. The Adventures of Captain Toreus Starkiller
By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson.
Maveric Lion Productions.TM© 2008-1973
Captain Johnathan Christopher ‘’Toreus ‘’Starkiller is a fictional character in created mainly to usilize material,once used for three version of an original character once known as either Captain Toreus(Otherwise known as Captain Toreus.Warrior 2240 A.D-a Thuvian Warrior or Thuvian Ranger-a subterrainean sub shuttle travelling hero teamed up with Anthrodite –a she pirate of the Old Great Lakes –sort of Belit mixed Red Sonja and Dejah Thoris and Boggs-a giant warrior,with huge axe-short of like Gold Keys Mighty Samson,trying to find the lost bunker,where a massive computer,held mankinds lost technology and artifacts) ,Captain Toreus,otherwise known as Toreus The Slayer-a re-imagined version of that character more resembling Conan and his world,set in the distant future,after an atomic war and Captain Toreus Rhann-a Captain Han Solo like space hero,who carries the Sword of Startaarus.His companions were busty space pirate Captain Antilus Sojat and Commander Kathula Khann-a Capronean -a huge sabertooth lion humanoid,with a huge spiked tail,fighting against the evil armored sorcerer Baron Mordru Kulthan.
All were eventually scapped,to be used variuos other proposed creative projects-Captain Orion the Falcon-a Mad Max,hero ,set on Earth,after a nuclear War and Ikharus the Falcon-a revised similar character,who travelled around with winged tiger.The Toreus character settled to be incorporated into Prince Toreus Rhann-a Thuvian Prince and hero of an alternate Earth,were Panaea still existed-humans and other species existed along with prehistoric creatures-dinosaures and Stone Age animals,in a Hyborean Age like world,on a place called Terra-Prime.Several other characters were set on this world or others,Stark-a Mad Max,like hero,
Character traits
Captain Johnathan Christopher ‘’Toreus ‘’Starkiller proves to have a versatile range of skills, demonstrating advanced proficiency in firearms, knives, hand to hand combat, piloting, surfing, and even basketball. ’Toreus ‘’Starkiller combat prowess is so respected that he is recruited by the Thuvian. government to accomplish tasks that are seemingly impossible.
A rebel to the core, ’Toreus ‘’Starkiller outwardly dismisses authority of all kinds and has no qualms about breaking laws. He rarely speaks but is often acidic and sarcastic when he does.Toreus Starkilkler,often is not willing to even believe everything his Guider Gem headband tells him nor the Holo God,Lord Thrull Khonn tells him,although usually relunctantly listens to distant past ancestors advice-especially if that advice appears to helpful to whatever situation,he findhimself in.
’Toreus ‘’Starkiller is crafty and devious, which aids his survival under constant danger. Although a loner, he attracts a number of colorful personalities during his adventures, many of whom attempt to escape their captivity with him. Despite a willingness to kill, he does not do it for enjoyment, killing only those that threaten him directly. He demonstrates a capacity for moral thinking,when forced into a situiation where,he has other choice.
The Starkillers—principally Captain Toreus Starkiller-- beat back the Trongoroth invasion and restored Pangaea as the Jewel of the Sphere of Terra Prime. The Starkiller Family line or House extends back into the Family of Lord Thrull Khonn and younger brother Toreus Khonn. Sometime, after the time, where the Great Trongaroth invaded the Pangaean Lands, also known as the Shattered Empires of Terra-Prime. an outsider a half Thuvian/half Corvaillian Pathfinder known Captain Ikharus Starkiller, also known as Ikharus the Falcon-because experience as a pilot of a starship. Crash-landed upon the Pangaean Shattered Empire of Terra-Prime. He married into the Thuvian House Clan of Khonn-a line that extended back into the line of Lord Thrull Khonn. Princess Aphrodite Khonn was a direct descendant of Thrull Khonn and as such, Captain Ikharus Rhann’s children could claim to directly descended from the House of Thrull Khonn.
Captain Ikharus Starkiller’s first son, Captain Orion Starkiller, took his fathers fight against the Trongaroth Invaders, as his younger sister Andromeda Starkiller. Captain Orion Starkiller, married into the House of MacRhann-by way of Lady Antaira MacRhann -a line that will lead to the House of Rhann-shortened from ‘’Mac’’Rhann, in ages on. Captain Ikharus Starkiller became a Thuvian Ranger/Tunnel Stalkers class and began to explore the many subterranean shuttle tunnels, while assisting the rebel underground movement, fighting the Trongaroth Invaders, attempting subjugate the Thuvian Realm.
Eventually, Captain Ikharus Starkiller’s line grew into a great Thuvian House. General Ikharus Starkiller’s first son-Odysseus Ikharus Starkiller became one of the Darkwater Clan, by way of Antillus Darkwater. They had a son Ulyseas Starkiller.
Colonel Ulyseas Starkiller had a son-who became Captain Johnathan Christopher ‘’Toreus ‘’Starkiller. Ulyseas Starkiller, a Thuvian Ranger/Tunnel Stalkers class, attempts to fight off the Trongaroth, but events forces to controlled by the Trongaroth Overlords and betrays his people-the Thuvians. Eventually, Captain Toreus Starkiller takes up his fathers cause and becomes a Thuvian Ranger/Tunnel Stalkers Corps. He eventually, with the help of similar heroes. Johnathan Redhawk, Odyseas Greystone, the First, defeat the Trongaroth Masters, who invaded the Shattered Empires of Terra-Prime.
Re: Maveric Entertainment Group
Nov 12, 2007
Maveric Comics, Inc, Studios, Maveric Comics Group/e's Interests General The Taylor Brothers Saga The Christmas Planet. The Time Traveling Adventures of Wyatt Earp. Tales of Terra-Prime. Featuring Prince Toreus Rhann Saga. Prince Eric Khorum Rhann Saga The Adventures of Shawn MacKalaster. The Adventures of Carson Jones and Indiana Smith. The Adventures of John Jason Gardiner and Commander Ulyseas Jones. The Adventures of Captain Toreus Starkiller. The Adventures of Isiyah Paxton. The Adventures of Johnathan Redhawk. The Adventures of Ulyseas Starkiller, The Adventures of Thrull Khonn, The Adventures of Jason Gullivar. The Adventures of Jason Gullivar and Ulyseas Greystone. The Adventures of Ulyseas Greystone. The Adventures of David Greystone. Maveric Comics Sarkhon/Toreus Properties,Inc. Maveric Lions Productions-Maveric Comics- Maveric Lions Comic Group- Maveric Film- Maveric Lions Film- Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group-Maveric Lions Toys-Maveric Lions Games- Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group-Maveric Lions Games-Maveric Lions Webzines Group- Maveric Lions Cartoons-,Maveric Productions Ltd,Maveric Studios Inc,Maveric Entertainment, Inc Maveric Lions Entertainment Group-All right reserved. Owner: Maveric lions, Trademark: Maveric lions" Films Prince Eric Khorum Rhann-Atlantis Maveric Comics, Inc,Studios, Maveric Comics Group/e's Interests General The Taylor Brothers Saga The Christmas Planet. The Time Traveling Adventures of Wyatt Earp. Tales of Terra-Prime. Featuring Prince Toreus Rhann Saga. Prince Eric Khorum Rhann Saga The Adventures of Shawn MacKalaster. The Adventures of Carson Jones and Indiana Smith. The Adventures of John Jason Gardiner and Commander Ulyseas Jones. The Adventures of Captain Toreus Starkiller. The Adventures of Isiyah Paxton. The Adventures of Johnathan Redhawk. The Adventures of Ulyseas Starkiller, The Adventures of Thrull Khonn, The Adventures of Jason Gullivar. The Adventures of Jason Gullivar and Ulyseas Greystone. The Adventures of Ulyseas Greystone. The Adventures of David Greystone. Maveric Comics Sarkhon/Toreus Properties,Inc. Maveric Lions Productions-Maveric Comics- Maveric Lions Comic Group- Maveric Film- Maveric Lions Film- Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group-Maveric Lions Toys-Maveric Lions Games- Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group-Maveric Lions Games-Maveric Lions Webzines Group- Maveric Lions Cartoons-,Maveric Productions Ltd,Maveric Studios Inc,Maveric Entertainment, Inc Maveric Lions Entertainment Group-All right reserved. Owner: Maveric lions, Trademark: Maveric lions" Films Prince Eric Khorum Rhann-Atlantis
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Monday, April 14, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Tunnel Stalkers -Thuvian Ranger Data Files

MAVERIC COMICS DATA FILE.NEW GENISIS BUNKER.Tunnel Stalkers -Thuvian Ranger Data Files-194-7319.a,59
Tunnel Stalkers by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson.
The Sub Terrainean Transit System of Terra-Prime. Part one.
New Genisis Bunker file.xx1974.Tunnel Stalkers
Tunnel Stalkers or Tunnel stalker-A term or slang term used to describe anyone, who pilots a subterranean Transport Tunnel, through the infinite transit system of the dysonsphere known as Terra Prime. Subterranean mag lev type train, capable of high speed transportation across the globe or around the inner surface or underground-neitherworld of a dysonsphere or planet. These sub shuttle can be piloted anywhere within in the known or unknown worlds of Terra-Prime. The Trongaroth Invaders, who invaded much of the Great Pangaean Land, where the many Shattered Empires of Pangea lie, have rerouted many of these tunnel systems. The Thuvian Rangers have erected certain members to travel these sub shuttle tunnels to explore them and map location. Many of them lead to sub shuttle transit stations-where passengers can enter or exit the shuttle trains. Here at certain points, Special Cargo or Troop sub shuttles can load or unload cargo at these transit stations.
Many of these Sub Shuttle Stations stop with the sub terrain sanctuary complexes known as New Genisis Bunkers. These part underground museum ,part shelter, part time capsule storage areas are created by the Atlantean and used by many races, to protect and provide a sanctuary for a time during any worlds possible natural or artificial catastrophe. Used as a kind of Red Cross Disaster Relief station, generally built underground and located by various types of as New Genisis Bunkers Markers or Monolith-sometime found under a as New Genisis Bunkers Mountain structure, they are humanities way of beginning again-hence a kind of New Genisis or Origin for the local habitation and environment.
One of the most notable family or House Clans to use this sub shuttle system was the Starkiller Family...
