerrillas are behind us.”
I became aware of the men in the alley behind us. So did Tor. He jumped to his feet, drawing his fighting knife.
The big man I had seen earlier pointed a heavy rifle at him and said: “Easy, big guy. I’m not here to shoot you.”
“99% truth,” said Guider.
“Who the hell are you?”
The man whipped off his hood and smiled with a beefy boyish grin. “Name’s Colin O’Brien, mercenary in the employ of Kotharr Khonn.”
“100% truth,” said Guider.
Toreus’ eyebrows went up. I supposed mine would have too, had I had any.
“Lord Kotharr sent you?”
In case you’re not a reader of history, Kotharr Khonn was the Weapons Master of the Imperial Court of Pangaea. Which meant that he was the wiliest general, strategist, and all around fighter that the Rhann family had. And the Rhann family is packed heavy with fighters, believe you me. Kotharr had trained Toreus in the martial arts from the time he was old enough to swing a fist or a knife. Kotharr also handled all of the Empire’s black operations—those done in quiet without knowledge of the Council or permission of the Chancellor.
So apparently we were not alone behind enemy lines after all. Uncle Kotharr had sent some of his employees to make sure we did not fall into unfriendly hands.
Poor Toreus, he can never be a step ahead of daddy and Kotharr Khonn.
“Kotharr Khonn,” Toreus shook his head. “I should have known. Why didn’t he inform me of your presence?”
Colin O’Brien leaned forward into Toreus space, grinning.
“Black ops, your highness. We play all our cards close to the vest. Besides rescuing you was our last mission.”
“And your first?”
O’Brien tapped his full lips. “You’re not authorized to know, sir.”
“I’m the Crown Prince, tool.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. And you’re still outside the chain of command. Ask Khonn about it when you see him.
“Now, shall we get out of here before the Ks regroup?”
Before the Ki’Vhan could regroup and flush them out of the houses the mercenaries were on the move. We jogged down the alleys, past troops positioned to watch our backs. The big merc, O’Brien jogged along beside Toreus, occasionally engaging in his dangerous habit of leaning in too close to the warrior prince. I think he was well aware of the danger. I just do not think that he gave a damn. Of perhaps he was one of those people who enjoyed toying with dangerous individuals and situations. That would seem to justify his profession.
“Where are we going?” Toreus asked.
“We’re getting you out of the United Kingdom before the Wallaces can lay hands on you.”
“Are we headed for the sub-shuttles?” I asked.
The mercenary eyed me nervously. Talking cats are not everyone’s cup of tea.
“Shuttles are packed with Taylor troops and people on their way out. The King has sent the Royal family to safety and now he’s advancing in the other direction to put together a resistance force.”
“Where has the Royal family gone?” Toreus asked. He’d been at the Christening of Prince Leonidus and was the Child’s Second Godfather.
“Don’t know,” said O’Brien. “And don’t wanna know. Rumor has it off-Sphere and other rumors have it that Joshua Sarkhon sent them to Genesis Prime—the Atlantean capital in this worldline. My favorite is the baby universe where they might be hidden. Fashioned by Joshua Sarkhon himself. Oh. There be all sorts of rumors.”
“Where are we going,” I insisted. Again that funny look.
“Off this plate and elsewhere. You’ll know as soon as you know. Just not the sub-shuttles.”
“And then where will you go?” Toreus asked.
“Wherever the fighting is, my man. That’s what I do. I’m the best fighting man in the whole wide Sphere.”
“Did you proclaim yourself that or did someone with authority?” Toreus frowned.
“Hell yes. My opinion is the only one that counts. I just fight the best way I can and let the other mercs follow me and do what I do.”
“Subject actually believes this,” said Guider.
Colin was certainly a brave and confident man. But that did not make him full of fek. I knew that Toreus felt that way, even without asking. Toreus and I have a rapport that goes beyond words. I also knew that the Prince respected the mercenary warrior, as much as he could respect someone as boisterous and rude who fought for mere money.
“My recommendation is trust him,” said Guider.
Neither Toreus nor I argued with that.
We approached a line of civilian ground cars near the Chalice River that wound through the town. Armed men in hoods guarded them. More of the mercenaries.
“Our rides,” said O’Brien. “Hop in.”
We got into a van with O’Brien and one of his soldiers. The vehicles spread out taking various directions so as not to end up in the same trap. Toreus’ surrender plan was dead and we were off on our way to who knew where.
There was no fighting in the streets as we moved through town but plenty of evidence that there had been.
Bullet and laser riddled walls, a dead body here, a dead body there, wrecked cars, and broken walls. None of the dead were civilians though, Guider assured us. The butchery of the innocents had not yet begun, but with the Wallaces in power, it would not be long before it did.
The van stopped near a wrecked bridge, no doubt bombed by the Taylor Air Force to slow the advance of the Wallace armored cavalry. There were a number of burning tanks with the symbol of House Wallace to the other side—a black mailed fist enclosing a globe of fire. A symbol of fascism if I ever saw one. There would be no democracy in Wallace ruled Arcadia—absolute monarchy would be the rule of the land of the law.
We stood staring at the carnage. O’Brien moved around with his hands on his hips.
We all jumped as jet fighters sped over us and engaged in a dogfight in the sky. My keen eyes could make out two planes with Taylor livery—a lion’s head with wings—and one with the mailed fist of the Wallaces—also winged.
As I watched, the Taylor fighters shot the Wallace down, using naught but cannon fire. Taylors always won air battles. Wallaces were better on the ground with tanks and blitzkrieg.
“Well, general,” said Toreus leaning on the van. “If that be your escape route I think you need to find another.”
O’Brien grinned and barked a loud laugh.
“That was the easy route. But O’Brien’s Aces never, ever do anything the easy way. Back in the van, my prince.”
We remounted and were off, following the banks of the river. It was clear that the mercenary was looking for a bridge or ford but I was certain that none would remain after Taylor Air Force bombers and combat engineers were finished with them.
Guider agreed but Toreus made no comment. The Prince resented the gem’s all knowing manner. He liked surprises and did not always wish to know the probability of success in a given situation.
And Guider was wrong. A bridge loomed up and the van headed for it.
O’Brien stopped and we got out. There were wrecked motor cars on the bridge and I smelled the smell of explosives.
“Much too easy,” said Toreus. “Why would House Taylor leave this bridge unmolested?”
“To allow an escape route for their retreating troops.”
“The span is mined,” said Guider.
It was Toreus’ turn to bark a mocking laugh. “They would have already retreated this far and blew the bridge. And if they wanted to leave the route open, they would have posted light infantry with antitank weapons to guard it. It’s mined my friend. Those vehicles were blown up from below and smell that explosive.”
Of course, Toreus was not above using the secret knowledge given to him by the Guider for his personal advantage.
O’Brien looks angry. “The whole world stinks of explosive and maybe those cars were lasered by men below the bridge line.”
“Negative,” said Guider.
“Those aren’t laser marks. The bridge is mined, as my guider has informed me.”
“Your guider?”
Toreus tapped his gem and smiled. “Never leave home without it. It’s not always helpful but it does know when a bridge is mined. Or a girl is fertile. Saves one a lot of trouble and bother.”
O’Brien looked at his trooper driver, who nodded his agreement.
O’Brien grinned and shrugged. “Then they’ll be vehicle mines and we shall walk. Does your guide-thingy tell you that?”
“Probability is close to 80%,” said the gem.
Toreus did not reply.
So we were going to walk across the mined bridge and it was my turn to say something.
“I will lead the way. My sense of smell is keener than even yours, Toreus. I can smell the explosive in a mine and avoid it.”
O’Brien looked at me with that funny look again and then he smiled.
“Okay, Mr. Cat, you lead the way. But don’t get yourself killed. I once knew a cat and he was—a good friend—he got himself killed and—well just be careful.”
“It is always my intent.”
“I will assist you, Shakhorja,” said the Guider.
We started across the bridge with me in the lead.
It was indeed mined and not all of the mines were large enough to be considered anti-vehicle. Guider informed me of that.
The engineer of this field was determined that no one would cross on foot or vehicle. And some people had tried. Now there were dead bodies in the vehicles. Civilians who had fled from the other side by the looks of what was left of their blood splattered clothing. Minefields are a cheap defensive barrier but they are not a discriminating one.
By the time we were halfway across the span the smell of blood was out flanking the smell of explosive in the air. I had to clear my nose in order to keep my attention on the mines. And the shelling was drawing closer as the Wallace artillery marched down the river looking for more pockets of Taylor resistance.
Toreus touched my collar, from which hung an amulet identical to his own. His thought radio spoke to me. “Easy, old friend. We’re almost across this accursed bridge.”
“Two thirds of the distance,” said Guider.
“Shut up, Gem,” said Toreus through the neural link.
“Shutting up,” said Guider, sarcasm in its neural link simulated voice.
“Let us hope that the big man has a plan for where we go from here,” Toreus said to me through our radio. “Once we stop off the other end of the bridge we will be in Wallace territory and fair game.”
“If he doesn’t then we will take off on our own and head for the nearest train toward the spinward wall—closest to home.”
“I agree,” I transmitted.
Yes, we were both losing faith in the mercenary. He claimed that Kotharr had hired him but for all we know he’d just heard the name and decided to use it to his advantage in whatever scheme he might be concocting. Sure, he claimed to like Saber cats but I had no evidence that this was true. Sure, he was able to pass muster with Guider’s truth sensor—but a pathological liar can do that easily. It’s not magic.
We might just as well be better off on our own.
Finally, we made it to the other end of the bridge.
“Now we’re here,” Toreus said to the mercenary. “In Wallace held territory. Where do we go from here?”
O’Brien was about to answer when the noise of a diving jet cut through our awareness and Guider warned of the attack.
It was a Taylor fighter and it was making a run on the road where we stood.
“Hit the deck,” O’Brien yelled and pushed Toreus to the side.
The fighter laid a trail of cannon shells down the road as we ducked for cover. The air filled with the unmistakable smell of human blood. Someone had been hit. The jet continued its strafe across the span, firing lasers that cut the trusses and brought the bridge down into the river.
Then it sped away, no doubt searching for other targets.
“All clear,” announced Guider.
“Joshua’s beard,” said O’Brien, jumping to his feet. “That was a Taylor jet—damn—they’re supposed to be on our side.”
“They don’t know that from up there,” said Toreus.
“I guess—." It was then that O’Brien spotted his driver’s body in the road. Or rather, what was left of him after the 40 mm shells.
“Oh—fek—that was Duv. Duv, man. He’d been with my unit since back in the Range. Damn.”
“I’m sorry,” said Toreus.
O’Brien looked at the prince with flame in his eyes.
“You’d better be worth it, boy. A good man just died for you. If you turn out to be a worthless candy prince—I’ll kill you myself.”
Toreus drew his knife and held it at ready. “Threaten me or mine and you will be the one to die, big man. Toreus Rhann stands for no threat. Strike at me and you will be dead before you hit the ground.”
O’Brien looked at the long Thuvian fighting knife and then into the eyes of the young man who held it. He knew that this was no candy prince and that Toreus meant business. The Rhanns have always hated bullies and there are whole cemeteries back in Pangaea that have been filled to prove it.
O’Brien smiled his goofy grin.
“Put the knife away, son. It’s just that I lost an old friend.”
“You nearly lost yourself, idiot,” said Toreus.
“Yes, I nearly did. Sorry.”
“No, sorry. Lead us out of here or know the consequences for betraying a Rhann.”
“I would never do that,” said O’Brien, leaning in close to the knife wielding young man. Perhaps he was crazy. “I have a contract with Kotharr Khonn and Colin O’Brien never violates his word.”
“50% certainty,” said Guider.
“Not good enough. Give your word to me. Swear allegiance to Toreus Rhann before we go one step further.”
“You speak well enough, turd, when you are blustering. What part of honor don’t you understand?”
“We have to get going.”
“Yes, we do. And if you don’t swear allegiance to me, here and now, I go on alone.”
O’Brien looked at me. “Is he nuts?”
“78% probability,” said Guider.
I smiled my best cat smile. “May be. I wouldn’t test him.”
We could hear a jet engine in the distance.
O’Brien fell on his knees and nodded his head.
“I swear allegiance to Prince Toreus Rhann of Pangaea.”
“66% truth,” said the gem.
Toreus laughed and tapped the man on his armor-plated shoulder.
“Well enough, mercenary. Stand and lets get out of here.”
“Just one thing—if you don’t mind,” said O’Brien. He went to the body of Duv and removed an ID tag. “His folks will want to know what happened to him even if they can’t legally claim the body.”
Toreus nodded and the sound of jets battling overhead, despite Guider’s assurance that they were not headed for us, made the three of us rush for the nearest ditch.
“Do you have a plan or are we going to wander about this plate until the Ki’Vhans or the Wallaces or the Taylors kill us?”
O’Brien nodded. “There’s an airship waiting for us. We get to it, board it, and head for the wall. Once there we head though a jump port to the next nearest plate and join up with my people at a mercenary camp over there.”
A jet exploded overhead, its debris raining down all about us.
“A Wallace pilot will not be going home tonight,” said Guider.
“Let us go,” said Toreus jumping to his feet and pulling O’Brien to his.
We moved from cover to cover as we headed toward the rendezvous point with O’Brien’s mystery airship. Shelling and aircraft activity was increasing by the minute and we dared not expose ourselves to the open for too long a period at a stretch.
Eventually we ran into an enemy patrol. They were human’s—if you can apply that sobriquet to Wallaces. A patrol of infantry from the Wallace House Guard.
We quickly took cover behind what was left of the garden wall of a house that had been bombed to the foundation.
The soldiers moved along the road and we hunkered down.
When they were gone, we moved, staying behind the line of fences and walls of other bombed out house.
“There’ll be more,” said O’Brien. “If they’re sending foot patrols forward there has to be at least a platoon sized unit nearby.
“There are three companies nearby according to overhead feeds,” said Guider.
“Nearly a battalion,” said Toreus. “We may have to fight them.”
Both O’Brien and I looked at him as if he were insane.
“This isn’t any vid show, your majesty,” said the merc. “If we’re outnumbered and outgunned we go down and die. Or, worse, get taken prisoner. They’ll put a Trongoroth control tick on my neck and hold you to wave in front of your daddy. Gods only know what they’ll do to kitty cat here.”
Toreus nodded. “Unfortunately true.”
“Don’t worry though,” Colin O’Brien brightened. “We’re not far from the LZ where we’re supposed to meet the airship. Not more than two kilometers.”
“Then we should proceed,” said the Prince.
And we did, twice more hiding from Wallace squads moving along the road.
It was while we were in our last hide that a column of trucks showed up and stopped not more than ten meters from us. Men climbed down and fanned out. This did not look good.
“What do we do now?” I asked.
“Wait,” said O’Brien.
“When will your ship arrive at the LZ?” Toreus asked.
“It’s already up there waiting. Ship is stealth equipped. All we need to do is reach the point.”
“Two kilometers away.”
“Two kilometers into enemy territory.”
“Well, yes.”
“Then I say we need transport.”
“Dream on prince.”
Toreus smiled an evil smile. “No need to dream. One only has to reach out and grab.”
Toreus had, as I feared, had enough of waiting and sneaking around.
He rose to his feet and crept toward the nearest truck before O’Brien could attempt to stop him. By that time it was too late for debate or protestation without alerting the enemy and bringing death upon all three of us.
There were three soldiers and a driver near the vehicle. All apparently confident that a Wallace victory made them safe in this apparently rear area.
Toreus took out his knife and crept like the Ranger hunter that he had trained to be as a youth. Had I not feared for our safety I would have been proud.
I crept behind him, guarding his back against any enemy he might not have noticed. We had hunted deer with knife and claw this way in the Thuvian Highlands. Deer have much keener senses than humans who are nearly blind when it comes to a sense of smell.
Toreus jumped the closest soldier and slit his throat just above the collar of his armor. A second soldier swerved in his direction, rifle ready.
But I took that soldier’s head off with one swat of my claw.
The third was going to sound the alarm when O’Brien shot him and the driver in the chest.
“Well,” hooted O’Brien. “We have a truck.”
Bullets and shouts came from the direction of the other vehicles. The other Wallace Guards had noticed us.
“But not for long if we don’t hurry,’ said Toreus as he jumped into the cab of the truck.
O’Brien and I jumped into the bed, the mercenary firing at the other soldiers to keep their heads down.
We were quickly underway, bullets tearing through the canvas cover of the military truck, O’Brien howling like a madman as he returned fire and me—well I was laying as flat as I could, trying to avoid massive trauma.
Toreus kept the accelerator as flat to the floor as was possible. The enemy was in pursuit of us. But we were far ahead of the other trucks, their drivers, professional teamsters, having a greater respect for the road than my prince.
Then Ki’Vhan bikers on smart bikes—spikes as they are called—sped ahead of the trucks along the side of the road. The hovering bikes quickly gained on us.
Grunting, O’Brien discharged a laser from his over and under rifle. A Ki’Vhan biker blew up and his shrapnel killed his buddy. Two for the price of one.
“Directions please,” Toreus called over his shoulder to O’Brien.
“Keep going until you find a—“Bullets caused O’Brien to stop and laser two more spikers. “A road that leads up a flat hill. That’s where the LZ is.”
We had managed to outdistance our pursuers. Oh, they were still back there but far back and not right on our tails. But I knew that when we got to the LZ we would not have much time before they were on top of us. If the airship was not right there then we might not make it.
I was beginning to doubt more than ever that Toreus’ rash action in getting us transport was the correct one.
“Her is your turnoff,” said Guider. Though the Guider voice sounded human, it showed no nerves as it announced this fact.
Toreus fishtailed the truck onto the new road and gunned it up the hill. Enemy vehicles followed, small all terrain vehicles armed with cannon and machine guns. O’Brien took out the front tires of one with his laser, causing it to flip end over end. But one of the enemy cannons took out our rear tires on the left side. This slowed the truck considerably.
Toreus roared and continued to floor the accelerator.
“Enemy forces attempting to surround the hill,” said Guider.
“Parp,” growled Toreus.
We reached the top and Toreus fishtailed the trick around as if he were planning to rush down the hill and ram the enemy forces coming up. I prayed that he wasn’t. But this did not look good and I know that members of the Rhann family have one overwhelming trait in common—they do not like to lose.
“Out of juice and ammo,” yelled O’Brien.
Toreus thrust the cab door open and stepped down, pistol in one hand and knife in the other. His nano armor bloomed into one solid suit beneath his beaten up leather coat. The nano-tattoos on his face cut in and became his war mask.
Misgivings or no I stood beside him.
O’Brien stood at our backs, having discarded his rifle and drawn his laspistol.
The Ki’Vhan and Wallace soldiers coming up the hill seemed unimpressed. This looked like a last stand. Toreus might go down fighting but he would go down and yours truly with him.
A screaming Ki’Vhan raced toward us. Toreus shot him in the face and then took out a second and a third. Lasers pulsed from O’Brien’s pistol and killed more. I roared and bared my teeth and claws, no one being close enough for me to use them.
A shadow fell across us. Either cloud or the angel of death.
Then the air was split by the road of electric cannon and the buzz of lasers. The advancing enemies were moved down.
Troops on spider strings dropped all around us.
“Airship hovering overhead,” said Guider just a little too late, which made me wonder—was Guider as unemotional as it seemed or did it have a vid director’s flare for the dramatic?
The enemy were retreating down the hill as trails of exploding shells followed them.
“Our ride,” said O’Brien as he grasped a spider line.
Toreus grabbed one too and two of the mercenary troopers fastened one around my torso. We were soon drawn up into the bowels of the airship.
Soon the ship was rising up into the air. From a porthole, I could see the upwardly curving slop of the Arcadia plate. We were moving to spinward and away from the battle.
We were on our way out of Arcadia but I had a feeling that we had not seen our last of the Arcadian Civil War. I looked toward Toreus who gazed out that same porthole, a far away look in his eyes. The battle tattoos had fades and his armor retracted but his still stood as if ready for a fight.
This journey was just beginning. Our days of academia were now behind us.
The End
Prince Toreus Rhann Gazetter
Seven Empires of Pangea (P:---the principle political entities of the Western Pangeaworld at the time of Lord Thrull Khonn. , the Empires most probably included Thuvia Valusia, Grondar, Kamelia, Thule, Commoria, and the "Triple Federation".
Thuvia:---westernmost of the Seven Empires of the Pangean continent during the pre-Cataclysmic times, so called Land of Enchantment. It was apparently the wealthiest and most sophisticated of the continental nations of that era. Thuvia was also the most ancient of the human pre-Cataclysmic kingdoms. It was young when Atlantis and Mu were mere islands of primitives. The ancestors of the Thuvians came from the Far Eastern Land-sometime after the First Great Cataclysm, warred with a pre-human race of serpent-folk (the old ones)0f the Dragon Lands-Ghonwhanna Land of another near by world plate, and set up their empire in western Thuria. By Thrull Khonn 's time, the nation was degenerate, ripe for a barbarian usurper. Eventually, Thrull Khonn ,exile of Thuvia became its king. His capital city, also called Thuvia, was known as the City of Wonders. Mountains stood on the southern frontier of Thuvia, where a colony of Picts had been established to serve as a buffer "against foreign invasion".
Crystals City of Wonders:---also called "the Crystal City of Thuvia." The City of Wonders was the capital city of the kingdom of Thuvia.It also has another name and that is known as the Crystal Twine Cities of Karzandor and Zarandorr. The city has tall, jeweled spires and lush gardens. It is the location of the regal Tower of Splendor and the Emerald Throne. A thousand years before the Age of Lord Thrull Khonn, the city was once called Zardath-a city in the time of the ancients of the Pangean world,before the First Great Cataclysm,an atomic war,that destroyed much of this ancient land. It is now a ruined, subterranean city that lies below the City of Wonders. (Zardath-the Crystal City of Wonders,became the name of seberal other similar cities found around the Shattered Empires of Pangea,found upon the Dysonshere of Terra-Prime.
Thule:---a mysterious northern kingdom of the pre-Cataclysmic Age, having fabulous ice-caves,huge Icelandic tundras,great frozen plains and high ice mountains
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Jun 14 2008 by Joseph Thompson
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Jun 14 2008 by Joseph Thompson
KURT BUSIEK and CARY NORDIn 2003, Dark Horse Comics and Conan Properties International announced a new comic-book featuring the legendary adventures of Conan the Barbarian. The monthly ongoing series, which came out with its first issue in March 2004, includes all new stories based on the classic Robert E. Howard character and also incorporates adaptations of his original Conan tales.In the series, Kurt Busiek, one of the best-selling comics writers of all time, turnes his attention to one of the greatest heroes of all time. Teaming with Cary Nord, whose stunning art redefines sword and sorcery with every panel, Busiek presents Conan's story from day one, in the manner it was meant to be told. Now the legend of Conan is brought to vivid life for the modern audience. Decades ahead of its time, Howard's stories can finally get the graphic treatment they deserve.The first issue, "Conan #0: Conan the Legend" won the 2004 Eisner Award for Best Single Issue.The comic books are priced at $2.99. Read more at Darkhorse.com.
May 9 2008 by SUPERMAN
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Escape from Arcadia.
By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward. Thompson
c. 2007 Maveric Lion Productions
Based on a Short Story
Chapter One-Escape from Arcadia-revised edition.
Know this, my Friends-somewhere between the Great Cataclysmic Era’s of the Central Pangea Shattered Empires and the Great Fall of Civilizations, the rise and fall of Trongaroth Empires and the Great Rise of Empires upon the Pangaean Shattered Lands and rise of the New Son of Terra-Prime, there an age of great heroes and heroines-warriors and ,time sorcerers, who fought for the Lords of Light against the Dark Forces of evil.
This was Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars – Neimaria, Oparia, Britainia, Hykhonia-the four nations –so called Sword brother nations, who helped defend the west from many an enemy.
Zhankhora with its dark-haired women and darked brave hearted men, who fought against Metrone spider-armies of the Casparean Mountains,
Zhankhearia The most powerful sea raiders next to their Zhankhoria rivals, the Zhankhearian are active supporters of the Casparian buccaneers, Kothankhora-the great alliance of City States that bordered the pastoral lands of Shonkhora to the East,
with its shadow-guarded tombs, and mystery haunted gleaming towers of gold Mankhorian Nomads, whose spike riders wore steel and silk and gold. It was said, a Mankhorian Nomad, learned ride before he or she could walk. The Drakhoneans and the Arkhon twine kingdoms-Gleaming mailed and silken clad riders, masters of the Black Burning Sea, Twine Kingdoms revels in sweeping the barely contested wastelands to the west and south .The Khaiton ancient empire, stronghold of the world's greatest time wizards and masters of the eastern world.
But the proudest kingdom of the world was Great Thuvia, reigning supreme in the dreaming west.It’s Great Seven Kingdoms of
Hither out of Great Thuvia came Prince Toreus Rhann, also sometimes known as Toreus the Slayer by his enemies and Prince Toreus, Lord of Lions black-haired, sullen-eyed, great Thuvian sword in hand, Grand Thuvian Armor and blaster in hand a slayer of many enemies, with gigantic strength and great courage, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Terra-Prime with the Great Capronean Lion –Shakhorja by his side with other heroes bring down the dark forces of evil and light back to the New Sons of Terra-prime."
- The Thuvian Chronicles-Prince Toreus Rhann, the Third.
This is a tale of Prince Toreus Rhann. The First Son of Thuvia, also sometimes known as Toreus the Slayer by his enemies and Prince Toreus, Lord of Lions, by friends, companions, and allies. Not to be confused with Toreus Rhann I, his esteemed father. Much has been said about that worthy elsewhere in the Chronicles of Pangaea and the Book of Thuvia.
Chapter One.
Escape from Arcadia
Know this,my Friends-somewhere between the Great Cataclysmic Era’s of the Central Pangea Shattered Empires and the Great Fall of Civilizations,the rise and fall of Trongaroth Empires and the Great Rise of Empires upon the Pangaean Shattered Lands and rise of the New Son of Terra-Prime,there an age of great heroes and heroines-warriors and ,time sorcerers,who fought for the Lords of Light against the Dark Forces of evil.
This was Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars - Neimaria, Oparia, Britainia,Hykhonia-the four nations –so called Sword brother nations,who helped defend the west from many an enemy.
Zhankhora with its dark-haired women and darked brave hearted men, who fought against Metrone spider-armies of the Casparean Mountains,
Zhankhearia The most powerful sea raiders next to their Zhankhoria rivals, the Zhankhearian are active supporters of the Casparian buccaneers, Kothankhora-the great alliance of City States that bordered the pastoral lands of Shonkhora to the East,
with its shadow-guarded tombs,and mystery haunted gleaming towers of gold Mankhorian Nomads, whose spike riders wore steel and silk and gold. It was said,a Mankhorian Nomad,learned ride before he or she could walk.The Drakhoneans and the Arkhon twine kingdoms-Gleaming mailed and silken clad riders, masters of the Black Burning Sea, Twine Kingdons revels in sweeping the barely contested wastelands to the west and south .The Khaiton ancient empire, stronghold of the world's greatest time wizards and masters of the eastern world,
But the proudest kingdom of the world was Great Thuvia, reigning supreme in the dreaming west.
Hither out of Great Thuvia came Prince Toreus Rhann, black-haired, sullen-eyed, great Thuvian sword in hand, Grand Thuvian Armor and blaster in hand a slayer of many enemies, with gigantic strength and great courage, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Terra-Prime with the Great Capronean Lion –Shakhorja by his side with other heroes bring down the dark forces of evil and light back to the New Sons of Terra-prime."
- The Thuvian Chronicles-Prince Toreus Rhann,the Third.
This is a tale of Prince Toreus Rhann. The First Son of Thuvia, also sometimes known as Toreus the Slayer by his enemies and Prince Toreus, Lord of Lions, by friends, companions, and allies. Not to be confused with Toreus Rhann I, his esteemed father. Much has been said about that worthy elsewhere in the Chronicles of Pangaea and the Book of Thuvia.
If you want to know of his noble family then look elsewhere. They will tell you how Toreus Rhann I united the nations of Pangaea and became the Emperor Toreus Rhann I. Or how his ancient ancestors, the Starkillers—principally Captain Toreus Starkiller-- beat back the Trongoroth invasion and restored Pangaea as the Jewel of the Sphere of Terra Prime. The scholars all know of the Great deeds of his Great grandfather Ulyseas Rhann-as did his father Odyseus Rhann,who sailed the Seven Seas of Great Pangaea to fight the enemies –the Khaiton ,the Drakhoneans and the Arkhon of Northern and Central Pangaea ,during the First and Second Great Pangeaen Wars and how that Thuvian Ranger helped bring back the apart of the Golden Ages of the Ancient Pangaeans.They also know the heroic tales of many of Princely members of the Imperial House of Rhann and Khonn,to which the current Royal Family bloodlines extend from the man legend,turned hologod,known as First Lord Thrull Khonn-once exile of Thuvia,turned Thuvian Ranger and Messianic savior of the Great Pangean World.
If you want to know of his noble family then look elsewhere. They will tell you how Toreus Rhann I united the nations of Pangaea and became the Emperor Toreus Rhann I. Or how his ancient ancestors, the Starkillers—principally Captain Toreus Starkiller-- beat back the Trongoroth invasion and restored Pangaea as the Jewel of the Sphere of Terra Prime. The scholars all know of the Great deeds of his Great grandfather Ulyseas Rhann-as did his father Odysseus Rhann,the sailed the Seven Seas of Great Pangaea to fight the enemies –the Khaiton ,the Drakhoneans and the Archon of Northern and Central Pangaea ,during the First and Second Great Pangeaen Wars and how that Thuvian Ranger helped bring back the apart of the Golden Ages of the Ancient Pangaeans.
But any schoolchild knows of the Shattered Empires of Pangaea, and the aftermath of the Great Cataclysm. Stories of the ancient Dragon Wars, the Emperor Thrull Khan and the return of the Golden Age of Pangaea.
No, this is a story that few know. And I can tell it to you because I, Shakhorja, the Silver Lion, was there to witness it. As I was during most of Toreus' career.
Listen and I will tell you of Toreus Rhann II. A story of his youth long before he stood against the renegade wizards, or fought side by side with the Bold Princes of Arcadia in the Second War for Terra Prime. Long before he was named Sarkhon's Knight and led his Ranger Legions in that same struggle for the freedom of the Sphere.
This is a tale of a young man, not yet a legend, setting out on the trail of destiny for the first time. It is a story of his adventures and his misadventures. It is our story, mine and his. For I was his cat and where he went so did I.
The rumble of war continued for fourth straight day as the conquering forces of Baron Radu Wallace closed on the capital city and the forces of King Nathan Taylor withdrew. Classes had been canceled at Arcadia University. Most of the able-bodied Arcadian students had gone off to fight on either side in this most uncivil of civil wars. Thuvian Rangers, were sent in secretly, to back up the Arcadian Army, on an unofficial basis, since the Thuvian government, did not an official presence-unless provoked into action. The other mercenaries such as the Tyrhainean Commandoes or Kellon Royal Mercenaries had other opinions. They governments, mostly militaristic based, did care about the suttalities of politics. The Wallace, gutless cur, that they are, would fight their own fight, but employed an off world alien, mercenary force, known as the Ki’Vhan-near brainless beings, dressed in red battle armor, from head to toe. Only there gloves in boots with of a chalky, blue and whitish color, as was their emotionless facemask. Red eyes, surrounded by dark rings blankly would stair back at the enemy, showing no emotion. The Ki’Vhan, we were told could produced by the thousands, some foot soldiers armed only standard weapons and others Special Forces more advanced equipment.
Chapter One.
As was our habit those days, we sat in the Student Union, where there was a tavern MacKhain’s Den, which existed upon this very spot almost since the founding of the university campus. It’s innkeeper and head barman I curled by Toreus' feet as he stared morosely into his pint of Tennysonian bitters, tapping his booted foot to some tune that only he could hear. Perhaps a pop tune or a march. The choice would depend on his demeanor at the moment. I think perhaps a march, since war was very much on his mind.
Toreus Rhann was in his second year at the University as an exchange student-something common among many nations of other world plates of the Great Terra Prime would do to train their young prince in the arts of war and command. His father had insisted that his scholarship be of the broadest caliber and since Toreus was a young man of great physical potential— and warlike temper-- he most things about academic life annoying and bothersome. Save for the beautiful female students who often shared his bed on those nights when yours truly was forced to lay upon the couch watching video or dreaming of lionesses back home in the Thuvian Range.
Since my duties as protector/companion of the Prince required me to attend all the many parties that students feel required to attend and to stop young Toreus from drinking the education his father was paying for out of his noggin as soon as it was put in, I too was required to attend University. Though the enlightened and liberal minded Arcadians still do not award degrees in their schools to felines—no matter how bright they may be—I was not considered a student. Nor was I considered a pet. Arcadia law recognizes anyone who can talk as a sentient and so a free individual. I can ride in a passenger vehicle without being caged and do not require a muzzle nor a leash—thank the Gods-mainly the hologod Thrull Khonn-who my master claimed to a direct descendent of .
I was here on orders from the Emperor's cat—my great uncle. Therefore, I was here out of family honor and loyalty to the Imperial Crown.
Not that I would not have followed Prince Toreus to Arcadia, even without Imperial orders. We are a team, bonded long ago in the Thuvian Range. Where he goes always I shall follow. It is my life, my soul, my destiny.
In those days of turmoil, I also felt that it was my duty to stay close to my most impetuous friend lest he join House Taylor in their lost cause.
Toreus was a scrapper. He liked to get involved in fights. But his father, the Emperor, had determined that the Prince was here to get an education in the liberal arts and not to cause any diplomatic incidents.
His Imperial Majesty did not want his eldest son and heir fighting in this war. He was not, Emporer Toreus Rhann, the First, not ready to lead a successful fight against superior forces. Prince Toreus, he felt to too reckless, in those small, bandit raids, he had let be involved in years before. The Politics of Pangaea being what they were—and law being a necessary limitation even to an Emperor—the Pangaean government had not been able to decide whom they favored in this civil war. Even though his Highness had decided which he wanted to be involved in, the High Council of Thuvia believed, that the affairs of this foreign nation, was a matter for a later date-when the time, they felt after countless hour of debate and perhaps, a bit of sideways profit, political and otherwise, could gained by entering into this civil conflict. Still the House Taylor had been allies of House Rhann for generations and Queen Lois—the Duchess of Tennyson—was a cousin of the Rhanns House Clan. The Emperor felt some sort of peaceful presence, in an unofficial compascity could gained by sending in Thuvian Rangers, as a back up forces, if in any event Thuvia wished decide on what side be involved with.
Oh, the Emperor knew his son well. He'd been much like him in his youth.
The MacKhain’s Den, was nearly empty-save a few drunken moron’s too stupid to leave the city. There was the Zhankhearian Barkeep-Frackeer Moosekall ,with dark, jet black hair and long goatee whose notice, he hoped to not be noticed by the cities new rulers and his wife Danalla a fat red head, once an exotic dancers, in her youth, worked here’s ago, when she was shapely and then pleasant to look at-whose family would side with Wallaces-if only to keep their business going on. And situated somewhere in the middle of the tavern floor, was two idiots-Tyrhainean Mercenaries- of the Vanarian province, who came to learn the art of was from Arcadians. Tyrhaineans -tall, Super warrior-some say, have the blood of the Kalladon of the ancient Terran Federation homeworld, who hail from various parts of Pangaea and other parts of the sphere, brave warrior, but often too stupid to know, when it was time to flee. These were two local, idiots-Kragg O’Malley and his idiot brother Karg O’Malley. These two Tyrhaineans were always in here, doing this kind of thing, every night. They exchange students, like himself, situated here, to learn the arts of wars, but learned more the art of drinking instead-something their idiot of parents, refused to dischourage. like his own mother and father did almost since the young princes birth.
Prince Toreus sat in the tavern,awaiting his secret contact-Captain Khotharr Khann-First Son of his father’s old friend General Khotharr Khann,Senior-son of the Original Khotharr Khonn of his Grandfathers era-the Imperial Reign of Ulyseas Rhann,the First.The youthful First Son of Thuvia looked about his table,boldly spying upon the other patrons of the darken tavern. Captain Khotharr Khann,like his father General Khotharr Khann,Junior and Grant Father,was only partially of Thuvian ancestry.The blood of the Kalladon nation-a race of genetically enhanced super warrior,from the Terran Federations homeworld of Old Earth flows in his veins on Old General Kotharr Khann,Senior.The Imperial Kalladon,defeated on the Terran homeworld by their opposite numbers-the Alpha Omega Warriors,sometime in the early 21 st Century,caused many to flee for distant space to colonize other suitable worlds and conquore other far regions of deep space.Also,the Imperial House of Khonn,claimed to have the blood of renegade Imperial Delkhoneans-another race of genetically enhanced super soldiers,enhased with cybernetic parts and encased in fierce,silvery battle armor,also flowed through Kotharr Khanns blood.
In one of these dens merriment thundered to the low smoke-stained
roof, where rascals gathered in every stage of strange alien armor and non native military uniform--
furtive space mercenaries hiding from the local interstellar law enforcers,like the Terran Federation Rangers or trapped upon the Sphere-hoping to gain possible passage offworld to other distant lands, leering drunken soldiers-drummed out of some military service from cowardice or some other such nonsense,that would one kicked out of the military, quick-fingered gunslingers,looking for new fortunes and new challenges to prove themselves,
swaggering bravoes with their wenches, strident-voiced women clad in
tawdry finery. Native rogues were the dominant element--dark-haired,
dark-eyed Arcadians,pistols at their side and daggers tucked in their web belts and bravery,if not brains in their
hearts.Prince Toreus Rhann,knew some of them,via his guider link,that gave tactical data and historical material,when he needed such for combat tactical situations and mission operations reports on local individuals of interest. But there were wolves of half a dozen outland nations there as
well. There was a giant pail,yellowish green Jovian Primative renegade, taciturn and dangerous, He like all Jovian Primatives,was a product of superior genetic engineering of Old Earths Alpha-Omaga Warriors Super Soldier Program and has superhuman endurance,super stronge bones, regenerative abilities and unlimited strength.He wore a great lether sash around his left shoulder,that wrapped about his lower right,massively muscle hip.A huge set of ammo cartradges,hung from this and met upon a broadsword strapped to his great gaunt frame--for men wore
steel openly in the Tavern.His name was Janus Rockaway-a space mercenary,sometimes star pirate and interstellar bounty-hunter,working with the Terran Federation and their Colonial Alliances.He was said to be a drect descendant of the famous Jovian Primative Slave Leader Joshua Rockaway,some centuries back in ancient Terran Colonial history.The Jovian’s dark grey green eyes,glanced about,trying not to notice Toreus gazing in his direction.Janus Rockaway,looked back around and returned to his Darkhonean Ale.
Sitting opposite him,was another alien looking mercenary known by the name of Barrack Nhorr-he was known to many to be a strange humanoid ,covered by a
durable, orange silicon-based body armored hide.They were known
as Gholemoidians ,that grants him protection against nearly all forms of physical harm and gives him a rock-like appearance.He wore a similar costume as the Jovian,a Combat Utility Military Style vest,but one more suited to his huge,rocky statur,complete with strange Ruinic Symbols,of Gholemoidian designs,that crisscrossed,like huge red rock scratches in his leather like apparell.He wore a huge,Gholemoidian Broadsword upon his back and two,huge pistols,fit for his two great rocky five fingered hands.His cold,baby blue eyes,twinkled back at Young Thuvian Prince as he staired at him.
Sitting opposite him,was another alien looking mercenary known by the name of Barrack Nhorr-he was known to many to be a strange species of durable, orange silicon-based substance,known as Gholemoidians ,that grants him protection against nearly all forms of physical harm and gives him a rock-like appearance. Shell
The upper shell of the turtle is called the carapace. The lower shell that encases the belly is called the plastron. The carapace and plastron are joined together on the turtle's sides by bony structures called bridges. The inner layer of a turtle's shell is made up of about 60 bones that includes portions of the backbone and the ribs, meaning the turtle cannot crawl out of its shell. In most turtles, the outer layer of the shell is covered by horny scales called scutes that are part of its outer skin, or epidermis. Scutes are made up of a fibrous protein called keratin that also makes up the scales of other reptiles. These scutes overlap the seams between the shell bones and add strength to the shell. Some Gholemoidians do not have horny scutes.
He wore a similar costume as the Jovian,a Combat Utility Military Style vest,but one more suited to his huge,rocky statur,complete with strange Ruinic Symbols,of Gholemoidian designs,that crisscrossed,like huge red rock scratches in his leather like apparell.He wore a huge,Gholemoidian Broadsword upon his back and two,huge pistols,fit for his two great rocky five fingered hands.
In In oxygen-rich atmospheres, Barrack Nhorr also possesses vast superhuman strength almost comparable to his huge companion Janus Rockaway.
This mineral state also grants him an extremely prolonged lifespan.Since his species is somewhat based on an ancient turdle like humanoid species,Barrack Nhorr ,as many Gholemoideans are thought to have exceptional night vision due to the unusually large number of rod cells in their retinas.They have color vision with a wealth of cone subtypes with sensitivities ranging from the near Ultraviolet (UV A) to Red.
When fighting as a gladiator,with Janus Rockaway,in the Great Lhankmearian Arenas, he mostly relied on his physical power and extremely durable form, rather than actual fighting skills. He is, however, an experienced military strategist and consummate pragmatist, constantly assessing his environment so he can tell what actions are necessary for his continued survival.Bharrack Nhorr,often will insult or talk to his appoinent,hoping confused him or her with insults and wise cracks or boasts of his strenth and fighting skill,hoping make an enemy become sloppy and make mistakes in combat situations.
He is capable of surviving impacts of great strength and force without sustaining injury, as his body is covered with an orange, flexible, rock-like hide. He is also able to withstand gunfire from high caliber weapons as well as armor piercing rounds. The highly advanced musculature generates fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity, granting him superhuman levels of stamina.
Aside from his physical attributes, Barrack Nhorr 's senses can withstand greater levels of sensory stimulation than an ordinary human, with the exception of his sense of touch. His lungs possess greater efficiency and volume than those of an ordinary human,since his species originated from an aquatic animial,such as a turdle.As a result, Barrack Nhorr is capable of holding his breath for much greater periods of time.
Both Janus Rockaway and Barrack Nhorr,were two oddest of companions-a huge,hulking humanoid and his rocky Golem like companion.Both two of the fierest warriors.