The Terra-Prime’s Sub Terrainean Transit System Authority- STSA- an elaborate Subshuttle transit system was constructed by the citizens of Terra-Prime way back in it’s early day, when the Sidairians first built this world. It was a way the inhabitants of the Sphere could travel around the inner world or neitherworld, without having to use other methodes, such as star ships, planes, boats and so forth. These Subshuttles were a rapid transport system that utilized most likely magnetic levitation transports. They operated inside vactrain tunnels that ran at hundreds of miles per hour and provided a crisscrossing network of tunnelway-some with Atlantean Stargate like Jump Points connected other similar tunnelways to other parts of the Sphere... The tunnels were comprehensive enough to cover the entire globe of Terra Prime and were maintained by the robotic Sentry Repair droids of the Sub Terrainean Transit System Authority-a system most self automated by robots, but also managed by robot workers. Not only is it super-fast, but it means it wouldn't take as much energy as other kinds of transport.
After the First Great Cataclysm, the Legendary Thrull Khonn, who founded the Thuvian Rangers-who maintain peace among the Thuvian Lands of the Pangean Shattered Empire, also had the Rangers pilot these Sub Shuttles –explore those Sub Terrainean Transit Tunnel System for any Underdweller activity-those poor wretches, who inhabit the access tunnel maintaince stations and underground complex areas, once used to provide shopping malls and entertainment malls, for passengers of the transit system. These Underdwellers had become an underground kind of piracy, who traveled about in Sub Shuttles to raid other near by cities and if possible the local New Genisis Bunkers. These Thuvian Rangers-often called Tunnel Stalkers by the Underdwellers, would also explore and map new sub tunnel ways as they patrolled the transit system.
The Underdwellers, who still live within the tunnels, have over decades sprayed all sort of ruin like graffiti symbols all over certain parts of the tunnel system, as either a guide to their own Underdweller Pirate Guild to read or a warning system for other Underdweller Tunnel Pirate Clans to read and stay away from their territory. These Underdwellers, like many pirates have own Code of Conduction, Condition of Piracy and so for the. Many Underdweller Pirates are made up anyone, whom fled to the Underground or neitherworld of Terra Prime. Some clans can be made up of Terran Species, such as standard Terrans, Kalladon Terrans, Corvaillians, Norvaillians or Corsaillians. Some are even made up of Ky’Vhan deserters, Astran or Tauron refugees.
During the Great Trongaroth Invasion, the Starkillers-from Ulyseas Starkiller to his son Captain Toreus Starkiller use the Sub Shuttle transit system, as a means to travel around the Dysonshere, without the knowledge of the Trangaroth, who cannot detect them, because the Guider Gem headband technology masks the alien bugs telepathic probing. To counter with the Trongaroth Masters often hijack the robotic Sentry Repair droids and use special nano probes, based on Trongaroth Technology to invade the tunnel droids Central AI or Artificial Intelligence Control Cortex. This reprograms the Sentry into a slave of the Trongaroth Hegemony and act as its slave worker. Now the Sentry becomes an unwilling spy and soldier of the Trongaroth Empire-hunting enemy targets, capturing more human and non human slave for the Empire. The Sentry will often either lie in hiding, pretending to be making repairs to one of the tunnels many maintaince systems and use its onboard sensor probes to locate any possible enemy traffic moving through the Sub Terrainean Transit System. The Trongaroth Sentry will attempt to either crush the sub shuttle train moving through the tunnel, with it’s deadly worker tentacles or attempt invade the shuttle craft, by various means-ripping apart it’s outer hull, injecting it with some sort of corroding agent to dissolve the crafts outer Delkhonium Atlantium steel hull and use nano probes to invade the shuttles systems or attempt to reach the shuttles pilot and capture him or her, with it’s tentacle claws.
Sub Shutle-SST 7319.A
a Sub Shuttle Transport,is a standard,single transport vehicle,with two compartments in front,the pilots cockit area and sub shuttle tunnel navigation station area to both sides,which contains mission operations,navigation and helm consoles.Four Accelloration,swivling coaches-complete with gravity harness-that negates gravity forces against the passengers,as the shuttle moves forward,one for pilot and co=pilot,in front and two behind-one for the Navigator Officer on one side and opposite one for the Mission Ops Helm Officer.Behind this is the Cargo Hold,which subs as a briefing Ready Room,dinning area/Galley,Prisoners Brig and Cargo area.Behind this is The Troop Carrier or Secondary Cargo Hold,which can used as the Crews quarters,since the Accelloration Coaches,can be converted into temporary sleeping beds,for the crew to use.Behind this is the Engine Room,where the Auxilliary Engine is located,to power and move the shuttle in an emergecy,when mango rail system is damaged or destroyed and cannot provide power to the shuttle train. Sub Shuttle.
Harness restraint system or Accelloration Coach Gravity Harness System
An improved harness restraint system for a vehicle seat occupant which includes a unique single-point release device having laterally spaced connectors for attachment of shoulder harness straps. The system also includes an improved harness belt system employing a cross-chest belt configuration as well as a gross adjustment feature for pre-adjusting the harness assembly straps to substantially approximate the occupant. The new system also provides diverging lower restraint belts which encircle each leg of the occupant for anti-gravity and crash restraint. The single-point release device also includes an automatic release mechanism which is activated in a water or vacuum environment.The Gravity Harness,also uses sellected anti accelloration force field technology-using repulsor fields,structural integrity fields and such.Like the Atlanteans,Thuvian Rangers Tunnel Stalkers believe in many backup systems,to protect the user ,in case an emergecy and sort of back power failure.Thuvian Rangers also wear Antigravity Jackets,incorporated into their pilot and combat gear,to assist the gravity harness,during movement and sudden accelloration.
Several pistols, a few rifles, and other assorted weaponry hidden behind a wall-panel behind the map at one end of the railway car. Various transport Cargo and Troop Carrier cars can be added if needed,by train embillical cords and passenger corridor access points,fitted to each train front and back-or bow and aft sections.
Anti-Gravity Systems Gravity on board a vessel is maintained at 1.0 G (Terran Normal) by the AG systems. The AG systems are tunable, so that internal gravity may be varied from 0 to 4 G's. The Anti-Gravity system also contains artificial-intelligence (AI) software, so that all accelerations up to a 1000 G's are automatically compensated for (accelerations of this order of magnitude may occur when going from sub-pulse to pulse speeds). Nanobot Maintenance Systems Sub Shuttle Trains maintain a suite of nanobots for repairing hardware. These nanobots are sub-microscopic robots with molecular level encoding for specific tasks. At the completion of any task, the nanobots revert to silican dust (inert). The nanobots are generated by using the nanobot generator or Nanobot banks), located in the Engineering workspaces. Navigational Sub-Systems Navigational sub-systems consist of locator dishes located on the exterior of the vessel, the Nav control station on the bridge, and all opti-conducting systems between them. The maintenance of the navigational holographic image projection systems (HIP's), and all intelligent signal processing software, is also the responsibility of Engineering. Sensor Sub-Systems Sensor, or scanner, sub-systems consist of two types: (a) active, and (b) passive. Active systems can be detected by the target; passive systems are non-intrusive, cannot be detected by the target, and rely on emissions or disturbances caused by the target. Note that cloaking of the target (generally) negates passive sensors. Due to their highly classified nature, sensor systems are not discussed further in this document. (see Systems Ratings) Communications Sub-Systems Communications uses photon or tachyon pulses, which contain highly compressed and (in official use) encrypted text. The compression and encryption techniques are based on chaotic theory. Engineering is responsible for maintaining the comm systems in optimum condition (transmitters, receivers, HIP's, and all associated connections). Weapons Delivery Systems The weapons delivery systems on each vessel are all automatic. However, regular functionality checks are carried out by Engineering. Also, Missile and Pulse Cannon tracking systems (software and hardware) are maintained by the Shuttle Engineer. Life-Support Systems There are ten oxygen conversion systems located throughout the sub shuttle-because the outside sub shuutle transit system is a complete vacuum and emergency catwalk,is only flooded with oxygen at standard station platforms and emergency situations.The Sub Shuttles need to provided with a complete habitable environment inside and not rely on any external environment to provide a breathable atmosphere outside. Only five are needed to replenish the oxygen for a full complement of personnel; the others are backup. These systems all have independent power sources (superconducting cells) - in cases of dire emergency, power from these cells may be diverted to the vessel's defensive grid. Back-Up Power Systems Back-up power systems (used in the event of a pulse core failure or power down) consist of two inverter-generators with superconducting storage cells. These use natural resources (e.g., waste) to produce small amounts of power; this power is stored in the cells, and can be used to generate 20 minutes of maneuvering power. In dire emergencies, power from the back-up systems can be diverted to the vessel's defense grid. External/Internal Cohesion Fields Systems To counteract the forces encountered while engaging the propulsion systems, each vessel is equipped with both an External and Internal Cohesion Field. These fields, created by specific field generators, use internal power to divert gravimetric forces exerted without and within the shuttle train that would normally tear the ship apart, and compensate for inertial effects within the shuttle, to maintain a sense of normal gravity. When functioning ideally, no forces would be noticeable while engaging the entire range of the drive systems.
Tunnel Stalkers sub-shuttle could get you near your destination sometime, since not all cities and towns have a Sub Shuttle Transport Station. Thus at those times, a Thuvian Ranger, such as Captain Toreus Starkiller must rely on the two Spikes-semi sentient speeder bikes, that are kind of like motor cycle horses to your destinations, thus giving you some travel time. These are intelligent, in the way, that can respond to its users verbal and mental commands if he or she, wears a telepathic guider gem, to transmit mental commands to the Spike cycle. Spikes can also equipped with sorts of weapons, from smoke canisters to mini rocket missile or grenade launchers. The Spike has Left and right forward firing rocket launchers with ATA heat seeking missiles. Dual smoke screen dispensers. Rear firing dual flame throwers with an 80 yard range and two side Oil slick dispenser’s .Spikes also have a mini sensor array to located possible targets and scout the upcoming terrain. So if you encounter any hostiles, like a Trangaroth Spider Walker or Metrone Spider Patroller, the Thuvian Ranger, such as Toreus Starkiller can handle him quite well with trusty Spike Comanche 5000, as his companion.
Thuvian Rangers, often carry a variety of paraphernalia and weapons, on their multi exploration and tunnel patrol missions. Thuvian Rangers wear a kind of light combat fatigues that also acts as limited battle armor. Over this is the Combat Weapons twine bandoleer, which holds their ammo cartages and other field items. At the center of this is a small, limited deflector field circular shield, that emits a small, personal force field around the wearers chest area, to deflect bullets and other propelled projectiles. Short swords and long knives can pastorate this field in close personal hand to hand combat. Over this is a Thuvian Combat Utility vest that acts as Addisional combat armor and means to carry other items, with the garments pockets. The back is heavy armored with force field deflector generators and trauma plates. Standard military pants are worn below, with heavy military style combat boots. Bayonets, is worn upon one shin area of the boot and a Stun baton is worn, within a scabbard upon the other. A second larger Stun Combat baton is worn over the upper thigh, usually opposite the Thuvian Navy Colt model number 355a.