‘’Fight you cowards’’a dark,gravely voiced broke through the other load tavern patrons merrymaking.
There was a bold-eyed Brythundrian wench, sitting on the knee of a tawny-haired Darkhonean warriors knee—a wandering mercenary soldier, a deserter from some defeated army-perhaps somewhere on Terra-Prime or somewhere from beyond the stars-who could tell.He was a huge,large,walnut headed.dark skinned swarthy looking hard-faced man of maybe over 6 foot-maybe 7 foot.He had an almost oriental look,but a bullbus forehead,that came into a strange,bar shapped widows peak.High rising satanic eye brows,curved upward,like great scimitars inward toward each other .This gave the wolfish faced dark haired giant more sophisticated and threatening demeanor,than many of the fellows around him.He simply sat there and grimmed a vulpin smile,bearing to canine fangs,like some humanoid predatory dog.A great black,scarlet and dark golden sash,made from leather,hung from his left armored shoulder pad down passed his broad deep chest and around his hip,toward his back area-which had a great Darkhonean Broadsword,strapped into it’s dark leather sheath.Odd energy weapon and a special knifes hung his combat ulity belf.also of Darkhonean design.Two other Darkhoneans sat silently behind his,keeoing their peace and not wanting insult their commanded by imforming that as Darkhonean Pack leader,he was embarassing them in public and should remain silent.Not boisterously get involved in some backward cultures retared sports.
‘’More-more-fight like men.not children you Terran spawned dogs.’’the Darkhonean shouted,lifting a cup of Darkhonean Wine,to encourage the two Thuleans still chocking each other.I have fifhty Drakharr credits upon Juggass Tharns head,that he’d beat his twine brother Drunkuss Tharn in a fair choking fight.’’
Janus Rockaway and Barrack Nhorr both glaced over into the Darkhoneans direction,giving a sallure look of disguist and hopefully loud mouthed badluck,brought on by the ancient Lords of Light and Darkness-a eons old interstellar slang term for the many good and bad super beings fighting the Great Titantic Temporal Cold Wars of the Multiverse.
Behind the the Jovian Primative and Gholemoidean,was a tall,dark haired warrior,who stood almost as tall as Prince Toreus himself.He had cold steeling blue eyes and dark black hair,and was obviously of the same ancestry as the Thuvian Prince himself,but shared some ancestral traits of the Kalladon and Delkhon blood.Beside him was two figures-the bald ,oreintal looking Time Sorcerer Chairen Kharr-a rare Half Delkhonean and half Shaintainean Temporal Wizard,who was currently travelling Janus Rockaway and company.He claims to be able to trace his liniage back to the ancient Chinesse Empirors of the Shun Dynasty,upon Old Earth and the ancient Delkhonean Empirors of the Kharr Dynasty,upon the Delkhonean homeworld. Chairen Kharr ,claimed to be one of partial Atlantean blood-being they of one of many Elder Races-who eons ago controllled and conquored the infinate realms of temporal space,by way star gate technology plus cosmic and quantum temporal forces,to control matter and energy,to be used in many ways similar to those fictional and fantasy mystic wizards,to the Legion gained their name.The legion,it was said,were the true Guardians of peace and justice,throughout the infinate cosmos and infinate multiverse beyond.Beside was Lady Janisca Gravestone-a Jovian Primative female warrior.
The tall Thuvian approached Prince Toreus Rhann,stiding across the beer and wine stained floor,with confidence of a stalking Lords of Lions himself would do,in a similar situation. This Thuvian was as much out of place in that den as a gray wolf among mangy rats of the gutters. His Thuvian shirt and combat vest could not conceal the hard, rangy lines of his powerful frame, the broad heavy shoulders, the massive chest, lean waist and heavy arms.The Thuvian Rangers eyes blue and smoldering; a shock of tousled black hair crowned his broad forehead. From his girdle hung a sword in a worn leather scabbard,with a pistol holster to the other side-stun twine billyclubs,hung behind the blade and a knife from one boot strapped to right shine and another smaller stun baton from the other left shine.He looked down at the seat First Son of Thuvia and silvery Capronean Lion companion.Prince Toreus looked meeting the older Thuvian with the same intense stair.He kicked a wooden seat out from under the large Kharaidian Oak table.
‘’Well are you going to stand and stair at me and Shakhorja all night’’the Thuvian Prince shouted loudly to the standing Thuvian Ranger.’’Or are you going to sit down,By Thrull cousin Khotharr Khonn.’’
Insert material yet to be written.
Chapter Two.
Prince Toreus meets with Khonn.
Ky’Vhann Stormtroopers outside are looking at the tavern.Prince Toreus Rhann and Kotharr Khonn need to create some of destraction to escape.
Both Prince Toreus Rhann,his cousin Captain Kotharr Khonn.plus Shakhorjah,the Silver Capronean Lion could hear many foot steps moving up the city streets,near The MacKhain’s Den.All of Arcadia,knew what this meant-Ki’Vhann Stormtrooppers,making street to street,house to house searches for rebel forces.Citizen’s loyal to the Imperial Rebel House of Taylor,who harbored resistance fighters,enemy spies and so forth among their dwellings-hidden in darken cellars,low multi level Drinking Dens like this one,that also led to the many subterrain catacombs and sub shuutle tunnel system,beneath the Grand majestic towers and city streets,which led anywhere and everywhere upon Terra-Prime.
The first Ki’Vhan command. - 'Shi-Shoult! 'Shi-Shoult! Nacht bvowgun.`’’the three uaeds their individual Guider Gems translated Eastern Gravh’arian Province Ki’Vhan into Terran English ‘’’Halt halt-Don’t move.’’
'Erschließen Sieghar, Sieghar arkadenscher Hondharr.! '' the Ki’Vhann shouted’ Open up, you Arcadian Dog.’’
Now Prince Toreus Rhann's eyes focused on two students who were involved in a choke-out. This is a particularly simple-minded enterprise in which two young men try to choke each other out to see who will pass out first. Next to alcohol poisoning, suicide over girls and autoerotic asphyxiation, it is one of the leading causes of death among college-aged males. Their parents were spending fortunes to send them all the way across the Sphere to fill their heads with knowledge and they spent much of their time trying to destroy the very brains they were there to fill. Vanarian Tykhairians, often teach their idiot sons, how to fight, but not how behave in public places. Idiot displaces, like were common among their kind.
The Prince frowned, shoved himself to his feet, and cracked his knuckles—always a bad sign. He knows that weak-minded people find this irritating. He does not mind irritating weak-minded people—not one bit. He's made a sport of it.
Toreus strode to the contestant's table with a grace that made even my feline walk look clumsy. I quickly moved to guard his blindside. Lest one of the chunkheads about the tavern decide to attack from the rear. A big, Caladonean muscle man, moved out of the shadows, waiting to see, who he’d have throw out into dirty alley way behind the bar first. Zhankhearian Barkeep employed him, to keep the peace, but often only after which he preferred to win, either lost on won. Then with a silent command, would action and be involved in this taverns many costumers scrabbles.
The Prince grinned down at the two combatants and quickly grasped them by the nape of their necks with his huge hands, slamming their foreheads together with a hearty thud.
They landed on their butts, stunned and dismayed.
"Why'd you do that?" growled one of them as what passed for his brain cleared.
Toreus pointed toward the door of the Union. "By Thrull Khonn's heart there's a war on out there, moron. If it's your death you be wanting then man up and join the fight. Choking each other. By Sarkhon's buttocks you're are fools."
"We wanted to see who would unk first—or pass out," said the second choker, as if this explained everything.
"Dimwitted tool," barked Toreus. "Back in Thuvia, we test how brave we are in battle--not in silly baby men games. Next you'll be walking about honking like those pathetic balless wonders in video wrestling.''
The first student bounded to his feet. Obviously he had left his mind at home in his parent's keeping when he came to Arcadopolis.
"Smelly Thuvian lout."
"I'd suggest you take this love play to your room lest you embarrass yourself," laughed Prince Toreus, his hands clenched into fists.
"I'll not have a Thuvian question my manhood," growled the student.
"And indeed it is in question," said Toreus, his cat green eyes narrowing like twin gun sights. I decided it was time to save this hapless choker's life.
I moved in between him and young Toreus and reared up, resting my paws on big mouth's shoulders. The boy's eyes bulged in horror. I am, after all, a rather large, saber toothed, Thuvian lion.
"Get your cat off me, Thuvian Neanderthal," yelped the young man.
"Again you are confused," laughed Toreus, clearly enjoying the choker's misery. "Thuvians are not Neanderthals. That's the Thuleans—chunkhead."
"I have to pee," I said, grinning my best lion grin, which is never very reassuring to humans. No saber cat has eaten a man in centuries—but humans have trouble unlearning their fondest myths and prejudices. Whatever dark fear mama taught them in the cradle lingers for life.
"Don't eat me, lion," said the lout, retreating.
I made a step toward him as he ran from the room looking over his shoulder to see if I was in pursuit.
By now Toreus Rhann's cat, green eyes had fallen upon the other student who had pulled himself slowly to his feet.
"I'm sorry, your lordship," stuttered the young man.He bumped into Kothorr Khonn.who standing behind him trying to block off his escape route.
"I'm a Thuvian not a fool. You want to fight well have at it."
"Not me, Prince Toreus. I've seen you on the rugger field and fencing. I have no desire to be crippled."
Behind the Neanderthulean stepped the strange,big walnut headed man,with wolfish grim and dark battle armor,who was sitting at a table watching the two wrestlers.
The other choker departed a wet trail of yellow drops that smelled like man water behind him.The Big Darkhonean just stood there glaring at both Prince Toreus Rhann and Captain Kotharr Khonn,hoping to instigate a reaction from either of the Thuvians.Both just stood there,smiling at one another hoping to ignore the big,bad Darkhonean in the room would go away and get drunk on my ale somewhere in a darkened corner. Brythundrian wench left suddenly,retreating into behind two other silent Darkhonean officers behind their commaned.
‘’I’m a Darkhonean Warrior-Captain Granus Khorr ’’the large headed mercenary boasted,bairring a wolfish grim.
–once of the Imperial Darkhonean Star Troopers.The Darkhonean added,as if that little imformation was supposed impress everyone within ears lenth.
‘’Bravo.’’Prince Toreus added himself,preparing to turn and sit back down at his table.
‘’I’m not afraid of you,neither little man.’’ Captain Granus Khorr stated forcefully,bearing his wolf like canine fangs.
‘’Yes,you are,by Thrull’s own devils.’’the Thuvian Prince responded,hoping to throw the larger warrior off his game.
‘’I’ve killed thousands of warriors’’the Darkhonean stated’’better than you-stronger than you.’’he added forcefully,with a hostile stair at the First Son of Thuvia.
‘’Congradualations.’’Kotharr Khonn reported ‘’I hear though it was more like fifty than a thousand.”’
The Darkhonean momentarily turned and glanced at the Thuvian Captains words ignoring their insulting meanings.He turned back the Lord of Lions,whom he really wanted to fight with,not Kotharr Khonn,the Third.Prince began to laugh at his cousins comments out loud,which enraged -Captain Granus Khorr more.With an enraged grawl that escaped from his cruel lips and violent shove,the Darkhonean pushed the Thuvian Prince back knocking him into the table,where the Jovian and the Gholemoid sat,knocking their drinks about and spashing much their contense all over their chests,the laps and table tops.
Prince Toreus regained his composure 'First you mock me and my friends then lay hands on me?' grated the Thuvian , his quick rage leaping up; and he returned the push with an open-handed blow,with his backhand that knocked his tormentor back against Kotharr Khonn,send him as well into the huge rude-hewn table behind both of them.
Ale splashed over the table,from several other mercenaries sitting behind, and the Darkhonean roared in fury, dragging at his Darkhonean sword,with his right hand,from the scabbarded harness around his torso and back.A great dark,odd shaped blade about four feet long,with great blue and silver all large almost retangle shaped basket hilt flashed outward toward the young Thuvian Prince.Somewhere behind Sharkhorja roared as if trying to ward his human lion brother and as well defie the actions of the hulking,larged headed mercenary.
Captain Kotharr Khonn,seeing the Darkhonean major draw his sword upon Prince Toreus,began to draw his own to help defend his Thuvian cousin,but desided not to,not wanting draw unnessasary attention with bloodsled began to look about for something to use as a weapon less lethal. Time Sorcerer Chairen Kharr,having made his way secretly over to the Thuvian captain offered Kotharr Khonn some advice.
‘’Perhaps my dear fellow.if you might use this chair’’the temporal wizard offered,pointing open handed down toward the near by wooden chair.’’After all,it is a might less lethal and a might more sturddie than anything else around.’’
‘’Perhaps,Old friend.’’Kotharr Khonn responded.’’You could use your many vaughted mystical powers to help.’’
‘’Perhaps’’ Time Sorcerer added.Kotharr Khonn picked the chain,with both hands,by it seatted back,with a ferm determined scawl upon his handsome face and slammed it hard over the Darkhoneans great big,long haired back skull.Splinters and shards of wood scattered all over like some much weat blowing in the wind,flying all over the stygian den.Khonn stood there,with the remains of the chair in his great hands,looking surprised as his Delkhonean spawned strenth hit the Great wolflike dark warrior over his great big noggen as hard as he could muster to no avail.
‘’Owe.’’was all Captain Granus Khorr could utter,holding the back his great head with free left hand.
Chairen Kharr,seeing the Thuvian captains plan,to knocking off guard,by hitting over the head,thus saving Prince Toreus Rhann some unwanted question by the Ky’Vhann moving about the upper levels of the tavern,open his left gloved palm.A silvery jewelled disk upon the hands back glowed and sparkle,with minute starry sparks.Electrical energy swirled about the cosmic power lense,like some magical serpent and shot out toward the time sorcerers extened arm.Bolts of electrical blue lighting arked toward the Darkhonean,shocking his mommentarilly.His great hulking physic could withstand a few harsh blows and few minor sword or knife cuts,but a blast of electro magnetic energy drawn from quantum space was another thing indeed,all together different.The Darkhoneans scarlet wolfish eyes frooze and his pupils diolated,as he suddently seized up like great titantic statue.His Great Darkhonean Bloodcutter fell out of his huge,paralized dark gloved hand,giving a thud as it hit the wooden beer and ale stained floor.
Prince Toreus seizing the opportunity, kicked the hulking Darkhonean in his groin area hard with all might of right leg, driving his booted foot into the savage, alien warrior unprotected crotch. With Granus Khorr screamed out a bloodcurdling yell and dropped to his knee high dark booted knees. Toreus then grabbed his great head, seeing his dark, red eyes were closed and could not see, since was filled tears with both hands. The Thuvian Lord of Lions shoved the massive head into a near by table, bashing his head hard with a great thunderous thud. He then raised the Darkhonean’s oversized melon and quickly, savagely rammed the warrior goatee style bearded chin into and onto the same oak table, knocking him out cold. The Darkhonean warrior fell silently to the floor. silent and hopefully dreaming of nothing oblivion.
Prince Toreus Rhann looked down at his former opponent and then at his cousin Kotharr Khann.
‘’By Thrull,I guess he read the script all wronge,didn’t he my cousin ?’’
‘’What Script,my Prince?’’The Thuvian Captain responed.
Meanwhile,up above in a upper second level three Ky’Vhan soldiers were noticing the fight down below,among all over noisie commotion.Crowds of roading and drinking patrons,whethered about back and for the,as the zombie like,armored mercenary soldiers attempted to see what was happening down below,at the lower ,darker areas of The MacKhain’s Den.
Two unnoticed Darkhonean Warriors stood up,that were sitting behind their captain.The now,saw that their pack leader was down and now saw the opportunity to defend his honor.
Behind the standing Prince Toreus Rhann,the two friends of Kotharr Khonn stood up.Jonas Rockaway and Barrack Nhorr,towered over the two Darkhoneans by a few inches.Both sides glared at eack other,as Prince Rhann , Kotharr Khann and Chairen Kharr looked about,not knowing or desiding what to do next.
‘’You three Tolbart Dogs,abuised and shamed our captains honor.’’the old,silvery haired ,older looking Darkhonean,who the Second in Command of Granus Khorr’s little band of mercenaries,looking for work with Arcadia,standed several years before-due a misunderstanding themselves and a man,they owned some money for allowing them use of their ship for smuggling and piracy around and about the dysonsphere of Terra-Prime.
Barrack Nhorr
Chapter Three.
I turned my head and looked at Toreus .
He shook his longhaired head. "You know I'm not, Shakhorja, old friend. Beating up on Vanarian lunks is not my idea of a fight. And I was truly hoping to inspire them."
"To visit the casualty ward? Come on, green eyes, what's really bothering you?"
Toreus sat back down at the table, the other students eyeing him nervously, a few of the females with strange, lusty looks in their eyes.
"How can my father and the Council stand by and let this travesty continue. King Nathan and House Taylor have helped us time uncounted in the past and yet in their hour of need no troops, nor fighters or ships of war come to their aid."
"The law says that the Emperor may not commit troops to the field without the consent of the Chancellor and that once that is done they may not stay in the field more than ninety days without Council approval."
"Chancellor Ghanis Jordan is a traitor," spat my tall friend.
"No, he is cautious. The Arcadians have technology that is somewhat more advanced than us .and our lands, still fallen under the confederacy of the Shattered Empires of Pangea. Many of our nations, have yet to join my fathers alliance with other kingdoms of Northern Pangea .The dream of a united Pangaean world, once dreamed by Lord Thrull Khonn and Lord Toreus Starkiller ,has yet to be achieved–we strong to a point, but not as strong as my father wishes us to be and the Chancellor fears reprisals if the Wallaces win, which more than seems likely if you listen to that shelling."
"Fek!” **
"Don't curse."
"Parp!” *
"If your Empress Cassandra heard you she'd wash out you mouth."
Shame on me. I taught young Toreus to curse and swear. But I have appearances to maintain. Can't have the future ruler of a multi-plate empire sounding like a teamster from Thule.
"My mother would be in those streets with a rifle," said Toreus Rhann.
"The Empress is bound by the same laws as the rest of the Imperial Family—as are you."
"Fek the law."
"There you go again. It's just that you've been drinking bitters on an empty gut. Let's eat and later we'll discuss what we can do."
"Hunger is always a cat's first imperative," said Toreus.
"Indeed it is to any sensible species. But I'm glad to hear you using words of more than four letters."Shakhorja added
‘’ Chancellor Ghanis Jordan dosen’t like me.’’Prince added.’’’He would not cry if I got accidently killed while staying at the Arcadian Univercity.’’
‘’Nor would Warlord Gharvan Rhaynarr.’’Shakhorja commented.’’We seem to have a few enemies at home among the Thuvian Royal Court.Neither protested when your father sent’’
‘’I can handle them both in my own time.’’Toreus Rhann,arrogantly boosted.
‘’Neither protested when your father sent you off to scholl among such a hot political climate.Infact,if I remember,both insisted your father,Warlord King Toreus Rhann send you away,with me at your side’’the Silver Lion Prince interjected.
‘’I know.I often wondered why-beyond the academic studies,did father want me here,knowing full well,I’d not resist wanting to get involved in the war,if such came be ?’’
‘’Thrull’s demons.Your father survived far too long to not know his way around the royal court,as well as a battle field,my young Thuvian Prince.’’Shorkhoja finished.’’If he sent you here,he knew what he was doing,far more any other back home-including your dear mother.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann turned and through some Arcadian money on the barkeeps table.
‘’Sorry about the mess. By Thrull Old bones, junior here plans to sleep out the end of the war.’ the Prince continued.’ Give him and yellow pants outside, in the alley a place upstairs, in one of your most hospitable rooms, to sleep off their drinking games.’’
Frackeer Moosekall nodded and the huge, Caladonean behind the bar moved to pick up the first brother from his place on the floor. He’d bring the other one inside, once Prince Rhann and myself were gone.
Prince Toreus Rhann thought about Frackeer Moosekall and the various members of MacKhain’s Den.If they needed,they could hide themselves,plus anyone else,like the two Vanarian lunks in the den’s sub basement.Many taverns and many other buildings had such sub basements-they led to the Great Neitherworld of Terra-Prime.A vast network of subterrainian world existed all over the sphere,connected by a equir network of a Subterrainean Transit System,found much in many cities of this artificial world-often patrol by Thuvian Rangers,called Tunnel Stalkers-to the Great Starkillers were apart of.
Insert material yet to be written
Chapter Four
Somewhere,within the Central City District of Arcadopolis,a great Battle rages upon.Arcadian Soldiers fight back trying to keep the Great Blockades of scattered debris and wreckage of former Armored Personell Carriers,Hover Cars,Tanks and such mixed the fallen walls of many shops along the 5th Avenue Mall.Behind them is four great star ships-all belonging to the five O’Brian brothers,who are Thuvian Highlanders,in service of the Thuvian Rangers,hoping to show Arcadians,how they fight back in Thuvia.
Intro to Major Alexander O’Brian,his brothers Michael,Daniel,Willian and the youngest Collin at an Arcadian space port.
Chapter Five
We left the Student Union campus after eating at MacKhain’s Den and walked across the University Quadrangle, past the statue of Leonidus I. Old Leo looked sad as his fierce, bronze countenance looked out toward the fall of the dynasty he had founded.
The air was full of smoke and the smell of weapons propellant, blood, death and that pee smell that comes from energy weapons.
I looked up at the horizon and as far sunward along the Great Sphere as I could without squinting. Arcadopolis, like most capitol cities on the Sphere, is at the center of the world plate and therefore at what would be the bottom of the bowl. You could look out equal distances in any direction and see the upward curve of the horizon as far as the thin rim of the wall—if a high building was not in your way. I tried to see if I could make out the Wallace forces surrounding the city. But, alas, I could not. The University of Arcadopolis is too deep in the forest, so to speak, of the biggest city on the Arcadian Plate.Dark clouds of black smoke obscured my feline vision.I could only see,two great fleets of air craft,stilling batlling it out as who hold ground above the distants skies of Arcadia,in a disparate attempt to keep the Taylor House in charge of this Arcadian city a bit longer.
I craned my neck up sunward, squinting and could make out other plates of the great sphere until the sun blotted them out. It looked so peaceful out there. No army of madmen trying to take life and freedom away from anyone—as far as I could see. Terra Prime, the great sphere, is a turbulent place full of all manner of species and cultures. Many of them just as violent and stupid as House Wallace—the architects of this current debacle.
"The Wallaces will be in this part of the city soon," said Toreus Rhann. "I can feel it in my bones."
"You could also just look around you," I pointed out. "How long has it been since we saw a trooper or policeman in Taylor livery?"
Toreus the Slayer nodded. "The Wallaces and their Ki'Vhan allies will come here and try to take us off-platers as hostages to use as leverage against our home governments."
"You are a prince and have diplomatic immunity," I said.
"Won't stop them. They'll be afraid of Pangaea and the Thuvian Rangers. They'll want leverage. And they have no treaties with the Empire. This is a completely new government. Just to show how tough they are they'll dissolve even the simplest trade agreement. That's the Wallace way—chunkheads."
"But to harm an Imperial Prince, or to hold him prisoner, for that matter, is an act of war," I pointed out. "The Council and the Chancellor will have no choice but to act. In the very least a punitive raid."
Toreus rubbed his broad chin. "I did not think of that."
The Prince started to walk faster.
"What is your hurry?” I asked leaping ahead to keep up with his long stride.
"We must go to our quarters. I have to prepare."
"Prepare?” I asked. "For what?"
"Follow me and see, big fellow."
We went back to the house that Toreus and I shared in the Bridgeford Square area of Arcadopolis City.It was somewhere after noon,around 4.P.M-standard Arcadian Eastern Seaboard Time.The worlds plated artificial dusky skies were about give into night,as the Thuvian Prince could the roar of distant artificial thunder in the Great Hills beyond the Central City landscape . Being a Royal, Toreus did not have to take a dorm room on campus. We had a nice little Arcadian house near school. A house guarded by Vanarian robots since Toreus refused a detachment of Rangers as his personal security detail. He considered it cowardly and a waste of good fighting men and women. His father had agreed. I said they were much alike.
Prince Toreus Rhann’s own Thuvian Snow Falcon-Ulyseas-named after his great grand father, was perched upon, his Falconer’s stand-great green eyes kept surveillance of the Thuvian Prince. Like Shakhorja-the falcon, had a telepathic link to the Thuvian and often-helped hunt prey, in the Great Thuvian Highlands of home.
Toreus went up to his bedroom and showered. I flopped myself down on the big bed and groomed my claws. I could smell the scent of female humans on the mattress. Not an unpleasant smell but not the smell of a lioness.
The Prince emerged from the bathroom and took off his robe, beginning to dress. Instantly I knew we were in for trouble.
He put on the underskin that is worn under rugby suits in the rough brand of that ancient sport played by Arcadians—or under nanotech battle armor. He dressed in bloused uniform slacks. The tan uniform pants appeared at first to be similar to the traditional buckskinned pants of the warriors, of Northern Almerhand, back home, but with more high tech and modern type of stitching.The Combat armor was temperature resistant to a degree and provided limited protection from any hostile threat forces,by way it’s Atlantean Atlantium Kryventorium Kelvar fibers,woven into it’s design and manuefacture.
Next, he put on a twill fatigue shirt and armor bracelets and the biomed armband, with its medical biorecorder to collect all physical body function for later medical data collection and the nanotech armor belt—that many soldiers of the world, used to defend against many of the advanced technological military weapons of war. Prince Rhann, put on his Utility Belt, which held various devices, such as needed in the combat field, tools to fix Spike or smart speeder bike, many Thuvian Rangers used, a Sarkhon Technologies Utility Belt Hand Comlink, equipped a universal translator, surveillance sensor and link spy remote technology, that hung the right side of the web belt. On the other side, hung an ammo pouch-a long, leather case with several zipper containers, which held various small circular, plastic vile, filled coins of various countries, emergency medical supplies, such as medicines, for minor injuries, and odds and ends of stuff, spare battery packs and so for the. Toreus Rhann then strapped his secondary utility belt-often called a sword belt even though it is not used to carry a sword, he carried the standard Thuvian Short Sword, not as big and frightful as the large Thuvian long, Broad Sword, but it would have to do for now.
He put on a headband that continued more of the nanotech armor but not the skullcap that would protect the top of his head. He preferred not to wear it, as he preferred his enemies to see his long, warrior's hair. In Thuvia, warriors wear their hair long. Among soldiers, long locks are a sign of his warrior strength. Off-plate fools often laugh and ask Toreus if he's a woman or a man. Toreus Rhann has often answered with a fist, which has caused the Diplomatic Corps much chagrin as they pay off nitwits with big mouths and long hospital bills.
Inset in the headband was an emerald jewel that sparkled when the light hit it. This was Toreus Rhann's Guider Gem.--an ancient Atlantean device, that gave a worthy warrior knowledge and guidance. If one were willing to listen—and Toreus was not always willing to do so—the Guider contained much of the knowledge and wisdom of the ages. It was more than just a mere computer peripheral—much much more.It also acted as a kind of masking device to block out anyone with any type of telepathic abilities and detection equiptment,by intervereing outside transmissions,by way of it’s stealthy chamouflage abilities.The Guider had other telepresience abilities as well-to link up to other susceptable technologies as well.
"I see you have decided to wear me," said the voice of the Guider that only Toreus and I could hear via neural radio link.The gem spoke in a deep,resonating voice-not unlike the holo god Thrull Khonn.
"Do not get excited, gem," said Toreus. "It's for show."
"Your enemies surround you and you dress for battle. Hardly a show."
"Battle is not my plan. Not directly, anyway."
Two feathers from a Thuvian Snow Falcon, also hung adorned the headband, hanging from the left side—the traditional heart side—and just behind the ear. These were a warrior's prize, won in a contest in the Thuvian Highlands when the Prince was ten. Boys and girls in Thuvia engaged in such contest to prove their worthiness as warriors and as future citizens.
Toreus Rhann donned his standard Thuvian Rangers combat utility vest and inserted his Paxton Ripper 12mm pistol in its shoulder rig and his Thuvian fighting knife in its scabbard. Situated in his right hip holster, was his Paxton Ripper model 347-blaster pistol, a special handgun, that was designed to handle to different kinds of ammo-standard 12mm rounds, special armor piercing, Atlantium tipped rounds and could if needed switch to electro magnetic plasma pulse rounds, which pierce through Ki’Vhan battle armor, if needed. A second Thuvian Survival knife was shoved into a scabbard, strapped his right leg. Opposite, was an Atlantean stun baton-a non-lethal weapon, once used before the time of the Starkillers, to control prisoners, rioting crowds, and enemies of the state? Some think this weapon could from the time of Thrull Khonn’s Great Second Golden Age, before the Great Cataclysmic Era, of the Trongaroth Wars, upon the Shattered Pangean Lands, whiles feel it dates even further-even ancient intergalactic history, before this universe began and other seemingly ended.
"Pistol is loaded and functional," said Guider. "Are you sure this is not a battle?"
Finally, he draped a large scarlet and gold amulet about his neck, with an engraved image of a lion face upon, accompanied by two sabers like toothed claws. It was his Lord of Lions symbol-given to him, for achieving the honor of hunting and surviving among my species, when we were young. He usually only wore it before going into battle or at ceremonial gatherings of the clan. My guess was that the clan was not coming here to Arcadia for a shindig.
Guider, in its wisdom, saw this too and commented on it. "No fight?"
"No, we are going to surrender forcing the Wallaces to commit an act of war against the Empire."
He put on his long, leather coat leaving it unbuttoned for easy access to his weapons. Not the action of a man about to surrender.
"You don't surrender," said the Guider.
"There's a first time for everything," said the Prince.
"Not surrendering. Not for you. Your first time will be your last and most likely the last time that any enemy hears you say I surrender."
Before he could answer, we heard the sound of military vehicles in the road. It took no genius to guess that the Ki'Vhan, the mercenary hirelings of the Wallaces, had arrived.
‘’Thrull’s Demons-it seems fates had chosen for us.’ Prince Toreus Rhann cursed, as his keen ultra sensitive hears hear sounds of Ki’Vhan soldiers and Armored Personnel Carriers moving toward his private Arcadian residence. Huge foot soldiers were already moving out among the city streets, moving about the dark, stygian alleys and doorways, in search of the possible Arcadian Resistance Forces. The hulking shape an APC savagely moved in front of the Bridgeford Square home. Some Ki’Vhan Squad commander shouted something his native tongue.
‘’Shi- Shoult!’ Shi- Shoult! .Versbein Ock .Khai Nhi. ' ''’ ’’Guider Translation from Ki’Vhan to Thuvian English.’ Halt! Halt! Move Out. Now’’. Several Ki’Vhan could be heard by our sensitive ears, moving into the sidewalk and green, freshly cut lawn. Heavy booted foot falls thudded onto hard concrete and into soft grasses outside, coming toward the location of Armond Street ,which was where Toreus Rhann, was currently living.The Thuvian Prince,doned,his Scarlet cape,the sign of royalty-also bullet proof,to a degree-composed of Atlantium Clothe and charged various microdeflection generators-a another gift,left by the Atlanteans,found within the New Genisis Bunkers,re-discovered by the ancient Starkiller Clan.It would the Thuvian Prince a bit of cover from enemy fire,as he moved out into the combat area.It also,combined the other personal equiptment,the Atlantean Replicator Arm Band-also of Atlantean origin,a bit of resisance to wear and tair,the Chamouflage network woven into it’s fibers,limited stealth shielsing from long range sensory detection equiptment.
Prince Toreus Rhann,reached out his gloved right hand and Ulyseas,hopped onto his wrist area with single thought and command.
‘’Come on,Old friend-Shakhorja and me are going.’’the Thuvian Prince stated.’’We don’t want to be caught with our pants down –as my father always said.’’
‘’Do tell.’’Ulyseas thought telepathically.The Thuvian Snow Falcon,slightly hopped and flew toward the First Son of Thuvia’s armored shoulder pad.Digging this bird claws into the Cathairian Leatherlike armor,Ulyseas turned around,as usual,to gain a better view of what was in front of him.
Prince Toreus Rhann,commanded the daylight overhead light to be lowered dimmer and waited.He with drew both of his pistols from,it’s right side,leather holster ,plus his shoulder holster and stold in the middle of the darken room.The Thuvian Ranger waited for the Ki’Vhan soldiers to enter into the darken room.Two Ki’Vhan solders kicked open the door violently and stold for a few seconds stairing at the tall dark Thuvian,dressed his Thuvian Ranger gear.For a split they hestitated and failed to fire their weapons.
The first Ki’Vhan command. - 'Shi-Shoult! 'Shi-Shoult! Nacht bvowgun.`’’Guider translated Eastern Gravh’arian Province Ki’Vhan into Terran English ‘’’Halt halt-Don’t move.’’
Toreus answered with two round in each chest.Special ammo,Atlantium Steel jacked bullets,designed to pentatrait Kye’Vhan Kryventorium Kevlar armor and their body armored deflection shielding,at close range.The two zombie soldier fell,like dead sacks of weat.Their pasty blue white faces,went more emotionless,as scarlet eyes fell dead-the light of even their dimwiited intelligence,gone forever.
Outside,other Kye’Vhan troops began riddle the Arcadian Townhouse with bullets.The buildings red brick and plaster out wall gave restistance to the gun fire,but the inner lining composed of layers of Kryventorium ceramics –a kind of Atlantean plastic material of super strong and energy restistance ability,bonded other super fibers,restisted and held the bullets from pentatraiting into the building interior.Bullets cracked and formed small blisters into the transpastisteel windows.Most Arcadian Buildings were not only earthquake proof,but reinforced with special super materials,to pretect the inhabitants of any city from any external threat forces,as many other advanced worlds,upon the sphere,had used advancements,found with either the New Genisis-Bunkers or brought to this upon Corvaillian and Norvaillian Tramp freighter,for untold years now.
The Ki’Vhan Troopers,now heard enemy gun fire,coming out of several darken windows of other near by buildings.Pockets of Arcadian Restance members,obviously gaining access to this section of the city,by way of the stygian subterrainian catacomb like matrix of tunnels beneath the city,began rain down fire upon the alien zombie’s position.Special ammo,sparkled off Ki’Vhan body deflectors,weakening and enentually pentatraiting the force shielding.Ki’Vhan Warriors began fall-dancing around like idiot ragmen,pulled by and forth by an unseen puppet master.Some began,those had higher intelligence,like Squade Commanders began to dive behind the armored carriers,hoping to protect themselves from enemy fire.
Prince Rhann,quickly dived out the side door of his Arcadian home,opening the residences huge,light wooded oak partition violently. Shorkhorja fallowed after.The Thuvian Warrior Prince,produced a small device,off his utilty combat belt-a small ignition control and activated it.Hidden,within the bushed,was a huge,dark smart speeder bike or Spike,called Ebony-his personal two wheeled motorcycle like transport.Twine scarlet eyes,began to light eirilly,like some evil demon horse from hell.A low,roar of it’s engines followed.
‘’Ingition,Ebony.’’Prince Toreus Rhann commanded’’Engage.’’
The Thuvian Warrior,hopped upon the jet black metallic horse.A huge,brown leather riding saddle,was set atop the spike’s artificial back.Behind,two his left,was his Vhentuckian long rifle.Paxton Ripper model rk19,set within a long,leather holster,with Gemonesse leather braids and Thuvian Hunting Falcon feathers.Two leather saddle bags,were found behind that to each side-four in all,filled various emergency rasions-RRI’s,field equiptment,tools,spair ammo clips,water cantines,some filled various fruite juices.
Toreus Rhann,grasped the right and left spike handle bars.the brake in his right and ignition handle to his left.His keen,green eyes scanned the back wall.Quickly,he drove his spike backward,as to get a good jumping start and hoped the cycles limited,ground effects repulsor drive,would carry himself and the bike over,more that three feet off the ground.The Thuvian Prince,dug his booted heels into the Spike sterip like,feet peedled,firmly grasped the left ignition grip and gunned the engine.Ki’Vhan soldiers,just having heard the direction of the load noise appeared in outside garden area and aimed their rifle.Toreus.Rhann,drove his spike Ebony forward and
Jumped his hover bike over the 5 foot high wall that devided his property from the next door neighbors.
I followed the Prince over the high wall.Ki’Vhan soldiers shooting into the vacant area,where we once were.Prince Toreus Rhann,turned his spike around as he saw something huge appear in front of his path.He turn and drove in the other direction of Arbory Road as the armored personnel carriers full of Ki'Vhans pulled up at the end of the street,stopping to see if any acitivety was moving up or down this cross section.A Ki’Vhan looked about nearly missing a man on a spike and a white lion running beside him,turning around a deserted alleyway between two high residences..He looked again,thinking he saw a ghost or something else,like the white bed sheet blowing in the wind,once attached one of the homes clothe lines..Nothing moved-save us in the shadows of what was left of this Arcadian neighborhood.Toreus crossed a road known as Bellers Way and the three of us,tried move in and out of parked debris of burning cars,armored carriers,blasted down walls,twisted wreckage of street lamps and so forth,as the Ki'Vhan forces moved upon this section of the city.Bridgeford Square was devoid of anyone save Ki'Vhan and plus one Thuvian Prince,his platinum haired lion and black and white falcon companions.
The Ki'Vhan troops began to flood out and kick down doors.I could call them zombie like move about the street,silently patrolling the remnants of this once ancient Arcadian neighborhood. Toreus Rhann slowly moved down the road toward them his hands raised-the spike controlled by the vehicles artificial brain alone. The armored mercs look at him no doubt with puzzled expressions on their faces. Though that was difficult to determine through their combat visors,now switched night vision,to see in the darken streets of the Arcadian city,the Ki’Vhan could not exactly understand what a lone figure,with a Thuvian Hunting Falcon on his hover bike,accompanied by a silver haired lion .
Ki'Vhan do not have a wide range of facial expressions anyway. They are wired up mercenaries. Men from various worlds who joined the Ki'Vhan because they had nothing better to do or else were grown in test tubes and raised to be—or so they think—the ultimate soldier.The Ki’Vhan troops followed the commands of the Squade Leader,who directed then to advance upon this strange,outlander.
shi-shoult! outlandar'shi-shoult! nacht bvowgun
Chapter Six
Now the Ki'Vhan were advancing cautiously toward Toreus, their weapons raised. I advanced too, despite my misgivings.My Prince either allow himself to captured or try and fight it out with the Ki’Vhan trooper.I was not sure exactly what the Thuvian Ranger had in mind,nor I think did he.He was playing this plan by ear-hoping to surrender and force a military action or fight it out with the near mindless Ki’Vhan and escape into the darken streets of the city.Suddenly,the Guider spoke and startled Toreus Rhann out of his dilemma.
"Warning, oh Prince,' said Guider. "I detect incoming artillery shells."
It was then that mortar shells began to rain down on the enemy personnel carriers destroying several of them and scattering dead soldiers to the winds.
"Possible hostiles on the roofs," said the Guider. "Armored and armed men."
I became aware of movement on the roofs to either side of the street and in several apartments. There were men up there-possably the local resistance forces by their various dress-Arcadian,working with Thuvian Rangers,Tyrhainean mercenairies and Vanderheim mercenairies. And they were armed with blaster pistols,swords and energy lances-possably Atlantean design. Lasers discharged and bullets rained down on the Ki'Vhan. The one's moving toward the Prince's location had frozen, shaken by the sudden attack.
"There is a high probability that the enemy will engage you in retaliation," said Guider.
‘’So much for my usual solution,Guider’’Prince Toreus Rhann commented.
Now the Ki'Vhan fired their weapons at Toreus. Lasers and bullets cut through the tail of my Prince's coat. The Thuvian, along his two companions quickly dashed into a deserted alley, avoiding the oncoming Ki'Vhan forces. Prince Toreus,quited down his spike’s engine and waited for Ki’Vhan troopers to desend upon his area. One out of sight, the Ki'Vhan shopped firing as if awaiting new order from their Central Command Squad Leader. Ki’Vhan, often worked as unite-the Squad leader, would coordinate the troops actions and operations. Without them, these artificially created zombie soldiers, where nothing more than pawns for a higher command structure.Several Ki’Vhan troops were heading toward the alley,we were hiding in.
I spotted a large man in armor and a hood that concealed his facial features moving back from the edge of the roof with several other similar dressed men while his comrades continued to rain down fire on the hapless Ki'Vhans. These were no doubt guerillas in the employ of the Taylors. A stay behind force to make sure that the royal family had time to escape and the Wallaces did not enjoy an easy victory.
"So much for surrender," said Guider. "Nobody was doing that today."
‘’Guider-give a tactical sensor scan on the hooded subject.’ The Thuvian Warrior commanded.’ I want to who he friend or foe. What he ate for dinner last night and when he last took a dum.’’
‘’Affirmative, Warrior.’’ the Guider responded.’ Sensor scans beginning.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann then looked to his hunting falcon Ulyseas. perched on his shoulder. He knew to use this Thuvian Hunting Falcon, equipped all sorts of nano sensors, could help assist the Guider, in it's surveillance of the local area. Thuvian Hunting Falcons, were used for centuries by the Thuvians and those similar type, by civilizations back on ancient Earth around the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and ,as far back as ancient Atlantis-back before time began in this universe. Thuvians, like many newer civilizations, adopted much of their ways into their own and made them apart of their culture. Common Atlantean Hunting Falcons-a genetically engineered. Larger variety of the Peregrine Falcon was modified by bionic cybernetic systems at first and later nanotechnology, to improve their hunting skills. Later on, even some members of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers. along with such creatures as dogs and cats, would falcons as tactical field assistance, feeling such animals were less likely to detected by enemy forces and those augmented intelligence often out-thought similar tactical intelligence system, due their ages old hunting skills. Also, they were felt to better companions on long, away solo field missions or away team field missions. He could hear more fire between the Arcadian Resistance Forces and Ki'Vhan forces exchanging fire in the street
''Ulyseas, I have a job for you.’ Prince Toreus Rhann told his avian companion.’ I need you to fly up and quietly survey the perimeter-always assist the Guiders sensor scans. Give a more accurate detail of the local area.''
''Will do, boss. ''Ulyseas telepathically, transitting his mental communications to Prince Rhann, via the link Shakhorja and him, shared with Guider device.’ Those Ki'Vhan piss pot pinheads will never know I'm around.''