The Stun Combat baton, is a long hand weapon, resembling a standard samurai sword handle, with a long silver, rotating metal rod, about 11 inches, that can ejected from the handle. by a control stud on the side and drawn by a quick jerk of the users wrist. It can withdraw the same way. The stun rod shaped device approx. 20.32 cm in length (excluding handle) which stimulates the pain or pleasure centers of the recipient's brain through the use of sonics. No physical damage is caused by the Stun rod’s effect. The Stun Combat baton circuitry includes multiple transformers batteries located within the control handle, components that boost the voltage in the circuit, typically to between 20,000 and 150,000 volts, and reduce the amperage. It also includes an oscillator, a component that fluctuates current to produce a specific pulse pattern of electricity. The Stun baton was developed in the final days of the Great First Cataclysm to control enemy of war troops and enemy criminals among civilian populations. It was based on similar type devices used by the Elder Races, such as the Atlanteans, in their ancient times for similar uses. The Stun Combat baton is regarded as a symbol of honor, and confers dignity. among the Thuvian Rangers if used properly and correctly. The weapon is worn within a leather scabbard, like a knife or small sword. It has been known effect against enemy opponents during close combat to subdue them being taken prisoner for questioning. Thuvian MP’s or Thuvian Military Police used them against drunken or violent soldiers, to subdue them for transport to jail. The Stun Combat baton has also been known to shock the tentacles of enemy Trongaroth Sentry robots, attacking a Thuvian Ranger Sub Shuttle. The larger Stun Baton has Internal mechanisms allow the cable to be neatly wound and unwound, while a powerful spring launches the grapnel. The handle can be straightened for use when throwing. The club can also be split into two parts, one of which is a fighting baton, the other of which ends in a curved hook. This Grappling hook can be used to catapult a long bucky cable that can used wrap around objects, for capture or used to swing the user high above over someone’s head or swing about like a human spider. The Thuvian Rangers learn extreme accuracy when throwing his club, and can hit multiple enemies with ricochets. This club can set also to stun someone or something, while thrown.
This club can set also to stun someone or something, while thrown.
The Sub Shuttle can be piloted by remote control to a specific location, as long as it travels toward its preprogrammed route. The shuttle will, even if need be follow it’s master, the Thuvian Ranger/Tunnel Stalker around, until he or she can reach it at a specific Sub Terrainean Transit System station-as long as it avoids all other Cargo ,passenger or troop shuttles.
Using advanced technologies, the sub shuttles can reach speeds of 300 to 5,000 mph (500 to 8,000 km/h) are envisioned. The sub shuttle transit system entail building maglev lines through evacuated (air-less) tunnels... The lack of air resistance could permit Vactrains to move at extremely high speeds, up to 6000-8000 km/h (4000-5000 mph or Mach 5-6), provided nothing interferes with the shuttle trains progress. such as a breach in the tunnel, under an ocean, allowing water or a cave in by the tunnel way walls. In an event, the sub shuttle tunnel, encounters a cave in or beach of the outside environment, the shuttles anti collision sensors will detect the oncoming trouble area and begin to slow the train by the shuttles AI auto pilot. Deflector Shields will also automatically snack on, from the Sub Shuttles Deflector Shield Emitters. This clear out any debris found up ahead, as the shuttle moves forward at half speed. In an event, the sub shuttle cannot stop, the pilot can take over control of the shuttle and order ramming speed or maximum speed, to crash through the debris area-provided their weckage area, is not too heavy to plough through.
Generally, the Sub Terrainean Transit System twine tunnels-one going one direction and another going in the opposite direction to provide enough traffic to and from a specific sub shuttle transit route. In an emergency, an auxiliary sub shuttle tunnel is found to transfer a sub shuttle train, in the event, there is some sort of malfunction with the Sub Shuttle Transit Traffic Control and two oncoming trains occupy the same maglev track. The sub shuttle is reroute to the third maglev rail way, so it can avoid any possible collision upward within the tunnel way.
The tunnel uses massive vacuum pumps, to remove air, so the sub shuttle can travel at 5,000 mph per hour and avoid any basic air resistance. Huge Utility conduits, many filled air, for small human repair works to survey personally, the 3,100 power cables, that power the tunnel maglev rails. These lead to larger work stations, to help inspect the tunnels watertight and vacuum-tight gasket outer skin. Constructed with Delkhonium stainless steel, with layers of super buoyant foam, often need inspection by humanoid androids or humans, especially ,since the tunnels can damaged by Trongaroth Sentry activity. Large, long transpisteel windows can be found along, underwater tunnel ways, so passengers can view the ocean depths and undersea lifeforms found there. These tunnels, anchored by huge tethers, more 100,000 of these to hold the undersea tunnels in place. The tunnels float about 150 feet below the ocean surface to avoid undersea traffic ,such as with Aqualonean Submarine traffic, in Hydropangea and are pressurized to help maintain standard equilibrium between outside and inside environments, plus swaying while under the sea. Certain areas of the Sub Terrainean Transit System also contain emergency shelter areas, which can be used by passengers trapped within the tunnel by a tunnel collapse at either or both ends. These like the abandoned Sub Terrainean Transit System concourse and underground shopping malls, are used by Underdweller inhabitants. Some of these areas contains Emergency Shelter areas, that can provide Time Vault-area, created by the Atlantean, as place equipment, artifacts, storage material are preserved. These Vaults contain food and clothe Replicators, that provide food, drink and other items like clothing, to used by anyone, who can gain access to this area. Sometimes the Tunnel Stalkers will use area as an emergency place for clothe, food and shelter, incase of a Sub Shuttle is trapped within the tunnel or damaged. These area also provide Thuvian Ranger field rations or Meals Ready to Eat ( M.R.E’s)-a is a self-contained, individual field ration in lightweight packaging procured by many military organization. Each meal provides approximately 1,200 Calories (1,200 kcal or 5,000 kJ). General contents include: a main course high in starch; crackers; a cheese, peanut butter, or jelly spread; a dessert or snack; powdered beverage mix; an accessory packet; a plastic spoon; a beverage bag; and a flameless ration heater (FRH),when replication food is not available.
This club can set also to stun someone or something, while thrown.
The Sub Shuttle can be piloted by remote control to a specific location, as long as it travels toward its preprogrammed route. The shuttle will, even if need be follow it’s master, the Thuvian Ranger/Tunnel Stalker around, until he or she can reach it at a specific Sub Terrainean Transit System station-as long as it avoids all other Cargo ,passenger or troop shuttles.
Using advanced technologies, the sub shuttles can reach speeds of 300 to 5,000 mph (500 to 8,000 km/h) are envisioned. The sub shuttle transit system entail building maglev lines through evacuated (air-less) tunnels... The lack of air resistance could permit Vactrains to move at extremely high speeds, up to 6000-8000 km/h (4000-5000 mph or Mach 5-6), provided nothing interferes with the shuttle trains progress. such as a breach in the tunnel, under an ocean, allowing water or a cave in by the tunnel way walls. In an event, the sub shuttle tunnel, encounters a cave in or beach of the outside environment, the shuttles anti collision sensors will detect the oncoming trouble area and begin to slow the train by the shuttles AI auto pilot. Deflector Shields will also automatically snack on, from the Sub Shuttles Deflector Shield Emitters. This clear out any debris found up ahead, as the shuttle moves forward at half speed. In an event, the sub shuttle cannot stop, the pilot can take over control of the shuttle and order ramming speed or maximum speed, to crash through the debris area-provided their weckage area, is not too heavy to plough through.
Generally, the Sub Terrainean Transit System twine tunnels-one going one direction and another going in the opposite direction to provide enough traffic to and from a specific sub shuttle transit route. In an emergency, an auxiliary tunnel is found to transfer a sub shuttle train, in the event, there is some sort of malfunction with the Sub Shuttle Transit Traffic Control and two oncoming trains occupy the same maglev track. The sub shuttle is reroute to the third maglev rail way, so it can avoid any possible collision upward within the tunnel way.
The tunnel uses massive vacuum pumps, to remove air, so the sub shuttle can travel at 5,000 mph per hour and avoid any basic air resistance. Huge Utility conduits, many filled air, for small human repair works to survey personally, the 3,100 power cables, that power the tunnel maglev rails. These lead to larger work stations, to help inspect the tunnels watertight and vacuum-tight gasket outer skin. Constructed with Delkhonium stainless steel, with layers of super buoyant foam, often need inspection by humanoid androids or humans, especially ,since the tunnels can damaged by Trongaroth Sentry activity. Large, long transpisteel windows can be found along, underwater tunnel ways, so passengers can view the ocean depths and undersea lifeforms found there. These tunnels, anchored by huge tethers, more 100,000 of these to hold the undersea tunnels in place. The tunnels float about 150 feet below the ocean surface to avoid undersea traffic ,such as with Aqualonean Submarine traffic, in Hydropangea and are pressurized to help maintain standard equilibrium between outside and inside environments, plus swaying while under the sea. Certain areas of the Sub Terrainean Transit System, also contain emergency shelter areas, which can be used by passengers trapped within the tunnel by a tunnel collapse at either or both ends. These like the abandoned Sub Terrainean Transit System concourse and underground shopping malls, are used by Underdweller inhabitants. Some of these areas contain Emergency Shelter areas that can provide Time Vault-area, created by the Atlantean, as place equipment, artifacts, and storage material are preserved. These Vaults contain food and clothe Replicators that provide food, drink and other items like clothing, to use by anyone, who can gain access to this area. Sometimes the Tunnel Stalkers will use area as an emergency place for clothe, food and shelter, incase of a Sub Shuttle is trapped within the tunnel or damaged. These area also provide Thuvian Ranger field rations or Meals Ready to Eat (M.R.E’s) - is a self-contained, individual field ration in lightweight packaging procured by many military organization. Each meal provides approximately 1,200 Calories (1,200 kcal or 5,000 kJ). General contents include: a main course high in starch; crackers; a cheese, peanut butter, or jelly spread; a dessert or snack; powdered beverage mix; an accessory packet; a plastic spoon; a beverage bag; and a flameless ration heater (FRH),when replication food is not available.
Transoceanic Maglevs
More to come
Tunnel Stalkers by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson (2)
Tunnel Stalker concept was inspired by the sub shuttle transit system, used in the Gene Roddenberry TV pilot Genisis II.I cannot remember the exact date, but Captain Toreus-aka Toreus Warrior 2240-aka later Toreus The Slayer must have created sometime around 1974. sometime after Genesis II aired on 23-Mar-1973).I remember this because I was graduating from Grade School in 1974.I was introduced to the Marvel Comics version of Conan by then and just discovered his sister book Kull-another previous creation of Robert E.Howard. Kull the Destroyer # 11 (Nov 1973) was the first issue I saw -so must have after that. I was also reading Kamandi ,which the first issue I read was No. 9 September 1973-which was first I saw about Kamandi ,Ben Boxer, Steve and Renzi visiting Tracking Site., so it way after that. I’m sure by the time, I created Toreus had Kamandi No. 11 November 1973.the Devil, featuring the Kliklik giant grasshopper. It maybe as at Kamandi No. 15 March 1974, the the "Plumbers' Squad" (apes; first and only appearance; some die in this story; chronologically earlier appearance of Watergate apes in flashback in issue #43), since while drawing and writing issue of the first story set in Washington, DC, Toreus fought a bunch of mutant zombies, at the Capitol and simply redrew the same building used this Kamandi issue.
A conference table with a computer terminal for the display of information was placed in the center of a room around which were several chairs.
Transoceanic Maglevs
More to come
Tunnel Stalkers –Secret Origins by Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson (2)
Tunnel Stalker concept was inspired by the sub shuttle transit system, used in the Gene Roddenberry TV pilot Genisis II.I cannot remember the exact date, but Captain Toreus-aka Toreus Warrior 2240-aka later Toreus The Slayer must have created sometime around 1974. sometime after Genesis II aired on 23-Mar-1973).I remember this because I was graduating from Grade School in 1974.I was introduced to the Marvel Comics version of Conan by then and just discovered his sister book Kull-another previous creation of Robert E.Howard. Kull the Destroyer # 11 (Nov 1973) was the first issue I saw -so must have after that. I was also reading Kamandi ,which the first issue I read was No. 9 September 1973-which was first I saw about Kamandi ,Ben Boxer, Steve and Renzi visiting Tracking Site., so it way after that. I’m sure by the time, I created Toreus, I had Kamandi No. 11 November 1973.the Devil, featuring the Kliklik giant grasshopper. It maybe as at Kamandi No. 15 March 1974, the the "Plumbers' Squad" (apes; first and only appearance; some die in this story; chronologically earlier appearance of Watergate apes in flashback in issue #43), since while drawing and writing issue of the first story set in Washington, DC, Toreus fought a bunch of mutant zombies, at the Capitol and simply redrew the same building used this Kamandi issue.
I was, at the time, a big fan of the Marvel Comics Conan series. I read the standard tabloid format Conan The Barbarian comic, Savage Tales featuring Conan The Barbarian, then later on The Savage Sword of Conan The Barbarian, Kull The Conqueror-later on known as Kull The Destroyer, Marvel Preview featuring Red Sonja-She Devil with a Sword-a truly stupid add on to the character title,-because of their comic Shanna-the She Devil and Conan The Conqueror. I even read the competitions crap rip offs, like Claw The Unconquered, The Warlord, featuring Colonel Travis Moron-I mean Colonel Travis Morgan, Ironwulf-a title given a chance not by creator Howie Chaykin ,might have worked-after all, it had all the elements of Conan mixed Star Wars, but bombed because Howard Chaykin. like always is clueless to what makes a good character and story, Ironjaw-what they were thinking about him, at Atlas Comics, I don’t know, Wulf The Barbarian-a great potential comic never given the chance. Being a big Conan fan, I wanted to get beyond my Doc Savage/Nick Fury type hero Doc Thompson and do something along the lines of Conan, but not set in some distant past age undreamed of, but in age yet to be, where humanity set into ruin and the hero needed like Fors of Daybreak 2250 A.D., needed to rediscover mankind’s lost past. Myself and my brother Carl, hooked the Toreus character, based on the drawings and name I already created. Toreus-was a name created by drawing up a list of fantasy, mythological, adventure heroes-anyone from Conan ,Kull, Tarzan, Korak, Jason, Perseus, Theseus ,Zeus, Hercules ,Tor and such-combining various parts of those names until I got Toreus-the Tor part from the Joe Kubert Stone Age hero and ‘’eus’’ from guys like Perseus and Theseus. Incidently, Toreus is pronounced ‘’Tor-ee-us.’’, not’’ Tor-roose ‘’ or ‘’Tor-eese ‘’ or anything like that. Patrick Stewart better forget his stage training in pronouncing my heroes name. The Guider Gem-something resembling Adam Warlock’s Soul Gem in appearance and acting like Deathlok’s Computer-a data information source, that our hero could disagree and argue with was next. My brother came up with this, because I didn’t have a clue to what Toreus’s green gem did, but did not want it to be a hippie deus ex machina cosmic power device or a soul sucking vampire. Neither would have worked for this character, where as the Deathlok puter thing would. We added in the Genesis II sub shuttle, since a horse was too much expected with a fantasy barbarian hero. Besides a sub shuttle might give Toreus, something James West’s train in the Wild Wild West-a mobile base of operations.
Genesis II
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For the space station prototype, see Genesis II (module).
The Subshuttles were underground transit systems used by PAX to get around the Globe. They were constructed when "Air Travel" became too vulnerable prior to "The Great Conflict" .
Genesis II was a 1973 TV movie created and produced by Gene Roddenberry and starring Alex Cord and Mariette Hartley. It opens with the suitably melodramatic line, "My name is Dylan Hunt. My story begins on the day on which I died." It is the story of a 20th century man thrown forward in time, to a post-apocalyptic future, by an accident in suspended animation.
Here is a small screenshot of the set from Genesis II. Pictured is the transcontinental train or sub shuttle that runs the length of the entire planet. It was supposed to be Dylan Hunt's means of getting around and checking things out. It was a very neat idea,nobody else has ever tried to use in a series,which ashame since was one of the better ideas used by the creator of Star Trek.Too bad CBS didn’t this,since was way better than the stupid Planet of the Apes tv show.But Apes were the Star Wars franchise of the early 1970’s and tv went with that-as if they could have intelligent Apes within the post nuclear world of Genesis ii.There were two pilots based this concept that followed Planet Earth and Strange New World.One was produced by Gene Roddenberry and other only based his script,produced by other people.
Resolved Question
Star Trek's creator Gene Roddenberry had a pilot called "GENESIS II." What happenrd to it?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Genesis II was the first of three attempts by Roddenberry to create a new science fiction television series following his then-partial
success with Star Trek. Genesis II aired on CBS on March 23, 1973; although Roddenberry had scripts lined up for a 20-episode
first season, CBS declined to pick it up, opting instead for the Planet of the Apes series.The Planet of the Apes series did not last and was tuyrned into addisuional movies,by conbining two episodes for syndicated movies air dates. Product Description
Genesis II & Planet Earth Pilot Telefilms DVD
Dylan Hunt, a scientist, puts himself into suspended animation in a NASA cavern in 1979 to establish if he could be brought back to life in a couple of days to research into extending the process to astronauts. However the cavern collapses during an earthquake and Dylan doesn't recover until the year 2133. During the 154 years he had slept, war has broken out and the world's scientists rebelled against the war-loving military and developed a society known as the Pax, whose goal is to keep the spirit of mankind alive. However there are also the mutant Tyranians who plan to be Nazi-like rulers of the slowly recovering world. Dylan is tricked by the Tyranians who plan to use his knowledge of the past to rebuild their nuclear generator and therefore make their plans complete. Can the Pax and Dylan stop them or will the man from the past destroy the future?...
This was a second and third TV pilots for a proposed sci-fi series by Gene Roddenberry. The first, Earth II, starred Alex Cord. This time, things are almost the same, though John Saxon plays the lead. Saxon's characterization is less serious than Cord's and seems to be very much like Captain Kirk placed in an alternate version of Earth. The plot involves a group from PAX (a group of goody-goodies who are a lot like a planet-bound Federation--they try to make sure the world runs in peace and try to interfere in other cultures only when it's necessary). They are looking for an important scientist who disappeared in an amazon-like culture. It's up to Saxon and the others to infiltrate and return him before it's too late.
Another team member is played by Ted Cassidy (Lurch, the Butler from the Addams Family). I would have loved to see him return to a weekly series, though he died just a few years after this pilot was completed (died on the operating table while undergoing heart surgery).
The plot was based on a story premise for 'Genesis II' called "The Poodle Shop", which was in turn based on an unused story idea ("The Pet Shop") in Gene Roddenberry's original pitch for "Star Trek".
This region-free DVD-R is in NTSC format and will play on most PS2 systems and DVD Players made since 2000, and comes in a FULL SIZE DVD case, with cover art and track listing.
First class shipping is FREE! Priority shipping on this item is $4.00. International shipping is $5.00.
Genesis II (23-Mar-1973)
Director: John Llewellyn Moxey
Writer: Gene Roddenberry
Keywords: Sci-Fi
Known for
Leon Askin
General Burkhalter on Hogan's Heroes
Majel Barrett
Widow of Gene Roddenberry-Nurse Chapel,Number One
Ted Cassidy-Isiah
Lurch on The Addams Family-voice actorTv actorLost In Space
Didi Conn
Denise on Benson
Alex Cord-Dillon Hunt
He was born Alex Viespi in Long Island, New York in 1933, developing a love for horses at a very young age. He wanted to become a jockey; this was not to be, however, as the highest weight allowed for a jockey was 105 lbs. Alex developed polio at the age of 12, a most devastating blow. Trapped in an iron lung for a period of time, the pervading thought of horses and riding dominated his mind. At 13, he was sent to a ranch in Wyoming as further therapy in his recovery from the ravages of the disease.
A few years later would find Alex on the rodeo circuit, discovering he had the innate ability to stay on anything with four legs. During a lengthy hospital stay in a New Mexican hospital due to a fight with a bull (the bull won), Alex took stock of his life and decided to further his education at New York University and received a degree in Literature. He supported himself as a bricklayer during the months off from school and worked at night in a bank.