And that Ulyseas, the Thuvian Hunting Falcon hopped down Prince Toreus Rhann's should and onto his right gauntleted hand. He spread out his wingspan of around 80–120 cm (31–47 in), gave out a loud screech, and took off as Prince Toreus Rhann held up his gloved hand to give his avian friend a better lift off capacity. Toreus Rhann's superior catlike eye sight watched as Ulyseas flew off into the distant clouds of Terra-Prime, disappearing into the blue skies, with faintly outlined landmasses of other sphere world plates, located somewhere opposite to the Arcadian world. Prince Toreus suddenly had a moment of concern, placing his old friend into an alien and dangerous environment, such these Thrull curse Arcadian lands, haunted and patrolled by the near mindless Ki'Vhan. Hunting medium sized birds such as doves, waterfowl, songbirds and pigeons, was one thing, for a Thuvian Hunting Falcon to do, but those Ki'Vhan imbeciles were another thing. What if Ulyseas flew to close to the ground, some Ki'Vhan nitwit accidentally spotted him flying over head and got off a lucky shot. He could not only been a valued allie, but a close companion, he has had for many years now.
''Don't worry, my Prince,Ulyseas will be fine.''Shakhorja spoke standing behind the First Prince of Thuvia,breaking him out of his deep,dark thoughts.''There isn't one of those idiot pinheads who could land a shot on him,let alone one on you or me.''
Prince Toreus turned and smiled as he looked down upon his snow white feline freind.He knew the Caporonean Silver Lion correct.As a team they were a formidable trio-a Thuvian Prince and two companions-a lion and a falcon.Most likely,Ki'Vhan were very superstitious and the sight of a great warrior commanding such wild life creatures,would as odd and unnatural,as Tarzan of the Apes,commanding a herd of elephants and Great Apes,into some natives village in one of those old holovids of that Edgar Rice Burroughs character.
''Your right,Old freind.What am I worrying about.''Prince Toreus Rhann spoke sudden renued vigor and vitality.''By Thrull Khonn's Mighty will,let em come-we'll show how one Thuvian Ranger can take on twenty of them single handedly.''
''Besides.I want to who that guy lurking about the roof is.I've got a hunch,by his dress-he's not Ki'Vhan.''
Toreus' pistol came out as he exited the alley away ,turned as his keen catlike green eyes focassed on the lead Ki'Vhan soldier ,with two companions and armor-piercing shells cut down three Ki'Vhan in a row as the Prince retreated toward cover. The the first Ki'vhan fell over first,followed by his two side fellow officers. He had his fight. Intended or not. He fired as he retreated and as Guider detected targets.
I retreated as well. I prefer hand-to-hand combat to gun fighting. Guns are not a lion's weapon of choice or design.
We retreated to an alley as the men in hoods continued to exchange weapons fire with the Ki'Vhans. I scanned the rooftops with my keen vision. I could no long see the big man and his comrades.
Toreus, I thought radioed to my Prince. I think the Taylors arranged this ambush.
"Damn!" swore Toreus aloud.
"I agree with 85% certainty," said Guider. "And the guerrillas are behind us."
I became aware of the men in the alley behind us. So did Tor. He jumped to his feet, drawing his fighting knife.
The big man I had seen earlier pointed a heavy rifle at him and said: "Easy, big guy. I'm not here to shoot you."
"99% truth,warrior prince" said Guider.
"Who the hell are you?"
The man whipped off his hood and smiled with a beefy boyish grin. "Name's Colin O'Brien, Captain Colin O'Brien-I'm a Thuvian Highlander-Thuvian Ranger-just like you-mercenary in the employ of Kotharr Khann."
"100% truth," said Guider.
''Got separed from my own troops and those Arcadian Resistors back there,I was hooked up with for awhile.''O'Brien added.
"100% truth,again my prince warrior freind" said Guider.
Toreus' eyebrows went up. I supposed mine would have too, had I had any.
"Lord Kotharr Khann sent you?"
In case you're not a reader of history,Supreme General Kotharr Khann was the Weapons Master of the Imperial Court of Pangaea. His ancestry spoke of both Thuvian and Delkhonean-two fiece warrior breeds,not native originally to Terra-Prime.The Thuvians,proud warriors,who fought evil for causes of justice and the Delkhon-armored soldiers,with proud tradition of the great warrior spirit-part mixture of history and heroic mythology.The House of Khann,who line extends from the Delkhon Royality,bred some our greatest heroes and villains alike. , General Kotharr Khann ,was one of our greatest heroes.He and my father Shokhorja, Supreme Lion King of all the Silver Lion Clans, ,fought side to side,back to back,defend Kingdom and Counrty against what the Atlanteans called Lords of Darkness-in otherwords,those elder worlds-elder supreme being on the side of evil.
General Khann,was one of the best we had.I knew him,as I knew his son Kotharr Khann,Junior.All this one thing in the end,the Imperial House Clan of Khann,was full of one badassed motherfekers.Which meant that he was the wiliest general, strategist, and all around fighter that the Rhann family had. And the Rhann family is packed heavy with fighters, believe you me. Kotharr had trained Toreus in the martial arts from the time he was old enough to swing a fist or a knife. Kotharr also handled all of the Empire's black operations—those done in quiet without knowledge of the Council or permission of the Chancellor.
So apparently we were not alone behind enemy lines after all. Uncle Kotharr had sent some of his employees to make sure we did not fall into unfriendly hands.
Poor Toreus, he can never be a step ahead of daddy and Kotharr Khann.
"Kotharr Khonn," Toreus shook his head. "I should have known. Why didn't he inform me of your presence?"
Colin O'Brian leaned forward into Toreus space, grinning.
"Black ops, your highness. We play all our cards close to the vest. Besides rescuing you was our last mission."
"And your first?"
O'Brian tapped his full lips. "You're not authorized to know, sir."
"I'm the Crown Prince, fool."
"Don't be so hard on yourself. And you're still outside the chain of command. Ask Khonn about it when you see him.
"Now, shall we get out of here before the Ks regroup?"
‘’Warrior sensor scans indicate that individual, has in numerous resent combat saturations.Scans,indicate several minor bruises .Scans indicate,he is only armed with his standard weapons-minus his Thuvian Short sword.He was a few standard MRE’s rasions,a standard comlinks communicator,Thuvian Combat Knife and Electro Plasma Stun baton.’’
‘’Thanks Guider.’’Toreus Rhann finished.
‘’Who the Frek are you talking ,too-Prince ?’’O’Brian asked.
‘’My Guider Gem-by Thrull Khonn’s Sword.’’The Lord of Lions stated.
‘’Personal AI-huh Prince Rhann.’’Colin O’Brian said with a bit grimy smile.
‘’Artificial Intelligence Combat Field Telepathic Data Comlink Gem.’’the Guider telepathical corrected the Thuvian Soldier.
‘’Shut up,Guider.’’Toreus Rhann ordered.
‘’Having Problems with the little jewel I see.’’O’Brian speculated.
‘’Never mind,Captain O’Brian-‘’the Thuvian Lord asked’’Where’s your sword ?The Thuvian military issued every soldier standards equiptment and your without your Thuvian Short Sword.’’
‘’Sorry,to despoint you,my Prince.’ Captain O’Brian said,’ but lost it in a fight back yonder-trying to help a buddy evacuate some citizens from Arcadia. I think I last saw sticking out of a Ki’Vhans heart back at the Rothschild Space Port. Sorry, I could retrieve it. I was fighting off a whole bunch several squad of Ki’Vhan warriors with my rifle at the time, while my friend Zacheriah Sarkhon lifted off in my ship the Scarlet Shadow, with his wife Ivhanna and a few evacuee’s.’’
‘’99% truth," said Guider. but I would be so sure about the number of Ki’Vhan he fought off. He may be exaggerating a bit. Warrior Toreus.’’
''You Thuvian Short sword is the best way to handle a Ki'Vhan equipped a body armor force shield.’ Prince Toreus Rhann added.’ If weren't so carelessly to leave your weapon behind-even in battle, you’d have it right now''
''Hell Yes, my Prince...I'll remember that next I'm fighting off a dozen or so pinheads.” Captain O'Brian sarcastically responded.
Toreus Rhann eyed him, momentarily, wanting to knock in his teeth for the insulting attitude. But father once told him of an incident in his own youth, where such actions rashly acted out on left another young Prince Toreus Rhann up on a heap of trouble for busting the head of a fellow officer-Colonel Mitus Kane-a Thuvian Highlander, his father disliked and often disagreed with on many situations-combat strategies, types of women, what type of beer to drink. This young Prince Toreus Rhann thought better to have this man at your side than against him. Let in go for now-while the Ki'Vhan zombies were patrolling the city. Prince Toreus Rhann looked up and sensed Ulyseas the Falcon near by. His sensitive vision spotted the great bird circling above and swooping lower to gain less altitude as he did. Ulyseas turned once as Captain O’Brian also saw the Thuvian Snow Falcon dive inward as the Lord of Lions held his right gloved hand, for the great bird to land upon. The Thuvian Highlander stared in amazement-he had heard stories of Thuvian Princes commanding such animals, but rarely had he so close to witness such, not shown some holovid or tv set. Prince Toreus Rhann, turned as Ulyseas placed himself again on his shoulders.
‘’All’s clear ahead,boss.’’Ulyseas reported to the Thuvian Crown Prince.’’Some Ki’Vhan activety up aways,but nothing around here to bother us,at this time.’’
‘’Good Job,old friend.Good Job.’’Prince Rhann commened his Falcon companion.
Prince Toreus Rhann.First Son of Thuvia,Lord of Lions turned and slightly smiled Captain O’Brian.
''Now,Captain..we shall get out and later take on those Ki'Vhan bastards.''the Prince finally answered.
‘’Get on the back my spike.’’Prince Rhann commanded.
‘’Hell,no your Highness.I’ll walk.’’the Thuvian Highlander answered.
‘’I order you..’’Toreus began to say,before he interrupted by Colin O’Brian.
‘’Order all you like.I’m still getting on back.’’Captain O’Brian continued.’’I either ride along or not at all.’’
‘’Very well.’’The Thuvian Prince also continued.’’Then walk.Captain.Either way,I don’t care.’’
''By Thrull Khonn's thundering roar.hell yes,my prince..hell yes.Why not-Big bad Prince,lion and a bird.''Colin O'Brien's hulking formed followed the young Thuvian Prince,still on his spike and two companions away from the Bellers Way and the Bridgeford Square district.
Before the Ki'Vhan could regroup and flush them out of the houses the mercenaries were on the move. We jogged down the alleys, past troops positioned to watch our backs.Prince Toreus was forced to drive his slow,as not leave befind or roar the engine to loud and alert Ki’Vhan troops to their location. The big merc, O'Brian jogged along beside Toreus, occasionally engaging in his dangerous habit of leaning in too close to the warrior prince or running into his path of the Thuvian crown princes spike.. I think he was well aware of the danger. I just do not think that he gave a damn. Of perhaps he was one of those people who enjoyed toying with dangerous individuals and situations. That would seem to justify his profession.
"Where are we going?" Toreus asked.’’You seem to be getting tired.’’
‘’I’m fine.Thanks for asking.’’O’Brian said.’’As for where were going-
We're getting you out of the United Kingdom before the Wallaces can lay hands on you."
"Are we headed for the sub-shuttles?" I asked.
’’I can’t get two of us far on my spike here.We need something faster,heavier to outrun the Ki’Vhan Spike Patrol Unites.’’Toreus Rhann,gestured to his own vehicle.
The mercenary eyed me nervously. Talking cats are not everyone's cup of tea.He then glaced back at Prince Rhann-a more human,friendlier figure,that he understood.
"Shuttles are packed with Taylor troops and people on their way out. The King has sent the Royal family to safety and now he's advancing in the other direction to put together a resistance force."
"Where has the Royal family gone?" Toreus asked. He'd been at the Christening of Prince Leonidus and was the Child's Second Godfather.
"Don't know," said O'Brian. "And don't wanna know. Rumor has it off-Sphere and other rumors have it that Joshua Sarkhon sent them to Genesis Prime—the Atlantean capital in this worldline district. My favorite is the baby universe where they might be hidden. Fashioned by Joshua Sarkhon himself. Oh. There be all sorts of rumors."
‘’And we can expect no help from the Atlanteans of Atlantis-Prime,neither.The word is Elder Supreme Lord,Ghalmeath Sarkhon-who rules among the Imperial House Clans of Sarkhon,upon Genesis-Prime wanted to send in his Imperial Atlantean might-The Atlantean Star Fleet and the the Atlantean Star Forces,backed by the Imperial Atlantean ground forces-the Atlantean Army,the Imperial Atlantean Colonial Marines and their elite offworld super trooper-the Temporal Guard,but he needed the consent of the Time-Sorcerers Guild first.’’
‘’And those tea sucking cowards-certain members of the Guild voted no to interfearing in further affair of this world-directly anyway.’’O’Brian interjected.
‘’The Imperial Houses of Shaitanus,Karza and Moontharr mainly.’’Shakhorja added.
‘’Balless turds,Kitty Kat.’’Colin O’Brian cursed.’’By the Starkillers-If I had a dime for every Atlantean bastard Time-Sorcerers…’’
‘’You don’t,O’Brian.’’Prince Toreus Rhann interrupted.’’
‘’Standard interstellar news,My Prince.’’O’Brian added.’’What of it ?’’
‘’What isn’t standard news,is Ghalmeath Sarkhon wanted away around the Guilds veto powers.’’Prince Rhann imformed Colin O.Brian.
‘’How.”The Thuvian Mercenary asked.
‘’One word.Rather one name-Supreme Lord Adam Sarkhon.’’Toreus Rhann responded.
‘’ Supreme Lord Adam Sarkhon,First Son of Supreme Lord,Ghalmeath Sarkhon.Adam Sarkhon,who rules on the ancient Atlantean Colony world Atlantis-Prime.’’the Guider imformed.
‘’But ,Ghalmeath Sarkhon did not see eye to eye .Adam Sarkhon on how to see this situation on Terra-Prime.While the Atlanteans of Genesis-Prime were happered by the Guild of Time-Sorcerers,the Atlanteans of Atlantis-Prime simply had a council of Elder Lords to handle political matters.The Legion of Time-sorcerer,were managed by a Council of Elder Supreme Time Sorcerers.’’Prince Toreus Rhann imformed Captain Colin O’Brian.’’The Elder Supreme Lord felt his son’s Imperial Forces a way to assist the conflicts of the sphere.’’
‘’The Guild then had no way of preventing Adam Sarkhon from getting involved,then.’’O’Brian surmised.’’So why didn’t this Adam Sarkhon help ?’’
‘’Supreme Lord Adam Sarkhon felt that the troubles of Terra-Prime was so important as the threat he faced back home in his region of time and space.’’Toreus Rhann continued.’’He was afraid of ancient threats to the home space,with the Atlantean Galaxy,where Atlantis-Prime existed.’’
‘’The Return of the Titan Wars.’’the Guider interjected.’’The very ignition that started the Atlantean Cold War,in the first place,in the ancient,old universe,that spread to this one.’’
‘’I know something those things.The Titans –huge,armored beings turned on the ancient Atlanteans-sent giant doomsday weapons at them like the Gravis-Rho.’’O’Brian added.
‘’So Supreme Lord Adam Sarkhon,stayed out of the affairs of Terra-Prime,to concentrate on keeping the threat of rogue Titans,found within his home space and preventing the great planet destroyers-the Gravis –Rho,from leaving the Atlantean Galaxy-protecting us all from waging a war with them before we were ready to defend ourselves.’’
‘’Best,thing either Lord,Ghalmeath Sarkhon or Adam Sarkhon,could is send in his temporal agents,various members of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers,to act as advisors,to the governments of many worlds –which includes Terra-Prime,upon this section of the Milky Ways Galaxy.’’O’Brian commented.
‘’You seemed to know a bit about matters beyond the sphere-many upon world don’t’’Prince Rhann speculated.’’Or by Thrull Khonn’s might,believe them nothing ancient mythology.’’
‘’I have a friend,who’s a big fan of the Temporal Cold Wars,believing waged across time and space,by various fraction of the Elder Races.’’Colin O’Brian stated.’’He talks too much,but in the end,you get to hear a lot matters beyond the normal worlds of humanity.’’
‘’Is that so,O’Brian ?’’Prince Rhann answered.’’I still,wish we find a shuttle station.I’ve had experience piloting them.I could call one of my fathers sub shuttles,pitioned near,by remote.’’
‘’Won’t help,Prince-shuttles still have navigated all evaluating ones leaving the area.’’O’Brian.’’By the time,one of your shuttles make to a safe point,we might be captured or killed by the enemy.’’
‘’By the Starkillers,still would like to try.’’Toreus Rhann bravely stated.”
An occasional echoe of enemy motar thunder could be heard in the hills beyond the city.Obviously,the Arcadian Troops were keeping the Ki’Vhan at bay,preventing them from repelling the Taylor forces from their encampment outside the capital city.If Prince Toreus Rhann and company could only reach,perhaps the two Thuvian Rangers could help.Colin O’Brian looked at Toreus Rhann,hoping to finish their discussion of the Arcadian War’s military and political strategy.The big Thuvian Highlander finally broke the momentary silence.
‘’Besides,we can’t use the Shuttles.That Resistance I was hooked up with witnessed some pretty nasty fekking crap,just a while back.”Colin O’Brian added,trying to change the subject back the shuttle transit problem.The sub shuttles,were hign speed subterrainean trains ,used by the citizens and the military to quickly travel within the inner neitherworld of Terra-Prime.Many were piloted through this darkened underground world,were called Tunnel Stalkers-something started around the time of the Great Lord Thrull Khonn.Tunnel Stalkers or Tunnel stalker-A term or slang term used to describe anyone, who pilots a subterranean Transport Tunnel, through the infinite transit system of the dysonsphere known as Terra Prime. Subterranean mag lev type train, capable of high speed transportation across the globe or around the inner surface or underground-neitherworld of a dysonsphere or planet. These sub shuttle could be piloted anywhere within in the known or unknown worlds of Terra-Prime. The Trongaroth Invaders, who invaded much of the Great Pangaean Land, where the many Shattered Empires of Pangea lie, had rerouted many of these tunnel systems and thus made new,unexpected network systems of new tunnelways to various unknown parts of the Great Sphere.. The Thuvian Rangers have erected certain members to travel these sub shuttle tunnels to explore them and map location. Many of them lead to sub shuttle transit stations-where passengers can enter or exit the shuttle trains. Here at certain points, Special Cargo or Troop sub shuttles can load or unload cargo at these transit stations.This spread out to other parts of the sphere,in time.
‘’I saw a bunch of Ki’Vhan troopers,with some sort of weirdoes all dressed in black hats,suites and capes.inspecting a sub shuttle transit station..They were inspecting one of the shuttle stations,occupied by the enemy forces.Something dark there seem to interest them.’
‘’What ?’’Prince Toreus Rhann asked.
‘’Don’t know..maybe a troop carrier-cargo shuttle.’’Colin O’Brien answered.
‘’Guider ?’’Prince Toreus questioned
‘’Yes,Warrior Prince.’’the Guider responded,flashing with it’s emerald twinkling gem.
‘’Whose are these black hated figures with the Ki’Vhan?’’
‘’Affirmative.Working.’’the Guider said.’’Imformation.Zatikhon Agents,working with the Ki’Vhan.’’
‘’Zatikhon ?’’O’Brien interrupted.’’Interstellar Corporate thieving fanatical bastards.’’
‘’The Zatikhon Hygemony,will be looking for some sort of profit out of the war.’’Prince Toreus Rhann added.
‘’The Zatikhon Hygemony,was an ancient,interstellar corporation,whose located and origins were shouted in the myth of interstellar history.Mysterious masked figures,shouded in darkness.They traveled in three’s-one supervisor and his two assistance.Profit and greed was their holy mission and the Zatikhon corporation,their god.They could and would do anything ligit or criminal to gain that profit and blessings of their personal god.’’the guided instructed
‘’Tell me about it.I’ve met up with them before.Real nasty pieces of work,they are.Sell you a broken replicator and then cuts your throat if they don’t get the payment on time.’’Captain O’Brien added his imput.
‘’Bravo.’’Prince Rhann commented.’’Real nice bastards in deed.’’
‘’Well,your highness-we can’t worry about them now.We got to keep going further out of the city.’’
"Where are we going," I insisted. Again that funny look.
"Off this plate and elsewhere. You'll know as soon as you know. Just not the sub-shuttles."O’Brien answered
"And then where will you go?" Toreus asked.
"Wherever the fighting is, my man. That's what I do. I'm the best fighting man in the whole wide Sphere."
"Did you proclaim yourself that or did someone with authority?" Toreus frowned.
"Hell yes. My opinion is the only one that counts. I just fight the best way I can and let the other mercs follow me and do what I do."
"Subject actually believes this," said Guider.
‘’Yes,but you still lost your sword,drenhead-when do more than just talk,then we shall see.’’The Thuvian Prince added.
Colin was certainly a brave and confident man. But that did not make him full of fek. I knew that Toreus felt that way, even without asking. Toreus and I have a rapport that goes beyond words. I also knew that the Prince respected the mercenary warrior, as much as he could respect someone as boisterous and rude who fought for mere money.
"My recommendation is trust him," said Guider.
Neither Toreus nor I argued with that.
The battlefield that was now these once grand city streets was of Arcadolopolis mostly deserted and silent.Everywhere the dead city found crimson pools among the still sprawling figures seeming to reflect the lurid red-streamered sunset sky above.Faint reflections of other worlds could be seen among the other worlds of the Great Sphere.Strange,alien bird moved among the skeleton ruins of the city,pigeons and other city dwelling avian creatures,blasted their homes among the once mile high scape scapers of the ancient metropolis.Dark birds of prey,Arkhonean Harksdropped down on mangled heaps with a rustle of dusky wings. Like harbingers of Fate a wavering.the birds began to pick at whatever remains of civilians and soldiers bodies could found laying among the deserted streets and wrecked vehicles ahead.
Prince Toreus Rhann and company moved outward away from the older.once suburbant spwall of ancient Arcadolopolis.In the distance,we could see the great hign towers of the ancient Arcadian worlds most finest cities.Great silver towers,now burned with blacken smoke soot,that fiiled two mile high skyscrapers with dark,onvious cloubs like Toreus Rhann and Coilin O’Brian imagined could be seen in alien and far off hellish nightmare worlds like the Atlanteans penal colonies of Hade-Prime and Tartarus-Prime.Strange alien air ships moved about the mile high skyscrapers,along various types of star ship vessels of all shapes and sizes.It was some hours since,Prince Toreus had fought it out the Ki’Vhan.It must been around 9 or 10.pm-maybe a little later,but Arcadolopolis was like many ancient city of Terra-Prime,a huge metropolis,that stretched for hundreds of miles or kilometers in any direction.Since there was plenty of area,upon a dysonsphere cities,suburbs and country side,seemed to spread out farther,than smaller,conventional cities upon other non sphere worlds.Cities could be either normal size or titantic metropolis cityscapes,that reach across the surface,for vast stretches of land-country roads,walled districts,ancient suburbs,now engulfed into the outer regions of these mega metropolis communities,undreamed of by most offworlders and outsiders.
We approached a line of civilian ground cars near the Chalice River that wound through the outer Old Kenton Town district of Arcadolopolis.Dark shadows moved about each windows,like dead men’s spirits refusing to leive this mortal world. Armed men in hoods guarded them. More of the mercenaries or possible restistance fighers hiding out among the burned or bombed out ancient buildings.Two Ki’Vhan on spikes passed by our location,missing us hiding within a ground of green bushes and the wreckage of an APC.A small van,was parked,near the side of the road.O’Brian,looked at myself and Toreus.
"Our ride,your highness" said O'Brian. "Give me a second.I can get her running."
‘’How ?We don’t have the keys ?””
Coilin O’Brian with drew his small,Thuvian Hunting Knife,his right booted area,where was strapped to,by huge,leather buckles.
‘’We do ,now,my Prince.We do now,’’he said a big,broad grin.
The Thuvian Highlander open the Ki’Vhan van’s door and jammed his knife into the cheapy made,ignition control .Sparks popped and flew out of the circular,silver disk,as it popped off.
‘’Cheap Khaitan made junk.’’O’Brian cursed.’’Easilly,over ridden .’’
‘’Ok,half way there.’’O’Brian said,as he used his knife to rework the vehicles controls.The engines came alive.
‘’Ok,guy.We got her alive. said O'Brian. "Hop in."
We got into a van with O'Brian .Toreus drove his spike Ebony into the back.hoping to conceal the dark cycle from the enemies detection,and also be a rear way to defend this Hachatachi Motors vehicle from any oncoming trouble.I was behind with my prince and Ulyseas,and O’Brian sat up front,hoping no one noticed that he wasn;t a Ki’Vhan and caused us more trouble than we needed.One of the Ki’Vhan soldiers armored vehicles came down toward our direction. Coiln O’Brian ducked down low,toward the steering wheel,as hoped the driver,looking like mindless dummy,failed to notice the drive of the oncoming van.
. The vehicles spread out taking various directions ,as the town seemed to over ridden with enemy trooper. Toreus' surrender plan was dead and we were off on our way to only Thrull Khonn knows where. Now, the only plan was to make out of the great Arcadian City and into the Resistance Forces, found with the outer hills and countryside of Central Arcadia. Their then we could fight back. Defend the countryside from the Wallaces forces, who had taken the capitol and one, retake the city, for the various members of the House Taylor to begin again and rightfully rule in the Arcadian world of this Great Sphere. Prince Toreus Rhann, thought of the Starkillers, who took his Pangaean Lands from Great Trongaroth Invasion and he thought of his own father’s quest to regain his royal family upon the Emerald Throne of Thuvia. Emperor Toreus Rhann’s father Ulyseas Rhann and his father, also fought to regain the basic freedoms of the worlds, stated in the Constrictions of the United Kingdoms of Pangea.
There was no fighting in the streets as we moved through town but plenty of evidence that there had been.
Bullet and laser riddled walls, a dead body here, a dead body there, wrecked cars, and broken walls. None of the dead were civilians though, Guider assured us. The butchery of the innocents had not yet begun, but with the Wallaces in power, it would not be long before it did.
The van stopped near a wrecked bridge, no doubt bombed by the Taylor Air Force to slow the advance of the Wallace armored cavalry. There were a number of burning tanks with the symbol of House Wallace to the other side—a black mailed fist enclosing a globe of fire. A symbol of fascism if I ever saw one. There would be no democracy in Wallace ruled Arcadia—absolute monarchy would be the rule of the land of the law.
We stood staring at the carnage. O'Brian moved around with his hands on his hips.
We all jumped as jet fighters sped over us and engaged in a dogfight in the sky. My keen eyes could make out two planes with Taylor livery—a lion's head with wings—and one with the mailed fist of the Wallaces—also winged.
As I watched, the Taylor fighters shot the Wallace down, using naught but cannon fire. Taylors always won air battles. Wallaces were better on the ground with tanks and blitzkrieg.
"Well, general," said Toreus leaning on the van. "If that be your escape route I think you need to find another."
O'Brian grinned and barked a loud laugh.
"That was the easy route. But O'Brian's Aces never, ever do anything the easy way. Back in the van, my prince."
We remounted and were off, following the banks of the river. It was clear that the mercenary was looking for a bridge or ford but I was certain that none would remain after Taylor Air Force bombers and combat engineers were finished with them.
Guider agreed but Toreus made no comment. The Prince resented the gem's all knowing manner. He liked surprises and did not always wish to know the probability of success in a given situation.
And Guider was wrong. A bridge loomed up and the van headed for it.
O'Brian stopped and we got out. There were wrecked motor cars on the bridge and I smelled the smell of explosives.
"Much too easy," said Toreus. "Why would House Taylor leave this bridge unmolested?"
"To allow an escape route for their retreating troops."
"The span is mined," said Guider.
It was Toreus' turn to bark a mocking laugh. "They would have already retreated this far and blew the bridge. And if they wanted to leave the route open, they would have posted light infantry with antitank weapons to guard it. It's mined, my friend. Those vehicles were blown up from below and smell that explosive."
Of course, Toreus was not above using the secret knowledge given to him by the Guider for his personal advantage.
O'Brian looks angry. "The whole world stinks of explosive and maybe those cars were lasered by men below the bridge line."
"Negative," said Guider.
"Those aren't laser marks. The bridge is mined, as my guider has informed me."
"Your guider?"
Toreus tapped his gem and smiled. "Never leave home without it. It's not always helpful but it does know when a bridge is mined. Or a girl is fertile. Saves one a lot of trouble and bother."
O'Brian looked at his trooper driver, who nodded his agreement.
O'Brian grinned and shrugged. "Then they'll be vehicle mines and we shall walk. Does your guide-thingy tell you that?"
"Probability is close to 80%," said the gem.
Toreus did not reply.
So we were going to walk across the mined bridge and it was my turn to say something.
"I will lead the way. My sense of smell is keener than even yours, Toreus. I can smell the explosive in a mine and avoid it."
O'Brian looked at me with that funny look again and then he smiled.
"Okay, Mr. Cat, you lead the way. But don't get yourself killed. I once knew a cat and he was—a good friend—he got himself killed and—well just be careful."
"It is always my intent."
"I will assist you, Shakhorja," said the Guider.
We started across the bridge with me in the lead.
It was indeed mined and not all of the mines were large enough to be considered anti-vehicle. Guider informed me of that.
The engineer of this field was determined that no one would cross on foot or vehicle. And some people had tried. Now there were dead bodies in the vehicles. Civilians who had fled from the other side by the looks of what was left of their blood splattered clothing. Minefields are a cheap defensive barrier but they are not a discriminating one.
By the time, we were halfway across the span the smell of blood was out flanking the smell of explosive in the air. I had to clear my nose in order to keep my attention on the mines. And the shelling was drawing closer as the Wallace artillery marched down the river looking for more pockets of Taylor resistance.
Toreus touched my collar, from which hung an amulet identical to his own. His thought radio spoke to me. "Easy, old friend. We're almost across this accursed bridge."
"Two thirds of the distance," said Guider.
"Shut up, Gem," said Toreus through the neural link.
"Shutting up," said Guider, sarcasm in its neural link simulated voice.
"Let us hope that the big man has a plan for where we go from here," Toreus said to me through our radio. "Once we stop off the other end of the bridge we will be in Wallace territory and fair game."
"If he doesn't then we will take off on our own and head for the nearest train toward the spinward wall—closest to home."
"I agree," I transmitted.
Yes, we were both losing faith in the mercenary. He claimed that Kotharr had hired him but for all we know he'd just heard the name and decided to use it to his advantage in whatever scheme he might be concocting. Sure, he claimed to like Saber cats but I had no evidence that this was true. Sure, he was able to pass muster with Guider's truth sensor—but a pathological liar can do that easily. It's not magic.
We might just as well be better off on our own.
‘’Warning.’ the guider spoke suddenly.
The Thuvian Prince halted his driving his spike Ebony further into the brigeway. O’Brian and Shakhorja stopped along with him.
‘’Why.’’ Toreus Rhann asked.
‘’I’m detecting a few unexploded mines up ahead.’’the jewell firmly stated.
‘’Ulyseas,you’re my personal avian mine detector.’’Prince Rhann commanded.’’Is what the Guider spoke true ?”
Ulyseas ,always upon Toreus Rhann’s shoulder armor,silently used his avian nanotech based five senses and appeared to be scanning the bridge path up ahead,where the wreckage of army and civilian vehicle were spread aboard,like giant casted down toys of some unseen giant.His scarlet red avian bird like eyes seem to sence or atleast for him see the low thermal patterns of the Ki’Vhan placed Delkhonean manuefactured land mines,buried down into a few inches of the bridged original super structure.
‘’The gem speaks right.’’Ulyseas finally answered.’’The whole bridges still armed with a whole buncka Delkhon mines.’’
‘’Thrull.’’was only word Prince Rhann spoke cursing the dammed luck.
‘’Ki’Vhan and Wallace bastards.’’O’Brian completed with own set of Thuvian curse words.’’Feking.parp eating bastards.I hope Thrull dams em all to hell.’’
Toreus Rhann,still upon his spike Ebony looked at me,then Ulyseas,his Thuvian Hunter’s Falcon and last Colin O’Brian.He had made discussion and spoke.We had made almost halfway into the middle of the brigde
‘’O’Brian,I know it might against be code of honor or maybe your just sexually imatature,but I think,you migh fair better,riding in back my spike,than on foot.’’The Thuvian Prince insisted.’’Shakhorja,can quickly follow my lead,as the guider,linked Ulyseas here,senses the location of each mine.’’
‘’Dear highness,what are you trying to say ?’’Colin O’Brian shouted.’’I’m not man enough to make across along or not mature enough to ride on back of your spike.I got a spike,just that-back my place-just like that.I can ride,just not on back with a guy-royal blue or not.’’
‘’Then go ahead.Be my guess-walk behind,but by Thrull Khonn’s I cannot guanruntee your safety Guider Gem or not.’’the prine smiled-a devilish glint in his eye.My prince was trying goad him into either doing the wrong thing and get his dammed fool head killed or going the right thing and survive another day.
‘’Guider,calculate the chances of reaching the other on foot and the chances of us making across on my spike.’’Prince Toreus asked.
‘’95 % in favor of making it both on the smart speeder bike Ebony.’’the Guider calculated.’’35 % separated.’’
Colin O’Brian,went silent for a moment.He weavered back and forth,as he didn’t conseed to the Guiders calcutions or be proven wrong by Prince Toreus Rhann’s challenge.He seemed to pacing back and forth,weaving his hands here and there,as he ready to argue with phantom individual,and stopped.
‘’Ok.that thing-it ain’t ever wrong is it.’’O’Brian asked.
‘’Guider ?’’Toreus responded,looking up toward the green jewel resting upon his browell.
‘’Negative.’’the gem answered.
‘’35 % against to 95 % in favor.’’Captain O’Brian surmised.’’Those are the kind of odds,one can count on his the darken casino’s on the Lankmearian Coaste.’’
O’Brian reluctantly saddled the back and stretched his big,broad arms arounf the Thuvian Princes waiste,holding on tight.Confrontably seated,he said.’’Ok,Prince-just don’t drive thing damed into a Thrull cursed mine or we’ll be all screaming sent right to holo special hell.’’
‘’And I don’t count this as a first date,neither.’’O’Brian added.’’I’m spoken back home.’’
With Prince Toreus just lauched and started his spike ignition control.
The Thuvian Prince slowly moved the spike forward-stopping as Ulyseas surveyed the bridge ahead.
‘’Guider?’’the Thuvian Crown Prince spoke.
Silence proceeded.And then the jade jewell spoke.’’Warrior Prince.slowly swerve to your right.about a few meters,until I tell to stop.’’
Prince Toreus moved the spike to his right and slowly,carefully the hover spike,floated the sentient cycle around the area,his Guider gem indicated to avoid.A small,red dot appeared upon the Thuvians macroscope visors,flashing where Uylseas sensed the first existing bridge mine.The cycle hovered within the safety path.It’s repulsor field pressor effects-a slight dusty blue glowing haze ,mixing other fragment debris of the other wreckage,found under the vehicle,that held up the spike slightly bouncing off the cracked Kenarean concrete and Venarian asphalt.Sweat pured off both Prince Toreus Rhann’s forehead and Captain O’Brian’s own forehead sitting,uncomfortably behind the Thuvian royalty.I,Shorkhorja ,slowly and cauriously followed behind my best friends repulsor bike.
‘’’Proceed,ten meters to your left and stopped behind abandoned vehicle up ahaid.’’the Guider adviced again.
Prince Toreus moved the spike to his left and slowly,carefully the hover spike,edging it up toward the remnants of a Nova Ventura class MG2566,two man armored transport.The burned bodies of two Arcadian soldiers,could be barely seen lying within the burning front seat of the vehicle.Somewhere in the distant,hills both Thuvians could hear the shelling of enemy and allied troop mortars.Only Ulyseas never let the distant,artificial thunder sware him his task of sencing the mine field implanted at various hidden point in the bridge area.
’’Warrior Prince,Proceed,ten meters to your left –moving in between two wreckage of the burning vehicles.’’the artificial intelligence adviced.
Prince Toreus nudged his spike Ebony between two
Finally, we made it to the other end of the bridge.
"Now we're here," Toreus said to the mercenary. "In Wallace held territory. Where do we go from here?"
O'Brien was about to answer when the noise of a diving jet cut through our awareness and Guider warned of the attack.
"Hit the deck," O'Brien yelled and pushed Toreus to the side.
The fighter laid a trail of cannon shells down the road as we ducked for cover. The air filled with the unmistakable smell of human blood. Someone had been hit. The jet continued its strafe across the span, firing lasers that cut the trusses and brought the bridge down into the river.
Then it sped away, no doubt searching for other targets.
"All clear," announced Guider.
"Joshua's beard," said O'Brien, jumping to his feet. "That was a Taylor jet—damn—they're supposed to be on our side."
"They don't know that from up there," said Toreus.
"I guess—." It was then that O'Brien spotted his driver's body in the road. Or rather, what was left of him after the 40 mm shells.
"Oh—fek—that was Duv. Duv, man. He'd been with my unit since back in the Range. Damn."
"I'm sorry," said Toreus.
O'Brien looked at the prince with flame in his eyes.
"You'd better be worth it, boy. A good man just died for you. If you turn out to be a worthless candy prince—I'll kill you myself."
Toreus drew his knife and held it at ready. "Threaten me or mine and you will be the one to die, big man. Toreus Rhann stands for no threat. Strike at me and you will be dead before you hit the ground."
O'Brien looked at the long Thuvian fighting knife and then into the eyes of the young man who held it. He knew that this was no candy prince and that Toreus meant business. The Rhanns have always hated bullies and there are whole cemeteries back in Pangaea that have been filled to prove it.
O'Brian smiled his goofy grin.
"Put the knife away, son. It's just that I lost an old friend."
"You nearly lost yourself, idiot," said Toreus.
"Yes, I nearly did. Sorry."
"No, sorry. Lead us out of here or know the consequences for betraying a Rhann."
"I would never do that," said O'Brian, leaning in close to the knife wielding young man. Perhaps he was crazy. "I have a contract with Kotharr Khonn and Colin O'Brian never violates his word."
"50% certainty," said Guider.
"Not good enough. Give your word to me. Swear allegiance to Toreus Rhann before we go one step further."
"You speak well enough, turd, when you are blustering. What part of honor don't you understand?"
"We have to get going."
"Yes, we do. And if you don't swear allegiance to me, here and now, I go on alone."
O'Brian looked at me. "Is he nuts?"
"78% probability," said Guider.
I smiled my best cat smile. "May be. I wouldn't test him."
‘’Well,I’m not too bad in a fight myself,fella.”
‘’This from O’Brian-the sword loser ?”Prince Toreus Rhann added,slight smiling as he did.
‘’Good point,Prince.’’Captain O’Brian responded.’’My wife Rachel often reminds me what big mouth I have.’’
‘’Your married “Shakhorja commented.’’How ?’’
‘’The woman must be in the line for holo sainthood someday,guys.’’Ulyseas thought.
We could hear a jet engine in the distance.O’Brian looked about at the three of us-and figured best to fall inline-go along with a member of the royal house,despite his luctance to restist authority fugures,as he would often do, than face these odd alone.
O'Brian fell on his knees and nodded his head.
"I swear allegiance to Prince Toreus Rhann of Pangaea."
"66% truth," said the gem.
Toreus laughed and tapped the man on his armor-plated shoulder.
"Well enough, mercenary. Stand and lets get out of here."
"Just one thing—if you don't mind," said O'Brian. He went to the body of Duv and removed an ID tag. "His folks will want to know what happened to him even if they can't legally claim the body."
Toreus nodded and the sound of jets battling overhead, despite Guider's assurance that they were not headed for us, made the four of us rush for the nearest ditch.My Prince ,with Ulyseas flapping his great wings to regain his holding perch of the Thuvian Shoulder armor and the big,hulking Thuvian Highlander managed to regain themselved slightly crouching behind the dirt of the huge blast hole.I held myself in their rear,quietly surveying the area for any sign of trouble.I saw nothing and smelled nothing as I imagine my Prince Rhann had not.
"Do you have a plan or are we going to wander about this plate until the Ki'Vhans or the Wallaces or the Taylors kill us?"Prince Toreus Rhann asked.
O'Brian nodded. "There's an airship waiting for us. We get to it, board it, and head for the wall. Once there we head though a jump port to the next nearest plate and join up with my people at a mercenary camp over there."
A jet exploded overhead, its debris raining down all about us.
"A Wallace pilot will not be going home tonight," said Guider.
‘’Airship ?From who ?’’Prince Toreus asked.
‘’An old buddy-fellow Thuvian Highlander like me-Oh hell yes ,Prince Rhann,you’ll love him.’’Captain Colin O’Brian answered.
‘’Did he lose his sword ,too ?’’
‘’Often.Every time in battle.’’
Captain O’Brian was more than likely getting tired of my Princes irritation about losing his Thuvian blade and tried cover it up with sarcasm.Toreus Rhann,simply caught the comment as such.He beginning despite his first inclination to see Colin O’Brian not as a big mouth bubbling fool,but not unlike himself and his father the Thuvian Empiror.In otherwords,he was being to like the big,dum Thuvian Hand Mercenary.And I could take,Captain O’Brian had found atleast one figure of authority,he was gaining some respect for.The Thuvian Highlander must have saw something of himself in my Prince Toreus.
‘’By Thrull,Prince .I’m joking.””Colin O’Brian cursed.’’Your as thickheaded as my three brothers.’’
‘’Really,Captain-bravo.’’Prince Rhann responded.’’You have four brothers ?’’
‘’Dosen’t every Thuvian’’O’Brian reported‘’Actually ,your highness-this guys a pretty good pilot-almost as good as me-if I don’t say myself.I do believe the Scarlet Shadow,if the fastest ship on Terra-Prime,but she’s Tramp freighter,not one of the local airship,that we see all over the sphere-so comparing the two isn’r exactly fare.
‘’You have a Tramp-Freighter and lost it.”’Prince Toreus Rhann interrupted Colin O’Brian.
‘’No,your highness-not lost it,allowed my parter Zacheriah Sarkhon to use it to avaluate Arcadian refugge’s-there’s big,big difference.’’Captain O’Brian responded.’’Still,Captain Eric Darkwaters a good man-a great airship pilot-even he from time to time,can get himself into a whole heap of troubles.’’
‘’Guider’’Prince Toreus Rhann spoke again,interrupting one of Colin O’Brian’s long wined tiraides.
‘’Yes,Warrior Prince.’’the Gem responed.
‘’Background check on this Captain Darkwater.’’
‘’Affirmative,Will draw on the propriate data file.’’the Guider confirmed.’’Working.will respond momentarily.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann,thought maybe this guy isn’t such a load mouth butthead after all.Perhaps,there was more him than meets the eye,if one of the members of the Imperial Houseclan of Sarkhon associated him frequently.The Prince was often tutored by another members of the Imperial House of Sarkhon.Doctor Arenjun Sarkhon,often had several generations of the bold Prince of Thuvia.They did not often partner up with any retard or moron,who just happen to come along.
‘’File search completed,Warrior Prince.’’the Guider finally spoke.
‘’Proceed.’’Prince Toreus Rhann commanded the emerald jewel that rested upon a headband,worn around his upper portion of his head.
‘’Captain Eric Darkwater. Thuvian Highlander-sometimes Thuvian Ranger, Master of all trades, thief, mercenary, bodyguard. Currently commander of the SS Destinies Marauder partner with one Commander Faphnire Jadmere Khonn-a Vladerheim mercenary, bodyguard, and sailor’ the guider reported
‘’Prince Rhann, you don’t need all background check jazz. Darkwaters a, ok. So’s Faph.
These guys have been about too.They can fight along with the best Thuvian Rangers And can fly his ship passed an enemy blockade with little trouble-outfight anything the Ki’Vhan and Wallace trash has.As I said,Darkwaters almost as good a pilot as me’’
‘’Almost as good as you?’’Toreus Rhann added.’’Now,strangely enough that really fills me with confidence.’’
"Let us go," said Toreus jumping to his feet and pulling O'Brian to his.I followed.Rarely did anyone ever proceed before the Great Prince of Thuvia.It wasn’t a royal thing.Prince Toreus Rhann ,simply preferred to lead infront of everyone.It had something to do with Lion sign he was born under or so he told everyone.O’Brien followed with me walking by his side.
‘’Bravo,to that Prince Rhann-bravo to that.’’O’Brian added,as he looked onto the Crown Thuvian Prince ahead,with great falcon upon his shoulder and myself strolling behind him as always.For Captain O’Brian,we made a strange group,but for Prince Toreus,it was business as usual.
We moved from cover to cover as we headed toward the rendezvous point with O'Brian's mystery airship. Shelling and aircraft activity was increasing by the minute and we dared not expose ourselves to the open for too long a period at a stretch.
Eventually we ran into an enemy patrol. They were human's—if you can apply that sobriquet to Wallaces. A patrol of infantry from the Wallace House Guard.
We quickly took cover behind what was left of the garden wall of a house that had been bombed to the foundation.
The soldiers moved along the road and we hunkered down.
When they were gone, we moved, staying behind the line of fences and walls of other bombed out house.
"There'll be more," said O'Brian. "If they're sending foot patrols forward there has to be at least a platoon sized unit nearby.
"There are three companies nearby according to overhead feeds," said Guider.
"Nearly a battalion," said Toreus. "We may have to fight them."
Both O'Brian and I looked at him as if he were insane.
"This isn't any vid show, your majesty," said the merc. "If we're outnumbered and outgunned we go down and die. Or, worse, get taken prisoner. They'll put a Trongoroth control tick on my neck and hold you to wave in front of your daddy. Gods only know what they'll do to kitty cat here."
Toreus nodded. "Unfortunately true."
"Don't worry though," Colin O'Brien brightened. "We're not far from the LZ where we're supposed to meet the airship. Not more than two kilometers."
"Then we should proceed," said the Prince.
And we did, twice more hiding from Wallace squads moving along the road.
It was while we were in our last hide that a column of trucks showed up and stopped not more than ten meters from us. Men climbed down and fanned out. This did not look good.
"What do we do now?" I asked.
"Wait," said O'Brian.
"When will your ship arrive at the LZ?" Toreus asked.
"It's already up there waiting. Ship is stealth equipped. All we need to do is reach the point."
"Two kilometers away."
"Two kilometers into enemy territory."
"Well, yes."
"Then I say we need transport."
"Dream on prince."
Toreus smiled an evil smile. "No need to dream. One only has to reach out and grab."
Toreus Rhann had, as I feared, had enough of waiting and sneaking around.
He rose to his feet and crept toward the nearest truck before O'Brian could attempt to stop him. By that time it was too late for debate or protestation without alerting the enemy and bringing death upon all three of us.By then,the Thuvian Hunting Falcon was again perched upon the Great Princes gaunleted right hand.
There were three soldiers and a driver near the vehicle. All apparently confident that a Wallace victory made them safe in this apparently rear area.
Prince Rhann once raised arm and Ulyseas flew from his perch upon the Thuvian gloved hand.Silently,both understaood what the Lord of Lions was up to.The Great Falcon swerved up and infront of the three Ki’Vhan.They stupidly watched as the bird droved in and out the great city scape.
Toreus took out his knife and crept like the Ranger hunter that he had trained to be as a youth. Had I not feared for our safety I would have been proud.
I crept behind him, guarding his back against any enemy he might not have noticed. We had hunted deer with knife and claw this way in the Thuvian Highlands. Deer have much keener senses than humans who are nearly blind when it comes to a sense of smell.
Prince Toreus Rhann jumped the closest soldier and slit his throat just above the collar of his armor. His nickname Toreus the Slayer,was not earned for nothing.He had gained moniture with every kill-every time slew an enemy or beast alike upon the savage lands of Terra-Prime. A second soldier swerved in his direction, rifle ready.
But I took that soldier's head off with one swat of my claw.
The third was going to sound the alarm when O'Brian shot him and the driver in the chest.
"Well," hooted O'Brian. "We have a truck."
Bullets and shouts came from the direction of the other vehicles. The other Wallace Guards had noticed us.
"But not for long if we don't hurry,' said Toreus as he jumped into the cab of the truck.Prince Rhann raised out his arm and the falcon returned to him,as by some magic command.
‘’We’re all here.O’Brian.’’the Thuvian Prince commaned.’’Lets go.’’
O'Brien and I jumped into the bed, the mercenary firing at the other soldiers to keep their heads down.Ebony,Prince Toreus Rhanns,spike hopped into the truck bed next to O'Brian,giving him a bit of shielding from enemy fire.
We were quickly underway, bullets tearing through the canvas cover of the military truck, O'Brian howling like a madman as he returned fire and me—well I was laying as flat as I could, trying to avoid massive trauma.
Toreus kept the accelerator as flat to the floor as was possible. The enemy was in pursuit of us. But we were far ahead of the other trucks, their drivers, professional teamsters, having a greater respect for the road than my prince.
Then Ki'Vhan bikers on smart bikes—spikes as they are called—sped ahead of the trucks along the side of the road. The hovering bikes quickly gained on us.
Grunting, Captain O'Brian discharged a laser from his over and under rifle. A Ki'Vhan biker blew up and his shrapnel killed his buddy. Two for the price of one.
"Directions please," Toreus called over his shoulder to O'Brien.
"Keep going until you find a—"Bullets caused O'Brian to stop and laser two more spikers. "A road that leads up a flat hill. That's where the LZ is."
We had managed to outdistance our pursuers. Oh, they were still back there but far back and not right on our tails. But I knew that when we got to the LZ we would not have much time before they were on top of us. If the airship was not right there then we might not make it.
I was beginning to doubt more than ever that Toreus' rash action in getting us transport was the correct one.
"Her is your turnoff," said Guider. Though the Guider voice sounded human, it showed no nerves as it announced this fact.
Toreus Rhann fishtailed the truck onto the new road and gunned it up the hill. Enemy vehicles followed, small all terrain vehicles armed with cannon and machine guns. O'Brian took out the front tires of one with his laser, causing it to flip end over end. But one of the enemy cannons took out our rear tires on the left side. This slowed the truck considerably.
Prince Toreus roared and continued to floor the accelerator.Ulyseas the Falcon’s bird eyes looked around,at his master,with a wooried look.
"Enemy forces attempting to surround the hill," said Guider.
"Parp," growled Toreus Rhann
We reached the top and Toreus fishtailed the trick around as if he were planning to rush down the hill and ram the enemy forces coming up. I prayed that he wasn't. But this did not look good and I know that members of the Rhann family have one overwhelming trait in common—they do not like to lose.
"Out of juice and ammo," yelled O'Brian.
Toreus thrust the cab door open and stepped down, pistol in one hand and knife in the other. His nano armor bloomed into one solid suit beneath his beaten up leather coat. The nano-tattoos on his face cut in and became his war mask.Ulyseas Sqreached as his clawed feet barely cleared the replaced standard light Thuvian Armored Pad-barely missing the form as it transformed into the heavier variety.
Misgivings or no I stood beside him.Captain O'Brian stood at our backs, having discarded his rifle and drawn his laspistol.
O’Brian produced a small hand communicator with free hand and open it to begin it’s operation.The Thuvian adjusted it’s controls to dial up the propretiate comlinks numbers to the person,he wished to talk to.
‘’Captain Darkwater.Buddy,come it.’’O’Brian issued responces into his comlinks.’’Eric Darkwater-come in.’’
The Ki'Vhan and Wallace soldiers coming up the hill seemed unimpressed. This looked like a last stand. Toreus might go down fighting but he would go down and yours truly with him.
‘’Dartwater.’’O’Brian despirated shouted.’’We need two Thuvian Rangers with-ah other extratched.’’
‘’O’Brian ?That you.?’’a voice issued out from the hand communicator.’’You lose your ship again?’’
‘’Captian..yes,no-lost a lot.’’The Thuvian Warrior commented.
‘’Feck the small talk,Dartwater’’O’Brian shouted.’’We’re moving and need transport,pronto.Home in on my co-ordinates.’’
‘’Got,you-Faphnere’s scanning you now.’’Captain Darkwater told the Thuvian Highlander.’’Lucky for you,we were almost ready to leave.’’
‘’Good Old,Darkwater.’’O’Brian stated as he shot into the Ki’Vhan moving behind upon the spikes.’’Get here soon,Pinheads are getting too close to our situation,if you get my drift,Captain.’’
‘’Hang on,O’Brian.We’re on our way.’’
Colin O’Brian closed his hand communicators and smailed.He looked over to me.
‘’Don’t worry,Kitty.We’re almost out of here.’’O’Brian said,attempting to calm down,what was obviously a worried look upon my face.The loud roar of aircraft was all around us.Hopefully,one of them was Captain Darkwaters ship.
A screaming Ki'Vhan raced toward us. Toreus shot him in the face and then took out a second and a third. Lasers pulsed from O'Brian's pistol and killed more. I roared and bared my teeth and claws, no one being close enough for me to use them.
A shadow fell across us. Either cloud or the angel of death.No.I now heard the great turbine engines of an arship above me.
Then the air was split by the road of electric cannon and the buzz of lasers. The advancing enemies were moved down.O’Brian howled and hooked as spikes crashed into one another,exploding into balls of flame behind our transport.
‘’Dartwater,you old Son of a Bastard.’’Colin O’Brian shouted.’’That two Thruvian Beers I owe you.Whever I can owe you a drink or two.’’
Troops on spider strings dropped all around us.
"Airship hovering overhead," said Guider just a little too late, which made me wonder—was Guider as unemotional as it seemed or did it have a vid director's flare for the dramatic?
The enemy were retreating down the hill as trails of exploding shells followed them.
"Our ride," said O'Brian as he grasped a spider line.
Prince Toreus Rhann,jammed the wheel the empty Ki’Vhan rifle-a Thruvian M130 semi-automatic piece of shit,used by many lesser civilization soldiers.He then moved toward the back,with Ulyseas still clawing into his shoulder armor.
‘’Come on,ols buddy.We’re leaving.’’Prince Rhann commanded with authority.’’Time for spring back and it’s not even spring.yet.’’
Toreus grabbed one too and two of the mercenary troopers fastened one around my torso. We were soon drawn up into the bowels of the airship.Captain O’Brian followed,a bit grin upon his face.Below,the transport sped off into the distance and out of sight as we moved into the air,with the great airship above.A huge,circular ,almost flying saucer shaped vessel with great repulsor engines upon each side.Once,Prince Toreus Rhann and the rest of us were inside the ships,big Cargo Hanger Bay-filled boxes,other Thuvian troops attempting assist us,as the air ships Boarding Cargo ramp closed behind us.It’s big,nuematic roar,filled the cabin area,telling us,it strained it mechanism trying to seal the vessel as it sped away from Tennyson Spaceport.
Soon the ship was rising up into the air faster and from
a porthole, I could see the upwardly curving slop of the Arcadia plate. We were moving to spinward and away from the battle.
‘’All’s clear,Captain.’’O’Brian spoke into his hand coomunicator.
We were on our way out of Arcadia but I had a feeling that we had not seen our last of the Arcadian Civil War. I looked toward Toreus Rhann,my prince who gazed out that same porthole, a far away look in his eyes. The battle tattoos had fades and his armor retracted but his still stood as if ready for a fight.
This journey was just beginning. Our days of academia were now behind us.
The End
*Parp-An Old Thuvian Saying,that something stinks.Possibly,a corruption of the poop and carp or crap
**"Fek!"-An Old Atlantean curse word-origin unknown-possibly Tauron. It is a bowdlerized version of the real-life expletive "fuck", and can seemingly be used in the same ways,as Fek Off,Fek You,Fek This.
Prince Toreus Rhann and Arcadian War-revisions 1
By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward. Thompson
c. 2007 Maveric Lion Productions
based on a Short Story
Chapter Two-Escape from Arcadia.
SS Destinies Marauder moved across the North Bedford Forrest,as a carpet of high foliage moved under the ship as it hovered over the tree tops.The air ship was currently climbing not to high to be noticed by the satilite survailance and not too low to observed by anyone on the ground.The huge,saucer shaped vessel had kept open it’s sensor systems to keep constant observation on enemy forces location and position. Captain Eric Darkwater was an excelant pilot and knew how above enemy encounters,and if he did encounter the enemy,avoid them by various methods,evasive actions and defensive and offensive counter measures.
My Prince Toreus Rhann,having barely escaped Tennyson Spaceport,where many of the refugee’s had used to escape Arcadopolis-now occuplied by House of Wallace,who temporarily defeated the House of the Taylors.He had fought his way across the city,patrolled by Ki’Vhan trooper-near mindless artificial beings-Zombie like creatures,who fought like brainless mercenaries to any side,whose their employers wished them for the right high price.Ki-Vhan,more likely defeated an enemy,not always any kind of real cunning or strategy,but often by sear numbers.Popular folklore,told that Ki’Vhan were created or atleast provided by a species of alien beings known as the Zhatikhon-an interstellar business operation/semi criminal operation,whose true origin and location,has been lost in the mists of temporal space.
My Prince,had gained the help from an unlikely allie- Captain Colin O'Brien-I'm a Thuvian Highlander and Thuvian Ranger.O’Brian had been instrumental in gaining this air ship. SS Destinies Marauder.We had still to clear out of occuplied Arcadian air space.Many Ki’Vhan warships and aircraft were still in the air,not to forget the Wallace air forces-fighter craft patrolling the skies between here and the nearest stargate jump point away from this world plate of Terra-Prime.
‘’So,Prince-told ya,Captain Darkwater’d come through.’’Captain O’Brian said,with great pride.’’Didn’t I could do it,did ya.?’’
‘’I must admite,Captain I had a few serious doughts.’’Prince Toreus Rhann responded ‘’This us Thuvians often achieve the impossible.’’
‘’That’s what we do ,yor highness-that’s what we do best.’’O’Brian spoke with great Thuvian pride.’’Got,you me,the bird and the kitty cat here out alive and well.’’
Perhaps,later-once we are safely out of the Ki’Vhan occupied Arcadian air space,I’ll let you meet the dear Captain Dartwater and esteemed co-polit.’’Colin O’Brien boasted.
‘’I’d like to meet our rescuer.The bold princes of Thuvia would owe much to anyone who sides with Imperial House of Rhann,over anyone of lesser royal bllod and heritage.’’Prince Rhann commented.
‘’I bet you would,rightly so.’’Excuse ,Prince.’’Colin O’Brien added’’I got to do something now that all commotion and dander has supsided for the moment.’’
O’Brien once produced his hand communicator and dialed up a series of numbers.
‘’Don’t this is personal.ship to friendly ship.’’Captain O’Brian added once again.’’Hello,Captain O’Brian to SS Scarlet Shadow.Come in.We’re on a safe channel.Zach come in.’’
Long moments passed and a voice broke in,cutting through the air ship constant roar of Paragravity engines.
‘’Captain.’’the voice issued from the communicator.’’Glad to hear you are well.We were worry for a time,when we heard nothing from you,after the ship took off from inner city sections of Arcadopolis.’’
‘’Zachery.I’m fine.I couldn’t break radio silence with the Ki’Vhan about until I got to safe LZ area.Had a bit of troubles making it through the streets.Met up some Resistance Forces and later found myself in luck with pretty ok people.They helped get out.’’
Prince Toreus sat back-some Thuvian Ranger came up and gave some RME packages which took gladly.The Ranger causiouly eyed Ulyseas the Thuvian Hunting Falcom and my self.Obviously,he wasn’t used being in company of a great Capronean Silver Sabertooth Lion.
‘’Thanks.’’Prince Rhann and opened the package,ripping it’s top off.
‘’Zachery.’’O’Brien spoke over all the commotion within the SS Destinies Marauder cargo hold.
‘’Captain.O’Brian..stop calling me Zachery.I prefer Zacheriah or just Doctor Zacheriah Sarkhon.’’the time sorcerer argued over the comlinks mike.
‘’Ok,Sarkhon-you moron.I don’t have time for none of your nutball fek today.’’Colin O’Brien obviously was getting argery at his long time partner and friend.’’Put on Rachel.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann began to see a different side to this Captain Colin O’Brien-someone not unlike himself-not unlike his father as well. Bossy, controlling, bad tempered. He had arguments, with his family and friends, just he did. Got in fight. Got in trouble. Sometimes did the wrong thing or what appeared to be the wrong thing to others, for what he felt was the right reasons, even though everyone else saw him an irresponsible idiot. Prince Rhann’s eating the candy bars his soldiers rations provided and understood this new found friend-no, mentor had taught him, by way of not telling him stuff, but showing ,too. By Thrull’s mighty bones, this could himself in another ten or twenty years.
‘’I’m not sure,that we should using this secure military channel so you can make lovely dovely phone calls to your wife.’’Doctor Zacheriah Sarkhon.
Besides O’Brien,a few of the other Rangers were finishing their packaged meals.Prince Toreus Rhann.was eating something that looked sort of backed meat cake.He throw one at me.not enough to fill my great lions stomach,but it’d have to do until later.
‘’Lovely dovely phone calls ?’’ ’’Colin O’Brien shouted
‘’And as a member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerer’s I have more important things to do,than argue with likes of you,O’Brien.’’
‘’No.Sarkhon-your not only a member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerer’s.’No.Sarkhon-you are a mental case.’’Colin O’Brien order
Obviously,this webt on frequently between these two.I’ve myself and Prince Rhann get into similar arguments.It wasn’t sign the two hated each,but often simply got on each others nerves.Perhaps they two different people or perhaps in someway,they were to much alike.
Get off the phone, Sarkhon. Get off before I do something I regret. You're a menace to society, you're a menace to me, and you are a menace to the whole human race. Now get off!’’Captain O’Brien shouted into the communicator.
‘’That's a matter of opinion.’’ Zacheriah Sarkhon responded
’’Put on Rachel now and get otta here.”O’Brien ordered.
‘’Ok,pal,but remember-if I didn’t like you so much,I would not put up with all your abuise.’’ Zacheriah Sarkhon stated.’’Here she is.’’
‘’Thanks,you’re a real Pal,Doc.’’ ’’Captain Colin O’Brien thanked his old friend in his own way.
‘’Colin ?’’Rachel Sarkhon answered over the communicator.
‘’Yeah,Rachel.I’m here.’’ Colin O’Brien answered.His manner became softer with his wife on the phone.’’I’m ok.too.’’
‘’I know,Colin.’’Rachel said.
‘’I’m aboard the the SS Destinies Marauder-Darkwater’s ship.’’
’’We were worried-well,me and Ivhanna anyway.Zacheriah he seemed to be not so worried.He said,if anyone could take care of himself,it was you-despite being a big blabbermouth.’’Rachel Sarkhon added.’’He has great confidence in you-despite all arguments.’’
‘’I know,Rach.Don’t Sarkhon-but I think the guys ok,sometime-maybe even a genius sometimes.’’O’Brien confested.’’He just gets my last nerve sometimes.He just talks way too much.Argues too much.’’
My Prince saw another side this Captain O’Brien and his relationship with the crew of the SS Scarlet Shadow.They despite the difficulties,the dissfunctional way they acted toward each other.They seemed to like each .Care one another.And that’s what really mattered in the end.Not who can beat who.Who control what.Morons like the Wallaces and the Shaitanus were obsessed with that kind of braindead rubbish.Prince Toreus Rhann,understood family and what was important.
‘’This Prince Toreus Rhann,he with ok.I promised follow his command .’’O’Brien tried confort his wife.
‘’Look,Rachel.I’m gonna hang this Prince Rhann here for awhile.I’ll ok.
‘’Ok,Colin.’’Rachel said.’’Listen,we’re at Restistance Forces Roudivouse Point-Arcadia Alpha Site One.We’re ok,but perhaps we could come and escort you here.Their Ki’Vhan Air Force patrols still about.’’
‘’No.Rachel,stay where you are.We can make alright.’’Colin O’Brien tried to assure his wife,not to get herself into any trouble on his account.
‘’Colin,I’m not some little,helpless female.I was trained by the Shardukhor Warriors.You know that.’’Rachel O’Brien stated.’’We ‘re some of the best fighters in Terran Space-best fighters certainly on the Great Sphere.Certainly equile the Thuvian Rangers and anything found upon this world.’’
‘’Rachel.I know.’’
‘’No,you don’t know.You never listen.It’s your way or no way,Colin.Everytime,you and Zacheriah,your best friend-go off,get in trouble and who has you bail two-us girls,that’s who.’’
‘’Rachel,no-one of these days-one of these days-bang zoom-strait the airlock.’’O’Brien losing his temper.
‘’A shut up.’’Rachel O’Brien interrupted.’’And you wouldn’t dare.’’ She added.
‘’We’re come to meet you,that’s it.Like it or not.’’the female Shardukhor Warrior stated and broke off communications.
‘’Rachel.Rachel.’’Captain O’Brien shouted into the communicator to no avail.’’By Thrull,dammit.She’s the one that never listens.’’
‘’That’s because buddy boys,she and my Ivhanna- are usually right.’’Zacheriah Sarkhon broke in.’’We’re warriors and we married two tough broads.’’
‘’I know,Zach,but I still worry about her.About the girls-you and me,we can take care ourselves-no matter what come along.’’
‘’Coiln,my man,you might a big dum idiot on the outside,’’the Time-Sorcerer responded.’’but on the inside,your just one big softy.’’
‘’I know,Sarkhon…still be careful.’’the Thuvian Highland mercenary added.’’If I even lost lost Rachel,I don’t what I’d do.’’
‘’And you won’t either,this time you big,loudmouth knucklehead.’’Doctor Sarkhon commented.’’The Scarlet Shadows a tough ,old star ship.Their nothing the Ki’Vhan,nor the Wallaces or Shaitanus can throw at us,that we can’t throw back twice as hard.’’
‘’Ok,pal’’Colin O’Brien ended’’See ya soon,We’ll looking out for you.Tell Rachel’s she’s the greatest ever.O’Brien out.’’
‘’Same here,Old Friend.I’ll tell her.’’O’Brien added.Trying to make up for abuise earlier.
‘’Be seeing you soon,Sarkhon out.’’
With the comlinks went dead.Captain O’Brien placed the communicator back his Thuvian Combat Utility Vest left pocket and looked up at Prince Toreus.He wasn’t sure exactly how to start,but began anyway.The Thuvian Prince just smiled.
‘’I guess,you think I’m one of them tea sucking nany boys you know back home at the Royal Thuvian Emerald Palaces.’’O’Brien began.’’but with Rachel,it’s different.Me and her met up-off world,in of all places-fighting side by side against the Kalladon,the Shaitan,the Drakhoneans,the the Gorthan space pirates,the Kallon and just every nasty bastard,this side of the galaxy going.’’
‘’And somewhere along the way we fell in love.’’O’Brien went on.’’And every day since,you fall more in love this one person everyday.Maybe you do-’t know what that’s like ,Prince-maybe you do.Same for Sarkhon and wife,Ivhanna.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann,sat there silent again.He understood this man Colin O’Brien even more.On the surface,most people would see Coiln O’Brien as big,pussy whipped oaf,supervient to his wife.But no,this Thuvian Ranger,loved this woman more than anything else in the world-in the galaxy.Somewhere,inside-deep down inside-he felt didn’t he deserved her,that she though Colin O’Brien was some big,dum.load mouth braggard,with muscle and soldier skills-nothing more.But Rachel Sarkhon-a warrior woman,in his own right,a member of the Shardukhor Warriors-a breed of super soldier,based both on the Kalldon and Omega-Warrior programs ,two genetically advanced warrior breed
from the homeworld Terra-back Earth’s pre-interstellar space fairing eras,raised a hostile planet-a desert world.Their men and women,a new breed of Spartan Warrior-one of the toughest mercenaries among the wild,Colonial Frontiers outside the Terran Federation-not that far from Terra-Prime. Captain O’Brien is very quick-tempered, and frequently resorts to insults and hollow threats of physical violence,a way to cover his insecurities-like many people. Rachel O’Brian often finds herself bearing the brunt of her husband 's insults,and rude behavior which she returns in fine form.Rachel bitingly sarcastic and very level-headed, trying to convince O’Brian’s stupidity of his various schemes,stupid fights,rash actions in combat which makes him lose his temper.Still,he would never dare hurt ever,no matter how mad he got at her. His anger would often be replaced by short-lived remorse, and he would then apologize for his actions later on telling Rachel or one of the others he was sorry or something close to that like telling them,they great or a genious .This was at it was and must have been always.Colin O’Brian on the surface appeared to be a big,swaggering loadmouth,backwoods country bumpkin,but in underneath was just a man simple man,trying to protect and provide for his family.Toreus Rhann began to see more of himself in this Thuvian Ranger.He was a man he likes,admirred.He must have pretty good a fight or the Rangers would not have accepted him,but being able to fight is one thing.Being able to fight for ones country or a cause that they believe in was another.And being able,eventually to fight for freedom,that would help defend your love ones with you or back home was still another.Toreus Rhann understood that,as all Thuvians,and assume Arcadians as well.
‘’Your Highness.you even have anyone special in your life .”Captain O’Brien asked’’Maybe you don’t know what that’s like.I don’t know.’’
Suddenly,Prince Toreus Rhann,felt he was lacking something in his life.There were women-plenty of them.As a very handsome,tall Prince Thuvian,he attracted more females that he could handle.What did the other Thuvians call it-Chick madnet ?,There wasdrinking and .fun time with the ladies,but no one really special.Sure,he thought he was in love that girl Olivia ,who of another Imperial House of Thuvia,but that went badly in the end.By Thrull’s Will,it wasn’t in the cards for him or them to be together.
‘’No.O’Brien,maybe not By Thrull.’’Prince Toreus Rhann responded.’’Once or twice thought I was in love,but..’’
‘’Don’t worry,my Great Prince-there’s still time.’’O’Brien added.’’ Your cute-gals like that—I ouuta know.I bet you’ll attrach all sort of nice ladies to you.’’With the Thuvian Highlander let a big grim.Prince Toreus Rhann smiled back.He looked at me and them Ulyseas.
‘’Oh,yes,there’s plenty of time.Plenty of time.’’Ulyseas began squalking.
‘’Oh shut up,you silly bird.’’I said.
With everyone laughed.Captain O’Brien,Prince Toreus and a few of the Thuvian Rangers aboard.In the middle of all this,a tall,athelic Thuvian,dressed similar to Colin O’Brien’s Thuvian Highlander dress-a baret upon his head,covering his long,dark hair entered the air ships cargo hold.He had the usual twill fatigue shirt and armor bracelets and the biomed armband ,with it’s medical biorecorder,worn over what looked like a Corvaillian Rangers tan duty shirt-something gotton offworld,by way of the Colonial Space Merchant trade routes visiting the huge Dysonsphere of Terra-Prime.His green fleck utlity vest cover this ,and showed his,obvious,non conformist and rebel of dress,would wear some of the standard Thuvian Ranger dress uniform,if he wanted too,out of nessessety,if not pride or doing he was told to do.A large,Tartan Calladonean Sash was worn about that Corvaillian shirt,similar to the one Colin O’Brien did,but the pattern was slighty altered.perhaps to represent a different house,which he belonged to,obviously.
‘’Ok,my flyings not that bad.’’the tall Thuvian said.’’O’Brien.’’he added.
‘’Darkwater.’’O’Brien responded.
He looked down at Colin O’Brien and then to the Thuvian Prince,sitting upon the seat opposite the big,Thuvian Ranger.A lookm of recognition was present in his eyes.He then bowled and soluted as he did ,smiling as he did.He stold erect and put out his right hand as to shack the Lord of Lions own right hand.
‘’Your Highness.’’Darkwater stated.’’I’m Captain Eric Darkwater..’’he smiled again.’’at your service.’’the Thuvian added.
Prince Toreus Rhann,got up.His big,hulking frame-nearly the same as Captain O’Brien,made this Thuvian look almost like a small boy.Ulyseas seem to hold on,as usual,as the Thuvian Prince stold up-slightly flapping his great avian wings.
‘’Prince Toreus Rhann.’’the Thuvian Crown Prince responded.’’And the pleasures all mine.After we all.owe our lives.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann,turned and swung his arm to present all of the passengers within the SS Destinies Marauder cargo hold. Captain Eric Darkwater,look at Toreus Rhann,then Colin O’Brien and me with puzzling stare.He looked back at the Prince.
‘’What do we have among my cargo hold.’’Darkwater commented ‘’a Zoo ?’’
‘’No,Captain Darkwater.’’The Thuvian Prince Toreus smiled back.’’My band of usual Thuvian Rangers.’’
‘’This is Ulyseas.’’Toreus Rhann,point left hand thump backward toward the great bird.’’My Thuvian Hunting Falcon.’’
‘’Glad to meat you.’’Eric Darkwater saluted.’’A fine warriors hunter bird of prey.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann,turned toward me .
‘’My Silver Lion Shakhorja.’’the Thuvian First Son introduced.
‘’Platinom blonde or silvery white hair sign of divinity,dating back the ancient Atlanteans.’’Eric Darkwater commented’’ exotic and otherworldly’’
‘’Yes,the Thuvian Princes,have traveled with these Platinum blonde lions,way back since the early days of Great Lord Thrull Khonn-perhaps before then.’’the Guider Gem interrupted the Captain of the Thuvian Freighter Air Ship.
‘’Oh,unless I forget.the unseen member of my little band.’’Prince Toreus Rhann,pointed with left index finger to the great emerald jewell resting upon his brown,leather band band,upon his forehead.’’My Guider Gem.’’
‘’I am an Artificial Intellegence Tactical Field Data Retreival System.’’the gem spoke.’’I can intereact with near by communication system,Isolinear crystral data bank,computer terminal-including those found with anynear by New Genisis Bunker complex.’’
‘’And sommon up the presence of a holo god or two,in person,I suppose.’’Captain Eric Darkwater surmised,looking at the Thruvian Princes green gem.
‘’Affirmative.Captain.’’the Guider responded.
‘’Well,Prince Rhann,it seems we have a merry band of unlikely heroes here.’’Darkwater responded.
Toreus took out his knife and crept like the Ranger hunter that he had trained to be as a youth. Had I not feared for our safety I would have been proud.
I crept behind him, guarding his back against any enemy he might not have noticed. We had hunted deer with knife and claw this way in the Thuvian Highlands. Deer have much keener senses than humans who are nearly blind when it comes to a sense of smell.
Prince Toreus Rhann jumped the closest soldier and slit his throat just above the collar of his armor. His nickname Toreus the Slayer,was not earned for nothing.He had gained moniture with every kill-every time slew an enemy or beast alike upon the savage lands of Terra-Prime. A second soldier swerved in his direction, rifle ready.
But I took that soldier's head off with one swat of my claw.
The third was going to sound the alarm when O'Brian shot him and the driver in the chest.
"Well," hooted O'Brian. "We have a truck."
Bullets and shouts came from the direction of the other vehicles. The other Wallace Guards had noticed us.
"But not for long if we don't hurry,' said Toreus as he jumped into the cab of the truck.Prince Rhann raised out his arm and the falcon returned to him,as by some magic command.
‘’We’re all here.O’Brian.’’the Thuvian Prince commaned.’’Lets go.’’
O'Brien and I jumped into the bed, the mercenary firing at the other soldiers to keep their heads down.Ebony,Prince Toreus Rhanns,spike hopped into the truck bed next to O'Brian,giving him a bit of shielding from enemy fire.
We were quickly underway, bullets tearing through the canvas cover of the military truck, O'Brian howling like a madman as he returned fire and me—well I was laying as flat as I could, trying to avoid massive trauma.
Toreus kept the accelerator as flat to the floor as was possible. The enemy was in pursuit of us. But we were far ahead of the other trucks, their drivers, professional teamsters, having a greater respect for the road than my prince.
Then Ki'Vhan bikers on smart bikes—spikes as they are called—sped ahead of the trucks along the side of the road. The hovering bikes quickly gained on us.
Grunting, Captain O'Brian discharged a laser from his over and under rifle. A Ki'Vhan biker blew up and his shrapnel killed his buddy. Two for the price of one.
"Directions please," Toreus called over his shoulder to O'Brien.
"Keep going until you find a—"Bullets caused O'Brian to stop and laser two more spikers. "A road that leads up a flat hill. That's where the LZ is."
We had managed to outdistance our pursuers. Oh, they were still back there but far back and not right on our tails. But I knew that when we got to the LZ we would not have much time before they were on top of us. If the airship was not right there then we might not make it.
I was beginning to doubt more than ever that Toreus' rash action in getting us transport was the correct one.
"Her is your turnoff," said Guider. Though the Guider voice sounded human, it showed no nerves as it announced this fact.
Toreus Rhann fishtailed the truck onto the new road and gunned it up the hill. Enemy vehicles followed, small all terrain vehicles armed with cannon and machine guns. O'Brian took out the front tires of one with his laser, causing it to flip end over end. But one of the enemy cannons took out our rear tires on the left side. This slowed the truck considerably.
Prince Toreus roared and continued to floor the accelerator.Ulyseas the Falcon’s bird eyes looked around,at his master,with a wooried look.
"Enemy forces attempting to surround the hill," said Guider.
"Parp," growled Toreus Rhann
We reached the top and Toreus fishtailed the trick around as if he were planning to rush down the hill and ram the enemy forces coming up. I prayed that he wasn't. But this did not look good and I know that members of the Rhann family have one overwhelming trait in common—they do not like to lose.
"Out of juice and ammo," yelled O'Brian.
Toreus thrust the cab door open and stepped down, pistol in one hand and knife in the other. His nano armor bloomed into one solid suit beneath his beaten up leather coat. The nano-tattoos on his face cut in and became his war mask.Ulyseas Sqreached as his clawed feet barely cleared the replaced standard light Thuvian Armored Pad-barely missing the form as it transformed into the heavier variety.
Misgivings or no I stood beside him.Captain O'Brian stood at our backs, having discarded his rifle and drawn his laspistol.
O’Brian produced a small hand communicator with free hand and open it to begin it’s operation.The Thuvian adjusted it’s controls to dial up the propretiate comlinks numbers to the person,he wished to talk to.
‘’Captain Darkwater.Buddy,come it.’’O’Brian issued responces into his comlinks.’’Eric Darkwater-come in.’’
The Ki'Vhan and Wallace soldiers coming up the hill seemed unimpressed. This looked like a last stand. Toreus might go down fighting but he would go down and yours truly with him.
‘’Dartwater.’’O’Brian despirated shouted.’’We need two Thuvian Rangers with-ah other extratched.’’
‘’O’Brian ?That you.?’’a voice issued out from the hand communicator.’’You lose your ship again?’’
‘’Captian..yes,no-lost a lot.’’The Thuvian Warrior commented.
‘’Feck the small talk,Dartwater’’O’Brian shouted.’’We’re moving and need transport,pronto.Home in on my co-ordinates.’’
‘’Got,you-Faphnere’s scanning you now.’’Captain Darkwater told the Thuvian Highlander.’’Lucky for you,we were almost ready to leave.’’
‘’Good Old,Darkwater.’’O’Brian stated as he shot into the Ki’Vhan moving behind upon the spikes.’’Get here soon,Pinheads are getting too close to our situation,if you get my drift,Captain.’’
‘’Hang on,O’Brian.We’re on our way.’’
Colin O’Brian closed his hand communicators and smailed.He looked over to me.
‘’Don’t worry,Kitty.We’re almost out of here.’’O’Brian said,attempting to calm down,what was obviously a worried look upon my face.The loud roar of aircraft was all around us.Hopefully,one of them was Captain Darkwaters ship.
A screaming Ki'Vhan raced toward us. Toreus shot him in the face and then took out a second and a third. Lasers pulsed from O'Brian's pistol and killed more. I roared and bared my teeth and claws, no one being close enough for me to use them.
A shadow fell across us. Either cloud or the angel of death.No.I now heard the great turbine engines of an arship above me.
Then the air was split by the road of electric cannon and the buzz of lasers. The advancing enemies were moved down.O’Brian howled and hooked as spikes crashed into one another,exploding into balls of flame behind our transport.
‘’Dartwater,you old Son of a Bastard.’’Colin O’Brian shouted.’’That two Thruvian Beers I owe you.Whever I can owe you a drink or two.’’
Troops on spider strings dropped all around us.
"Airship hovering overhead," said Guider just a little too late, which made me wonder—was Guider as unemotional as it seemed or did it have a vid director's flare for the dramatic?
The enemy were retreating down the hill as trails of exploding shells followed them.
"Our ride," said O'Brian as he grasped a spider line.
Prince Toreus Rhann,jammed the wheel the empty Ki’Vhan rifle-a Thruvian M130 semi-automatic piece of shit,used by many lesser civilization soldiers.He then moved toward the back,with Ulyseas still clawing into his shoulder armor.
‘’Come on,ols buddy.We’re leaving.’’Prince Rhann commanded with authority.’’Time for spring back and it’s not even spring.yet.’’
Toreus grabbed one too and two of the mercenary troopers fastened one around my torso. We were soon drawn up into the bowels of the airship.Captain O’Brian followed,a bit grin upon his face.Below,the transport sped off into the distance and out of sight as we moved into the air,with the great airship above.A huge,circular ,almost flying saucer shaped vessel with great repulsor engines upon each side.Once,Prince Toreus Rhann and the rest of us were inside the ships,big Cargo Hanger Bay-filled boxes,other Thuvian troops attempting assist us,as the air ships Boarding Cargo ramp closed behind us.It’s big,nuematic roar,filled the cabin area,telling us,it strained it mechanism trying to seal the vessel as it sped away from Tennyson Spaceport.
Soon the ship was rising up into the air faster and from
a porthole, I could see the upwardly curving slop of the Arcadia plate. We were moving to spinward and away from the battle.
‘’All’s clear,Captain.’’O’Brian spoke into his hand coomunicator.
We were on our way out of Arcadia but I had a feeling that we had not seen our last of the Arcadian Civil War. I looked toward Toreus Rhann,my prince who gazed out that same porthole, a far away look in his eyes. The battle tattoos had fades and his armor retracted but his still stood as if ready for a fight.
This journey was just beginning. Our days of academia were now behind us.
The End
*Parp-An Old Thuvian Saying,that something stinks.Possibly,a corruption of the poop and carp or crap
**"Fek!"-An Old Atlantean curse word-origin unknown-possibly Tauron. It is a bowdlerized version of the real-life expletive "fuck", and can seemingly be used in the same ways,as Fek Off,Fek You,Fek This.
Prince Toreus Rhann and Arcadian War-revisions 1
By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward. Thompson
c. 2007 Maveric Lion Productions
based on a Short Story
Chapter Two-Escape from Arcadia.
SS Destinies Marauder moved across the North Bedford Forrest,as a carpet of high foliage moved under the ship as it hovered over the tree tops.The air ship was currently climbing not to high to be noticed by the satilite survailance and not too low to observed by anyone on the ground.The huge,saucer shaped vessel had kept open it’s sensor systems to keep constant observation on enemy forces location and position. Captain Eric Darkwater was an excelant pilot and knew how above enemy encounters,and if he did encounter the enemy,avoid them by various methods,evasive actions and defensive and offensive counter measures.
My Prince Toreus Rhann,having barely escaped Tennyson Spaceport,where many of the refugee’s had used to escape Arcadopolis-now occuplied by House of Wallace,who temporarily defeated the House of the Taylors.He had fought his way across the city,patrolled by Ki’Vhan trooper-near mindless artificial beings-Zombie like creatures,who fought like brainless mercenaries to any side,whose their employers wished them for the right high price.Ki-Vhan,more likely defeated an enemy,not always any kind of real cunning or strategy,but often by sear numbers.Popular folklore,told that Ki’Vhan were created or atleast provided by a species of alien beings known as the Zhatikhon-an interstellar business operation/semi criminal operation,whose true origin and location,has been lost in the mists of temporal space.
My Prince,had gained the help from an unlikely allie- Captain Colin O'Brien-I'm a Thuvian Highlander and Thuvian Ranger.O’Brian had been instrumental in gaining this air ship. SS Destinies Marauder.We had still to clear out of occuplied Arcadian air space.Many Ki’Vhan warships and aircraft were still in the air,not to forget the Wallace air forces-fighter craft patrolling the skies between here and the nearest stargate jump point away from this world plate of Terra-Prime.
‘’So,Prince-told ya,Captain Darkwater’d come through.’’Captain O’Brian said,with great pride.’’Didn’t I could do it,did ya.?’’
‘’I must admite,Captain I had a few serious doughts.’’Prince Toreus Rhann responded ‘’This us Thuvians often achieve the impossible.’’