So how did Alex become involved in acting and theater? Rumor has it that it was a woman he was seeing who was responsible for this. (If it's true, whoever she is, I'd like to give her a BIG hug!) After two years of summer stock and a season with the Stratford Shakespeare Academy in Connecticut, he toured with the National Shakespeare Academy throughout the U.S. The very next year, he found himself in England and wound up on stage in Doris Lessing's play, 'Play With A Tiger.' After being nominated for the distinguished 'London Critics Award', he went on to appear in 'The Rose Tattoo' in London.
Alex's acting credits are many and varied, ranging from spaghetti westerns (such as 'A Minute To Pray, A Second To Die'), TV movies-of-the-week (such as 'Fire!' with costars Patty Duke Astin and Ernest Borgnine) and of course, the beloved television series of many 'Airwolf.' He even made the leap into the realm of science fiction in Gene Roddenberry's 1973 classic 'Genesis II.' But could he be satisfied with this? Could he not just lay back on his laurels and say 'Damn, I was good!' after Airwolf was canceled? NOOOOOOO. He just HAD to go and make Kodak's videotape stock jump with guest appearances on such series as 'The Law And Harry McGraw', 'Jake And The Fat Man', 'War Of The Worlds', 'Matt and Jenny' and 'Kung Fu: The Legend Continues.' Does the man never sleep?? Does he even BREATHE??!
What many of Alex's fans may not know is that he is a published author. His first book, 'Sandsong', was written in longhand. It had two printings, one under Alex Viespi, the 2nd printing under Alex Cord. He went on to write a second book, 'Harbinger', which was never printed. He has just finished (in April 1998) a book about cutting horses and this is currently being shopped around to different publishers.
Contributor Linda M. Ryner, Webmistress
The Official Alex Cord Website
Michael Archangel on Airwolf
Mariette Hartley
CBS Morning Program-Star Trek
Percy Rodriguez
Most Recent Role: on Benson
Alias Name(s): Percy Rodrigues
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Birthday: 6-13-1918
Date of Death: 9-6-2007
Cause of Death: Kidney failure (Indio, California)
Afro-Canadian actor
Review by anonymous Phill Anonymous (posted on 19-May-2006)
I actually have the movie on VHS. The first time I saw it I thought that it was an excellent show. I thought the whole concept of the post apocalyptic earth and the inhabits was fantastic. I would have loved to have seen what a TV series would have been like. I'd be even more curious as to see what someone could do with the movie in this day and age. More then likely there would have to be some changes to the script but I'm sure that in the right hands this movie could be just as good if not possibly better than the original. I'd like to see if the movie can be released on DVD. I remember both versions, though I'm more familiar with the John Saxon one.
Elements of this were indeed incorporated into Andromeda.
Does anyone remember the Gene Roddenberry pilot Genesis II? It starred Alex Cord, Mariette Hartley, Majel Barret and Ted Cassidy. It was about a Scientist from the 20th Century experimenting with hypersleep. In a freak accident, he is trapped inside his Hypersleep chamber deep with a cavern. Over 200 years later, he is awaken to find the Earth has been reborn after a Nuclear Holocaust. The show follows Dylan Hunt (Alex Cord) as he discovers the remnant Civilization and the evil Tyrannians. It was a good show. Has anyone ever seen or heard of it? The article I read said it was one of two best pilots, besides Star Trek, that Roddenberry ever produced.
No don't, but it sounds very much like Andromeda which of course had Captain Dylan Hunt who was stuck near a black hole (?) and was rescued 300 years later. I wonder if this is the pilot for what would become Andromeda.
Michael Didn't recognise his name but checked and certainly recognised his face.
Quote from Here :
"John Saxon is a powerhouse of cult appearances on both the big and small screen. Gene Roddenberry fans will know him as 'Dylan Hunt' in the 1974 TV pilot movie Planet Earth, a second attempt at a format originally filmed with a different cast as Genesis II the year before. Eventually the format was developed into the series we now know as Andromeda."Gene had this thing for the name Dylan Hunt, it's a wonder there were no Trek characters named that. :)
Andromeda's creators took elements from two different concepts for shows, one was just called Starship, and the other like Pheonix or something like that, and then new things (like the Nietzcheans and such) tossed in.
I remember both Genesis II (pretty good) and Planet Earth (not so good). I also remember being amused to see that a similar spine over the top of head makeup was used for the first movie Klingons as was used for the warriors in Planet Earth.
So, a couple of decades later, I see an episode of Andromeda, and there's good old Dylan Hunt again! I almost fell out of my chair laughing. In a lot of ways, Roddenberry was NOT very creative, something it took me a long time to recognize. Role: Lyra-a
Speaking of Roddenberry pilots, just the other day I started to wonder if I'd be skillful enough to replicate Robert Foxworth's Questor makeup (Questor Tapes) from the earlier part of the movie . . . It might be fun to find out, but besides a very few of us, who would even know what I was referring to, let alone recognize it?
Yeah, that was the other one they mentioned in this article I read. The Questor Tapes was one of two great potential pilots. In fact, I heard CBS dropped "Genesis II" for Planet of the Apes TV Series. I liked Planet of the Apes TV Series, I have it on DVD in fact. I wonder how long Genesis II would have lasted on the Network? That's him, he was also in Enter The Dragon (I think it was Enter The Dragon anyway).
Review by Rebecca Longster (posted on 20-Oct-2005)
I LOVED this movie the first time I saw it sometime in the mid to late '70s. I've been trying to find it on DVD or at least get someone to admit that they had ever heard of it! I even liked the short-lived TV series based on it. I didn't know it was the brainchild of Gene Roddenberry, but I'm not surprised. It had that kind of feel to it.
Alex Cord was a wonderful choice for the protagonist (I got so tickled when I saw Andromeda the first time and realized that "Dylan Hunt" was the captain's name and that he was 300 years out of his own time -- isn't there some kind of plagiarism going on there?), and I believe the part of Dylan Hunt was played by John Saxon in the TV series (also good). M. Hartley was an excellent choice for the beautiful mutant who tries to seduce Dylan Hunt away from Pax and get him to fix their nuclear generator. Great underground shuttle, terrific location in -- what was it? Carlsbad caverns? Beautiful landscape -- earth has healed itself -- shots. "Elders" of Pax good choices as well, though I can't remember their names.
M. Hartley's character compared to the girl Pax had to offer (so to speak) kinda stereotypical -- M. Hartley tall, blond, buxom, fit, amazon-like, exotic first name. Pax girl goes by her surname, shorter, slender, short dark hair, more cerebral. Viewer is left with a hint of sexual tension between Dylan Hunt and the latter, having chosen Pax -- despite the scolding for blowing up the powerplant M. Hartley wanted him to fix -- after realizing M. Hartley's bunch were the baddies, with their compact early cattle prods...
So, where can I get a copy of the movie and/or series, hmmmm? If you hook me up, I'll do a more coherent and "professional" review for you.
Review by Rattinox aka Chris Johnson (posted on 13-Oct-2007)
Until I searched for this film tonight, I was convinced there was some kind of Plot to keep it buried! I'd done searches on the very earliest Internet to no effect, until now......hence the Conspiracy Theory...... Genesis II was easily one of the most mind-stirring things I'd ever seen on a TV screen. So much so that it literally "haunted" me until I could find an answer to why it had been utterly forgotten and buried. Perhaps it was simply too intelligent and thought-provoking for Uhmurikan audiences. And this was in '73, when the National I.Q. was at least thrice what it is now, in my not-so-humble opinion. Rodenberry made a quantum leap in concept with this pilot. Just too much for the Simians, I guess..........
Review by Bill Haffner (posted on 3-Mar-2005)
Genesis II which first aired in 1973 staring Alex Cord was the best of the attempts to make a TV series from Gene Roddenberry's original story of Dylan Hunt. Alex Cord played Dylan with a calm, matter of fact, personality that a scientist from the 1970s would have had. He was NASA Scientist Dylan Hunt. The other attempts to make this TV pilot changed the scientist into some sort of muscled up Buck Rogers crossed with Tarzan. Alex Cord was the only one to make Dylan Hunt real. The plot was simple (perfect for a TV series in the 70s), it had action, a plot twist and just enough humor rapped around the moral theme and the save the planet theme that a 1970s series needed. Today it is a bit corny, but still a nice old sci-fi that has that great Gene Roddenberry alternate world outcome feel.
Review by Anonymous –Bill Anonymous (posted on 29-Sep-2006)
Earlier posts menetion Gene Rodenberry, and it makes sense in my recollection of the movie. Alex Cord playing a scientist who, while testing a cryogenics chamber, inadvertantly wakes up 300 years later when people from that time dig him out. The chamber was buried under rubble of a World War III scenario that took place while he was testing the chamber. Hartley plays a mutant named Lira Ah (not sure of the spelling) who turns Cord against the people who found him and takes him to her people. It turns out everything she told him was lies, and he realizes that the mutants are trying to use his scientfic knowledge to restart a nuclear plant. Although some equipment existed and some could be used, the people in that world lacked the scientific knowledge to fix any of the it. The conclusion was a nuclear war message. Dylan Hunt (Cord) destroys the nuclear plant when he finds there are nuclear war heads there too, and the mutants were going to use him to fix them as well. When he returns to the people who had found him, they rebuke him for taking lives in his escape and espionage. Acting was typical TV, just ok for the main characters. The sets were minimal. A descent job on the 'chunnel like' international subway train. The series ( I think they only aired a few shows) starred John Saxon, who would use the 'Chunnel like' subway and travel to different areas of the world, getting into adventures involving different types of societies which had cropped up in this new world. I remember the one episode had him a prisoner of a matriarchal society in which the males are drugged to keep them under control, but now they are having trouble procreating because it is a side effect of the drug(typical sci-fi scenario).
Have you seen this film? We would love to see your review.
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Genesis II was the first of three attempts by Roddenberry to create a new science fiction television series following the success of Star Trek. Genesis II aired on CBS on March 23, 1973; although Roddenberry had scripts lined up for a 20-episode first season, CBS declined to pick it up, opting instead for the Planet of the Apes series.
Roddenberry reworked the material into a second pilot, Planet Earth, in which John Saxon replaced Cord in the role of Dylan Hunt. Based on network recommendations, this second pilot focused more on action and physical conflict than its predecessor. Though it aired on ABC in 1974, it was also declined. Warner Brothers, which owned the rights, reworked Roddenberry's material yet again for Strange New World, also starring Saxon, which aired in 1975.