‘’That’s what we do ,yor highness-that’s what we do best.’’O’Brian spoke with great Thuvian pride.’’Got,you me,the bird and the kitty cat here out alive and well.’’
Perhaps,later-once we are safely out of the Ki’Vhan occupied Arcadian air space,I’ll let you meet the dear Captain Dartwater and esteemed co-polit.’’Colin O’Brien boasted.
‘’I’d like to meet our rescuer.The bold princes of Thuvia would owe much to anyone who sides with Imperial House of Rhann,over anyone of lesser royal bllod and heritage.’’Prince Rhann commented.
‘’I bet you would,rightly so.’’Excuse ,Prince.’’Colin O’Brien added’’I got to do something now that all commotion and dander has supsided for the moment.’’
O’Brien once produced his hand communicator and dialed up a series of numbers.
‘’Don’t this is personal.ship to friendly ship.’’Captain O’Brian added once again.’’Hello,Captain O’Brian to SS Scarlet Shadow.Come in.We’re on a safe channel.Zach come in.’’
Long moments passed and a voice broke in,cutting through the air ship constant roar of Paragravity engines.
‘’Captain.’’the voice issued from the communicator.’’Glad to hear you are well.We were worry for a time,when we heard nothing from you,after the ship took off from inner city sections of Arcadopolis.’’
‘’Zachery.I’m fine.I couldn’t break radio silence with the Ki’Vhan about until I got to safe LZ area.Had a bit of troubles making it through the streets.Met up some Resistance Forces and later found myself in luck with pretty ok people.They helped get out.’’
Prince Toreus sat back-some Thuvian Ranger came up and gave some RME packages which took gladly.The Ranger causiouly eyed Ulyseas the Thuvian Hunting Falcom and my self.Obviously,he wasn’t used being in company of a great Capronean Silver Sabertooth Lion.
‘’Thanks.’’Prince Rhann and opened the package,ripping it’s top off.
‘’Zachery.’’O’Brien spoke over all the commotion within the SS Destinies Marauder cargo hold.
‘’Captain.O’Brian..stop calling me Zachery.I prefer Zacheriah or just Doctor Zacheriah Sarkhon.’’the time sorcerer argued over the comlinks mike.
‘’Ok,Sarkhon-you moron.I don’t have time for none of your nutball fek today.’’Colin O’Brien obviously was getting argery at his long time partner and friend.’’Put on Rachel.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann began to see a different side to this Captain Colin O’Brien-someone not unlike himself-not unlike his father as well. Bossy, controlling, bad tempered. He had arguments, with his family and friends, just he did. Got in fight. Got in trouble. Sometimes did the wrong thing or what appeared to be the wrong thing to others, for what he felt was the right reasons, even though everyone else saw him an irresponsible idiot. Prince Rhann’s eating the candy bars his soldiers rations provided and understood this new found friend-no, mentor had taught him, by way of not telling him stuff, but showing ,too. By Thrull’s mighty bones, this could himself in another ten or twenty years.
‘’I’m not sure,that we should using this secure military channel so you can make lovely dovely phone calls to your wife.’’Doctor Zacheriah Sarkhon.
Besides O’Brien,a few of the other Rangers were finishing their packaged meals.Prince Toreus Rhann.was eating something that looked sort of backed meat cake.He throw one at me.not enough to fill my great lions stomach,but it’d have to do until later.
‘’Lovely dovely phone calls ?’’ ’’Colin O’Brien shouted
‘’And as a member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerer’s I have more important things to do,than argue with likes of you,O’Brien.’’
‘’No.Sarkhon-your not only a member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerer’s.’No.Sarkhon-you are a mental case.’’Colin O’Brien order
Obviously,this webt on frequently between these two.I’ve myself and Prince Rhann get into similar arguments.It wasn’t sign the two hated each,but often simply got on each others nerves.Perhaps they two different people or perhaps in someway,they were to much alike.
Get off the phone, Sarkhon. Get off before I do something I regret. You're a menace to society, you're a menace to me, and you are a menace to the whole human race. Now get off!’’Captain O’Brien shouted into the communicator.
‘’That's a matter of opinion.’’ Zacheriah Sarkhon responded
’’Put on Rachel now and get otta here.”O’Brien ordered.
‘’Ok,pal,but remember-if I didn’t like you so much,I would not put up with all your abuise.’’ Zacheriah Sarkhon stated.’’Here she is.’’
‘’Thanks,you’re a real Pal,Doc.’’ ’’Captain Colin O’Brien thanked his old friend in his own way.
‘’Colin ?’’Rachel Sarkhon answered over the communicator.
‘’Yeah,Rachel.I’m here.’’ Colin O’Brien answered.His manner became softer with his wife on the phone.’’I’m ok.too.’’
‘’I know,Colin.’’Rachel said.
‘’I’m aboard the the SS Destinies Marauder-Darkwater’s ship.’’
’’We were worried-well,me and Ivhanna anyway.Zacheriah he seemed to be not so worried.He said,if anyone could take care of himself,it was you-despite being a big blabbermouth.’’Rachel Sarkhon added.’’He has great confidence in you-despite all arguments.’’
‘’I know,Rach.Don’t Sarkhon-but I think the guys ok,sometime-maybe even a genius sometimes.’’O’Brien confested.’’He just gets my last nerve sometimes.He just talks way too much.Argues too much.’’
My Prince saw another side this Captain O’Brien and his relationship with the crew of the SS Scarlet Shadow.They despite the difficulties,the dissfunctional way they acted toward each other.They seemed to like each .Care one another.And that’s what really mattered in the end.Not who can beat who.Who control what.Morons like the Wallaces and the Shaitanus were obsessed with that kind of braindead rubbish.Prince Toreus Rhann,understood family and what was important.
‘’This Prince Toreus Rhann,he with ok.I promised follow his command .’’O’Brien tried confort his wife.
‘’Look,Rachel.I’m gonna hang this Prince Rhann here for awhile.I’ll ok.
‘’Ok,Colin.’’Rachel said.’’Listen,we’re at Restistance Forces Roudivouse Point-Arcadia Alpha Site One.We’re ok,but perhaps we could come and escort you here.Their Ki’Vhan Air Force patrols still about.’’
‘’No.Rachel,stay where you are.We can make alright.’’Colin O’Brien tried to assure his wife,not to get herself into any trouble on his account.
‘’Colin,I’m not some little,helpless female.I was trained by the Shardukhor Warriors.You know that.’’Rachel O’Brien stated.’’We ‘re some of the best fighters in Terran Space-best fighters certainly on the Great Sphere.Certainly equile the Thuvian Rangers and anything found upon this world.’’
‘’Rachel.I know.’’
‘’No,you don’t know.You never listen.It’s your way or no way,Colin.Everytime,you and Zacheriah,your best friend-go off,get in trouble and who has you bail two-us girls,that’s who.’’
‘’Rachel,no-one of these days-one of these days-bang zoom-strait the airlock.’’O’Brien losing his temper.
‘’A shut up.’’Rachel O’Brien interrupted.’’And you wouldn’t dare.’’ She added.
‘’We’re come to meet you,that’s it.Like it or not.’’the female Shardukhor Warrior stated and broke off communications.
‘’Rachel.Rachel.’’Captain O’Brien shouted into the communicator to no avail.’’By Thrull,dammit.She’s the one that never listens.’’
‘’That’s because buddy boys,she and my Ivhanna- are usually right.’’Zacheriah Sarkhon broke in.’’We’re warriors and we married two tough broads.’’
‘’I know,Zach,but I still worry about her.About the girls-you and me,we can take care ourselves-no matter what come along.’’
‘’Coiln,my man,you might a big dum idiot on the outside,’’the Time-Sorcerer responded.’’but on the inside,your just one big softy.’’
‘’I know,Sarkhon…still be careful.’’the Thuvian Highland mercenary added.’’If I even lost lost Rachel,I don’t what I’d do.’’
‘’And you won’t either,this time you big,loudmouth knucklehead.’’Doctor Sarkhon commented.’’The Scarlet Shadows a tough ,old star ship.Their nothing the Ki’Vhan,nor the Wallaces or Shaitanus can throw at us,that we can’t throw back twice as hard.’’
‘’Ok,pal’’Colin O’Brien ended’’See ya soon,We’ll looking out for you.Tell Rachel’s she’s the greatest ever.O’Brien out.’’
‘’Same here,Old Friend.I’ll tell her.’’O’Brien added.Trying to make up for abuise earlier.
‘’Be seeing you soon,Sarkhon out.’’
With the comlinks went dead.Captain O’Brien placed the communicator back his Thuvian Combat Utility Vest left pocket and looked up at Prince Toreus.He wasn’t sure exactly how to start,but began anyway.The Thuvian Prince just smiled.
‘’I guess,you think I’m one of them tea sucking nany boys you know back home at the Royal Thuvian Emerald Palaces.’’O’Brien began.’’but with Rachel,it’s different.Me and her met up-off world,in of all places-fighting side by side against the Kalladon,the Shaitan,the Drakhoneans,the the Gorthan space pirates,the Kallon and just every nasty bastard,this side of the galaxy going.’’
‘’And somewhere along the way we fell in love.’’O’Brien went on.’’And every day since,you fall more in love this one person everyday.Maybe you do-’t know what that’s like ,Prince-maybe you do.Same for Sarkhon and wife,Ivhanna.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann,sat there silent again.He understood this man Colin O’Brien even more.On the surface,most people would see Coiln O’Brien as big,pussy whipped oaf,supervient to his wife.But no,this Thuvian Ranger,loved this woman more than anything else in the world-in the galaxy.Somewhere,inside-deep down inside-he felt didn’t he deserved her,that she though Colin O’Brien was some big,dum.load mouth braggard,with muscle and soldier skills-nothing more.But Rachel Sarkhon-a warrior woman,in his own right,a member of the Shardukhor Warriors-a breed of super soldier,based both on the Kalldon and Omega-Warrior programs ,two genetically advanced warrior breed
from the homeworld Terra-back Earth’s pre-interstellar space fairing eras,raised a hostile planet-a desert world.Their men and women,a new breed of Spartan Warrior-one of the toughest mercenaries among the wild,Colonial Frontiers outside the Terran Federation-not that far from Terra-Prime. Captain O’Brien is very quick-tempered, and frequently resorts to insults and hollow threats of physical violence,a way to cover his insecurities-like many people. Rachel O’Brian often finds herself bearing the brunt of her husband 's insults,and rude behavior which she returns in fine form.Rachel bitingly sarcastic and very level-headed, trying to convince O’Brian’s stupidity of his various schemes,stupid fights,rash actions in combat which makes him lose his temper.Still,he would never dare hurt ever,no matter how mad he got at her. His anger would often be replaced by short-lived remorse, and he would then apologize for his actions later on telling Rachel or one of the others he was sorry or something close to that like telling them,they great or a genious .This was at it was and must have been always.Colin O’Brian on the surface appeared to be a big,swaggering loadmouth,backwoods country bumpkin,but in underneath was just a man simple man,trying to protect and provide for his family.Toreus Rhann began to see more of himself in this Thuvian Ranger.He was a man he likes,admirred.He must have pretty good a fight or the Rangers would not have accepted him,but being able to fight is one thing.Being able to fight for ones country or a cause that they believe in was another.And being able,eventually to fight for freedom,that would help defend your love ones with you or back home was still another.Toreus Rhann understood that,as all Thuvians,and assume Arcadians as well.
‘’Your Highness.you even have anyone special in your life .”Captain O’Brien asked’’Maybe you don’t know what that’s like.I don’t know.’’
Suddenly,Prince Toreus Rhann,felt he was lacking something in his life.There were women-plenty of them.As a very handsome,tall Prince Thuvian,he attracted more females that he could handle.What did the other Thuvians call it-Chick madnet ?,There wasdrinking and .fun time with the ladies,but no one really special.Sure,he thought he was in love that girl Olivia ,who of another Imperial House of Thuvia,but that went badly in the end.By Thrull’s Will,it wasn’t in the cards for him or them to be together.
‘’No.O’Brien,maybe not By Thrull.’’Prince Toreus Rhann responded.’’Once or twice thought I was in love,but..’’
‘’Don’t worry,my Great Prince-there’s still time.’’O’Brien added.’’ Your cute-gals like that—I ouuta know.I bet you’ll attrach all sort of nice ladies to you.’’With the Thuvian Highlander let a big grim.Prince Toreus Rhann smiled back.He looked at me and them Ulyseas.
‘’Oh,yes,there’s plenty of time.Plenty of time.’’Ulyseas began squalking.
‘’Oh shut up,you silly bird.’’I said.
With everyone laughed.Captain O’Brien,Prince Toreus and a few of the Thuvian Rangers aboard.In the middle of all this,a tall,athelic Thuvian,dressed similar to Colin O’Brien’s Thuvian Highlander dress-a baret upon his head,covering his long,dark hair entered the air ships cargo hold.He had the usual twill fatigue shirt and armor bracelets and the biomed armband ,with it’s medical biorecorder,worn over what looked like a Corvaillian Rangers tan duty shirt-something gotton offworld,by way of the Colonial Space Merchant trade routes visiting the huge Dysonsphere of Terra-Prime.His green fleck utlity vest cover this ,and showed his,obvious,non conformist and rebel of dress,would wear some of the standard Thuvian Ranger dress uniform,if he wanted too,out of nessessety,if not pride or doing he was told to do.A large,Tartan Calladonean Sash was worn about that Corvaillian shirt,similar to the one Colin O’Brien did,but the pattern was slighty altered.perhaps to represent a different house,which he belonged to,obviously.
‘’Ok,my flyings not that bad.’’the tall Thuvian said.’’O’Brien.’’he added.
‘’Darkwater.’’O’Brien responded.
He looked down at Colin O’Brien and then to the Thuvian Prince,sitting upon the seat opposite the big,Thuvian Ranger.A lookm of recognition was present in his eyes.He then bowled and soluted as he did ,smiling as he did.He stold erect and put out his right hand as to shack the Lord of Lions own right hand.
‘’Your Highness.’’Darkwater stated.’’I’m Captain Eric Darkwater..’’he smiled again.’’at your service.’’the Thuvian added.
Prince Toreus Rhann,got up.His big,hulking frame-nearly the same as Captain O’Brien,made this Thuvian look almost like a small boy.Ulyseas seem to hold on,as usual,as the Thuvian Prince stold up-slightly flapping his great avian wings.
‘’Prince Toreus Rhann.’’the Thuvian Crown Prince responded.’’And the pleasures all mine.After we all.owe our lives.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann,turned and swung his arm to present all of the passengers within the SS Destinies Marauder cargo hold. Captain Eric Darkwater,look at Toreus Rhann,then Colin O’Brien and me with puzzling stare.He looked back at the Prince.
‘’What do we have among my cargo hold.’’Darkwater commented ‘’a Zoo ?’’
‘’No,Captain Darkwater.’’The Thuvian Prince Toreus smiled back.’’My band of usual Thuvian Rangers.’’
‘’This is Ulyseas.’’Toreus Rhann,point left hand thump backward toward the great bird.’’My Thuvian Hunting Falcon.’’
‘’Glad to meat you.’’Eric Darkwater saluted.’’A fine warriors hunter bird of prey.’’
Prince Toreus Rhann,turned toward me .
‘’My Silver Lion Shakhorja.’’the Thuvian First Son introduced.
‘’Platinom blonde or silvery white hair sign of divinity,dating back the ancient Atlanteans.’’Eric Darkwater commented’’ exotic and otherworldly’’
‘’Yes,the Thuvian Princes,have traveled with these Platinum blonde lions,way back since the early days of Great Lord Thrull Khonn-perhaps before then.’’the Guider Gem interrupted the Captain of the Thuvian Freighter Air Ship.
‘’Oh,unless I forget.the unseen member of my little band.’’Prince Toreus Rhann,pointed with left index finger to the great emerald jewell resting upon his brown,leather band band,upon his forehead.’’My Guider Gem.’’
‘’I am an Artificial Intellegence Tactical Field Data Retreival System.’’the gem spoke.’’I can intereact with near by communication system,Isolinear crystral data bank,computer terminal-including those found with anynear by New Genisis Bunker complex.’’
‘’And sommon up the presence of a holo god or two,in person,I suppose.’’Captain Eric Darkwater surmised,looking at the Thruvian Princes green gem.
‘’Affirmative.Captain.’’the Guider responded.
‘’Well,Prince Rhann,it seems we have a merry band of unlikely heroes here.’’Darkwater responded.
Gazeterr of Names and place found upon within this Tale of Terra-Prime.
’ Elder Supreme Lord Ghalmeath Sarkhon,First Son of Old Supreme Lord Jehovah Sarkhon.Adam Sarkhon,who rules on the ancient Atlantean Colony world Genesis-Prime.’
’ Supreme Lord Adam Sarkhon,First Son of Supreme Lord,Ghalmeath Sarkhon.Adam Sarkhon,who rules on the ancient Atlantean Colony world Atlantis-Prime.’
Toreus Rhann. The First Son of Thuvia, also sometimes known as Toreus the Slayer by his enemies and Prince Toreus, Lord of Lions.First Son of Thuvia-First Son of Emporer Toreus Rhann,the First and Empress Cassandra Rhann
Editors Notes;
This is not copleted,but a published work in progress.Comments will appreciated while this is being done.
Prince Toreus Rhann-Thuvian Prince,the Lord of Lions,and Sharkhorja,the Silver Lion-heroes of the Dysonsphere known as Terra-Prime.Part heroic fantasy.part sci fi.Prince Toreus Rhann and Shakhorja, the Silver Lion, part Conan, part Tarzan and the Golden Lion and of course good old Kimba.
Group name Prince Toreus Rhann
Description Prince Toreus Rhann-Thuvian Prince,the Lord of Lions,and Sharkhorja,the Silver Lion-heroes of the Dysonsphere known as Terra-Prime.Part heroic fantasy.part sci fi.Prince Toreus Rhann and Shakhorja, the Silver Lion, part Conan, part Tarzan and the Golden Lion and of course good old Kimba.
Prince Toreus Rhann-Thuvian Prince,the Lord of Lions,and Sharkhorja,the Silver Lion-heroes of the Dysonsphere known as Terra-Prime.Part heroic fantasy.part sci fi.Prince Toreus Rhann and Shakhorja, the Silver Lion, part Conan, part Tarzan and the Golden Lion and of course good old Kimba.
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Monday, January 28, 2008
Prince Toreus Rhann-a Tale of Terra-Prime
Prince Toreus Rhann-a Tale of Terra-Prime
Prince Toreus Rhann and Arcadian War
by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward. Thompson
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Gazeterr of Names and place found upon within this Tale of Terra-Prime.
Prince Toreus Rhann Gazetter
Acheron A fallen kingdom corresponding to the Roman Empire. Its territory covered Aquilonia, Nemedia, and Argos. In Greek mythology, Acheron was one of the four rivers of Hades (cf. "Stygia").
Afghulistan Afghanistan. Afghulistan (sometimes Ghulistan) is the common name of the habitat of different tribes in the Himelian mountains. The name itself is a mixture of the historical names of Gulistan and Afghanistan.
Alkmeenon Delphi. Its name derives from the Alcmaeonidae, who funded the construction the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, from which the oracle operated.
Amazon Mentioned in Robert E. Howard's "Hyborian Age" essay, the kingdom of the Amazons refers to various legends of African Amazons, or more specifically to the Dahomey Amazons. In classical legend, Amazonia was a nation of warrior women in Asia Minor and North Africa. The legend may be based upon the Sarmatians, a nomadic Iranian tribe of the Kuban, whose women were required to slay an enemy before they might marry.
, France in the Middle Ages and to a certain extent embodying many aspects of the Roman Empire with occasional hints of England. The name derived from the ancient city of Aquilonia in Southern Italy, between modern Venosa and Benevento, although the name Aquilonia also resembles Aquitaine, a French region ruled by England for a long portion of the Middle Ages. The name in Latin means aquilo, -onis, "north wind."
Argos Various seafaring traders of the Mediterranean Sea. The name comes from the Argo, ship of the Argonauts; or perhaps from the city of Argos, Peloponnesos, reputedly the oldest city in Greece, situated at the head of the Gulf of Argolis near modern Nafplion. Also hints of Italy in regards to the indigenous population's appearance, names and culture. Howard labels the populace of his Argos as "Argosseans," whereas the folk of the historical Argos are known as "Argives." In Hyborian Age cartography, Argos takes on the shape of a "shoe" in its border boundaries as compared to Italy appearing as a "boot." The coastal city of Massantia derives its name from Massalia, the name given to Marseilles by its Greek founders.
Asgard Dark Age Scandinavia. (Ásgard is the home of the Æsir in Norse mythology).
Barachan Islands The Caribbean Islands. The pirate town of Tortage takes its name from Tortuga.
Border Kingdoms German Baltic Sea coast. A lawless place full of savages, Conan once traveled through the Border Kingdom on his way to Nemedia. He befriended Mar the Piper and the King of the Border Kingdoms. He helped save the kingdom before returning to his quest to reach Nemedia.
Bossonian Marches (Aquilonia) Wales, with an overlay of colonial-era North America. Possibly from Bossiney, a former parliamentary borough in Cornwall, South West England, which included Tintagel Castle, connected with the Matter of Britain.
Brythunia The continental homelands of the Angles and Saxons who invaded Great Britain, which is the origin of the name, though the civilization depicted is similar to that of medieval Poland, Lithuania, Latvia. Semantically, the name Brythunia is from the Welsh Brython, "Briton," derived from the same root as the Latin Brito, Britannia.
While Howard wrote that there was a continental shift after Conan's time, some scholars believed that the Gaelic regions that are supposed to encompass the British Isles was the geographical place of Cimmeria even though ostensibly it can also be argued from Howard's map of the Hyborian Age that its a part of North America that are shared with the Picts. Howard states in The Hyborian Age that "the Gaels, ancestors of the Irish and Highland Scotch, descended from pure-blooded Cimmerian clans." The name is based on that of Cimmeria, which was once hypothesized to be the homeland of the Celtic Cymric tribe, due to the word's similarity to the names of Celtic areas such as Cymru (the Welsh word for Wales), Cumbria, etc. Conan, a Cimmerian, has an Irish name, as do the Cimmerian gods Crom, Lir and Manannán mac Lir (the latter two mentioned in Xuthal of the Dusk)
Conajohara (Aquilonia) Perhaps the name is based on the Conestoga wagons used by American settlers; the name's ending may come from Guadelajara or similar place names occurring in North America.
Corinthia Ancient Greece. From Corinth (Korinthos), a rich city in Classical Greece. Possibly suggested to Howard by the Epistles to the Corinthians, or by the region of Carinthia.
Darfar Howard derived this name from the region of Darfur, Sudan, in north-central Africa. Darfur is an Arabic language name meaning "abode (dar) of the Fur," the dominant people of the area. In changing the name to Darfar, Howard unwittingly changed the Arabic meaning to "the abode of mice." The original Darfur is now the westernmost part of the Sudanese Republic.
Gunderland (Aquilonia) The Netherlands; perhaps Germany or ancient Burgundy. Probably from Gunther (Gundicar) , King of Burgundy or Gunderic, King of the Vandals.
Hyperborea Finland, Russia and the Baltic countries (Hyperborea was a land in "outermost north" according to Greek historian Herodotus. Howard's Hyperborea is described as the first Hyborian kingdom, "which had its beginning in a crude fortress of boulders heaped to repel tribal attack".
Hyrkania Mongolia, Hyrcania. In classical geography, a region southeast of the Caspian Sea or Hyrcanian Sea corresponding to the Iranian provinces of Golestan, Mazandaran and Gilan. The name is Greek for the Old Persian Varkana, one of the Achaemenid Empire satrapies, and survives in the name of the river Gorgan. The original meaning may have been "wolf land." In Iranian legend, Hyrcania was remarkable for its wizards, demons, wolves, spirits, witches and vampires.
Iranistan An eastern land corresponding to modern Iran. Historically, the name of the country is derived from the Iran + the Persian istan, estan, "country."
Kambuja/Kambulja The original name of Cambodia, now Kampuchea.
Keshan The name comes from the "Kesh," the Egyptian name for Nubia.
Khauran The name perhaps derives from the Hauran region of Syria.
Khitai China. The name is derived from the English word "Cathay" and Marco Polo's Cathay (kăthā'), derived from the word Khitan and/or Khitai, a Mongolian people who conquered northern China and founded the Liao dynasty (937–1125), and/or "Khitan," a medieval Tartar word for China. Also, the Kara-Khitai were a prominent tribe amongst Mongol steppe tribes. In Russian and other eastern European languages China is called Khitai.
Khoraja The Kingdom of Jerusalem and possibly the associated Principality of Antioch, County of Edessa and County of Tripoli, collectively known as Outremer. The name itself was inspired by the references of Sax Rohmer to the fictional city of Khorassa in The Mask of Fu Manchu novel.
Kosala From the ancient Indo-Aryan kingdom of Kosala, corresponding roughly in area with the region of Oudh.
Koth From the ancient Hittites; The Kothian capital of Khorshemish corresponds to the Hittite capital of Carchemish. Perhaps from The Sign of Koth in The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath by H. P. Lovecraft. There is a town of Koth in Gujarat, India, but the connection is doubtful. Howard also used the same name in his interplanetary novel Almuric.
Kusan Probably from the Kushan Empire.
Kush From the kingdom of Kush, Nubia, North Africa.
Meru Tibet. In Hindu mythology, Meru is the sacred mountain upon which the gods dwell. NOTE: Meru is not an original Hyborian Age country and was created by L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter.
Nemedia The Germanic Holy Roman Empire. Nemedia was the rival of Aquilonia (which corresponds to France), and depended on Aesir mercenaries for their defence (as the Byzantine Empire hired Vikings as the Varangian Guard). The name comes from Nemed, leader of colonists from Scythia to Ireland in Irish mythology; perhaps the name is also meant to allude to Nemea, home to the Nemean Lion of Greek mythology. The name may also be suggestive of various names for Germany in Slavic languages, e.g. Czech Německo.
Ophir Ancient Ophir, a gold-mining region in the Old Testament, possibly on the shores of the Red Sea or Arabian Sea (e.g. western Arabia), though clearly Howard saw it as situated somewhere in Italy.
Pelishtim (tribe) Philistines (P'lishtim in Hebrew). The Pelishti city of Asgalun derives its name from Ashkelon. The Pelisti god Pteor or Baal-Pteor derives its name from the Moabite Baal-Peor.
Pictish Wilderness Pictish Scotland, with an overlay of North America during the European colonization of the Americas, possibly even colonial-era New York. Howard bestows names from Algonquian languages on many, though not all, of his Picts (see also: Bran Mak Morn). Note that the name "Pict" comes from the Latin language term for "painted one," which could be applicable to a number of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas. The historical termed Picts were a confederation of tribes in central and northern Scotland which bordered Roman Britain.
Poitain (Aquilonia) A combination of Poitou and Aquitaine, two regions in southwestern France. From the 10th to the mid-12th century, the counts of Poitou were also the dukes of Aquitaine.
Punt The Land of Punt on the Horn of Africa. A place with which the ancient Egyptians traded, probably Somaliland.
Shem Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, and Arabia. In the Bible, Shem is Noah's eldest son, the ancestor of the Hebrews, Arabs and Assyrians; hence, the modern "Semite" and Semitic languages (via Greek Sem), used properly to designate the family of languages spoken by these peoples.
Egypt. The name comes from Styx, a river of the Greek underworld in Greek mythology. In earlier times the territory of Stygia included Shem, Ophir, Corinthia, and part of Koth.
Turan The Old Persian name for Turkestan. A Turkish/Persian land, possibly referring to the Timurid Empire, the Sassanid Empire, or the Mughal Empire. The name derives from Turan, the areas of Eurasia occupied by speakers of Ural-Altaic languages. The names of the various Turanian cities (e.g. Aghrapur, Sultanapur, Shahpur) are often in Persian language. King Yezdigerd is named after Yazdegerd III, ruler of the Sassanid Empire. The name of King Yildiz means star in the Turkish language. The city of Khawarizm takes its name from Khwarezm, and Khorusun from Khorasan.
Uttara Kuru From the medieval Uttara Kuru Kingdom at the north and central of Pakistan.
Vanaheim Dark Age Scandinavia. (Vanaheim is the home of the Vanir in Norse mythology)
Vendhya India (The Vindhya Range is a range of hills in central India). The name means "rent" or "ragged," i.e. having many passes.
Wadai (tribe) The Ouaddai Empire.
Wazuli (tribe) The Waziri tribe in northwest Pakistan.
Zamora The Romani people. The name comes from the city of Zamora, Zamora province, Castile-Leon, Spain, alluding to the Gitanos of Spain (see Zingara for discussion); or possibly it is based on the word "Roma." There may also be some reference to southern Italy, as Zamorans dance the tarantella[5]. Also hints of ancient Israel and Palestine.
Zembabwei The Munhumutapa Empire. The name comes from Great Zimbabwe, a ruined fortified town in Rhodesia, first built around the 11th century and used as the capital of the Munhumutapa Empire. Oddly, this is the same route as the modern name for the Republic of Zimbabwe.
Zingara Spain/Portugal. Iberian Peninsula as a whole. Zingara is also Italian for "Gipsy woman"; this may mean that Howard mixed up the source names of Zingara and Zamora, with Zingara originally meant to apply to the Roma kingdom, and Zamora to the Spanish kingdom.
Zuagir (tribe) The name is perhaps derived from a combination of Tuareg and Uyghur.
Other Geographic Features
Amir Jehun Pass Takes its name from a combination of the Amu Darya river and the Gihon river (Jayhoun in Arabic), which has been identified by some with the Amu Darya. Perhaps corresponds to the Broghol Pass, which is near the headwaters of the Amu Darya in Wakhan.
The Himelian Mountains Take their name the Himalayas but correspond more closely to the Hindu Kush or Karakoram ranges.
The Karpash Mountains The Carpathian Mountains.
The Poitanian Mountains The Pyrenees.
The River Styx The Nile.
Vilayet Sea The Caspian Sea. The name comes from vilayet, the term for administrative regions in the Ottoman Empire.
Zhaibar Pass The Khyber Pass which has been the traditional borderline between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Zaporoska River The Don and/or the Volga. The river's name was probably influenced by Zaporizhian Sich, a settlement of the Cossacks in Zaporizhzhia (region). It was situated on the Dnieper river, below the Dnieper rapids (porohy, poroz.a), hence the name, translated as "territory beyond the rapids
Seven Empires of Pangea (P:---the principle political entities of the Western Pangeaworld at the time of Lord Thrull Khonn. , the Empires most probably included Thuvia ,Lankmearia, Pundarr, Kamooria, Thule, the Maridean Kingdoms, and the "Triple Federation".
Thuvia:---westernmost of the Seven Empires of the Pangean continent during the pre-Cataclysmic times, so called Land of Enchantment. It was apparently the wealthiest and most sophisticated of the continental nations of that era. Thuvia was also the most ancient of the human pre-Cataclysmic kingdoms. It was young when many of the other surrounding regions were mere islands of primitives. The ancestors of the Thuvians came from the Far Eastern Land-sometime after the First Great Cataclysm, warred with a pre-human race of serpent-folk (the old ones)0f the Dragon Lands-Ghonwhanna Land of another near by world plate, and set up their empire in western Thuria. By Thrull Khonn 's time, the nation was degenerate, ripe for a barbarian usurper. Eventually, Thrull Khonn ,exile of Thuvia became its king. His capital city, Karzandor , was known as one of the Twine City of Wonders. Kharthulean Mountains stood on the southern frontier of Thuvia, where a colony of ancient Thureans,mixed with Thuvian blood had been established to serve as a buffer "against foreign invasion".This region became known as Kharthulia.
Twine Crystals City of Wonders:---also called "the Crystal City of Thuvia." The City of Wonders was the capital city of the kingdom of Thuvia.It also has another name and that is known as the Crystal Twine Cities of Karzandor and Zarandorr. The city has tall, jeweled spires and lush gardens. It is the location of the regal Tower of Splendor and the Emerald Throne. A thousand years before the Age of Lord Thrull Khonn, the city was captured by the Thuvians and taken back from it’s conquorers from the Charithon Empire to the west.The Twine cities,where founded by the Great Lord Thrull Khonn’s ancestors Karzandor and Zarandorr Khonn,who founed the two forts,that became the cities later on
once called Zardath-a city in the time of the ancients of the Pangean world,before the First Great Cataclysm,an atomic war,that destroyed much of this ancient land. It is now a ruined, subterranean city that lies below the City of Wonders. (Zardath-the Crystal City of Wonders,became the name of seberal other similar cities found around the Shattered Empires of Pangea,found upon the Dysonshere of Terra-Prime. Kharzandor and Kharhentarr
Charithon Empire; A fallen kingdom corresponding to the Roman Empire,within the Great Pangean Kingdoms.It conquered much of that ancient lands,but eventually,it fell partially due to the rebel forces of Great Lord Thrull Khonn’s military forces.Remanants of it,still exist as old,ancient cities such as Tarhakia,Shuma Khorjah and
Thule:---a mysterious northern kingdom of the pre-Cataclysmic Age, having fabulous ice-caves,huge Icelandic tundras,great frozen plains and high ice mountains
Sarkhonea or Sarkhonean Lands is a fictional land of swarthy inhabitants in The Pangean Lands, the Pre-Cataclysmic Era Terra-Prime setting for the Prince Toreus Rhann Sagas in the fantasy stories of the Tales of Terra-Prime series. The Stygians are known to be very warlike and fields both martial forces and arcane powers against their enemies. They most commonly worship the god Set whose ambition is to enslave mankind.
’ Elder Supreme Lord Ghalmeath Sarkhon,First Son of Old Supreme Lord Jehovah Sarkhon.Adam Sarkhon,who rules on the ancient Atlantean Colony world Genesis-Prime.’
’ Supreme Lord Adam Sarkhon,First Son of Supreme Lord,Ghalmeath Sarkhon.Adam Sarkhon,who rules on the ancient Atlantean Colony world Atlantis-Prime.’
Toreus Rhann. The First Son of Thuvia, also sometimes known as Toreus the Slayer by his enemies and Prince Toreus, Lord of Lions.First Son of Thuvia-First Son of Emporer Toreus Rhann,the First and Empress Cassandra Rhann
Shorkhorja ;Silver or White haired Capronean White Lion.Lion brother to Prince Toreus Rhann.First Son of White Lion King Sharthona.Originally native to the Southern Kingdom of Great Caprona and a distant world,also known as Caprona 4,found within the Great Terran Colonial Alliance,to which the Great Dysonsphere of Terra-Prime exist.
Editors Notes;
This is not copleted,but a published work in progress.Comments will appreciated while this is being done.
Prince Toreus Rhann-Thuvian Prince,the Lord of Lions,and Sharkhorja,the Silver Lion-heroes of the Dysonsphere known as Terra-Prime.Part heroic fantasy.part sci fi.Prince Toreus Rhann and Shakhorja, the Silver Lion, part Conan, part Tarzan and the Golden Lion and of course good old Kimba.
Group name Prince Toreus Rhann
Description Prince Toreus Rhann-Thuvian Prince,the Lord of Lions,and Sharkhorja,the Silver Lion-heroes of the Dysonsphere known as Terra-Prime.Part heroic fantasy.part sci fi.Prince Toreus Rhann and Shakhorja, the Silver Lion, part Conan, part Tarzan and the Golden Lion and of course good old Kimba.
Prince Toreus Rhann-Thuvian Prince,the Lord of Lions,and Sharkhorja,the Silver Lion-heroes of the Dysonsphere known as Terra-Prime.Part heroic fantasy.part sci fi.Prince Toreus Rhann and Shakhorja, the Silver Lion, part Conan, part Tarzan and the Golden Lion and of course good old Kimba.
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Monday, January 28, 2008
Prince Toreus Rhann-a Tale of Terra-Prime
Prince Toreus Rhann-a Tale of Terra-Prime
Prince Toreus Rhann and Arcadian War
by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward. Thompson
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Star Castles Edit
Atlantean Star Castles
By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson.
Atlantean Star Castles (2) Edit
Atlantean Star Castles-is a huge city fortress sized Atlantean Space Station.
by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson.
This massive, double saucer vessels measured some 5,800 feet (1768 meters) in diameter and carried a legion of Atlantean troops and 300 Raider type fighter craft .The Imperial Atlantean Super "Base Star” or Super City Station is the backbone of the Imperial Atlantean Star Fleet. This ship is massive being 1,800 feet (550 meters) and has a mass of 3 million metric tons. Not including the Atlantean Battlestars missiles, the Atlantean Base-Star-huge space station-smaller than an Atlantean Star Castle, but much larger than an Atlantean Star Base or Star Palace has much greater firepower than an Atlantean Battlestar or Battle Carrier. The Atlantean Star Castle also has three times the fighter, troop, and weaponry of the Imperial Atlantean Ship. It also act as an Imperial Atlantean Embassy and floating City Community-since it is thought as a portion of Atlantean soil once anyone sets foot upon an Star Castle or similar Base Star or Star Base. Many Imperial Atlantean Star Castles also act as one of three billion smaller Starbase stationed scattered all over temporal space. A Star Castle is a defensive structure ,exact meaning, but it is usually regarded as being distinct from the general terms fort or fortress in that it describes a building which serves as a residence of a monarch or noble and commands a specific territory. The chief distinguishing features of castles, as opposed to other defensive structures, can be defined as follows:
Castles were places of protection from an invading enemy, a place of retreat.
Castles were also offensive weapons, built in otherwise hostile territories from which to control surrounding lands.
Castles were either built as, or evolved into, residences for the monarch or lord who built them.Often a Star Castle is an official intersteelar space station fortress for an Atlantean Lord or Lady and their Royal Family and friends or accociates of an Imperial Atlantean House or House Clan to reside in and use as a mobile or non mobile base of operations.The Imperial House such as the House or House Clan of Sarkhon and House Clan of Shaitanus often reside inside the wall of an Atlantean Star Castle.
These three purposes distinguish the castle from other fortresses — which are usually purely defensive (like citadels and city walls) or purely offensive (a military camp) — or edifices that are entirely residential in nature, like palaces.
An Atlantean starbase is a facility where starships are maintained and resupplied, and crews can relax. A starbase can be a research station, a military base, a place for interstellar trade or a seat of administration. Some starbases are also involved in the construction of starships. Atlantean Starbases offer various services to vehicles, from medical facilities to full-fledged spacedocks capable of refitting a starship.
Atlantean Starbases can be partially or completely located on a planet surface, or be limited to strictly spaceborne installations. Some are a combination of a ground-based facility with orbital components. Atlantean Spacedock refers to a space station facility capable of docking starships for maintenance.An Atlantean Starbase are often non mobile or stationary military operations and Atlantean Base Stars are often thought as mobile military bases of operation.An Atlantean Star Castle is a bit of both stationary and mobile
A starship is a type of vehicle that is capable of supporting a crew traveling over interstellar distances. Starships are capable of faster-than-light speeds using warp drive or other propulsion methods. A starship's specification is largely determined by its class.
Vessels which are not interstellar capable (i.e. interplanetary) are generally referred to as space ships.
These massive ships are in a double or single saucer configuration, with a cityscape built upon their top metropolis section and unlike Atlantean Battlestars their external thruster or impulse and warp, drive must pull or push more weight than a smaller sized Atlantean Star Base ship. Instead the ships are propelled by a Gravitonic drive that is buried deep within the ship or super fortess that acts as assistance to the main impulse drive and temporal ward drive systems...
In many ways, these Star Castles are more advanced than the capital ships used by many lesser species. The ships do not use ion drives or standard impulse drives, but a series of primary and back up drive systems to assist the main drive systems, like Battlestars or other similar space station or orbital space platforms, do but instead used the previously mentioned Gravity based propulsion system, to assist to help push the fortress in deep space operations. This means that the fortress ship itself does not use fuel for itself in normal space, but relies on a series of external bussard collectors or Bussard ramjet to sweep interstellar gases, such hydrogen to refuel the space station from it’s two side warp engines on either side of Star Castle.. The ship does use fuel to make Hyperspace jumps and does carry fuel for its fighters because they use Ion Engines. An Atlantean Star Castle or Super Base Star is slow than a Battlestar but that is due to the fact that an Atlantean Battlestar devotes a much larger portion of the ship to Engines than a Base-star does. The Atlantean Star Castle or Super Basestar is designed to make FTL jumps and is equipped to deploy large-scale missile strikes with high-yield nuclear and conventional ordnance Temporal Guardians /Imperial Atlantean Colonial Marines are station at each Castle at all times in times or peace and war, to lend assist to near and onboard citizens at all times. The Atlantean Star Castle are revealed to have two of these weapons on the upper saucer. Pulsars are a beam weapon more powerful than the average laser turret and intended to engage ships of the same magnitude as the Basestar.
Star Castles are far superior to an Atlantean Battlestar in every technical respect. Using an inertialess drive system, the Star Castle has a higher acceleration rate and can achieve greater speeds than an Atlantean Battlestar, of roughly 0.32 C. Her Turbo-Lasers are more powerful and efficient, rated at a low-end output of 100 Gigawatts, to a high of 2,000 Gigawatts per battery.
In addition to the stated advantages, a Base-Star has a distinct advantage in heavy weapons, using her two Mega-Pulsar guns with a power output of 100,000 Terawatts per gun, allowing a Base-Star to take out an enemy capital ship in just a few well placed shots. If that weren’t bad enough, Atlantean gravimetric technology allows them to enhance the electromagnetic defense shield around their ships. While Atlantean Battlestars have this same technology, their defense shield system is nowhere near as efficient as the larger Star Castle type space station class...
Atlanteans have always favored overwhelming their opponents with numbers, over subterfuge and tactics-when necessary. Many Atlantean Star Castles are large enough hold a Command Section or Star Citadel area, a city section surrounding it and a temporal drive section beneath the main city section levels. A repulsor drive section often maintains the Star Castles orbit around a specific planet or circling a specific star or star system, depending on the castles mission operation status. Command Section or Star Citadel area, a city section, holds an Atlantean star base area, which also contains the castles Star Manor, that acts also as the Atlantean Royal Family residence and the official territorial Atlantean Embassy location. The Imperial Atlantean Star Citadel often can dock upon the Atlantean Manor section and act as an emergency evacuation craft, if the Star Castle is under attack by hostile forces and must be used as a huge space station sized lifeboat.
A citadel is a fortress for protecting a town, sometimes incorporating a castle.[1] The term derives from the same Latin root as the word "city", civis, meaning citizen.
Citadels are most often used to protect a garrison or political power from the inhabitants of the town it is defending. They were designed to ensure loyalty from the town which they defended.A star citadel is a small version of an Atlantean Star Castle-often a small section of it,than can separated from it’s main mothership fortress. In a fortification with bastions, the citadel is the strongest part of the system, sometimes well inside the outer walls and bastions, but often forming part of the outer wall for the sake of economy. It is positioned to be the last line of defense should the enemy breach the other components of the fortification system.
A space station is a structure built or assembled in space. These structures are normally designed to be stationary, and can be constructed in orbit of a planet or other stellar body. The term starbase is often specifically used to refer to Atlantean or other similar Imperial Atlantean Starfleet bases. Atlantean starbases are usually commanded by a flag officer, and fulfill a major supporting role in Imperial Atlantean Starfleet. Larger Star Castles often have not only a flag officer such as a Imperial Commador or Admirel as a part of the High Command structure,but often also act as They coordinate starship operations and provide supplies and maintenance to Imperial Atlantean starships. Reasons For Building Space Stations.They concept of an Atlantean Space Station ,has been in existance since almost the very beginnings of the ancient Atlantean Federation of Worlds United Atlantean Star Forces Space Fleet in the Old Universe and was carried over into the so Called New Universe Alternate Realities.
Space stations are built for one or more of the following reasons:
1)To provide a defensive outpost, in order to protect an area or object of importance; Most Atlantean Space Stations,also act as interstellar Embassey Branche
2)To facilitate trade, acting as a corridor through which supplies can be moved between two starships, or a ship and a planet;
3)To facilitate mining, acting as warehouse which stores the supplies mined until a ship is able to collect them for transport.
4)To facilitate research into the mysteries of space.
5)To facilitate development, whether this be ships, new weaponry or new technology, including medical.
6)To provide medical facilities in a zero-g and varying gravity environments for patients needing treatment at less-than-standard gravity.
7)To provide maintenance and upgrade facilities for starships when they are not in use, between missions or require upgrades or repairs.
Types of Atlantean Space Stations are as follows.
1)World Ships;the largest known Atlantean planetary sized space stations ever known to be design and built.
2)Moon Ships;Smaller known Atlantean moon sized space station,smaller than an Atlantean World Ship,but larger than an Atlantean Star Castle.
3)Star Castle;The largest known Atlantean type of small classification for a space station or star base.
4) Battlestar-a small mobile space station and star carrier.
5)Star Citadel.Smaller Atlantean Classification type of small classification for a space station or star base-smaller than Star Castle,but larger than an Atlantean Star base..Atlantean Star Bases and Atlantean Base Stars often can be clafficied,if they are large enough as a Star Citadel.
6)Star Bases,smallest known Atlantean Star Bases Classification type of small classification for a space station or star base-if smaller than a Star Citadel.
Unofficially, many starships are classified by their design type,to designate each type of ship or vessel from another siilar type design.Generally,the Star Ship manuefacturer will classify a star ship or space under a specific design type as a way for a star ships category warbook to catagorized each vessel or space station design type in battle or peace time operations.
Warp drive is a technology allowing faster-than-light travel through space, creating warp fields and forming a subspace bubble surrounding a starship, which, in turn, forms a distortion in space-time and allows the starship's movement to exceed the speed of light. The rates of movement above the speed of light are known as warp factors.
An embassy is a building or compound utilized by one government, within the territory of another, for the purposes of diplomacy. Embassies are generally in capital cities, while smaller consulates are found in other locations. Embassies and consulates are also referred to as diplomatic missions, and are considered the sovereign territory of their operating government, regardless of their location. Thus, an individual traveling in foreign territory may take refuge at their government's embassy or consulate.
Many worlds and galactic powers have embassies on the Atlantean Homeworld , and the Atlantean Federation of Worlds maintains embassies and consulates on its member worlds and colonies and those powers and planets with which it maintains diplomatic relations. Many Atlantean Federation or Atlantean Alliance World starbases, especially highly-trafficked ones like many Imperial Atlantean Star Castles, have consulates.
SCALE: capital
LENGTH: 1,768 meters
TONNAGE: 50,000,000 metric tons
SPEED: 0.30C sub-light
POWER: 1 Temporal Warp Drive energizer [15,000 Terawatts]
10 fusion reactors [100 Terawatts]
5 officers
900 warriors-Temporal Guardians /Imperial Atlantean Colonial Marines / fighter pilots
100 crew
PASSENGERS: 2,000 troops
HULL/ARMOR: 2.8 to 4 meters
SHIELDS: 40% - 60%
SENSORS: Short/Medium range, sub-light, 200,000 m^3/s +
SCANNERS: C at 300,000 kilometers
WEAPONS: 100+ Blaster batteries
2 long range Mega-Pulsar guns
10 tractor beam emitters.
FIGHTERS: 300 Mk. IX Raider class Fighter
30 surface transports
2 drop ships
Model Type: CE-BS
Vehicle Type: Combination Battleship/Carrier
Crew: 1,005
5 officers, 100 gunners, and 900 fighter pilots
Troops / Passengers: 2000 marines
300 Imperial Atlantean Star Raider class Star Fighters Temporal Guardians /Imperial Atlantean Colonial
30 Imperial Atlantean Surface Transports Temporal Guardians /Imperial Atlantean Colonial
2 Imperial Atlantean Drop Ships. Temporal Guardians /Imperial Atlantean Colonial
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Atlantean Star Castles-is a huge city fortress sized Atlantean Space Station.
This massive, single saucer shaped vessels measured some 5,800 feet (1768 meters) in diameter and carried a legion of Atlantean troops and 300 Atlantean Raider type fighter craft, and smaller star fighter .It also includes a variety of various troop ships, Atlantean Star Palace docking pits and other type star craft. The Imperial Atlantean Super "Base Star” or Super City Station is the backbone of the Imperial Atlantean Star Fleet. This ship is massive being 1,800 feet (550 meters) and has a mass of 3 million metric tons. Not including the Atlantean Battlestars missiles, the Atlantean Base-Star-huge space station-smaller than an Atlantean Star Castle, but much larger than an Atlantean Star Base or Star Palace has much greater firepower than an Atlantean Battlestar or Battle Carrier. The Atlantean Star Castle also has three times the fighter, troop, and weaponry of the Imperial Atlantean Ship. It also act as an Imperial Atlantean Embassy and floating City Community-since it is thought as a portion of Atlantean soil once anyone sets foot upon an Star Castle or similar Base Star or Star Base. Many Imperial Atlantean Star Castles also act as one of three billion smaller Starbase stationed scattered all over temporal space. A Star Castle is a defensive structure ,exact meaning, but it is usually regarded as being distinct from the general terms fort or fortress in that it describes a building which serves as a residence of a monarch or noble and commands a specific territory. The chief distinguishing features of castles, as opposed to other defensive structures, can be defined as follows:
Editors Note; Loosely inspired by several things from the world of science fiction .First off, the Alien Mothership from Close Encounters of a Third Kind. I wanted a huge, saucer shaped vessel the size of a major city, but floating in deep space, like the Space Station in Deep Space 9 from Star Trek or space station one from Space Family Robinson of the Gold Key Comic. Bespin City from the Star Wars-the Empire Strikes Back was another inspiration. I wanted to give it a huge cityscape atop the alien Mothership area, instead of just a series of crystal towers. I wanted the ship to be a larger version of the Atlantean Star Palace ships already created previously-also inspired by those alien ships from Close Encounters. Doctor Who’s Tardis figures in only in how it works, while traveling in time and space. The Command Bridge of both the Star Palace are a combination of the Tardis Control Room and Star Trek star ship bridges, mixed elements of the engine room. Like Tardis Control Room, many Time Sorcerers will clutter them up with various objects-chairs, tables, a library, a mystical orb or globe or two-also similar to Doctor Strange’s Sanctum Sanctuary. It might look weird and exotic inside, like some sort of sorcerers temple, but with science fiction elements like Star Wars or Star Trek-maybe some crystal elements like you see on the distant planet Krypton or Superman’s Fortress of Solitude-crystal towers in the interior and crystal controls-used both the Superman mythology and first to my knowledge used in the movie Beneath the Planet of the Apes.
Doc Thompson
Atlantean Star Castles by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson
Castles-is a huge city fortress sized Atlantean Space Station. This single saucer shaped measured some feet in diameter and carried a legion of Atlantean troops and 30 Atlantean Raider type fighters plus smaller star fighter .It also includes a variety of various troop Atlantean Star Palace docking pits and other type star craft. Alternatively, Super City the backbone of this ship is massive being feet and has a mass of 3 million metric tons. Not including the Atlantean Battlestars the Atlantean Base-Star-huge space station-smaller but much larger than an Atlantean Star Base or Star much greater firepower or Battle Carrier. The Castle also has three times the and weaponry of It also act as an Imperial Atlantean Embassy and floating City Community-since it is thought as a portion of Atlantean soil once anyone sets foot upon a Star Castle or similar Base Star or Star Base. Many Imperial Atlantean Star Castles also act as one of three billion smaller Starbase stationed scattered all over temporal space. A Star Castle is a defensive structure but it is usually regarded as being distinct from the general terms fort or fortress in that it describes a building, which serves as a residence of a monarch or noble and commands a specific territory. The chief distinguishing features of as opposed to other defensive can be defined, as Castles were places of protection from an invading a place of as generally old planetary type were. Star Castles were also offensive built in otherwise hostile territories from which to control surrounding generally old planetary types were. Star Castles either were built or evolved residences for the monarch or lord who built them. Often a Star Castle is an official interstellar space station fortress for an Atlantean Lord or Lady and their Royal Family and friends or associates of an Imperial Atlantean House or House Clan to reside in and use as a stationary of operations mobile base of operations. The Imperial House such as the House or House Clan of Sarkhon and House Clan of Shaitanus often reside inside the wall of an Atlantean Star Castle. These three purposes distinguish the Star Castle from other fortresses which are usually purely defensive citadels and city or purely offensive military or edifices that are entirely residential like Star Palaces or planetary palaces is a facility where starships are maintained and crews care lax. A starbase can be a research a military a place for interstellar trade or a seat of administration. Some starbases are also involved in the construction of starships. Atlantean Starbases offer various services to from medical facilities to full-fledged spacedocks capable of refitting a starship. Atlantean Starbases can be partially or completely located on a planet or be limited to strictly spaceborne installations. Some are a combination of a ground-based facility with orbital components. Atlantean Spacedock refers to a space station facility capable of docking starships for maintenance. An Atlantean Starbase are often on mobile or stationary operations and Atlantean Base Stars are often thought as mobile military bases of operation. An Atlantean Star Castle is a bit of both stationary and mobile a starship is a type of vehicle that is capable of supporting a crew traveling over interstellar distances. Starships are capable of faster-than-light speeds using warp drive or other propulsion methods. A specification is largely determined by its class. Vessels, which are of interstellar capable, are generally referred to as space ships. Massive ships are in a double or single saucer with a cityscape built upon their top metropolis section and unlike external thruster or impulse and drive must pull or push more weight than a smaller sized Atlantean Star Base ship. Instead, the ships are propelled by a Gravitonic drive that is buried deep within the ship or super fortress that acts as assistance to the main impulse drive and temporal ward drive systems... The Star Castle. Like the smaller Star Citadels and Star were held up by a huge Repulsor Drive that was placed at the bottom engine located at the fortresses Drive or Engine Room section. The Atlantean Star Castle is significantly faster than any known smaller and appears to have the ability to defend a planetary territory with enough firepower as great as three Atlantean Battle Carrier groups. The Star Castles powers all of the space stations primary and auxiliary sections. The Star Castles primary defensive systems are Deflector Shields-that generates a protective blister around the castle primary and secondary weapons bays-some that can be separated from the main fortress and either piloted by remote control or robotic to seek out military targets or patrol the Star Castles Quantum Field Ring can be set to generate all sorts of cosmic force such as plasma force strong repulsor that can repel or push away either large enemy star fleet armada or smaller hypertime that temporary project the fortress into hyper accelerated space to evade capture or avoid hostile enemy Various Weapons hold all sorts of defensive weapons from photon or proton torpedo bays or energy blaster arrays. A huge two Docking Towers or Docking are used for either Star Palace docking ports or outside docking for huge Atlantean Weapons Pit that can detach much the smaller Several smaller deflector shield towers are located atop the Star Castle Manor various points around the Castles perimeter and several around the lower engine room tower Star Castles heavy missiles give a Battlestar enough firepower to utterly destroy at least two smaller similar enemy battle stations. Star Castles can emits an extremely loud telepathic sound or banshee wail, which somehow travels through the void of space and can be heard by people in earby spaceships. The sound of this defensive is sufficient to render any human early unconscious. Thus the enemy target can be toed by tractor beam for hauling into one of the castles many docking or hangar bays to study or captivity until other legal determinations can be Laser turrets are essentially the same weapon as a smaller star a cruiser or star laser can based on appearances alone. There are several known types of turret. The anti-ship is a slow-tracking heavy turret found along the outer edge of both hangar bays. They have longer barrels than other turrets. Above each anti-ship turret is an anti-fighter turret. They are flatter and their in appearance and track much faster. Their barrels are smaller and closer together. These weapons however lack the power to significantly damage capital these Star Castles are more advanced than the capital ships used by many lesser species. The ships do not use in on drives or standard impulse but a series of primary and back up drive systems to assist the main drive or other similar space station or orbital space do but instead used the previously mentioned Gravity based to assist to help push the fortress in deep space operations. This means that the fortress ship itself does not use fuel for itself in normal but relies on a series of external bussard collectors or Bussard ramjet to sweep interstellar such hydrogen to refuel the space station from two side warp engines on either side of Star Castle... The ship does use fuel to make Hyperspace jumps and does carry fuel for its fighters because they use Ion Engines. Castle Base Star is slow than a Battlestar but that is due to the fact that an Atlantean Battlestar devotes a much larger portion of the ship to Engines than a Base-star does. The Atlantean Star Castle or Super is designed to make FTL jumps and is equipped to deploy large-scale missile strikes with high-yield nuclear and conventional ordnance Temporal Guardians Atlantean Colonial Marines are station at each Castle at all times in times or peace and to lend assist to near and onboard citizens at all times. The Atlantean Star Castle revealed to have two of these weapons on the upper saucer. Pulsars are a beam weapon more powerful that the average laser turret and intended to engage ships of the same magnitude as often are far superior to in every technical respect. Using an inertialess drive the Star Castle has a higher acceleration rate and can achieve greater speeds of roughly C. Her Turbo-Lasers are more powerful and rated at a low-end output of 10 to a high of Gigawatts per battery. Iaddition to the stated a Star Castle has a distinct advantage in heavy using her two Mega-blaster guns with a power output of Terawatts per allowing the Starbase to take out an enemy capital ship in just a few well-placed shots. If that bad technology allows them to enhance the electromagnetic, defense shield around their ships and castle perimeter. While Atlantean Battlestars have this same technology as smaller space stations and other similar type station such as Seraphian Star their defense shield system is o where ear as efficient as the larger Star Castle type space station class... always favored overwhelming their opponents over subterfuge and but prefer to rely of heavy battle carrier group star fleet and the Star Castles huge array of defensive perimeters. Many Atlantean Star Castles are large enough hold a Command Section or Star Citadel a city section surrounding it and a temporal drive section beneath the main city section levels. A repulsor drive section often maintains the Star Castles orbit around a specific planet or circling a specific star or star depending on the castles mission operation status. Command Section or Star Citadel a city holds an Atlantean star base, which also contains the castles Star that acts also as the Atlantean Royal Family residence and the official territorial Atlantean Embassy location. The Imperial Atlantean Star Citadel often can dock upon the Atlantean Manor section and act as an emergency if the Star Castle is under attack by hostile forces and must be used as a huge space station sized Star Citadel is a fortress for protecting a sometimes incorporating a The term derives from the same Latin root as the word meaning citizen. Star Citadel are smaller mobile and more maneuverable star fortress space station. Star Citadels are most often used to protect a garrison or political power from the inhabitants of the town it is defending. They were designed to ensure loyalty from the to w which they defended. A star citadel is a small version of an Atlantean Star Castle-often a small section of from main mother ship fortress. I a fortification with the Star Citadel is the strongest part of the sometimes well inside the outer walls and but often forming part of the outer wall for the sake of economy. It is positioned to be the last line of defense should the enemy breach the other components of the space station are a structure built or assembled in space. These structures are normally designed to be and can be constructed in orbit of a planet or other stellar body. The term starbase is often specifically used to refer to Atlantean or other similar Imperial Atlantean Starfleet bases. Are usually commanded by a flag and fulfill a major supporting role in Imperial Atlantean Starfleet. Larger Star Castles often have or to only a flag officer such as an Imperial Commodore or Admiral as a part of the High Command often also act as the family residence for an Imperial Atlantean Royal the ultimate decision over the Star Castles lower command structure. They coordinate starship operations and provide supplies and maintenance to Imperial Atlantean starships. For Building Space Stations. They concept of an Atlantean Space been in existence since almost the very beginnings of the ancient Atlantean Federation of Worlds United Atlantean Star Forces Space Fleet in the Old Universe and was carried over into the so Called New Universe Alternate Realities. Space stations are built for one or more of the following provide a defensive in order to protect a area or object of Most Atlantean Space act as interstellar Embassy facilitate acting as a corridor through which supplies can be moved between two or a ship and a facilitate acting as warehouse which stores the supplies mined until a ship is able to collect them for transport. Facilitate research into the mysteries of space. Facilitate whether this be weaponry or new including medical. Provide medical facilities in a zero-g and varying gravity environments for patients needing treatment at less-than-standard gravity. Provide maintenance and upgrade facilities for starships whether you are not between missions or require upgrades or repairs. Types of Atlantean Space Stations are as largest known Atlantean planetary sized space stations ever known to be design and known Atlantean moon sized space than an Atlantean World larger than an Atlantean Star largest known Atlantean type of small classification for a space station or star Battlestar-a small mobile space station a d star Citadel. Smaller Atlantean Classification type of small classification for a space station or star base-smaller than Star larger than an n Atlantean Star base. .Atlantean Star Bases and Atlantean Base Stars often can be they are large enough as a Star known Atlantean Star Bases Classification type of small classification for a space station or star base-if smaller than a Star many starships are classified by their designate each type of ship or vessel from another similar type Star Ship manufacturer will classify a star ship or space under a specific design type as a way for a star ships category war book to categorized each vessel or space station design type in battle or peace time operations. Star Castles usually come three varieties Fortress Class and drive is a technology allowing faster-than-light travel through creating warp fields and forming a subspace bubble surrounding a forms a distortion in space-time and allows the movement to exceed the speed of light. The rates of movement above the speed of light are known as warp factors. Atlantean Star Castles generally have a warp drive to maneuver in hyperspace wormholes and smaller impulse drive engines to move the fortress about in normal is a building or compound utilized by one within the territory of for the purposes of diplomacy. Embassies are generally in capital while smaller consulates are found in other locations. Embassies and consulates are also referred to as diplomatic and are considered the sovereign territory of their operating regardless of their location. An individual traveling in foreign territory may take refuge at their embassy or consulate. Many worlds and galactic powers have embassies on the Atlantean Homeworld and the Atlantean Federation of maintains embassies and consulates of its member worlds and colonies and those powers and planets with which it maintains diplomatic relations. Many Atlantean Federation or Atlantean Alliance World especially highly-trafficked ones like many Imperial Atlantean Star have such meters metric Temporal Warp Drive energizer fusion reactors officers warriors-Temporal Guardians Atlantean Colonial Marines fighter crew to 4 - at Blaster batteries long range Mega-Pulsar guns 8 tractor beam Mk. IX Raider class Fighter surface transports drop CE-BS Vehicle 10 and 90 fighter pilots Troops marines Atlantean Star class Star Fighters Temporal Guardians Atlantean Surface Transports Temporal Guardians Atlantean Drop Ships. Temporal Guardians Atlantean Colonial Maveric Entertainment Group-links to all things Maveric Entertainment Maveric Lions Entertainment Group Maveric Entertainment Group MAVERIC COMICS STUDIOSMAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS Maveric Lions Productions Entertainment. Maveric Comics Studios.-Maveric Entertainment Group. One------Sincerely yours-Upward Onward Maveric. 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prince-toreus-rhann-and-arcadian-war Edit
Prince Toreus Rhann and Arcadian War-revisions 1
By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward. Thompson
c. 2007 Maveric Lion Productions
based on a Short Story
Chapter One-Escape from Arcadia
Know this,my Friends-somewhere between the Great Cataclysmic Era?s of the Central Pangea Shattered Empires and the Great Fall of Civilizations,the rise and fall of? Trongaroth Empires and the Great Rise of Empires upon the Pangaean Shattered Lands and rise of the New Son of Terra-Prime,there an age of great heroes and heroines-warriors and ,time sorcerers,who fought for the Lords of Light against the Dark Forces of evil.
This was ?Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars - Neimaria, Oparia, Britainia,Hykhonia-the four nations ?so called Sword brother nations,who helped defend the west from many an enemy.
Zhankhora with its dark-haired women and darked brave hearted men, who fought against Metrone? spider-armies of the Casparean Mountains,
Zhankhearia ?The most powerful sea raiders next to their Zhankhoria rivals, the Zhankhearian are active supporters of the Casparian buccaneers, Kothankhora-the great alliance of City States that bordered the pastoral lands of Shonkhora to the East,
?with its shadow-guarded tombs,and mystery haunted gleaming towers of gold Mankhorian Nomads, whose spike riders wore steel and silk and gold. It was said,a Mankhorian Nomad,learned ride before he or she could walk.The Drakhoneans and the Arkhon twine kingdoms-Gleaming mailed and silken clad riders, masters of the Black Burning Sea, Twine Kingdons revels in sweeping the barely contested wastelands to the west and south .The? Khaiton ancient empire, stronghold of the world's greatest time wizards and masters of the eastern world,
But the proudest kingdom of the world was Great Thuvia, reigning supreme in the dreaming west.
Hither out of Great Thuvia came Prince Toreus Rhann, black-haired, sullen-eyed, great Thuvian sword in hand, Grand Thuvian Armor and blaster in hand a slayer of many enemies, with gigantic strength and great courage, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Terra-Prime with the Great Capronean Lion ?Shakhorja by his side with other heroes bring down the dark forces of evil and light back to the New Sons of Terra-prime."
- The Thuvian Chronicles-Prince Toreus Rhann,the Third.
This is a tale of Prince Toreus Rhann.? The First Son of Thuvia, also sometimes known as Toreus the Slayer by his enemies and Prince Toreus, Lord of Lions, by friends, companions, and allies.? Not to be confused with Toreus Rhann I, his esteemed father.? Much has been said about that worthy elsewhere in the Chronicles of Pangaea and the Book of Thuvia.
Chapter One.
Escape from Arcadia
If you want to know of his noble family then look elsewhere. They will tell you how Toreus Rhann I united the nations of Pangaea and became the Emperor Toreus Rhann I. Or how his ancient ancestors, the Starkillers?principally Captain Toreus Starkiller-- beat back the Trongoroth invasion and restored Pangaea as the Jewel of the Sphere of Terra Prime. The scholars all? know of the Great deeds of his Great grandfather Ulyseas Rhann-as did his father Odyseus Rhann,who sailed the Seven Seas of Great Pangaea to fight the enemies ?the Khaiton ,the Drakhoneans and the Arkhon of Northern and Central Pangaea ,during the First and? Second? Great Pangeaen Wars and how that Thuvian Ranger helped bring back the apart of the Golden Ages of the Ancient Pangaeans.
But any schoolchild knows of the Shattered Empires of Pangaea, and the aftermath of the Great Cataclysm. Stories of the ancient Dragon Wars, the Emperor Thrull Khan and the return of the Golden Age of Pangaea.
??????????? No, this is a story that few know. And I can tell it to you because I, Shakhorja, the Silver Lion, was there to witness it. As I was during most of Toreus' career.
?Listen and I will tell you of Toreus Rhann II. A story of his youth long before he stood against the renegade wizards, or fought side by side with the Bold Princes of Arcadia in the Second War for Terra Prime. Long before he was named Sarkhon's Knight and led his Ranger Legions in that same struggle for the freedom of the Sphere.
??????????? This is a tale of a young man, not yet a legend, setting out on the trail of destiny for the first time. It is a story of his adventures and his misadventures. It is our story, mine and his. For I was his cat and where he went so did I.
The rumble of war continued for fourth straight day as the conquering forces of Baron Radu Wallace closed on the capital city and the forces of King Nathan Taylor withdrew. Classes had been canceled at Arcadia University. Most of the able-bodied Arcadian students had gone off to fight on either side in this most uncivil of civil wars.
??????????? As was our habit those days, we sat in the Student Union, where there was a tavern. I curled by Toreus' feet as he stared morosely into his pint of Tennysonian bitters, tapping his booted foot to some tune that only he could hear. Perhaps a pop tune or a march. The choice would depend on his demeanor at the moment. I think perhaps a march, since war was very much on his mind.
??????????? Toreus Rhann was in his second year at the University as an exchange student. His father had insisted that his scholarship be of the broadest caliber and since Toreus was a young man of great physical potential? and warlike temper-- he most things about academic life annoying and bothersome. Save for the beautiful female students who often shared his bed on those nights when yours truly was forced to lay upon the couch watching video or dreaming of lionesses back home in the Thuvian Range.
Since my duties as protectorhttp://allmovie4u.com/companion of the Prince required me to attend all the many parties that students feel required to attend and to stop young Toreus from drinking the education his father was paying for out of his noggin as soon as it was put in, I too was required to attend University. Though the enlightened and liberal minded Arcadians still do not award degrees in their schools to felines?no matter how bright they may be?I was not considered a student. Nor was I considered a pet. Arcadia law recognizes anyone who can talk as a sentient and so a free individual. I can ride in a passenger vehicle without being caged and do not require a muzzle nor a leash?thank the Gods-mainly the hologod Thrull Khonn-who my master claimed to a direct descendent of .
?I was here on orders from the Emperor's cat?my great uncle. Therefore, I was here out of family honor and loyalty to the Imperial Crown.
Not that I would not have followed Prince Toreus to Arcadia, even without Imperial orders. We are a team, bonded long ago in the Thuvian Range. Where he goes always I shall follow. It is my life, my soul, my destiny.
?In those days of turmoil, I also felt that it was my duty to stay close to my most impetuous friend lest he join House Taylor in their lost cause.
??????????? Toreus was a scrapper. He liked to get involved in fights. But his father, the Emperor, had determined that the Prince was here to get an education in the liberal arts and not to cause any diplomatic incidents.
His Imperial Majesty did not want his eldest son and heir fighting in this war. The Politics of Pangaea being what they were?and law being a necessary limitation even to an Emperor?the Pangaean government had not been able to decide whom they favored in this civil war. Even though his Highness had. House Taylor had been allies of House Rhann for generations and Queen Lois?the Duchess of Tennyson?was a cousin of the Rhanns.
Oh, the Emperor knew his son well. He'd been much like him in his youth.
The MacKhain?s Den, was nearly empty-save a few drunken moron?s too stupid to leave the city.? There was the Zhankhearian Barkeep-whose notice, he hoped to not be noticed by the cities new rulers and his wife-whose family would side with Wallaces-if only to keep their business going on.? And situated somewhere in the middle of the tavern floor, was two idiots-Tyrhainean Mercenaries-who came to learn the art of was from Arcadians.? Tyrhaineans -tall,superwarrior-some say, have the blood of the Kalladon of the ancient Terran Federation homeworld, who hail from various parts of Pangaea and other parts of the sphere, brave warrior, but often too stupid to know, when it was time to flee.
Now Prince Toreus Rhann's eyes focused on two students who were involved in a choke-out.? This is a particularly simple-minded enterprise in which two young men try to choke each other out to see who will pass out first.? Next to alcohol poisoning, suicide over girls and autoerotic asphyxiation, it is one of the leading causes of death among college-aged males.? Their parents were spending fortunes to send them all the way across the Sphere to fill their heads with knowledge and they spent much of their time trying to destroy the very brains they were there to fill.
The Prince frowned, shoved himself to his feet, and cracked his knuckles?always a bad sign.? He knows that weak-minded people find this irritating.? He does not mind irritating weak-minded people?not one bit.? He's made a sport of it.
Toreus strode to the contestant's table with a grace that made even my feline walk look clumsy. I quickly moved to guard his blindside. Lest one of the chunkheads about the tavern decide to attack from the rear.
The Prince grinned down at the two combatants and quickly grasped them by the nape of their necks with his huge hands, slamming their foreheads together with a hearty thud.
They landed on their butts, stunned and dismayed.
"Why'd you do that" growled one of them as what passed for his brain cleared.
Toreus pointed toward the door of the Union. "By Thrull Khonn's heart there's a war on out there, moron. If it's your death you be wanting then man up and join the fight. Choking each other. By Sarkhon's buttocks you're are fools."
"We wanted to see who would unk first?or pass out," said the second choker, as if this explained everything.
"Dimwitted tool," barked Toreus.? "Back in Thuvia, we test how brave we are in battle--not in silly baby men games. Next you'll be walking about honking like those pathetic balless wonders in video wrestling.''
The first student bounded to his feet. Obviously he had left his mind at home in his parent's keeping when he came to Arcadopolis.
"Smelly Thuvian lout."
"I'd suggest you take this love play to your room lest you embarrass yourself," laughed Prince Toreus, his hands clenched into fists.
"I'll not have a Thuvian question my manhood," growled the student.
"And indeed it is in question," said Toreus, his cat green eyes narrowing like twin gun sights. I decided it was time to save this hapless choker's life.
I moved in between him and young Toreus and reared up, resting my paws on big mouth's shoulders. The boy's eyes bulged in horror. I am, after all, a rather large, saber toothed, Thuvian lion.
"Get your cat off me, Thuvian Neanderthal," yelped the young man.
"Again you are confused," laughed Toreus, clearly enjoying the choker's misery. "Thuvians are not Neanderthals. That's the Tuleans?chunkhead."
"I have to pee," I said, grinning my best lion grin, which is never very reassuring to humans. No saber cat has eaten a man in centuries?but humans have trouble unlearning their fondest myths and prejudices. Whatever dark fear mama taught them in the cradle lingers for life.
"Don't eat me, lion," said the lout, retreating.
I made a step toward him as he ran from the room looking over his shoulder to see if I was in pursuit.
By now Toreus Rhann's cat green eyes had fallen upon the other student who had pulled himself slowly to his feet.
"I'm sorry, your lordship," stuttered the young man.
"I'm a Thuvian not a fool. You want to fight well have at it."
"Not me, Prince Toreus. I've seen you on the rugger field and fencing. I have no desire to be crippled."
The other choker departed a wet trail of yellow drops that smelled like man water behind him.
I turned my head and looked at Toreus .
He shook his longhaired head. "You know I'm not, Shakhorja, old friend. Beating up on Vanarian lunks is not my idea of a fight. And I was truly hoping to inspire them."
"To visit the casualty ward Come on, green eyes, what's really bothering you"
Toreus sat back down at the table, the other students eyeing him nervously, a few of the females with strange, lusty looks in their eyes.
"How can my father and the Council stand by and let this travesty continue. King Nathan and House Taylor have helped us time uncounted in the past and yet in their hour of need no troops, nor fighters or ships of war come to their aid."
"The law says that the Emperor may not commit troops to the field without the consent of the Chancellor and that once that is done they may not stay in the field more than ninety days without Council approval."
"Chancellor Ghanis Jordan is a traitor," spat my tall friend.
"No, he is cautious. The Arcadians have technology that is more advanced than us and the Chancellor fears reprisals if the Wallaces win, which more than seems likely if you listen to that shelling."
"Don't curse."
"If your Empress Cassandra heard you she'd wash out you mouth."
Shame on me. I taught young Toreus to curse and swear. But I have appearances to maintain. Can't have the future ruler of a multi-plate empire sounding like a teamster from Thule.
"My mother would be in those streets with a rifle," said Toreus Rhann.
"The Empress is bound by the same laws as the rest of the Imperial Family?as are you."
"Fek the law."
"There you go again. It's just that you've been drinking bitters on an empty gut. Let's eat and later we'll discuss what we can do."
"Hunger is always a cat's first imperative," said Toreus.
"Indeed it is to any sensible species. But I'm glad to hear you using words of more than four letters."
We left the Student Union after eating and walked across the University Quadrangle, past the statue of Leonidus I. Old Leo looked sad as his fierce, bronze countenance looked out toward the fall of the dynasty he had founded.
The air was full of smoke and the smell of weapons propellant, blood, death and that pee smell that comes from energy weapons.
I looked up at the horizon and as far sunward along the Sphere as I could without squinting. Arcadopolis, like most capitol cities on the Sphere, is at the center of the world plate and therefore at what would be the bottom of the bowl. You could look out equal distances in any direction and see the upward curve of the horizon as far as the thin rim of the wall?if a high building was not in your way. I tried to see if I could make out the Wallace forces surrounding the city. But, alas, I could not. The University of Arcadopolis is too deep in the forest, so to speak, of the biggest city on the Arcadian Plate.
I craned my neck up sunward, squinting and could make out other plates of the great sphere until the sun blotted them out. It looked so peaceful out there. No army of madmen trying to take life and freedom away from anyone?as far as I could see. Terra Prime, the great sphere, is a turbulent place full of all manner of species and cultures. Many of them just as violent and stupid as House Wallace?the architects of this current debacle.
"The Wallaces will be in this part of the city soon," said Toreus Rhann. "I can feel it in my bones."
"You could also just look around you," I pointed out. "How long has it been since we saw a trooper or policeman in Taylor livery"
Toreus the Slayer nodded. "The Wallaces and their Ki'Vhan allies will come here and try to take us off-platers as hostages to use as leverage against our home governments."
"You are a prince and have diplomatic immunity," I said.
"Won't stop them. They'll be afraid of Pangaea and the Thuvian Rangers. They'll want leverage. And they have no treaties with the Empire. This is a completely new government. Just to show how tough they are they'll dissolve even the simplest trade agreement. That's the Wallace way?chunkheads."
"But to harm an Imperial Prince, or to hold him prisoner, for that matter, is an act of war," I pointed out. "The Council and the Chancellor will have no choice but to act. In the very least a punitive raid."
Toreus rubbed his broad chin. "I did not think of that."
The Prince started to walk faster.
"What is your hurry" I asked leaping ahead to keep up with his long stride.
"We must go to our quarters. I have to prepare."
"Prepare" I asked. "For what"
"Follow me and see, big fellow."
We went back to the house that Toreus and I shared in the Bridgeford Square area of? Arcadopolis City . Being a Royal, Toreus did not have to take a dorm room on campus. We had a nice little Arcadian house near school. A house guarded by Vanarian robots since Toreus refused a detachment of Rangers as his personal security detail. He considered it cowardly and a waste of good fighting men and women. His father had agreed. I said they were much alike.
Prince Toreus Rhann?s own Thuvian Snow Falcon-Ulyseas-named after his great grand father,was perched upon,his Falconer?s stand-great green eyes kept survailance of the Thuvian Prince.Like Shorkhorja-the falcon,had a telepathic link to the Thuvian and often helped hunt prey,in the Great Thuvian Highlands of home.
??????????? Toreus went up to his bedroom and showered. I plopped myself down on the big bed and groomed my claws. I could smell the scent of female humans on the mattress. Not an unpleasant smell but not the smell of a lioness.
??????????? The Prince emerged from the bathroom and took off his robe, beginning to dress. Instantly I knew we were in for trouble.
?He put on the underskin that is worn under rugby suits in the rough brand of that ancient sport played by Arcadians?or under nanotech battle armor. He dressed in bloused uniform slacks. The uniform pants appeared at first to be similar to the traditional buckskinned pants of the warriors, of Northern Almerhand, back home, but with more high tech and modern type of stitching.
Next he put on a twill fatigue shirt and armor bracelets and the biomed armband and the nanotech armor belt?often called a sword belt even though it is not used to carry a sword.
He put on a headband that continued more of the nanotech armor but not the skullcap that would protect the top of his head. He preferred not to wear it, as he preferred his enemies to see his long, warrior's hair. In Thuvia warriors wear their hair long. Among soldiers, long locks are a sign of his warrior strength. Off-plate fools often laugh and ask Toreus if he's a woman or a man. Toreus has often answered with a fist, which has caused the Diplomatic Corps much chagrin as they pay off nitwits with big mouths and long hospital bills.
??????????? Inset in the headband was an emerald jewel that sparkled when the light hit it. This was Toreus Rhann's Guider Gem.--an ancient Atlantean device, that gave a worthy warrior knowledge and guidance. If one were willing to listen?and Toreus was not always willing to do so?the Guider contained much of the knowledge and wisdom of the ages. It was more than just a mere computer peripheral?much much more.
??????????? "I see you have decided to wear me," said the voice of the Guider, that only Toreus and I could hear via neural radio link.
??????????? "Do not get excited, gem," said Toreus. "It's for show."
??????????? "Your enemies surround you and you dress for battle. Hardly a show."
??????????? "Battle is not my plan. Not directly, anyway."
Two feathers from a Thuvian Snow Falcon, also hung adorned the headband, hanging from the left side?the traditional heart side?and just behind the ear. These were a warrior's prize, won in a contest in the Thuvian Highlands when the Prince was ten. Boys and girls in Thuvia engaged in such contest to prove their worthiness as warriors and as future citizens.
??????????? Toreus donned his utility vest and inserted his 12mm pistol in its shoulder rig and his Thuvian fighting knife in its scabbard.
??????????? "Pistol is loaded and functional," said Guider. "Are you sure this is not a battle"
??????????? "Yes."
?Finally, he draped a large scarlet and gold amulet about his neck, with an engraved image of a lion face upon, accompanied by two sabers like toothed claws. It was his Lord of Lions symbol-given to him, for achieving the honor of hunting and surviving among my species, when we were young. He usually only wore it before going into battle or at ceremonial gatherings of the clan. My guess was that the clan was not coming here to Arcadia for a shindig.
Guider, in its wisdom, saw this too and commented on it. "No fight"
??????????? "No, we are going to surrender forcing the Wallaces to commit an act of war against the Empire."
??????????? He put on his long, leather coat leaving it unbuttoned for easy access to his weapons. Not the action of a man about to surrender.
??????????? "You don't surrender," said the Guider.
??????????? "There's a first time for everything," said the Prince.
???????? ?? "Not surrendering. Not for you. Your first time will be your last and most likely the last time that any enemy hears you say I surrender."
??????????? Before he could answer we heard the sound of military vehicles in the road. It took no genius to guess that the Ki'Vhan, the mercenary hirelings of the Wallaces, had arrived.
??Thrull?s Demons-it seems fates choosen for us.??Prince Toreus Rhann cursed ,as his keen ultra sensitive hears hear sounds of Ki?Vhan soldiers and Armored Personnell Carriers moving toward his private Arcadian residence.
Prince Toreus Rhann,reached out his gloved right hand and Ulyseas,hopped onto his wrist area with single thought and command.
??Come on,Old friend-Shorkhorja and me are going.??the Thuvian Prince stated.??We don?t want to be caught with our pants down ?as my father always said.??
??Do tell.??Ulyseas thought telepathically.The Thuvian Snow Falcon,slightly hopped and flew toward the First Son of Thuvia?s armored shoulder pad.Digging this bird claws into the Cathairian Leatherlike armor,Ulyseas turned around,as usual,to gain a better view of what was in front of him.
Prince Rhann,quickly dived out the side door of his Arcadian home,hopping over the 5 foot high wall that devided his property from the next door neighbors.
I followed the Prince into the road as the armored personnel carriers full of Ki'Vhans pulled up at the end of the street,stopping to see if any acitivety was moving up or down this cross section.Nothing moved-save us in the shadows of what was left of this Arcadian neighborhood.Toreus crosed a road known as Bellers Way and the three of us,tried move in and out of parked debris of burning cars,armored carriers,blasted down walls,twisted wreckage of street lamps and so forth,as the Ki'Vhan forces moved upon this section of the city.Bridgeford Square was devoid of anyone save Ki'Vhan and plus one Thuvian Prince,his platinum haired lion and black and white falcon companions.
??????????? The Ki'Vhan troops began to flood out and kick down doors.I could them zombie like move about the street,silently patrolling the remnants of this once ancient Arcadian neighborhood.? Toreus strode down the road toward them his hands raised.? The armored mercs look at him no doubt with puzzled expressions on their faces.? Though that was difficult to determine through their combat visors.
??????????? Ki'Vhan do not have a wide range of facial expressions anyway.? They are wired up mercenaries.? Men from various worlds who joined the Ki'Vhan because they had nothing better to do or else were grown in test tubes and raised to be?or so they think?the ultimate soldier.
??????????? Now the Ki'Vhan were advancing cautiously toward Toreus, their weapons raised. I advanced too, despite my misgivings.
??????????? "Warning, oh Prince,' said Guider. "I detect incoming artillery shells."
??????????? It was then that mortar shells began to rain down on the enemy personnel carriers destroying several of them and scattering dead soldiers to the winds.
??????????? "Possible hostiles on the roofs," said the Guider. "Armored and armed men."
??????????? I became aware of movement on the roofs to either side of the street and in several apartments.? There were men up there-possably the local resistance forces by their various dress-Arcadian,working with Thuvian Rangers,Tyrhainean mercenairies and Vanderheim mercenairies.? And they were armed with blaster pistols,swords and energy lances-possably Atlantean design.? Lasers discharged and bullets rained down on the Ki'Vhan.? The one's moving toward the Prince's location ?had frozen, shaken by the sudden attack.
"There is a high probability that the enemy will engage you in retaliation," said Guider.
?Now the Ki'Vhan fired their weapons at Toreus.? Lasers and bullets cut through the tail of my Prince's coat.? The Thuvian, along his two companions quickly dashed into a deserted alley, avoiding the oncoming Ki'Vhan forces.? One out of sight, the Ki'Vhan shopped firing as if awaiting new order from their Central Command Squad Leader.? Ki?Vhan, often worked as unite-the Squad leader, would coordinate the troops actions and operations.? Without them, these artificially created zombie soldiers, where nothing more than pawns for a higher command structure.