Robert Hewitt Wolfe used the name "Dylan Hunt" and many ideas from Gene Roddenberry's Genesis II notes to create Andromeda television series. [1]
[edit] Plot summary
In 1979, NASA scientist Dylan Hunt (Cord) is working on "Project Ganymede", a suspended animation system for astronauts on long-duration space flights. As chief of the project he volunteers for the first multi-day test. He places himself in chemically-induced hibernation deep inside Carlsbad Caverns; while there, his lab is buried in an earthquake. The monitoring equipment is damaged and fails to awake him at the intended end of the test. He awakens instead in 2133 A.D., emerging into a chaotic post-apocalyptic world. An event called "The Great Conflict" (a third and final World War) destroyed the civilization of Hunt's time. Various new civilizations have emerged in a struggle for control of available resources. Those with the greatest military might and the will to use it have the greatest advantage.
Dylan Hunt is accidentally found and rescued by an organization calling themselves "PAX", which stood for peace (from the Latin). PAX members are the descendants of the NASA personnel who worked and lived at the Carlsbad Installation in Dylan's time. They are explorers and "scientists" who preserve what little information and technology survive from before the Conflict, and who seek to learn and acquire more in an effort to build a new civilization. Members of PAX find Dylan Hunt still sealed in the hibernation chamber. They revive him, and are thrilled to meet a survivor from before the Conflict.
After Hunt's accident, an elaborate Subshuttle transit system was constructed by people of Dylan's time. This was due to air transportation becoming too vulnerable to air attack. The Subshuttles were a rapid transport system that utilized magnetic levitation transports. They operated inside vactrain tunnels that ran at hundreds of miles per hour. The tunnels were comprehensive enough to cover the entire globe. The PAX organization has inherited the still working system and utilize it to dispatch their teams of troubleshooters.
In the area once known as Arizona and New Mexico a totalitarian regime known as Tyranians rule the area. The Tyranians are mutants who possess greater prowess than average humans (they can be identified as possessing two navels). Their leader discovers that Hunt has knowledge of nuclear power systems, and they offer him great rewards if he can repair their failing nuclear power generator. However, once under their power they attempt to force him to reactivate a nuclear missile system in their possession, with which they intend to destroy their enemies and dominate the region. Hunt is appalled by this small-scale replay of the events that must have led to the Conflict. He leads a revolt of the enslaved citizenry, sabotages the nuclear device, and destroys the reactor.
To Hunt's dismay, the PAX leaders assert their pacifist nature and intentions. They are attempting to rebuild an idealistic society using all that was deemed "good" from Earth's past, and they regard Hunt's interference with a rival civilization and his destructive tactics as antithetical to this end. However, they also see great good in him and value his knowledge of the past. They ask Hunt to join PAX permanently but only if he can agree to never again take human lives. Hunt half-heartedly agrees. Security Chief Yuloff states that the rationale of taking lives to justify the saving of lives was what allowed "The Great Conflict" to happen in the first place.
[edit] Episode concepts
The following are story concepts that were in development during the production of Genesis II that would have become individual episodes had the network approved the series.
"Company B" - A "Trojan Horse" suicide squad from the days of the great conflict comes out of suspended animation and attacks PAX. They represent the 1995 A.D. ideal of a perfect soldier.
"London Express" - A hair raising journey through submerged portions of the North Atlantic subshuttle tube to mysterious London of 2133 A.D. Dylan Hunt and Team-21 meet Lyra-A[clarify] there and the mad monarch King Charles X.
"Robots Return" - The advanced computers and sophisticated machinery left on a moon of Jupiter by a 1992 NASA expedition have evolved into a new form of robot life and visit Earth in search of the "God" which created their life. They meet Dylan Hunt, formerly of NASA and consider him a messiah. This story idea was later developed into the script for Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
"Poodle Shop" - Dylan Hunt is captured and put on sale by the females in a strange society where men are treated as domestic pets and often traded back and forth for breeding purposes. This story idea would later turn into the second pilot, Planet Earth.
"The Apartment" - Trapped inside 20th century ruins by a mysterious force field, Dylan Hunt is catapulted through a time continuum back to 1975 where he can be seen as a "transparent ghost" by the girl living in the apartment there. A bizarre love affair with a surprise twist ending. The basic plot appears later as an unused Star Trek: Phase II episode "Tomorrow and the Stars".
"The Electric Company" - Dylan Hunt and his PAX team encounter a place where a strong priesthood holds a society in bondage through the clever use of electricity. The simple inhabitants see the flashes of light and the amplified voices as the sight and sound of "God", but Dylan's team ends the dominance of the priesthood when they come up with still better tricks. This episode superficially resembles the Star Trek episode "Return of the Archons".
Source: - Lincoln Enterprises Catalog No. 6
[edit] External links
Genesis II at the Internet Movie Database
Genesis II at PAX Team 21
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Dylan Hunt, a scientist, puts himself into suspended animation in a NASA cavern in 1979 to establish if he could be brought back to life in a couple of days to research into extending the process to astronauts. However the cavern collapses during an earthquake and Dylan doesn't recover until the year 2133. During the 154 years he had slept, war has broken out and the world's scientists rebelled against the war-loving military and developed a society known as the Pax, whose goal is to keep the spirit of mankind alive. However there are also the mutant Tyranians who plan to be Nazi-like rulers of the slowly recovering world. Dylan is tricked by the Tyranians who plan to use his knowledge of the past to rebuild their nuclear generator and therefore make their plans complete. Can the Pax and Dylan stop them or will the man from the past destroy the future?
Plot summary for
Genesis II (1973) (TV)
Dylan Hunt, a scientist, puts himself into suspended animation in a NASA cavern in 1979 to establish if he could be brought back to life in a couple of days to research into extending the process to astronauts. However the cavern collapses during an earthquake and Dylan doesn't recover until the year 2133. During the 154 years he had slept, war has broken out and the world's scientists rebelled against the war-loving military and developed a society known as the Pax, whose goal is to keep the spirit of mankind alive. However there are also the mutant Tyranians who plan to be Nazi-like rulers of the slowly recovering world. Dylan is tricked by the Tyranians who plan to use his knowledge of the past to rebuild their nuclear generator and therefore make their plans complete. Can the Pax and Dylan stop them or will the man from the past destroy the future?... Written by Lee Horton {Leeh@tcp.co.uk}
Planet Earth (TV pilot) Planet Earth was a TV pilot that was created by Gene Roddenberry and first aired on April 23, 1974 on ABC, starring John Saxon as the Dylan Hunt.
Planet Earth-based on characters and situations from the previous pilor Genisis II, was a science fiction TV movie that was created by Gene Roddenber. and first aired on April 23, 1974 on ABC, starring Alex Cord as Dylan Hunt. It..was re-written as Planet Earth in 1974 on ABC, starring John Saxon as Dylan Hunt. It was presented as a pilot for what was hoped to be a new weekly television series.about the same concepts presented in Genisis II. The Strange NewWorld, was aired in 1975. This movie also starred John Saxon. In this movie a trio of astronauts returns to Earth after 180 years in suspended animation. None of these three pilots was ever developed into a series
Plot summary for
Planet Earth (1974) (TV)
A man awakens from suspended animation and finds himself in the 22nd century, where he finds that women rule the world and that men are slaves called Dinks. He is captured and sold as a slave, but escapes and hooks up with a male rebel movement
Planet Earth is a sequel to Gene Roddenberry's Genesis II (1973) made-for-TV movie, in which a NASA scientist, Dylan Hunt, is revived from suspended animation in the post-nuclear war United States. In Planet Earth, Dylan is now a sworn member of PAX, the colony of people who revived him. Dylan and his PAX team find another colony which is ruled by women and where all men are slaves. He is captured and sold as a slave, but escapes and organizes a rebellion. Dylan once again has a profound influence in the new world that he finds himself in, in the year 2233. Written by Matt DeMars
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This article is about the science fiction film. For the BBC documentary,
see Planet Earth (TV series).
Planet Earth was a science fiction TV movie that was created by Gene Roddenberry and first aired on April 23, 1974 on ABC, starring John Saxon as Dylan Hunt. It was presented as a pilot for what was hoped to be a new weekly television series. The pilot focused on gender relations from an early 1970s perspective. Dylan Hunt, confronted with a post-apocalyptic matriarchal society, muses, "Women's lib? Or women's lib gone mad..." Planet Earth was the second attempt by Roddenberry to create a weekly series set on a post-apocalyptic future Earth. The previous pilot was Genesis II, and it featured many of the concepts, characters later redeveloped in Planet Earth. Sets and props from Genesis II also found their way into Planet Earth.
A third and final movie, Strange New World, was aired in 1975. This movie also starred John Saxon as Captain Anthony Vico. In this movie a trio of astronauts returns to Earth after 180 years in suspended animation to locate the underground headquarters of PAX and free the people placed there in suspended animation.
None of these three pilots was ever developed into a series.
[edit] Plot synopsis
In the year 2133, and on an Earth devastated by a nuclear war decades previous, a team from PAX (which means peace), and is the one city which escaped the destruction of the earth) is conducting a survey of central California. PAX is a scientifically based society dedicated to restoring civilization and peace to the world. Returning to PAX headquarters, the team are attacked by a group of mutant humans known as the Kreeg. After a struggle, the PAX team manages to escape in a subshuttle, a vehicle that can travel long tubes that connect settlements (these were built during the early 1990's, before the final conflict of the 20th century). One of the team, Pater Kimbridge (Rai Tasco), is badly wounded and needs a (bioplastic prosthesis) to repair the damaged pulmonary artery sheared away by the Kreeg's rifle shot, and save his life.
PAX Team 21, led by Dylan Hunt (John Saxon), with members Baylok (Christopher Cary), Isiah (Ted Cassidy), and Harper-Smythe (Janet Margolin) heads out to locate a missing doctor, Jonathan Connor (Jim Antonio), who is the only surgeon who can perform the delicate heart surgery in the time Kimbridge has left (a few days). Their search leads the team to the Confederacy of Ruth, a society of latter-day Amazons, where women are dominant and men are enslaved.
A woman in the PAX group, Harper-Smythe (Janet Margolin), binds Hunt and enters the city. Once there she meets Marg (Diana Muldaur), the leader of the women, who claims Dylan as her own property.
While captive, Hunt learns that the men are subjugated and kept under control by a drug that is put into the food.
Harper finds her way into the women's village where she befriends one of the women. Later, Harper challenges Marg for the ownership of Hunt. Harper defeats Marg and gains respect of the community. She then enlists aid to find Dr. Jonathan Connor.
Dylan and Harper finally meet Doctor Connor and learn he has developed an antidote to the drug.