I spotted a large man in armor and a hood that concealed his facial features moving back from the edge of the roof with several other similar dressed men while his comrades continued to rain down fire on the hapless Ki'Vhans.? These were no doubt guerillas in the employ of the Taylors.? A stay behind force to make sure that the royal family had time to escape and the Wallaces did not enjoy an easy victory.
? "So much for surrender," said Guider.? "Nobody was doing that today."
??Guider-give a tactical sensor scan on the hooded subject.?? The Thuvian Warrior commanded.?? I want to who he friend or foe.? What he ate for dinner last night and when he last took a dum.??
??Affirmative, Warrior.??? the Guider responded.?? Sensor scans beginning.??
Prince Toreus Rhann then looked to his hunting falcon Ulyseas.? perched on his shoulder.? He knew to use this Thuvian Hunting Falcon, equipped all sorts of nano sensors, could help assist the Guider, in it's surveillance of the local area.? Thuvian Hunting Falcons, were used for centuries by the Thuvians and those similar type, by civilizations back on ancient Earth around the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and ,as far back as ancient Atlantis-back before time began in this universe.? Thuvians, like many newer civilizations, adopted much of their ways into their own and made them apart of their culture.? Common Atlantean Hunting Falcons-a genetically engineered.? Larger variety of the?Peregrine Falcon was modified by bionic cybernetic systems at first and later nanotechnology, to improve their hunting skills.? Later on, even some members of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers.? along with such creatures as dogs and cats, would falcons as tactical field assistance, feeling such animals were less likely to detected by enemy forces and those augmented intelligence often out-thought similar tactical intelligence system, due their ages old hunting skills.? Also, they were felt to better companions on long, away solo field missions or away team field missions.? He could hear more fire between the Arcadian Resistance Forces and Ki'Vhan forces exchanging fire in the street
?''Ulyseas, I have a job for you.?? Prince Toreus Rhann told his avian companion.?? I need you to fly up and quietly survey the perimeter-always assist the Guiders sensor scans.? Give a more accurate detail of the local area.''
''Will do, boss.? ''Ulyseas telepathically, transitting his mental communications to Prince Rhann, via the link Shakhorja and him, shared with Guider device.?? Those Ki'Vhan piss pot pinheads will never know I'm around.''
And that Ulyseas, the Thuvian Hunting Falcon hopped down Prince Toreus Rhann's should and onto his right gauntleted hand.? He spread out his wingspan of around 80?120?cm (31?47?in), gave out a loud screech, and took off as Prince Toreus Rhann held up his gloved hand to give his avian friend a better lift off capacity.? Toreus Rhann's superior catlike eye sight watched as Ulyseas flew off into the distant clouds of Terra-Prime, disappearing into the blue skies, with faintly outlined landmasses of other sphere world plates, located somewhere opposite to the Arcadian world.? Prince Toreus suddenly had a moment of concern, placing his old friend into an alien and dangerous environment, such these Thrull curse Arcadian lands, haunted and patrolled by the near mindless Ki'Vhan.? Hunting medium sized birds such as doves, waterfowl, songbirds and pigeons, was one thing, for a Thuvian Hunting Falcon to do, but those Ki'Vhan imbeciles were another thing. What if Ulyseas flew to close to the ground, some Ki'Vhan nitwit accidentally spotted him flying over head and got off a lucky shot. He could not only been a valued allie, but a close companion, he has had for many years now.
''Don't worry, my Prince,Ulyseas will be fine.''Shakhorja spoke standing behind the First Prince of Thuvia,breaking him out of his deep,dark thoughts.''There isn't one of those idiot pinheads who could land a shot on him,let alone one on you or me.''
Prince Toreus turned and smiled as he looked down upon his snow white feline freind.He knew the Caporonean Silver Lion correct.As a team they were a formidable trio-a Thuvian Prince and two companions-a lion and a falcon.Mostlikely,Ki'Vhan were very superstitious and the sight of a great warrior commanding such wild life creatures,would as odd and unnatural,as Tarzan of the Apes,commanding a herd of elephants and Great Apes,into some natives village in one of those old holovids of that Edgar Rice Burroughs character.
''Your right,Old freind.What am I worrying about.''Prince Toreus Rhann spoke sudden renued vigor and vitality.''By Thrull Khonn's Mighty will,let em come-we'll show how one Thuvian Ranger can take on twenty of them single handedly.''
''Besides.I want to who that guy lurking about the roof is.I've got a hunch,by his dress-he's not Ki'Vhan.''
??????????? Toreus' pistol came out as he exited the alley away ,turned as his keen catlike green eyes focassed on the lead Ki'Vhan soldier ,with two companions and armor-piercing shells cut down three Ki'Vhan in a row as the Prince retreated toward cover.?The the first ?Ki'vhan fell over first,followed by his two side?fellow officers.?He had his fight.? Intended or not. He fired as he retreated and as Guider detected targets.
??????????? I retreated as well.? I prefer hand-to-hand combat to gun fighting.? Guns are not a lion's weapon of choice or design.
??????????? We retreated to an alley as the men in hoods continued to exchange weapons fire with the Ki'Vhans. I scanned the rooftops with my keen vision. I could no long see the big man and his comrades.
??????????? Toreus, I thought radioed to my Prince. I think the Taylors arranged this ambush.
??????????? "Damn!" swore Toreus aloud.
??????????? "I agree with 85% certainty," said Guider. "And the guerrillas are behind us."
??????????? I became aware of the men in the alley behind us. So did Tor. He jumped to his feet, drawing his fighting knife.
??????????? The big man I had seen earlier pointed a heavy rifle at him and said: "Easy, big guy. I'm not here to shoot you."
??????????? "99% truth,warrior prince" said Guider.
??????????? "Who the hell are you"
??????????? The man whipped off his hood and smiled with a beefy boyish grin. "Name's Colin O'Brien, Captain Colin O'Brien-I'm a Thuvian Highlander-Thuvian Ranger-just like you-mercenary in the employ of Kotharr Khonn."
??????????? "100% truth," said Guider.
''Got separed from my own troops and those Arcadian Resistors back there,I was hooked up with for awhile.''O'Brien added.
"100% truth,again my prince warrior freind" said Guider.
??????????? Toreus' eyebrows went up. I supposed mine would have too, had I had any.
??????????? "Lord Kotharr sent you"
??????????? In case you're not a reader of history, Kotharr Khonn was the Weapons Master of the Imperial Court of Pangaea. Which meant that he was the wiliest general, strategist, and all around fighter that the Rhann family had. And the Rhann family is packed heavy with fighters, believe you me. Kotharr had trained Toreus in the martial arts from the time he was old enough to swing a fist or a knife. Kotharr also handled all of the Empire's black operations?those done in quiet without knowledge of the Council or permission of the Chancellor.
??????????? So apparently we were not alone behind enemy lines after all. Uncle Kotharr had sent some of his employees to make sure we did not fall into unfriendly hands.
??????????? Poor Toreus, he can never be a step ahead of daddy and Kotharr Khonn.
??????????? "Kotharr Khonn," Toreus shook his head. "I should have known. Why didn't he inform me of your presence"
??????????? Colin O'Brien leaned forward into Toreus space, grinning.
??????????? "Black ops, your highness. We play all our cards close to the vest. Besides rescuing you was our last mission."
??????????? "And your first"
??????????? O'Brien tapped his full lips. "You're not authorized to know, sir."
??????????? "I'm the Crown Prince, fool."
??????????? "Don't be so hard on yourself. And you're still outside the chain of command. Ask Khonn about it when you see him.
??????????? "Now, shall we get out of here before the Ks regroup"
??Warrior sensor scans indicate that individual, has in numerous resent combat saturations.Scans,indicate several minor bruises .Scans indicate,he is only armed with his standard weapons-minus his Thuvian Short sword.He was a few standard MRE?s rasions,a standard comlinks communicator,Thuvian Combat Knife and Electro Plasma Stun baton.??
??Thanks Guider.??Toreus Rhann finished.
??Who the Frek are you talking ,too-Prince ??O?Brien asked.
??My Guider Gem-by Thrull Khonn?s Sword.??The Lord of Lions stated.
??Personal AI-huh Prince Rhann.??Colin O?Brien said with a bit grimy smile.
??Artificial Intelligence Combat Field Telepathic Data Comlink Gem.??the Guider telepathical corrected the Thuvian Soldier.
??Shut up,Guider.??Toreus Rhann ordered.
??Having Problems with the little jewel I see.??O?Brian speculated.
??Never mind,Captain O?Brien-??the Thuvian Lord asked??Where?s your sword The Thuvian military issued every soldier standards equiptment and your without your Thuvian Short Sword.??
??Sorry,to despoint you,my Prince.??Captain O?Brien said,??but lost it in a fight back younder-trying to help a buddy evacuate some citizens from Arcadia.I think I last saw sticking out of a Ki?Vhans heart back at the Roshchild Space Port.Sorry,I could retreave it.I was fighting off a whole bunch several squade of Ki?Vhan warriors with my rifle at the time,while my friend Zacheriah Sarkhon lifted off in my ship the Scarlet Shadow,with his wife Ivhanna and a few avacuee?s.??
??99% truth," said Guider.;but I would be so sure about the number of Ki?Vhan he fought off.He may be exaggerateing a bit.warrior Toreus.??
''You Thuvian Short sword is the best way to handle a Ki'Vhan equipted a body armor force shield.''Prince Toreus Rhann added.''If weren't so carelessly to leave your weapon behind-even in battle,you'd have it right now.''
''Hell yes,my Prince...I'll? remember that next I'm fighting off a dozon or so pinheads."Captain O'Brian sarcastically responded.
Toreus Rhann eyed him,mommentarilly,wanting to knock in his teeth for the insulting attitude.But father once told him of an incident in his own youth,where such actions rashly acted out on left another young Prince Toreus Rhann up on a heap of trouble for busting the head of a fellow officer-Colonel Mitus Kane-a Thuvian Highlander,his father disliked and often dissagreed with on many situations-combat stratigies,types of women,what type of beer to drink.This young Prince Toreus Rhann thought better to have this man at your side than against him.Let in go for now-while the Ki'Vhan zombies were patrolling the city.Prince Toreus Rhann looked up and senced Ulyseas the Falcon near by.His sensitive vision spotted the great bird circling above and swooping lower to gain less altitude as he did.Ulyseas turned once as Captain O?Brien also saw the Thuvian Snow Falcon dive inward as the Lord of Lions held his righ gloved hand,for the great bird to land upon.The Thuvian Highlander staired in amazment-he had heard stories of Thuvian Princes commanding such animals,but rarely had he so close to witness such,not shown some holovid or tv set.Prince Toreus Rhann,turned as Ulyseas placed himself again on his shoulders.
??All?s clear ahead,boss.??Ulyseas reported to the Thuvian Crown Prince.??Some Ki?Vhan activety up aways,but nothing around here to bother us,at this time.??
??Good Job,old friend.Good Job.??Prince Rhann commened his Falcon companion.
Prince Toreus Rhann.First Son of Thuvia,Lord of Lions turned and slightly smiled Captain O?Brian.
''Now,Captain..we shall get out and later take on ?those Ki'Vhan bastards.''the Prince finally answered.
''By Thrull Khonn's thundering roar.hell yes,my prince..hell yes.Why not-Big bad Prince,lion and a bird.''Colin O'Brien's hulking formed foillowed the young Thuvian Prince and two companions away from the Bellers Way and the Bridgeford Square district.
Before the Ki'Vhan could regroup and flush them out of the houses the mercenaries were on the move. We jogged down the alleys, past troops positioned to watch our backs. The big merc, O'Brien jogged along beside Toreus, occasionally engaging in his dangerous habit of leaning in too close to the warrior prince. I think he was well aware of the danger. I just do not think that he gave a damn. Of perhaps he was one of those people who enjoyed toying with dangerous individuals and situations. That would seem to justify his profession.
??????????? "Where are we going" Toreus asked.
??????????? "We're getting you out of the United Kingdom before the Wallaces can lay hands on you."
??????????? "Are we headed for the sub-shuttles" I asked.
??????????? The mercenary eyed me nervously. Talking cats are not everyone's cup of tea.
??????????? "Shuttles are packed with Taylor troops and people on their way out. The King has sent the Royal family to safety and now he's advancing in the other direction to put together a resistance force."
??????????? "Where has the Royal family gone" Toreus asked. He'd been at the Christening of Prince Leonidus and was the Child's Second Godfather.
??????????? "Don't know," said O'Brien. "And don't wanna know. Rumor has it off-Sphere and other rumors have it that Joshua Sarkhon sent them to Genesis Prime?the Atlantean capital in this worldline. My favorite is the baby universe where they might be hidden. Fashioned by Joshua Sarkhon himself. Oh. There be all sorts of rumors."
??????????? "Where are we going," I insisted. Again that funny look.
??????????? "Off this plate and elsewhere. You'll know as soon as you know. Just not the sub-shuttles."
??????????? "And then where will you go" Toreus asked.
??????????? "Wherever the fighting is, my man. That's what I do. I'm the best fighting man in the whole wide Sphere."
??????????? "Did you proclaim yourself that or did someone with authority" Toreus frowned.
??????????? "Hell yes. My opinion is the only one that counts. I just fight the best way I can and let the other mercs follow me and do what I do."
??????????? "Subject actually believes this," said Guider.
??Yes,but you still lost your sword,drenhead-when do more than just talk,then we shall see.??The Thuvian Prince added.
??????????? Colin was certainly a brave and confident man. But that did not make him full of fek. I knew that Toreus felt that way, even without asking. Toreus and I have a rapport that goes beyond words. I also knew that the Prince respected the mercenary warrior, as much as he could respect someone as boisterous and rude who fought for mere money.
??????????? "My recommendation is trust him," said Guider.
??????????? Neither Toreus nor I argued with that.
??????????? We approached a line of civilian ground cars near the Chalice River that wound through the town. Armed men in hoods guarded them. More of the mercenaries.
??????????? "Our rides," said O'Brien. "Hop in."
??????????? We got into a van with O'Brien and one of his soldiers. The vehicles spread out taking various directions so as not to end up in the same trap. Toreus' surrender plan was dead and we were off on our way to who knew where.
There was no fighting in the streets as we moved through town but plenty of evidence that there had been.
??????????? Bullet and laser riddled walls, a dead body here, a dead body there, wrecked cars, and broken walls. None of the dead were civilians though, Guider assured us. The butchery of the innocents had not yet begun, but with the Wallaces in power, it would not be long before it did.
??????????? The van stopped near a wrecked bridge, no doubt bombed by the Taylor Air Force to slow the advance of the Wallace armored cavalry. There were a number of burning tanks with the symbol of House Wallace to the other side?a black mailed fist enclosing a globe of fire. A symbol of fascism if I ever saw one. There would be no democracy in Wallace ruled Arcadia?absolute monarchy would be the rule of the land of the law.
??????????? We stood staring at the carnage. O'Brien moved around with his hands on his hips.
We all jumped as jet fighters sped over us and engaged in a dogfight in the sky. My keen eyes could make out two planes with Taylor livery?a lion's head with wings?and one with the mailed fist of the Wallaces?also winged.
??????????? As I watched, the Taylor fighters shot the Wallace down, using naught but cannon fire. Taylors always won air battles. Wallaces were better on the ground with tanks and blitzkrieg.
??????????? "Well, general," said Toreus leaning on the van. "If that be your escape route I think you need to find another."
??????????? O'Brien grinned and barked a loud laugh.
??????????? "That was the easy route. But O'Brien's Aces never, ever do anything the easy way. Back in the van, my prince."
??????????? We remounted and were off, following the banks of the river. It was clear that the mercenary was looking for a bridge or ford but I was certain that none would remain after Taylor Air Force bombers and combat engineers were finished with them.
??????????? Guider agreed but Toreus made no comment. The Prince resented the gem's all knowing manner. He liked surprises and did not always wish to know the probability of success in a given situation.
??????????? And Guider was wrong. A bridge loomed up and the van headed for it.
??????????? O'Brien stopped and we got out. There were wrecked motor cars on the bridge and I smelled the smell of explosives.
??????????? "Much too easy," said Toreus. "Why would House Taylor leave this bridge unmolested"
??????????? "To allow an escape route for their retreating troops."
??????????? "The span is mined," said Guider.
??????????? It was Toreus' turn to bark a mocking laugh. "They would have already retreated this far and blew the bridge. And if they wanted to leave the route open, they would have posted light infantry with antitank weapons to guard it. It's mined my friend. Those vehicles were blown up from beIow and smell that explosive."
??????????? Of course, Toreus was not above using the secret knowledge given to him by the Guider for his personal advantage.
??????????? O'Brien looks angry. "The whole world stinks of explosive and maybe those cars were lasered by men beIow the bridge line."
??????????? "Negative," said Guider.
??????????? "Those aren't laser marks. The bridge is mined, as my guider has informed me."
??????????? "Your guider"
??????????? Toreus tapped his gem and smiled. "Never leave home without it. It's not always helpful but it does know when a bridge is mined. Or a girl is fertile. Saves one a lot of trouble and bother."
??????????? O'Brien looked at his trooper driver, who nodded his agreement.
??????????? O'Brien grinned and shrugged. "Then they'll be vehicle mines and we shall walk. Does your guide-thingy tell you that"
??????????? "Probability is close to 80%," said the gem.
??????????? Toreus did not reply.
??????????? So we were going to walk across the mined bridge and it was my turn to say something.
??????????? "I will lead the way. My sense of smell is keener than even yours, Toreus. I can smell the explosive in a mine and avoid it."
??????????? O'Brien looked at me with that funny look again and then he smiled.
??????????? "Okay, Mr. Cat, you lead the way. But don't get yourself killed. I once knew a cat and he was?a good friend?he got himself killed and?well just be careful."
??????????? "It is always my intent."
??????????? "I will assist you, Shakhorja," said the Guider.
We started across the bridge with me in the lead.
??????????? It was indeed mined and not all of the mines were large enough to be considered anti-vehicle. Guider informed me of that.
The engineer of this field was determined that no one would cross on foot or vehicle. And some people had tried. Now there were dead bodies in the vehicles. Civilians who had fled from the other side by the looks of what was left of their blood splattered clothing. Minefields are a cheap defensive barrier but they are not a discriminating one.
By the time we were halfway across the span the smell of blood was out flanking the smell of explosive in the air. I had to clear my nose in order to keep my attention on the mines. And the shelling was drawing closer as the Wallace artillery marched down the river looking for more pockets of Taylor resistance.
Toreus touched my collar, from which hung an amulet identical to his own. His thought radio spoke to me.? "Easy, old friend. We're almost across this accursed bridge."
"Two thirds of the distance," said Guider.
"Shut up, Gem," said Toreus through the neural link.
"Shutting up," said Guider, sarcasm in its neural link simulated voice.
"Let us hope that the big man has a plan for where we go from here," Toreus said to me through our radio. "Once we stop off the other end of the bridge we will be in Wallace territory and fair game."
"If he doesn't then we will take off on our own and head for the nearest train toward the spinward wall?closest to home."
"I agree," I transmitted.
Yes, we were both losing faith in the mercenary. He claimed that Kotharr had hired him but for all we know he'd just heard the name and decided to use it to his advantage in whatever scheme he might be concocting. Sure, he claimed to like Saber cats but I had no evidence that this was true. Sure, he was able to pass muster with Guider's truth sensor?but a pathological liar can do that easily. It's not magic.
We might just as well be better off on our own.
Finally, we made it to the other end of the bridge.
"Now we're here," Toreus said to the mercenary. "In Wallace held territory. Where do we go from here"
O'Brien was about to answer when the noise of a diving jet cut through our awareness and Guider warned of the attack.
"Hit the deck," O'Brien yelled and pushed Toreus to the side.
The fighter laid a trail of cannon shells down the road as we ducked for cover. The air filled with the unmistakable smell of human blood. Someone had been hit. The jet continued its strafe across the span, firing lasers that cut the trusses and brought the bridge down into the river.
Then it sped away, no doubt searching for other targets.
"All clear," announced Guider.
"Joshua's beard," said O'Brien, jumping to his feet. "That was a Taylor jet?damn?they're supposed to be on our side."
"They don't know that from up there," said Toreus.
"I guess?." It was then that O'Brien spotted his driver's body in the road. Or rather, what was left of him after the 40 mm shells.
"Oh?fek?that was Duv. Duv, man. He'd been with my unit since back in the Range. Damn."
"I'm sorry," said Toreus.
O'Brien looked at the prince with flame in his eyes.
"You'd better be worth it, boy. A good man just died for you. If you turn out to be a worthless candy prince?I'll kill you myself."
Toreus drew his knife and held it at ready. "Threaten me or mine and you will be the one to die, big man. Toreus Rhann stands for no threat. Strike at me and you will be dead before you hit the ground."
O'Brien looked at the long Thuvian fighting knife and then into the eyes of the young man who held it. He knew that this was no candy prince and that Toreus meant business. The Rhanns have always hated bullies and there are whole cemeteries back in Pangaea that have been filled to prove it.
O'Brien smiled his goofy grin.
"Put the knife away, son. It's just that I lost an old friend."
"You nearly lost yourself, idiot," said Toreus.
"Yes, I nearly did. Sorry."
"No, sorry. Lead us out of here or know the consequences for betraying a Rhann."
"I would never do that," said O'Brien, leaning in close to the knife wielding young man. Perhaps he was crazy. "I have a contract with Kotharr Khonn and Colin O'Brien never violates his word."
"50% certainty," said Guider.
"Not good enough. Give your word to me. Swear allegiance to Toreus Rhann before we go one step further."
"You speak well enough, turd, when you are blustering. What part of honor don't you understand"
"We have to get going."
"Yes, we do. And if you don't swear allegiance to me, here and now, I go on alone."
O'Brien looked at me. "Is he nuts"
"78% probability," said Guider.
I smiled my best cat smile. "May be. I wouldn't test him."
??Well,I?m not too bad in a fight myself,fella.?
??This from O?Brian-the sword loser ?Prince Toreus Rhann added,slight smiling as he did.
??Good point,Prince.??Captain O?Brien responded.??My wife Rachel often reminds me what big mouth I have.??
??Your married ?Shakhorja commented.??How ??
??The woman must be in the line for holo sainthood someday,guys.??Ulyseas thought.
We could hear a jet engine in the distance.O?Brien looked about at the three of us-and figured best to fall inline-go along with a member of the royal house,despite his luctance to restist authority fugures,as he would often do, than face these odd alone.
O'Brien fell on his knees and nodded his head.
"I swear allegiance to Prince Toreus Rhann of Pangaea."
"66% truth," said the gem.
Toreus laughed and tapped the man on his armor-plated shoulder.
"Well enough, mercenary. Stand and lets get out of here."
"Just one thing?if you don't mind," said O'Brien. He went to the body of Duv and removed an ID tag. "His folks will want to know what happened to him even if they can't legally claim the body."
Toreus nodded and the sound of jets battling overhead, despite Guider's assurance that they were not headed for us, made the four of us rush for the nearest ditch.My Prince ,with Ulyseas flapping his great wings to regain his holding perch of the Thuvian Shoulder armor and the big,hulking Thuvian Highlander managed to regain themselved slightly crouching behind the dirt of the huge blast hole.I held myself in their rear,quietly surveying the area for any sign of trouble.I saw nothing and smelled nothing as I imagine my Prince Rhann had not.
"Do you have a plan or are we going to wander about this plate until the Ki'Vhans or the Wallaces or the Taylors kill us"Prince Toreus Rhann asked.
O'Brien nodded. "There's an airship waiting for us. We get to it, board it, and head for the wall. Once there we head though a jump port to the next nearest plate and join up with my people at a mercenary camp over there."
A jet exploded overhead, its debris raining down all about us.
"A Wallace pilot will not be going home tonight," said Guider.
??Airship From who ??Prince Toreus asked.
??An old buddy-fellow Thuvian Highlander like me-Oh hell yes ,Prince Rhann,you?ll love him.??Captain Colin O?Brien answered.
??Did he lose his sword ,too ??
??Often.Every time in battle.??
Captain O?Brien was more than likely getting tired of my Princes irritation about losing his Thuvian blade and tried cover it up with sarcasm.Toreus Rhann,simply caught the comment as such.He beginning despite his first inclination to see Colin O?Brien not as a big mouth bubbling fool,but not unlike himself and his father the Thuvian Empiror.In otherwords,he was being to like the big,dum Thuvian Hand Mercenary.And I could take,Captain O?Brien had found atleast one figure of authority,he was gaining some respect for.The Thuvian Highlander must have saw something of himself in my Prince Toreus.
??By Thrull,Prince .I?m joking.??Colin O?Brien cursed.??Your as thickheaded as my three brothers.??
??Really,Captain-bravo.??Prince Rhann responded.??You have four brothers ??
??Dosen?t every Thuvian??O?Brien reported??Actually ,your highness-this guys a pretty good pilot-almost as good as me-if I don?t say myself.I do believe the Scarlet Shadow,if the fastest ship on Terra-Prime,but she?s Tramp freighter,not one of the local airship,that we see all over the sphere-so comparing the two isn?r exactly fare.
??You have a Tramp-Freighter and lost it.??Prince Toreus Rhann interrupted Colin O?Brian.
??No,your highness-not lost it,allowed my parter Zacheriah Sarkhon to use it to avaluate Arcadian refugge?s-there?s big,big difference.??Captain O?Brian responded.??Still,Captain Eric Darkwaters a good man-a great airship pilot-even he from time to time,can get himself into a whole heap of troubles.??
??Guider??Prince Toreus Rhann spoke again,interrupting one of Colin O?Brien?s long wined tiraides.
??Yes,Warrior Prince.??the Gem responed.
??Background check on this Captain Darkwater.??
??Affirmative,Will drw on the propriate data file.??the Guider confirmed.??Working.will respond momentarily.??
Prince Toreus Rhann,thought maybe this guy isn?t such a load mouth butthead after all.Perhaps,there was more him than meets the eye,if one of the members of the Imperial Houseclan of Sarkhon associated him frequently.The Prince was often tutored by another members of the Imperial House of Sarkhon.Doctor Arenjun Sarkhon,often had several generations of the bold Prince of Thuvia.They did not often partner up with any retard or moron,who just happen to come along.
??File search completed,Warrior Prince.??the Guider finally spoke.
??Proceed.??Prince Toreus Rhanncommanded the emerald jewel that rested upon a headband,worn around his upper portion of his head.
??Captain Eric Darkwater.? Thuvian Highlander-sometimes Thuvian Ranger, Master of all trades, thief, mercenary, bodyguard.? Currently commander of the SS Destinies Marauder partner with one Commander Faphnire Jadmere Khonn-a Vladerheim mercenary, bodyguard, and sailor? the guider reported
??Prince Rhann, you don?t need all background check jazz.? Darkwaters a, ok.? So?s Faph.
These guys have been about too.They can fight along with the best Thuvian Rangers And can fly his ship passed an enemy blockade with little trouble-outfight anything the Ki?Vhan and Wallace trash has.As I said,Darkwaters almost as good a pilot as me??
??Almost as good as you??Toreus Rhann added.??Now,strangely enough that really fills me with confidence.??
"Let us go," said Toreus jumping to his feet and pulling O'Brien to his.I followed.Rarely did anyone ever proceed before the Great Prince of Thuvia.It wasn?t a royal thing.Prince Toreus Rhann ,simply preferred to lead infront of everyone.It had something to do with Lion sign he was born under or so he told everyone.O?Brien followed with me walking by his side.
??Bravo,to that Prince Rhann-bravo to that.??O?Brien added,as he looked onto the Crown Thuvian Prince ahead,with great falcon upon his shoulder and myself strolling behind him as always.For Captain O?Brian,we made a strange group,but for Prince Toreus,it was business as usual.
We moved from cover to cover as we headed toward the rendezvous point with O'Brien's mystery airship. Shelling and aircraft activity was increasing by the minute and we dared not expose ourselves to the open for too long a period at a stretch.
??????????? Eventually we ran into an enemy patrol. They were human's?if you can apply that sobriquet to Wallaces. A patrol of infantry from the Wallace House Guard.
??????????? We quickly took cover behind what was left of the garden wall of a house that had been bombed to the foundation.
??????????? The soldiers moved along the road and we hunkered down.
??????????? When they were gone, we moved, staying behind the line of fences and walls of other bombed out house.
??????????? "There'll be more," said O'Brien. "If they're sending foot patrols forward there has to be at least a platoon sized unit nearby.
??????????? "There are three companies nearby according to overhead feeds," said Guider.
??????????? "Nearly a battalion," said Toreus. "We may have to fight them."
??????????? Both O'Brien and I looked at him as if he were insane.
??????????? "This isn't any vid show, your majesty," said the merc. "If we're outnumbered and outgunned we go down and die. Or, worse, get taken prisoner. They'll put a Trongoroth control tick on my neck and hold you to wave in front of your daddy. Gods only know what they'll do to kitty cat here."
??????????? Toreus nodded. "Unfortunately true."
??????????? "Don't worry though," Colin O'Brien brightened. "We're not far from the LZ where we're supposed to meet the airship. Not more than two kilometers."
"Then we should proceed," said the Prince.
And we did, twice more hiding from Wallace squads moving along the road.
It was while we were in our last hide that a column of trucks showed up and stopped not more than ten meters from us. Men climbed down and fanned out. This did not look good.
"What do we do now" I asked.
"Wait," said O'Brien.
"When will your ship arrive at the LZ" Toreus asked.
"It's already up there waiting. Ship is stealth equipped. All we need to do is reach the point."
"Two kilometers away."
"Two kilometers into enemy territory."
"Well, yes."
"Then I say we need transport."
"Dream on prince."
Toreus smiled an evil smile. "No need to dream. One only has to reach out and grab."
Toreus Rhann had, as I feared, had enough of waiting and sneaking around.
??????????? He rose to his feet and crept toward the nearest truck before O'Brien could attempt to stop him. By that time it was too late for debate or protestation without alerting the enemy and bringing death upon all three of us.By then,the Thuvian Hunting Falcon was again perched upon the Great Princes gaunleted right hand.
There were three soldiers and a driver near the vehicle. All apparently confident that a Wallace victory made them safe in this apparently rear area.
Prince Rhann once raised arm and Ulyseas flew from his perch upon the Thuvian gloved hand.Silently,both understaood what the Lord of Lions was up to.The Great Falcon swerved up and infront of the three Ki?Vhan.They stupidly watched as the bird droved in and out the great city scape.
??????????? Toreus took out his knife and crept like the Ranger hunter that he had trained to be as a youth. Had I not feared for our safety I would have been proud.
??????????? I crept behind him, guarding his back against any enemy he might not have noticed. We had hunted deer with knife and claw this way in the Thuvian Highlands. Deer have much keener senses than humans who are nearly blind when it comes to a sense of smell.
??????????Prince? Toreus Rhann jumped the closest soldier and slit his throat just above the collar of his armor. His nickname Toreus the Slayer,was not earned for nothing.He had gained moniture with every kill-every time slew an enemy or beast alike upon the savage lands of Terra-Prime. A second soldier swerved in his direction, rifle ready.
??????????? But I took that soldier's head off with one swat of my claw.
??????????? The third was going to sound the alarm when O'Brien shot him and the driver in the chest.
??????????? "Well," hooted O'Brien. "We have a truck."
??????????? Bullets and shouts came from the direction of the other vehicles. The other Wallace Guards had noticed us.
??????????? "But not for long if we don't hurry,' said Toreus as he jumped into the cab of the truck.Prince Rhann raised out his arm and the falcon returned to him,as by some magic command.
??We?re all here.O?Brien.??the Thuvian Prince commaned.??Lets go.??
??????????? O'Brien and I jumped into the bed, the mercenary firing at the other soldiers to keep their heads down.
??????????? We were quickly underway, bullets tearing through the canvas cover of the military truck, O'Brien howling like a madman as he returned fire and me?well I was laying as flat as I could, trying to avoid massive trauma.
Toreus kept the accelerator as flat to the floor as was possible. The enemy was in pursuit of us.? But we were far ahead of the other trucks, their drivers, professional teamsters, having a greater respect for the road than my prince.
??????????? Then Ki'Vhan bikers on smart bikes?spikes as they are called?sped ahead of the trucks along the side of the road. The hovering bikes quickly gained on us.
??????????? Grunting, Captain O'Brien discharged a laser from his over and under rifle. A Ki'Vhan biker blew up and his shrapnel killed his buddy. Two for the price of one.
??????????? "Directions please," Toreus called over his shoulder to O'Brien.
??????????? "Keep going until you find a?"Bullets caused O'Brien to stop and laser two more spikers. "A road that leads up a flat hill. That's where the LZ is."
??????????? We had managed to outdistance our pursuers. Oh, they were still back there but far back and not right on our tails. But I knew that when we got to the LZ we would not have much time before they were on top of us. If the airship was not right there then we might not make it.
I was beginning to doubt more than ever that Toreus' rash action in getting us transport was the correct one.
"Her is your turnoff," said Guider. Though the Guider voice sounded human, it showed no nerves as it announced this fact.
Toreus Rhann fishtailed the truck onto the new road and gunned it up the hill. Enemy vehicles followed, small all terrain vehicles armed with cannon and machine guns. O'Brien took out the front tires of one with his laser, causing it to flip end over end. But one of the enemy cannons took out our rear tires on the left side. This slowed the truck considerably.
Prince Toreus roared and continued to floor the accelerator.Ulyseas the Falcon?s bird eyes looked around,at his master,with a wooried look.
"Enemy forces attempting to surround the hill," said Guider.
"Parp," growled Toreus Rhann
We reached the top and Toreus fishtailed the trick around as if he were planning to rush down the hill and ram the enemy forces coming up. I prayed that he wasn't. But this did not look good and I know that members of the Rhann family have one overwhelming trait in common?they do not like to lose.
"Out of juice and ammo," yelled O'Brien.
Toreus thrust the cab door open and stepped down, pistol in one hand and knife in the other. His nano armor bloomed into one solid suit beneath his beaten up leather coat. The nano-tattoos on his face cut in and became his war mask.Ulyseas Sqreached as his clawed feet barely cleared the replaced standard light Thuvian Armored Pad-barely missing the form as it transformed into the heavier variety.
Misgivings or no I stood beside him.Captain O'Brien stood at our backs, having discarded his rifle and drawn his laspistol.
O?Brien produced a small hand communicator with free hand and ?open it to begin it?s operation.The Thuvian adjusted it?s controls to dial up the propretiate comlinks numbers to the person,he wished to talk to.
??Captain Darkwater.Buddy,come it.??O?Brien issued responces into his comlinks.??Eric Darkwater-come in.??
The Ki'Vhan and Wallace soldiers coming up the hill seemed unimpressed. This looked like a last stand. Toreus might go down fighting but he would go down and yours truly with him.
??Dartwater.??O?Brien despirated shouted.??We need two Thuvian Rangers with-ah other extratched.??
??O?Brien That you.??a voice issued out from the hand communicator.??You lose your ship again??
??Captian..yes,no-lost a lot.??The Thuvian Warrior commented.
??Feck the small talk,Dartwater??O?Brien shouted.??We?re moving and need transport,pronto.Home in on my co-ordinates.??
??Got,you-Faphnere?s scanning you now.??Captain Darkwater told the Thuvian Highlander.??Lucky for you,we were almost ready to leave.??
??Good Old,Darkwater.??O?Brien stated as he shot into the Ki?Vhan moving behind upon the spikes.??Get here soon,Pinheads are getting too close to our situation,if you get my drift,Captain.??
??Hang on,O?Brien.We?re on our way.??
Colin O?Brien closed his hand communicators and smailed.He looked over to me.
??Don?t worry,Kitty.We?re almost out of here.??O?Brien said,attempting to calm down,what was obviously a worried look upon? my face.The loud roar of aircraft was all around us.Hopefully,one of them was Captain Dartwaters ship.
A screaming Ki'Vhan raced toward us. Toreus shot him in the face and then took out a second and a third. Lasers pulsed from O'Brien's pistol and killed more. I roared and bared my teeth and claws, no one being close enough for me to use them.
A shadow fell across us. Either cloud or the angel of death.No.I now heard the great turbine engines of an arship above me.
Then the air was split by the road of electric cannon and the buzz of lasers. The advancing enemies were moved down.O?Brien howled and hooked as spikes crashed into one another,exploding into balls of flame behind our transport.
??Dartwater,you old Son of a Bastard.??Colin O?Brien shouted.??That two Thruvian Beers I owe you.Whever I can owe you a drink or two.??
Troops on spider strings dropped all around us.
"Airship hovering overhead," said Guider just a little too late, which made me wonder?was Guider as unemotional as it seemed or did it have a vid director's flare for the dramatic
The enemy were retreating down the hill as trails of exploding shells followed them.
"Our ride," said O'Brien as he grasped a spider line.
Prince Toreus Rhann,jammed the wheel the empty Ki?Vhan rifle-a Thruvian M130 semi-automatic piece of shit,used by many lesser civilization soldiers.He then moved toward the back,with Ulyseas still clawing into his shoulder armor.
??Come on,ols buddy.We?re leaving.??Prince Rhann commanded with authority.??Time for spring back and it?s not even spring.yet.??
Toreus grabbed one too and two of the mercenary troopers fastened one around my torso. We were soon drawn up into the bowels of the airship.Captain O?Brien followed,a bit grin upon his face.beIow,the transport sped off into the distance and out of sight as we moved into the air,with the great airship above.A huge,circular ,almost flying saucer shaped vessel with great repulsor engines upon each side.Once,Prince Toreus Rhann and the rest of us were inside the ships,big Cargo Hanger Bay-filled boxes,other Thuvian troops attempting assist us,as the air ships Boarding Cargo ramp closed behind us.It?s big,nuematic roar,filled the cabit area,telling us,it strained it mechanism trying to seal the vessel as it sped away from Tennyson Spaceport.
Soon the ship was rising up into the air faster and from
a porthole, I could see the upwardly curving slop of the Arcadia plate. We were moving to spinward and away from the battle.
??All?s clear,Captain.??O?Brien spoke into his hand coomunicator.
We were on our way out of Arcadia but I had a feeling that we had not seen our last of the Arcadian Civil War. I looked toward Toreus Rhann,my prince who gazed out that same porthole, a far away look in his eyes. The battle tattoos had fades and his armor retracted but his still stood as if ready for a fight.
This journey was just beginning. Our days of academia were now behind us.
The End
*Parp-An Old Thuvian Saying,that something stinks.Possibly,a corruption of the poop and carp or crap
**"Fek!"-An Old Atlantean curse word-origin unknown-possibly Tauron. It is a bowdlerized version of the real-life expletive "fuck", and can seemingly be used in the same ways,as Fek Off,Fek You,Fek This.
Prince Toreus Rhann and Arcadian War-revisions 1
By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward. Thompson
c. 2007 Maveric Lion Productions
based on a Short Story
Chapter Two-Escape from Arcadia
My Prince Toreus Rhann,having barely escaped Tennyson Spaceport,where many of the refugee?s had used to escape Arcadopolis-now occuplied by House of Wallace,who temporarily defeated the House of the Taylors.He had fought his way across the city,patrolled by Ki?Vhan trooper-near mindless artificial beings-Zombie like creatures,who fought like brainless mercenaries to any side,whose their employers wished them for the right high price.Ki-Vhan,more likely defeated an enemy,not always any kind of real cunning or strategy,but often by sear numbers.Popular folklore,told that Ki?Vhan were created or atleast provided by a species of alien beings known as the Zhatikhon-an interstellar business operationhttp://allmovie4u.com/semi criminal operation,whose true origin and location,has been lost in the mists of temporal space.
My Prince,had gained the help from an unlikely allie- Captain Colin O'Brien-I'm a Thuvian Highlander and Thuvian Ranger.O?Brian had been instrumental in gaining this air ship. SS Destinies Marauder.We had still to clear out of occuplied Arcadian air space.Many Ki?Vhan warships and aircraft were still in the air,not to forget the Wallace air forces-fighter craft patrolling the skies between here and the nearest stargate jump point away from this world plate of Terra-Prime.
??So,Prince-told ya,Captain Darkwater?d come through.??Captain O?Brian said,with great pride.??Dodn?t I could do it,did ya.??
??I must admite,Captain I had a few serious doughts.??Prince Toreus Rhann responded ??This us Thuvians often achieve the impossible.??
??That?s what we do ,yor highness-that?s what we do best.??O?Brian spoke with great Thuvian pride.??Got,you me,the bird and the kitty cat here out alive and well.??
Perhaps,later-once we are safely out of the Ki?Vhan occupied Arcadian air space,I?ll let you meet the dear Captain Dartwater and esteemed co-polit.??Colin O?Brien boasted.
??I?d like to meet our rescuer.The bold princes of Thuvia would owe much to anyone who sides with Imperial House of Rhann,over anyone of lesser royal bllod and heritage.??Prince Rhann commented.
??I bet you would,rightly so.??Excuse ,Prince.??Colin O?Brien added??I got to do something now that all commotion and dander has supsided for the moment.??
O?Brien once produced his hand communicator and dialed up a series of numbers.
??Don?t this is personal.ship to friendly ship.??Captain O?Brian added once again.??Hello,Captain O?Brian to SS Scarlet Shadow.Come in.We?re on a safe channel.Zach come in.??
Long moments passed and a voice broke in,cutting through the air ship constant roar of Paragravity engines.
??Captain.??the voice issued from the communicator.??Glad to hear you are well.We were worry for a time,when we heard nothing from you,after the ship took off from inner city sections of Arcadopolis.??
??Zachery.I?m fine.I couldn?t break radio silence with the Ki?Vhan about until I got to safe LZ area.Had a bit of troubles making it through the streets.Met up some Resistance Forces and later found myself in luck with pretty ok people.They helped get out.??
Prince Toreus sat back-some Thuvian Ranger came up and gave some RME packages which took gladly.The Ranger causiouly eyed Ulyseas the Thuvian Hunting Falcom and my self.Obviously,he wasn?t used being in company of a great Capronean Silver Sabertooth Lion.
??Thanks.??Prince Rhann and opened the package,ripping it?s top off.
??Zachery.??O?Brien spoke over all the commotion within the SS Destinies Marauder cargo hold.
??Captain.O?Brian..stop calling me Zachery.I prefer Zacheriah or just Doctor Zacheriah Sarkhon.??the time sorcerer argued over the comlinks mike.
??Ok,Sarkhon-you moron.I don?t have time for none of your nutball feck today.??Colin O?Brien obviously was getting argery at his long time partner and friend.??Put on Rachel.??
? Skip down to the next entry.
Toreus Rhann and the Arcadian War.
Carl Edward. Thompson
Joseph Gilbert. Thompson
c. 2007 Maveric Lion Productions
Short Story
This is a tale of Prince Toreus Rhann. The First Son of Thuvia, also sometimes known as Toreus the Slayer by his enemies and Prince Toreus, Lord of Lions, by friends, companions, and allies. Not to be confused with Toreus Rhann I, his esteemed father. Much has been said about that worthy elsewhere in the Chronicles of Pangaea and the Book of Thuvia.
If you want to know of his noble family then look elsewhere. They will tell you how Toreus Rhann I united the nations of Pangaea and became the Emperor Toreus Rhann I. Or how his ancient ancestors, the Starkillers—principally Captain Toreus Starkiller-- beat back the Trongoroth invasion and restored Pangaea as the Jewel of the Sphere of Terra Prime.
But any schoolchild knows of the Shattered Empires of Pangaea, and the aftermath of the Great Cataclysm. Stories of the ancient Dragon Wars, the Emperor Thrull Khan and the return of the Golden Age of Pangaea.
No, this is a story that few know. And I can tell it to you because I, Shakhorja, the Silver Lion, was there to witness it. As I was during most of Toreus’ career.
Listen and I will tell you of Toreus Rhann II. A story of his youth long before he stood against the renegade wizards, or fought side by side with the Bold Princes of Arcadia in the Second War for Terra Prime. Long before he was named Sarkhon’s Knight and led his Ranger Legions in that same struggle for the freedom of the Sphere.
This is a tale of a young man, not yet a legend, setting out on the trail of destiny for the first time. It is a story of his adventures and his misadventures. It is our story, mine and his. For I was his cat and where he went so did I.
The rumble of war continued for fourth straight day as the conquering forces of Baron Radu Wallace closed on the capital city and the forces of King Nathan Taylor withdrew. Classes had been canceled at Arcadia University. Most of the able-bodied Arcadian students had gone off to fight on either side in this most uncivil of civil wars.
As was our habit those days, we sat in the Student Union, where there was a tavern. I curled by Toreus’ feet as he stared morosely into his pint of Tennysonian bitters, tapping his booted foot to some tune that only he could hear. Perhaps a pop tune or a march. The choice would depend on his demeanor at the moment. I think perhaps a march, since war was very much on his mind.
Toreus Rhann was in his second year at the University as an exchange student. His father had insisted that his scholarship be of the broadest caliber and since Toreus was a young man of great physical potential— and warlike temper-- he most things about academic life annoying and bothersome. Save for the beautiful female students who often shared his bed on those nights when yours truly was forced to lay upon the couch watching video or dreaming of lionesses back home in the Thuvian Range.
Since my duties as protector/companion of the Prince required me to attend all the many parties that students feel required to attend and to stop young Toreus from drinking the education his father was paying for out of his noggin as soon as it was put in, I too was required to attend University. Though the enlightened and liberal minded Arcadians still do not award degrees in their schools to felines—no matter how bright they may be—I was not considered a student. Nor was I considered a pet. Arcadia law recognizes anyone who can talk as a sentient and so a free individual. I can ride in a passenger vehicle without being caged and do not require a muzzle nor a leash—thank the Gods.
I was here on orders from the Emperor’s cat—my great uncle. Therefore, I was here out of family honor and loyalty to the Imperial Crown.
Not that I would not have followed Prince Toreus to Arcadia, even without Imperial orders. We are a team, bonded long ago in the Thuvian Range. Where he goes always I shall follow. It is my life, my soul, my destiny.
In those days of turmoil, I also felt that it was my duty to stay close to my most impetuous friend lest he join House Taylor in their lost cause.
Toreus was a scrapper. He liked to get involved in fights. But his father, the Emperor, had determined that the Prince was here to get an education in the liberal arts and not to cause any diplomatic incidents.
His Imperial Majesty did not want his eldest son and heir fighting in this war. The Politics of Pangaea being what they were—and law being a necessary limitation even to an Emperor—the Pangaean government had not been able to decide whom they favored in this civil war. Even though his Highness had. House Taylor had been allies of House Rhann for generations and Queen Lois Taylor—the Duchess of Tennyson—was a cousin of the Rhanns.
Oh, the Emperor knew his son well. He’d been much like him in his youth.
Now Prince Toreus Rhann’s eyes focused on two students who were involved in a choke-out. This is a particularly simple-minded enterprise in which two young men try to choke each other out to see who will pass out first. Next to alcohol poisoning, suicide over girls and autoerotic asphyxiation, it is one of the leading causes of death among college-aged males. Their parents were spending fortunes to send them all the way across the Sphere to fill their heads with knowledge and they spent much of their time trying to destroy the very brains they were there to fill.
The Prince frowned, shoved himself to his feet and cracked his knuckles—always a bad sign. He knows that weak-minded people find this irritating. He does not mind irritating weak-minded people—not one bit. He’s made a sport of it.
Toreus strode to the contestant’s table with a grace that made even my feline walk look clumsy. I quickly moved to guard his blindside. Lest one of the chunkheads about the tavern decide to attack from the rear.
The Prince grinned down at the two combatants and quickly grasped them by the nape of their necks with his huge hands, slamming their foreheads together with a hearty thud.
They landed on their butts, stunned and dismayed.
“Why’d you do that?” growled one of them as what passed for his brain cleared.
Toreus pointed toward the door of the Union. “By Thrull Khonn’s heart there’s a war on out there, moron. If it’s your death you be wanting then man up and join the fight. Choking each other. By Sarkhon’s buttocks you’re are fools.”
“We wanted to see who would unk first—or pass out,” said the second choker, as if this explained everything.
“Dimwitted tool,” barked Toreus. “Back in Thuvia, we test how brave we are in battle--not in silly baby men games. Next you’ll be walking about honking like those pathetic balless wonders in video wrestling.’’
The first student bounded to his feet. Obviously he had left his mind at home in his parent’s keeping when he came to Arcadopolis.
“Smelly Thuvian lout.”
“I’d suggest you take this love play to your room lest you embarrass yourself,” laughed Prince Toreus, his hands clenched into fists.
“I’ll not have a Thuvian question my manhood,” growled the student.
“And indeed it is in question,” said Toreus, his cat green eyes narrowing like twin gun sights. I decided it was time to save this hapless choker’s life.
I moved in between him and young Toreus and reared up, resting my paws on big mouth’s shoulders. The boy’s eyes bulged in horror. I am, after all, a rather large, saber toothed, Thuvian lion.
“Get your cat off me, Thuvian Neanderthal,” yelped the young man.
“Again you are confused,” laughed Toreus, clearly enjoying the choker’s misery. “Thuvians are not Neanderthals. That’s the Tuleans—chunkhead.”
Thuleans were several looseknit kingdoms of nations-situated far north of the Great Central Pangean Continent-knows as Ultima Thule,Neanderthule,Khanutuwhit,Khormog ,Ariyhan,Analaska,Yuphag,Tylee.and so forth,generally refered to by many as simply Thule or Thuleans-a name derived from various far northern regions of many Terran Class worlds.
“I have to pee,” I said, grinning my best lion grin, which is never very reassuring to humans. No saber cat has eaten a man in centuries—but humans have trouble unlearning their fondest myths and prejudices. Whatever dark fear mama taught them in the cradle lingers for life.
“Don’t eat me, lion,” said the lout, retreating.
I made a step toward him as he ran from the room looking over his shoulder to see if I was in pursuit.
By now Toreus Rhann’s cat green eyes had fallen upon the other student who had pulled himself slowly to his feet.
“I’m sorry, your lordship,” stuttered the young man.
“I’m a Thuvian not a fool. You want to fight well have at it.”
“Not me, Prince Toreus. I’ve seen you on the rugger field and fencing. I have no desire to be crippled.”
The other choker departed a wet trail of yellow drops that smelled like man water behind him.
I turned my head and looked at Toreus .
He shook his longhaired head. “You know I’m not, Shakhorja, old friend. Beating up on Vanarian lunks is not my idea of a fight. And I was truly hoping to inspire them.”
“To visit the casualty ward? Come on, green eyes, what’s really bothering you?”
Toreus sat back down at the table, the other students eyeing him nervously, a few of the females with strange, lusty looks in their eyes.
“How can my father and the Council stand by and let this travesty continue. King Nathan and House Taylor have helped us time uncounted in the past and yet in their hour of need no troops, nor fighters or ships of war come to their aid.”
“The law says that the Emperor may not commit troops to the field without the consent of the Chancellor and that once that is done they may not stay in the field more than ninety days without Council approval.”
“Chancellor Ghanis Jordan is a traitor,” spat my tall friend.
“No, he is cautious. The Arcadians have technology that is more advanced than us and the Chancellor fears reprisals if the Wallaces win, which more than seems likely if you listen to that shelling.”
“Don’t curse.”
“If your Empress Cassandra heard you she’d wash out you mouth.”
Shame on me. I taught young Toreus to curse and swear. But I have appearances to maintain. Can’t have the future ruler of a multi-plate empire sounding like a teamster from Thule.
“My mother would be in those streets with a rifle,” said Toreus Rhann.
“The Empress is bound by the same laws as the rest of the Imperial Family—as are you.”
“Fek the law.”
“There you go again. It’s just that you’ve been drinking bitters on an empty gut. Let’s eat and later we’ll discuss what we can do.”
“Hunger is always a cat’s first imperative,” said Toreus.
“Indeed it is to any sensible species. But I’m glad to hear you using words of more than four letters.”
We left the Student Union after eating and walked across the University Quadrangle, past the statue of Leonidus I. Old Leo looked sad as his fierce, bronze countenance looked out toward the fall of the dynasty he had founded.
The air was full of smoke and the smell of weapons propellant, blood, death and that pee smell that comes from energy weapons.
I looked up at the horizon and as far sunward along the Sphere as I could without squinting. Arcadopolis, like most capitol cities on the Sphere, is at the center of the world plate and therefore at what would be the bottom of the bowl. You could look out equal distances in any direction and see the upward curve of the horizon as far as the thin rim of the wall—if a high building was not in your way. I tried to see if I could make out the Wallace forces surrounding the city. But, alas, I could not. The University of Arcadopolis is too deep in the forest, so to speak, of the biggest city on the Arcadian Plate.
I craned my neck up sunward, squinting and could make out other plates of the great sphere until the sun blotted them out. It looked so peaceful out there. No army of madmen trying to take life and freedom away from anyone—as far as I could see. Terra Prime, the great sphere, is a turbulent place full of all manner of species and cultures. Many of them just as violent and stupid as House Wallace—the architects of this current debacle,with the help of outside time travelling elder beings,who often dared think of themselves as gods.
“The Wallaces will be in this part of the city soon,” said Toreus Rhann. “I can feel it in my bones.”
“You could also just look around you,” I pointed out. “How long has it been since we saw a trooper or policeman in Taylor livery?”
Toreus the Slayer nodded. “The Wallaces and their Ki’Vhan allies will come here and try to take us off-platers as hostages to use as leverage against our home governments.”
“You are a prince and have diplomatic immunity,” I said.
“Won’t stop them. They’ll be afraid of Pangaea and the Thuvian Rangers. They’ll want leverage. And they have no treaties with the Empire. This is a completely new government. Just to show how tough they are they’ll dissolve even the simplest trade agreement. That’s the Wallace way—chunkheads.”
“But to harm an Imperial Prince, or to hold him prisoner, for that matter, is an act of war,” I pointed out. “The Council and the Chancellor will have no choice but to act. In the very least a punitive raid.”
Toreus rubbed his broad chin. “I did not think of that.”
The Prince started to walk faster.
“What is your hurry?” I asked leaping ahead to keep up with his long stride.
“We must go to our quarters. I have to prepare.”
“Prepare?” I asked. “For what?”
“Follow me and see, big fellow.”
We went back to the house that Toreus and I shared. Being a Royal, Toreus did not have to take a dorm room on campus. We had a nice little Arcadian house near school. A house guarded by Vanarian robots since Toreus refused a detachment of Rangers as his personal security detail. He considered it cowardly and a waste of good fighting men and women. His father had agreed. I said they were much alike.
Toreus went up to his bedroom and showered. I plopped myself down on the big bed and groomed my claws. I could smell the scent of female humans on the mattress. Not an unpleasant smell but not the smell of a lioness.
The Prince emerged from the bathroom and took off his robe, beginning to dress. Instantly I knew we were in for trouble.
He put on the underskin that is worn under rugby suits in the rough brand of that ancient sport played by Arcadians—or under nanotech battle armor. He dressed in bloused uniform slacks. The uniform pants appeared at first to be similar to the traditional buckskinned pants of the warriors, of Northern Almerhand, back home, but with more high tech and modern type of stitching.
Next he put on a twill fatigue shirt and armor bracelets and the biomed armband and the nanotech armor belt—often called a sword belt even though it is not used to carry a sword.
He put on the underskin that is worn only under nanotech battle armor. He dressed in bloused uniform slacks and a nanotech armor belt. He put on a twill fatigue shirt and armor bracelets and the biomed arm band. He put on a headband that continued more of the nanotech armor but not the skull cap that would protect the top of his head. A great emerald jewel sparkles, as light hit it, in an uncanny manner. This was Toreus Rhann’s Guider Gem.-an ancient Atlantean Jewel, that gave a worthy warrior knowledge and guidance, upon their many heroic journeys. Two feathers from a Thuvian Snow Falcon, hung from the headbands left side, just behind the ear-a warriors prize, for winning a hunting contest, in the Thuvian Highlands back home around age ten. Something many Thuvian men and women engage in to prove their worthiness as a warrior. He preferred not to wear it as he preferred his enemies to see his long, warrior’s hair. In Thuvia only some women and non warrior class men cut their hair short or at least many women do. Only non warriors cut their hair short. To a man long locks are a sign of his warrior manhood. This was a warrior’s custom that dated back the ancient times before the Great Legendary Warrior Thrull Khonn. No one knew it’s origin-perhaps it was a Delkohnean Warriors tradition or of Thuvian origin-no one knew exactly for sure where it originally came from and few in Thuvia or upon the sphere cared, except for old men going bald or the merchant class, who cut their hair short. Off-plate fools often laugh and ask Toreus if he’s a woman or a man. Toreus Rhann has often answered with a fist which has caused the Diplomatic Corps much chagrin as they pay off nitwits with big mouths and long hospital bills.
Toreus donned his utility vest and inserted his 12mm pistol in its shoulder rig and his Thuvian fighting knife in its scabbard.
He put on a headband that continued more of the nanotech armor but not the skullcap that would protect the top of his head. He preferred not to wear it, as he preferred his enemies to see his long, warrior’s hair. In Thuvia warriors wear their hair long. Among soldiers, long locks are a sign of his warrior strength. Off-plate fools often laugh and ask Toreus if he’s a woman or a man. Toreus has often answered with a fist, which has caused the Diplomatic Corps much chagrin as they pay off nitwits with big mouths and long hospital bills.
Inset in the headband was an emerald jewel that sparkled when the light hit it. This was Toreus Rhann’s Guider Gem.--an ancient Atlantean device, that gave a worthy warrior knowledge and guidance. If one were willing to listen—and Toreus was not always willing to do so—the Guider contained much of the knowledge and wisdom of the ages. It was more than just a mere computer peripheral—much much more.
“I see you have decided to wear me,” said the voice of the Guider, that only Toreus and I could hear via neural radio link.
“Do not get excited, gem,” said Toreus. “It’s for show.”
“Your enemies surround you and you dress for battle. Hardly a show.”
“Battle is not my plan. Not directly, anyway.”
Two feathers from a Thuvian Snow Falcon, also hung adorned the headband, hanging from the left side—the traditional heart side—and just behind the ear. These were a warrior’s prize, won in a contest in the Thuvian Highlands when the Prince was ten. Boys and girls in Thuvia engaged in such contest to prove their worthiness as warriors and as future citizens.
Toreus donned his utility vest and inserted his 12mm pistol in its shoulder rig and his Thuvian fighting knife in its scabbard.
“Pistol is loaded and functional,” said Guider. “Are you sure this is not a battle?”
Finally, he draped a large scarlet and gold amulet about his neck, with an engraved image of a lion face upon, accompanied by two sabers like toothed claws. It was his Lord of Lions symbol-given to him, for achieving the honor of hunting and surviving among my species, when we were young. He usually only wore it before going into battle or at ceremonial gatherings of the clan. My guess was that the clan was not coming here to Arcadia for a shindig.
Guider, in its wisdom, saw this too and commented on it. “No fight?”
“No, we are going to surrender forcing the Wallaces to commit an act of war against the Empire.”
He put on his long, leather coat leaving it unbuttoned for easy access to his weapons. Not the action of a man about to surrender.
“You don’t surrender,” said the Guider.
“There’s a first time for everything,” said the Prince.
“Not surrendering. Not for you. Your first time will be your last and most likely the last time that any enemy hears you say I surrender.”
Before he could answer we heard the sound of military vehicles in the road. It took no genius to guess that the Ki’Vhan, the mercenary hirelings of the Wallaces, had arrived.
I followed the Prince into the road as the armored personnel carriers full of Ki’Vhans pulled up.
The Ki’Vhan troops began to flood out and kick down doors. Toreus strode down the road toward them his hands raised. The armored mercs look at him no doubt with puzzled expressions on their faces. Though that was difficult to determine through their combat visors.
Ki’Vhan do not have a wide range of facial expressions anyway. They are wired up mercenaries. Men from various worlds who joined the Ki’Vhan because they had nothing better to do or else were grown in test tubes and raised to be—or so they think—the ultimate soldier.
Now the Ki’Vhan were advancing cautiously toward Toreus, their weapons raised. I advanced too, despite my misgivings.
“Warning, oh Prince,’ said Guider. “I detect incoming artillery shells.”
It was then that mortar shells began to rain down on the enemy personnel carriers destroying several of them and scattering dead soldiers to the winds.
“Possible hostiles on the roofs,” said the Guider. “Armored and armed men.”
I became aware of movement on the roofs to either side of the street and in several apartments. There were men up there. And they were armed. Lasers discharged and bullets rained down on the Ki’Vhan. The one’s moving toward the Prince had frozen, shaken by the sudden attack.
“There is a high probability that the enemy will engage you in retaliation,” said Guider.
Now the Ki’Vhan fired their weapons at Toreus. Lasers and bullets cut through the tail of my Prince’s coat.
I spotted a large man in armor and a hood that concealed his facial features moving back from the edge of the roof with several other similar dressed men while his comrades continued to rain down fire on the hapless Ki’Vhans. These were no doubt guerillas in the employ of the Taylors. A stay behind force to make sure that the royal family had time to escape and the Wallaces did not enjoy an easy victory.
“So much for surrender,” said Guider. “Nobody was doing that today.”
Toreus’ pistol came out and armor-piercing shells cut down three Ki’Vhan in a row as the Prince retreated toward cover. He had his fight. Intended or not. He fired as he retreated and as Guider detected targets.
I retreated as well. I prefer hand-to-hand combat to gun fighting. Guns are not a lion’s weapon of choice or design.
We retreated to an alley as the men in hoods continued to exchange weapons fire with the Ki’Vhans. I scanned the rooftops with my keen vision. I could no long see the big man and his comrades.
Toreus, I thought radioed to my Prince. I think the Taylors arranged this ambush.
“Damn!” swore Toreus aloud.
“I agree with 85% certainty,” said Guider. “And the guerrillas are behind us.”
I became aware of the men in the alley behind us. So did Tor. He jumped to his feet, drawing his fighting knife.
The big man I had seen earlier pointed a heavy rifle at him and said: “Easy, big guy. I’m not here to shoot you.”
“99% truth,” said Guider.
“Who the hell are you?”
The man whipped off his hood and smiled with a beefy boyish grin. “Name’s Colin O’Brien, mercenary in the employ of Kotharr Khonn.”
“100% truth,” said Guider.
Toreus’ eyebrows went up. I supposed mine would have too, had I had any.
“Lord Kotharr sent you?”
In case you’re not a reader of history, Kotharr Khonn was the Weapons Master of the Imperial Court of Pangaea. Which meant that he was the wiliest general, strategist, and all around fighter that the Rhann family had. And the Rhann family is packed heavy with fighters, believe you me. Kotharr had trained Toreus in the martial arts from the time he was old enough to swing a fist or a knife. Kotharr also handled all of the Empire’s black operations—those done in quiet without knowledge of the Council or permission of the Chancellor.
So apparently we were not alone behind enemy lines after all. Uncle Kotharr had sent some of his employees to make sure we did not fall into unfriendly hands.
Poor Toreus, he can never be a step ahead of daddy and Kotharr Khonn.
“Kotharr Khonn,” Toreus shook his head. “I should have known. Why didn’t he inform me of your presence?”
Colin O’Brien leaned forward into Toreus space, grinning.
“Black ops, your highness. We play all our cards close to the vest. Besides rescuing you was our last mission.”
“And your first?”
O’Brien tapped his full lips. “You’re not authorized to know, sir.”
“I’m the Crown Prince, tool.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. And you’re still outside the chain of command. Ask Khonn about it when you see him.
“Now, shall we get out of here before the Ks regroup?”
Before the Ki’Vhan could regroup and flush them out of the houses the mercenaries were on the move. We jogged down the alleys, past troops positioned to watch our backs. The big merc, O’Brien jogged along beside Toreus, occasionally engaging in his dangerous habit of leaning in too close to the warrior prince. I think he was well aware of the danger. I just do not think that he gave a damn. Of perhaps he was one of those people who enjoyed toying with dangerous individuals and situations. That would seem to justify his profession.
“Where are we going?” Toreus asked.
“We’re getting you out of the United Kingdom before the Wallaces can lay hands on you.”
“Are we headed for the sub-shuttles?” I asked.
The mercenary eyed me nervously. Talking cats are not everyone’s cup of tea.
“Shuttles are packed with Taylor troops and people on their way out. The King has sent the Royal family to safety and now he’s advancing in the other direction to put together a resistance force.”
“Where has the Royal family gone?” Toreus asked. He’d been at the Christening of Prince Leonidus and was the Child’s Second Godfather.
“Don’t know,” said O’Brien. “And don’t wanna know. Rumor has it off-Sphere and other rumors have it that Joshua Sarkhon sent them to Genesis Prime—the Atlantean capital in this worldline. My favorite is the baby universe where they might be hidden. Fashioned by Joshua Sarkhon himself. Oh. There be all sorts of rumors.”
“Where are we going,” I insisted. Again that funny look.
“Off this plate and elsewhere. You’ll know as soon as you know. Just not the sub-shuttles.”
“And then where will you go?” Toreus asked.
“Wherever the fighting is, my man. That’s what I do. I’m the best fighting man in the whole wide Sphere.”
“Did you proclaim yourself that or did someone with authority?” Toreus frowned.
“Hell yes. My opinion is the only one that counts. I just fight the best way I can and let the other mercs follow me and do what I do.”
“Subject actually believes this,” said Guider.
Colin was certainly a brave and confident man. But that did not make him full of fek. I knew that Toreus felt that way, even without asking. Toreus and I have a rapport that goes beyond words. I also knew that the Prince respected the mercenary warrior, as much as he could respect someone as boisterous and rude who fought for mere money.
“My recommendation is trust him,” said Guider.
Neither Toreus nor I argued with that.
We approached a line of civilian ground cars near the Chalice River that wound through the town. Armed men in hoods guarded them. More of the mercenaries.
“Our rides,” said O’Brien. “Hop in.”
We got into a van with O’Brien and one of his soldiers. The vehicles spread out taking various directions so as not to end up in the same trap. Toreus’ surrender plan was dead and we were off on our way to who knew where.
There was no fighting in the streets as we moved through town but plenty of evidence that there had been.
Bullet and laser riddled walls, a dead body here, a dead body there, wrecked cars, and broken walls. None of the dead were civilians though, Guider assured us. The butchery of the innocents had not yet begun, but with the Wallaces in power, it would not be long before it did.
The van stopped near a wrecked bridge, no doubt bombed by the Taylor Air Force to slow the advance of the Wallace armored cavalry. There were a number of burning tanks with the symbol of House Wallace to the other side—a black mailed fist enclosing a globe of fire. A symbol of fascism if I ever saw one. There would be no democracy in Wallace ruled Arcadia—absolute monarchy would be the rule of the land of the law.
We stood staring at the carnage. O’Brien moved around with his hands on his hips.
We all jumped as jet fighters sped over us and engaged in a dogfight in the sky. My keen eyes could make out two planes with Taylor livery—a lion’s head with wings—and one with the mailed fist of the Wallaces—also winged.
As I watched, the Taylor fighters shot the Wallace down, using naught but cannon fire. Taylors always won air battles. Wallaces were better on the ground with tanks and blitzkrieg.
“Well, general,” said Toreus leaning on the van. “If that be your escape route I think you need to find another.”
O’Brien grinned and barked a loud laugh.
“That was the easy route. But O’Brien’s Aces never, ever do anything the easy way. Back in the van, my prince.”
We remounted and were off, following the banks of the river. It was clear that the mercenary was looking for a bridge or ford but I was certain that none would remain after Taylor Air Force bombers and combat engineers were finished with them.
Guider agreed but Toreus made no comment. The Prince resented the gem’s all knowing manner. He liked surprises and did not always wish to know the probability of success in a given situation.
And Guider was wrong. A bridge loomed up and the van headed for it.
O’Brien stopped and we got out. There were wrecked motor cars on the bridge and I smelled the smell of explosives.
“Much too easy,” said Toreus. “Why would House Taylor leave this bridge unmolested?”
“To allow an escape route for their retreating troops.”
“The span is mined,” said Guider.
It was Toreus’ turn to bark a mocking laugh. “They would have already retreated this far and blew the bridge. And if they wanted to leave the route open, they would have posted light infantry with antitank weapons to guard it. It’s mined my friend. Those vehicles were blown up from below and smell that explosive.”
Of course, Toreus was not above using the secret knowledge given to him by the Guider for his personal advantage.
O’Brien looks angry. “The whole world stinks of explosive and maybe those cars were lasered by men below the bridge line.”
“Negative,” said Guider.
“Those aren’t laser marks. The bridge is mined, as my guider has informed me.”
“Your guider?”
Toreus tapped his gem and smiled. “Never leave home without it. It’s not always helpful but it does know when a bridge is mined. Or a girl is fertile. Saves one a lot of trouble and bother.”
O’Brien looked at his trooper driver, who nodded his agreement.
O’Brien grinned and shrugged. “Then they’ll be vehicle mines and we shall walk. Does your guide-thingy tell you that?”
“Probability is close to 80%,” said the gem.
Toreus did not reply.
So we were going to walk across the mined bridge and it was my turn to say something.
“I will lead the way. My sense of smell is keener than even yours, Toreus. I can smell the explosive in a mine and avoid it.”
O’Brien looked at me with that funny look again and then he smiled.
“Okay, Mr. Cat, you lead the way. But don’t get yourself killed. I once knew a cat and he was—a good friend—he got himself killed and—well just be careful.”
“It is always my intent.”
“I will assist you, Shakhorja,” said the Guider.
We started across the bridge with me in the lead.
It was indeed mined and not all of the mines were large enough to be considered anti-vehicle. Guider informed me of that.
The engineer of this field was determined that no one would cross on foot or vehicle. And some people had tried. Now there were dead bodies in the vehicles. Civilians who had fled from the other side by the looks of what was left of their blood splattered clothing. Minefields are a cheap defensive barrier but they are not a discriminating one.
By the time we were halfway across the span the smell of blood was out flanking the smell of explosive in the air. I had to clear my nose in order to keep my attention on the mines. And the shelling was drawing closer as the Wallace artillery marched down the river looking for more pockets of Taylor resistance.
Toreus touched my collar, from which hung an amulet identical to his own. His thought radio spoke to me. “Easy, old friend. We’re almost across this accursed bridge.”
“Two thirds of the distance,” said Guider.
“Shut up, Gem,” said Toreus through the neural link.
“Shutting up,” said Guider, sarcasm in its neural link simulated voice.
“Let us hope that the big man has a plan for where we go from here,” Toreus said to me through our radio. “Once we stop off the other end of the bridge we will be in Wallace territory and fair game.”
“If he doesn’t then we will take off on our own and head for the nearest train toward the spinward wall—closest to home.”
“I agree,” I transmitted.
Yes, we were both losing faith in the mercenary. He claimed that Kotharr had hired him but for all we know he’d just heard the name and decided to use it to his advantage in whatever scheme he might be concocting. Sure, he claimed to like Saber cats but I had no evidence that this was true. Sure, he was able to pass muster with Guider’s truth sensor—but a pathological liar can do that easily. It’s not magic.
We might just as well be better off on our own.
Finally, we made it to the other end of the bridge.
“Now we’re here,” Toreus said to the mercenary. “In Wallace held territory. Where do we go from here?”
O’Brien was about to answer when the noise of a diving jet cut through our awareness and Guider warned of the attack.
It was a Taylor fighter and it was making a run on the road where we stood.
“Hit the deck,” O’Brien yelled and pushed Toreus to the side.
The fighter laid a trail of cannon shells down the road as we ducked for cover. The air filled with the unmistakable smell of human blood. Someone had been hit. The jet continued its strafe across the span, firing lasers that cut the trusses and brought the bridge down into the river.
Then it sped away, no doubt searching for other targets.
“All clear,” announced Guider.
“Joshua’s beard,” said O’Brien, jumping to his feet. “That was a Taylor jet—damn—they’re supposed to be on our side.”
“They don’t know that from up there,” said Toreus.
“I guess—." It was then that O’Brien spotted his driver’s body in the road. Or rather, what was left of him after the 40 mm shells.
“Oh—fek—that was Duv. Duv, man. He’d been with my unit since back in the Range. Damn.”
“I’m sorry,” said Toreus.
O’Brien looked at the prince with flame in his eyes.
“You’d better be worth it, boy. A good man just died for you. If you turn out to be a worthless candy prince—I’ll kill you myself.”
Toreus drew his knife and held it at ready. “Threaten me or mine and you will be the one to die, big man. Toreus Rhann stands for no threat. Strike at me and you will be dead before you hit the ground.”
O’Brien looked at the long Thuvian fighting knife and then into the eyes of the young man who held it. He knew that this was no candy prince and that Toreus meant business. The Rhanns have always hated bullies and there are whole cemeteries back in Pangaea that have been filled to prove it.
O’Brien smiled his goofy grin.
“Put the knife away, son. It’s just that I lost an old friend.”
“You nearly lost yourself, idiot,” said Toreus.
“Yes, I nearly did. Sorry.”
“No, sorry. Lead us out of here or know the consequences for betraying a Rhann.”
“I would never do that,” said O’Brien, leaning in close to the knife wielding young man. Perhaps he was crazy. “I have a contract with Kotharr Khonn and Colin O’Brien never violates his word.”
“50% certainty,” said Guider.
“Not good enough. Give your word to me. Swear allegiance to Toreus Rhann before we go one step further.”
“You speak well enough, turd, when you are blustering. What part of honor don’t you understand?”
“We have to get going.”
“Yes, we do. And if you don’t swear allegiance to me, here and now, I go on alone.”
O’Brien looked at me. “Is he nuts?”
“78% probability,” said Guider.
I smiled my best cat smile. “May be. I wouldn’t test him.”
We could hear a jet engine in the distance.
O’Brien fell on his knees and nodded his head.
“I swear allegiance to Prince Toreus Rhann of Pangaea.”
“66% truth,” said the gem.
Toreus laughed and tapped the man on his armor-plated shoulder.
“Well enough, mercenary. Stand and lets get out of here.”
“Just one thing—if you don’t mind,” said O’Brien. He went to the body of Duv and removed an ID tag. “His folks will want to know what happened to him even if they can’t legally claim the body.”
Toreus nodded and the sound of jets battling overhead, despite Guider’s assurance that they were not headed for us, made the three of us rush for the nearest ditch.
“Do you have a plan or are we going to wander about this plate until the Ki’Vhans or the Wallaces or the Taylors kill us?”
O’Brien nodded. “There’s an airship waiting for us. We get to it, board it, and head for the wall. Once there we head though a jump port to the next nearest plate and join up with my people at a mercenary camp over there.”
A jet exploded overhead, its debris raining down all about us.
“A Wallace pilot will not be going home tonight,” said Guider.
“Let us go,” said Toreus jumping to his feet and pulling O’Brien to his.
We moved from cover to cover as we headed toward the rendezvous point with O’Brien’s mystery airship. Shelling and aircraft activity was increasing by the minute and we dared not expose ourselves to the open for too long a period at a stretch.
Eventually we ran into an enemy patrol. They were human’s—if you can apply that sobriquet to Wallaces. A patrol of infantry from the Wallace House Guard.
We quickly took cover behind what was left of the garden wall of a house that had been bombed to the foundation.
The soldiers moved along the road and we hunkered down.
When they were gone, we moved, staying behind the line of fences and walls of other bombed out house.
“There’ll be more,” said O’Brien. “If they’re sending foot patrols forward there has to be at least a platoon sized unit nearby.
“There are three companies nearby according to overhead feeds,” said Guider.
“Nearly a battalion,” said Toreus. “We may have to fight them.”
Both O’Brien and I looked at him as if he were insane.
“This isn’t any vid show, your majesty,” said the merc. “If we’re outnumbered and outgunned we go down and die. Or, worse, get taken prisoner. They’ll put a Trongoroth control tick on my neck and hold you to wave in front of your daddy. Gods only know what they’ll do to kitty cat here.”
Toreus nodded. “Unfortunately true.”
“Don’t worry though,” Colin O’Brien brightened. “We’re not far from the LZ where we’re supposed to meet the airship. Not more than two kilometers.”
“Then we should proceed,” said the Prince.
And we did, twice more hiding from Wallace squads moving along the road.
It was while we were in our last hide that a column of trucks showed up and stopped not more than ten meters from us. Men climbed down and fanned out. This did not look good.
“What do we do now?” I asked.
“Wait,” said O’Brien.
“When will your ship arrive at the LZ?” Toreus asked.
“It’s already up there waiting. Ship is stealth equipped. All we need to do is reach the point.”
“Two kilometers away.”
“Two kilometers into enemy territory.”
“Well, yes.”
“Then I say we need transport.”
“Dream on prince.”
Toreus smiled an evil smile. “No need to dream. One only has to reach out and grab.”
Toreus had, as I feared, had enough of waiting and sneaking around.
He rose to his feet and crept toward the nearest truck before O’Brien could attempt to stop him. By that time it was too late for debate or protestation without alerting the enemy and bringing death upon all three of us.
There were three soldiers and a driver near the vehicle. All apparently confident that a Wallace victory made them safe in this apparently rear area.
Toreus took out his knife and crept like the Ranger hunter that he had trained to be as a youth. Had I not feared for our safety I would have been proud.
I crept behind him, guarding his back against any enemy he might not have noticed. We had hunted deer with knife and claw this way in the Thuvian Highlands. Deer have much keener senses than humans who are nearly blind when it comes to a sense of smell.
Toreus jumped the closest soldier and slit his throat just above the collar of his armor. A second soldier swerved in his direction, rifle ready.
But I took that soldier’s head off with one swat of my claw.
The third was going to sound the alarm when O’Brien shot him and the driver in the chest.
“Well,” hooted O’Brien. “We have a truck.”
Bullets and shouts came from the direction of the other vehicles. The other Wallace Guards had noticed us.
“But not for long if we don’t hurry,’ said Toreus as he jumped into the cab of the truck.
O’Brien and I jumped into the bed, the mercenary firing at the other soldiers to keep their heads down.
We were quickly underway, bullets tearing through the canvas cover of the military truck, O’Brien howling like a madman as he returned fire and me—well I was laying as flat as I could, trying to avoid massive trauma.
Toreus kept the accelerator as flat to the floor as was possible. The enemy was in pursuit of us. But we were far ahead of the other trucks, their drivers, professional teamsters, having a greater respect for the road than my prince.
Then Ki’Vhan bikers on smart bikes—spikes as they are called—sped ahead of the trucks along the side of the road. The hovering bikes quickly gained on us.
Grunting, O’Brien discharged a laser from his over and under rifle. A Ki’Vhan biker blew up and his shrapnel killed his buddy. Two for the price of one.
“Directions please,” Toreus called over his shoulder to O’Brien.
“Keep going until you find a—“Bullets caused O’Brien to stop and laser two more spikers. “A road that leads up a flat hill. That’s where the LZ is.”
We had managed to outdistance our pursuers. Oh, they were still back there but far back and not right on our tails. But I knew that when we got to the LZ we would not have much time before they were on top of us. If the airship was not right there then we might not make it.
I was beginning to doubt more than ever that Toreus’ rash action in getting us transport was the correct one.
“Her is your turnoff,” said Guider. Though the Guider voice sounded human, it showed no nerves as it announced this fact.
Toreus fishtailed the truck onto the new road and gunned it up the hill. Enemy vehicles followed, small all terrain vehicles armed with cannon and machine guns. O’Brien took out the front tires of one with his laser, causing it to flip end over end. But one of the enemy cannons took out our rear tires on the left side. This slowed the truck considerably.
Toreus roared and continued to floor the accelerator.
“Enemy forces attempting to surround the hill,” said Guider.
“Parp,” growled Toreus.
We reached the top and Toreus fishtailed the trick around as if he were planning to rush down the hill and ram the enemy forces coming up. I prayed that he wasn’t. But this did not look good and I know that members of the Rhann family have one overwhelming trait in common—they do not like to lose.
“Out of juice and ammo,” yelled O’Brien.
Toreus thrust the cab door open and stepped down, pistol in one hand and knife in the other. His nano armor bloomed into one solid suit beneath his beaten up leather coat. The nano-tattoos on his face cut in and became his war mask.
Misgivings or no I stood beside him.
O’Brien stood at our backs, having discarded his rifle and drawn his laspistol.
The Ki’Vhan and Wallace soldiers coming up the hill seemed unimpressed. This looked like a last stand. Toreus might go down fighting but he would go down and yours truly with him.
A screaming Ki’Vhan raced toward us. Toreus shot him in the face and then took out a second and a third. Lasers pulsed from O’Brien’s pistol and killed more. I roared and bared my teeth and claws, no one being close enough for me to use them.
A shadow fell across us. Either cloud or the angel of death.
Then the air was split by the road of electric cannon and the buzz of lasers. The advancing enemies were moved down.
Troops on spider strings dropped all around us.
“Airship hovering overhead,” said Guider just a little too late, which made me wonder—was Guider as unemotional as it seemed or did it have a vid director’s flare for the dramatic?
The enemy were retreating down the hill as trails of exploding shells followed them.
“Our ride,” said O’Brien as he grasped a spider line.
Toreus grabbed one too and two of the mercenary troopers fastened one around my torso. We were soon drawn up into the bowels of the airship.
Soon the ship was rising up into the air. From a porthole, I could see the upwardly curving slop of the Arcadia plate. We were moving to spinward and away from the battle.
We were on our way out of Arcadia but I had a feeling that we had not seen our last of the Arcadian Civil War. I looked toward Toreus who gazed out that same porthole, a far away look in his eyes. The battle tattoos had fades and his armor retracted but his still stood as if ready for a fight.
This journey was just beginning. Our days of academia were now behind us.
The End
Prince Toreus Rhann Gazetter
Seven Empires of Pangea (P:---the principle political entities of the Western Pangeaworld at the time of Lord Thrull Khonn. , the Empires most probably included Thuvia Valusia, Grondar, Kamelia, Thule, Commoria, and the "Triple Federation".
Thuvia:---westernmost of the Seven Empires of the Pangean continent during the pre-Cataclysmic times, so called Land of Enchantment. It was apparently the wealthiest and most sophisticated of the continental nations of that era. Thuvia was also the most ancient of the human pre-Cataclysmic kingdoms. It was young when Atlantis and Mu were mere islands of primitives. The ancestors of the Thuvians came from the Far Eastern Land-sometime after the First Great Cataclysm, warred with a pre-human race of serpent-folk (the old ones)0f the Dragon Lands-Ghonwhanna Land of another near by world plate, and set up their empire in western Thuria. By Thrull Khonn 's time, the nation was degenerate, ripe for a barbarian usurper. Eventually, Thrull Khonn ,exile of Thuvia became its king. His capital city, also called Thuvia, was known as the City of Wonders. Mountains stood on the southern frontier of Thuvia, where a colony of Picts had been established to serve as a buffer "against foreign invasion".
Crystals City of Wonders:---also called "the Crystal City of Thuvia." The City of Wonders was the capital city of the kingdom of Thuvia.It also has another name and that is known as the Crystal Twine Cities of Karzandor and Zarandorr. The city has tall, jeweled spires and lush gardens. It is the location of the regal Tower of Splendor and the Emerald Throne. A thousand years before the Age of Lord Thrull Khonn, the city was once called Zardath-a city in the time of the ancients of the Pangean world,before the First Great Cataclysm,an atomic war,that destroyed much of this ancient land. It is now a ruined, subterranean city that lies below the City of Wonders. (Zardath-the Crystal City of Wonders,became the name of seberal other similar cities found around the Shattered Empires of Pangea,found upon the Dysonshere of Terra-Prime.
Thule:---a mysterious northern kingdom of the pre-Cataclysmic Age, having fabulous ice-caves,huge Icelandic tundras,great frozen plains and high ice mountains
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Jun 14 2008 by Joseph Thompson
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Jun 14 2008 by Joseph Thompson
KURT BUSIEK and CARY NORDIn 2003, Dark Horse Comics and Conan Properties International announced a new comic-book featuring the legendary adventures of Conan the Barbarian. The monthly ongoing series, which came out with its first issue in March 2004, includes all new stories based on the classic Robert E. Howard character and also incorporates adaptations of his original Conan tales.In the series, Kurt Busiek, one of the best-selling comics writers of all time, turnes his attention to one of the greatest heroes of all time. Teaming with Cary Nord, whose stunning art redefines sword and sorcery with every panel, Busiek presents Conan's story from day one, in the manner it was meant to be told. Now the legend of Conan is brought to vivid life for the modern audience. Decades ahead of its time, Howard's stories can finally get the graphic treatment they deserve.The first issue, "Conan #0: Conan the Legend" won the 2004 Eisner Award for Best Single Issue.The comic books are priced at $2.99. Read more at Darkhorse.com.
May 9 2008 by SUPERMAN
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