Meanwhile, the Kreeg are headed to attack the women's community. Harper convinces Marg to trade Connor for Dylan. While leaving, Doctor Connor places the antidote in the food supply. The Kreeg attack the village and are fought off by the help of the males, who have defended the females. The women of the village decide that the drug should no longer be used.
The PAX team returns Dr. Jonathan Connor safely to PAX where he successfully performs the surgery on Pater Kimbridge.
[edit] Trivia
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The plot outline for this episode existed as far back as Roddenberry's original pitch for Star Trek.
The Kreeg foreheads and craniums sport a ridge that would later be somewhat imitated by the revised Klingon appearance starting in 1979. The Kreeg utilized ancient automobiles but powered by wood-fired engines
[edit] External links
Planet Earth at the Internet Movie Database
Planet Earth at PAX Team 21
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Strange New World
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A Hunt by any other name: John Saxon as Captain Anthony Vico in Strange New World.
For other uses, see Strange New World (disambiguation).
Strange New World was a TV pilot based on concepts envisioned by Gene Roddenberry which first aired on March 23, 1975. It starred John Saxon as Captain Anthony Vico (PAX team leader), Kathleen Miller as Dr. Allison Crowley (team navigator and communications expert), and Keene Curtis as Dr. William Scott, M.D. (Team Physician/Doctor).
Strange New World was the third attempt by a production company to bring Roddenberry's dystopic future vision to the small screen. Prior efforts, entitled Planet Earth and Genesis II, explored an Earth after a nuclear war and focused on an organization called PAX that was working to bring peace and order to the world.
Although he was closely involved in the previous two incarnations, this time Gene Roddenberry opted out. As a result, the character names, as well as some of the main plot points were changed in order to avoid any potential litigation.
John Saxon himself had starred in Planet Earth, but his character name was changed (in the previous film, he had been named Dylan Hunt). The movie did, however, share the time travel to a dark future concept of Genesis II and Planet Earth. The title of the film, meanwhile, was borrowed from the famous opening monologue of Roddenberry's Star Trek.
Strange New World is considered by many observers to have been the weakest production of the three attempts to envision the world of PAX. It, like the previous attempts, was not developed into a weekly series.
Unlike the previous versions, which focused on a single cryogenically frozen survivor working for an established organisation called PAX, Strange New World had three astronauts return to Earth after being cryogenically frozen and looking to re-establish the organisation (PAX) that had sent them into space.
The opening of the movie featured an explanation of the PAX team members, and described the disaster which befell the earth (A swarm of giant asteroids) and how PAX headquarters changed the orbit of the their space station so that it would orbit the Sun and return to earth in 180 years (the amount of time that their suspended animation was extended), and what their orders were upon returning to earth (mainly, to free the hundreds of volunteers below PAX headquarters in suspended animation), and two unrelated "episodes".
[edit] External links
* Strange New World at the Internet Movie Database
* Strange New World at PAX Team 21
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strange_New_World"
Categories: Post-apocalyptic television series | Science fiction television series | Television pilots | Failed pilots
Categories: Articles with trivia sections from November 2007 | Post-apocalyptic television series | Television pilots | Failed pilots
Tales of Terra-Prime
Tales of Terra-Prime-is any storyline or publication, that deals with any story set upon the dysonsphere known as Terra-Prime. Built by an elder race, known as the Sidairian and the Atlanteans. It was a fantastic experiment in preserving various civilization from many alternate worlds known as Terra or Earth. Proposed as the first of many, the many worlds of Terra-Prime, soon became a world that many super races fought over.
The heroes set upon this fantastic artificial world are legion. The Taylor Brothers, Prince Toreus Rhann, Prince Eric Khorum Rhann, Captain Toreus Starkiller, Diana Starkiller ,Captain Ulyseas Starkiller, Odysseus Starkiller, Warlord King Johnathan Redhawk, Captain Jefferson Taylor, Captain Jason Guardiner and Commander Ulyseas Jones, David Greystone, Ulyseas Greystone, Cason Jones and Indiana Smith, Shauwn MacKalaster and Max-a telepathic dog ,Marshall Johnathan Trent, Doctor Brian Turner , Commander Steven Ryan and Professor Lynda Stewart-Omega Warriors stranded upon his world., Captain Jack MacKalaster, Commander Anthony MacKalaster, Rachel MacKalaster, Commander Isaiah Paxton, Professor Gideon Sarkhon; a member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers, Doctor Khallex Khorvhan-Roxarian Data Recorder, Wotann 1788-swordsman/utility droid.Lord Eric Wulfguard-exiled Vanaheim Warrior-who travels the Road of Many Kingdoms,across the Pangean world of Terra-Prime,to explore the once Shattered Empires of that poertion of the Sphere.
Other heroes included are Captain Colin O'Brien,with wife Rachel O'Brien,with his parter Doctor Zacheriah Sarkhon-the rogue class Time-Sorcerer and his wife Ivhanna Sarkhon-all crew of the SS Scarlet Shadow.-a Corvaillian class,tramp freighter.
Prince Eric Wulfbane-exiled Prince of Vanaheim,who travels with his mentor freind Savros Braveheart-the eye eyed giant from the distant Kurashann and Shardikhar Warrior Princess Dianna Thorus,along his bodyguard Keira Tarr-also a Sharddikhar warrior,Ivhan Ghordhon-the mute Thulean,Recorder droid-127ha,Changharean shapeshifters Phlipp and Phrack.all travel across the many lands of the Pangean world and the Sphere,fighting the evils of Warlord Vhalkheen Khoor and dark Time-Sorcerer Morghann Moondharr.
Captain Kotharr Khonn-exiled Thuvian Warrior/Half Delkhonean Warrior-once Master of Arms,uncle of Prince Toreus Rhann-now travels the Moridean Provinces,on secret missions for his kingdom Thuvia.Teamed up with his is Lady Cryshalla Tarr-,Princess Stephanya Tarr,Doctor Shakhoon Tarr-her father and renegade member of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers,Squire Khanjo Packharr-Time-Sorcerers Master of Arms,Recorder droid 3099-all exiles of the Twine Cities-Zarathan -so called City of the Wicked and Zaramon-City of Theives,
Terra-Prime,is a class 4 dysonshere-about the size of Earth's orbit,conpared to other smaller-class 2 or 1 dysonspheres or class 5 or 6 class dysonsphere's larger ones.
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Maglev (transport)
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Transrapid Shanghai Maglev Train stopping at terminus Longyang Road station
Transrapid Shanghai Maglev Train
Inside the Shanghai Transrapid maglev
Inside the Shanghai Transrapid maglev VIP section
A maglev, or magnetically levitating, train is a form of transportation that suspends, guides and propels vehicles (predominantly trains) using electromagnetic force. This method has the potential to be fast and quiet when compared to wheeled mass transit systems, potentially reaching velocities comparable to turboprop and jet aircraft (900 km/h, 600 mph). The highest recorded speed of a maglev train is 581 km/h (361 mph), achieved in Japan in 2003, 6 km/h higher than the conventional TGV speed record.
Contents1 History
* 2 Commercial operation
* 3 Technology
o 3.1 Electromagnetic suspension
o 3.2 Electrodynamic suspension
o 3.3 Magnetodynamic suspension
o 3.4 Pros and cons of different technologies
* 3.4.1 Propulsion
* 3.4.2 Stability
* 4 Pros and cons of maglev vs. conventional trains
* 5 Economics
* 6 Historical maglev systems
o 6.1 First patents
o 6.2 Hamburg, Germany 1979
o 6.3 Birmingham, England 1984–1995
o 6.4 Japan, 1980s
o 6.5 Vancouver, Canada & Hamburg, Germany 1986-1988
o 6.6 Berlin, Germany 1989–1991
* 7 The history of maximum speed record by a trial run
* 8 Existing maglev systems
o 8.1 Emsland, Germany
o 8.2 JR-Maglev, Japan
o 8.3 Linimo (Tobu Kyuryo Line, Japan)
o 8.4 FTA's UMTD program
o 8.5 Southwest Jiaotong University, China
o 8.6 Shanghai Maglev Train
* 9 Under construction
o 9.1 Old Dominion University
o 9.2 AMT Test Track - Powder Springs, GA
* 10 Proposals
o 10.1 United Kingdom
o 10.2 Japan
o 10.3 Venezuela
o 10.4 China
o 10.5 India
o 10.6 United States
o 10.7 Germany
o 10.8 The Netherlands
* 11 Most significant accidents and incidents
o 11.1 October 1991 fire
o 11.2 August 2006 fire
o 11.3 September 2006 crash
* 12 See also
* 13 Notes
* 14 Further reading
* 15 External links
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In the 1960s, maglev research in the United States was short-lived. In Britain, however, Eric Laithwaite developed a functional maglev train. His maglev had one mile (1.6 km) of track and was thoroughly tested, but his research was cut off in 1973 due to lack of funding and his progress was not sufficient. In the 1970s, Germany and Japan also began research and after some failures both nations developed mature technologies in the 1990s. However, superconductor related costs remain a barrier to widespread acceptance.[citation need
Commercial operation
The first commercial Maglev was opened in 1984 in Birmingham, England. It covered some 600 meters between its airport and railhub, and operated at 42 km/h (26 mph) until it was eventually closed in 1995 due to reliability and design problems. A contractor added an extra layer of fiberglass, and new trains had to be built. Its speedometer was based on radar, and was thrown off by snow.
The best-known high-speed maglev currently operating commercially is the IOS (initial operating segment) demonstration line of the German built Transrapid train in Shanghai, China that transports people 30 km (18.6 miles) to the airport in just 7 minutes 20 seconds, achieving a top velocity of 431 km/h (268 mph), averaging 250 km/h (150 mph).
Other commercially operating lines exist in Japan, such as the Linimo line. Other maglev projects worldwide are being studied for feasibility. In Japan at the Yamanashi test track, current maglev train technology is mature, but costs and problems remain a barrier to development, alternative technologies are being developed to address those issedit
All operational implementations of maglev technology have had minimal overlap with wheeled train technology and have not been compatible with conventional rail tracks. Because they cannot share existing infrastructure, maglevs must be designed as complete transportation systems. The term "maglev" refers not only to the vehicles, but to the railway system as well, specifically designed for magnetic levitation and propulsion.
See also fundamental technology elements in the JR-Maglev article, Technology in the Transrapid article, Magnetic levitation
There are two primary types of maglev technology:
*??????electromagnetic suspension (EMS) uses the attractive magnetic force of a magnet beneath a rail to lift the train up.
*??????electrodynamic suspension (EDS) uses a repulsive force between two magnetic fields to push the train away from the rail.
Another experimental technology, which was designed, proven mathematically, peer reviewed, and patented, but is yet to be built, is the magnetodynamic suspension (MDS), which uses the attractive magnetic force of a permanent magnet array near a steel track to lift the train and hold it in place.
] Electromagnetic suspension
In current EMS systems, the train levitates above a steel rail while electromagnets, attached to the train, are oriented toward the rail from below. The electromagnets use feedback control to maintain a train at a constant distance from the track, at approximately 15 millimeters (0.6 in).[5][6]
Electrodynamic suspension
EDS Maglev Propulsion via propulsion coils
In Electrodynamic suspension (EDS), both the rail and the train exert a magnetic field, and the train is levitated by the repulsive force between these magnetic fields. The magnetic field in the train is produced by either electromagnets (as in JR-Maglev) or by an array of permanent magnets (as in Inductrack). The repulsive force in the track is created by an induced magnetic field in wires or other conducting strips in the track.
At slow speeds, the current induced in these coils and the resultant magnetic flux is not large enough to support the weight of the train. For this reason the train must have wheels or some other form of landing gear to support the train until it reaches a speed that can sustain levitation.
Propulsion coils on the guideway are used to exert a force on the magnets in the train and make the train move forward. The propulsion coils that exert a force on the train are effectively a linear motor: An alternating current flowing through the coils generates a continuously varying magnetic field that moves forward along the track. The frequency of the alternating current is synchronized to match the speed of the train. The offset between the field exerted by magnets on the train and the applied field create a force moving the train forward.
[ Magnetodynamic suspension
Magnetodynamic suspension, invented by Dr. Oleg Tozoni, is similar to the EMS system in that it uses attractive forces, but differs in that the magnets used for suspension are permanent, and the stability is built into the system itself using physics/mechanical systems, as opposed to EMS's computer systems. MDS is based on the idea of using a minimum energy point to balance the train. A simple way to explain this is to compare EMS to a hill, with minimum energy points on the sides of it, and MDS to a valley with the minimum point in the center. The center of each would be the vehicle's suspended center point. If you put a ball on the top of the hill and apply any force to it, the ball will try to roll down, and you would need to apply a compensation force in the other direction to keep it centered. Once the ball gets to the top of the hill, it will try to keep rolling down the other side, and an opposite, compensating force is needed. This is what EMS does when it uses stabilising systems to increase or decrease the strength of the electromagnets holding the train suspended, and that system is inherently unstable, requiring a constant outside stabilising force. MDS, on the other hand, is more like a valley with the energy minimum in the center. It takes energy to move the ball away from the bottom, and the ball returns to the bottom on its own. This is possible because steel magnetic permeability is highly dependent on magnetic flux intensity in that steel. Basically, the more you magnetize steel, the more difficult it is to magnetize it even more. Once the steel becomes fully saturated, bringing a magnet closer to it will not increase the strength of the magnetic field between the magnet and the magnetically saturated steel. Dr. Tozoni figured out how to create what is essentially magnetic insulation, which would keep magnetic fields escaping from the steel rails into the surrounding air, thus concentrating the magnetic field in those rails and saturating them. MDS uses a series of magnets constructed in such a way that when the array is suspended within the steel rail, the lateral, side-to-side, forces pulling the train towards the steel rails become much weaker than the horizontal, up-down, force holding the magnets centered between the rails. When two such magnet arrays are arranged perpendicular to each other, the stronger forces cancel out the weaker forces, forcing the train to stay centered between the rails automatically, thus holding it in the minimum energy point; any outside force that moves the train away from the center line of travel is countered by a force wanting to bring the train back to the center minimum. AMLEVTrans
Pros and cons of different technologies
Each implementation of the magnetic levitation principle for train-type travel involves advantages and disadvantages. Time will tell us which principle, and whose implementation, wins out commercially.
EMS (Electromagnetic)
Magnetic fields inside and outside the vehicle are insignificant; proven, commercially available technology that can attain very high speeds (500 km/h); no wheels or secondary propulsion system needed
The separation between the vehicle and the guideway must be constantly monitored and corrected by computer systems to avoid collision due to the unstable nature of electromagnetic attraction; due to the system's inherent instability and the required constant corrections by outside systems, vibration issues may occur.
EDS (Electrodynamic)
Onboard magnets and large margin between rail and train enable highest recorded train speeds (581 km/h) and heavy load capacity; has recently demonstrated (December 2005) successful operations using high temperature superconductors in its onboard magnets, cooled with inexpensive liquid nitrogen
Strong magnetic fields onboard the train would make the train inaccessible to passengers with pacemakers or magnetic data storage media such as hard drives and credit cards, necessitating the use of magnetic shielding; limitations on guideway inductivity limit the maximum speed of the vehicle; vehicle must be wheeled for travel at low speeds; system per mile cost still considered prohibitive; the system is not yet out of prototype phase.
Inductrack System (Permanent Magnet EDS)
Failsafe Suspension - no power required to activate magnets; Magnetic field is localized below the car; can generate enough force at low speeds (around 5 km/h) to levitate maglev train; in case of power failure cars slow down on their own safely; Halbach arrays of permanent magnets may prove more cost-effective than electromagnets
Requires either wheels or track segments that move for when the vehicle is stopped. New technology that is still under development (as of 2007) and has as yet no commercial version or full scale system prototype.
MDS (Magnetodynamic)
Failsafe Suspension - no power required to activate magnets; separation between vehicle and guideway is automatic, requiring no outside control or monitoring; attractive force of permanent magnets is far greater than the repulsive or Halbach array force, thus smaller, cheaper magnets can be used; magnetic fields inside and outside vehicle are insignificant; in case of power failure, cars safely slow down on their own; entire system is designed using physics and mathematic calculations, and all aspects of it, including resulting forces, can be calculated, designed, and improved upon on paper or computers before construction, thus not requiring costly experiments with test models; because permanent magnets and steel is used, there is no limit, within the system itself, on the speed the train can achieve while still being able to stay suspended.
Because guideway insulation works via vehicle-generated eddy currents, the vehicle must be wheeled to travel at low speeds; guideway construction requires laminated steel encased in aluminum cores, all of which must be made to exact specifications, and thus may prove costly. Although tested via computer simulation, technology is still entirely theoretical.
Neither Inductrack nor the Superconducting EDS nor the MDS are able to levitate vehicles at a standstill, although Inductrack provides levitation down to a much lower speed. Wheels are required for these systems. EMS systems are wheel-less.
The German Transrapid, Japanese HSST (Linimo), and Korean Rotem EMS maglevs levitate at a standstill, with electricity extracted from guideway using power rails for the latter two, and wirelessly for Transrapid. If guideway power is lost on the move, the Transrapid is still able to generate levitation down to 10 km/h speed, using the power from onboard batteries. This is not the case with the HSST and Rotem systems.
[edit] Propulsion
An EMS system can provide both levitation and propulsion using an onboard linear motor. EDS systems can only levitate the train using the magnets onboard, not propel it forward. As such, vehicles need some other technology for propulsion. A linear motor (propulsion coils) mounted in the track is one solution. Over long distances where the cost of propulsion coils could be prohibitive, a propeller or jet engine could be used.
[edit] Stability
Earnshaw's theorem shows that any combination of static magnets cannot be in a stable equilibrium. However, the various levitation systems achieve stable levitation by violating the assumptions of Earnshaw's theorem. Earnshaw's theorem assumes that the magnets are static and unchanging in field strength and that permeability is constant everywhere. EMS systems rely on active electronic stabilization. Such systems constantly measure the bearing distance and adjust the electromagnet current accordingly. All EDS systems are moving systems (no EDS system can levitate the train unless it is in motion). MDS systems use materials with non-uniform permeability.
[edit] Pros and cons of maglev vs. conventional trains
Maglev trains are not compatible with conventional track, and hence require all new infrastructure for their entire route. By contrast conventional high speed trains such as the TGV are able to run at reduced speeds on existing rail infrastructure, thus reducing expenditure where new infrastructure would be particularly expensive (such as the final approaches to city terminals), or on extensions where traffic does not justify new infrastructure.
Due to the lack of physical contact between the track and the vehicle, Maglev trains experience no rolling friction, leaving only air resistance and electromagnetic drag, potentially improving power efficiency.[1]
The weight of the large electromagnets in EMS and EDS designs is a major design issue. A very strong magnetic field is required to levitate a massive train. For this reason one research path is using superconductors to improve the efficiency of the electromagnets.
The high speed of some maglev trains translates to more sound due to air displacement, which gets louder as the trains go faster. A study found that high speed maglev trains are 5 dB noisier than traditional trains.[2] At low speeds, however, maglev trains are nearly silent. However, two trains passing at a combined 1,000 km/h has been successfully demonstrated without major problems in Japan.
Braking issues and overhead wire wear are problems for the Fastech 360 railed Shinkansen. Maglev would eliminate these issues, but not the noise pollution issue.
One advantage of maglev's higher speed would be extension of the serviceable area (3 hours radius) that can outcompete subsonic commercial aircraft.
Issues relating to magnets are also a factor. See suspension types.
As linear motors must fit within or straddle their track over the full length of the train, track design is challenging for anything other than point-to-point services. Curves must be gentle and avoid camber, while switches are very long and need care to avoid breaks in current.
Maglev needs very fast-responding control systems to maintain a stable height above the track; this needs careful design in the event of a failure in order to avoid crashing into the track during a power fluctuation.
[edit] Economics
The Shanghai maglev cost 9.93 billion yuan (US$1.2 billion) to build.[3] This total includes infrastructure capital costs such as manufacturing and construction facilities, and operational training. At 50 yuan per passenger[4] and the current 7,000 passengers per day, income from the system is incapable of recouping the capital costs (including interest on financing) over the expected lifetime of the system, even ignoring operating costs.
China aims to limit the cost of future construction extending the maglev line to approximately 200 million yuan (US$24.6 million) per kilometer.[3] These costs compare competitively with airport construction (e.g., Hong Kong Airport cost US$20 billion to build in 1998) and eight-lane Interstate highway systems that cost around US$50 million per mile (US$31 million per kilometer) in the US.
While high-speed maglevs are expensive to build, they are less expensive to operate and maintain than traditional high-speed trains, planes or intercity buses.[citation needed] Data from the Shanghai maglev project indicates that operation and maintenance costs are covered by the current relatively low volume of 7,000 passengers per day.[citation needed] Passenger volumes on the Pudong International Airport line are expected to rise dramatically once the line is extended from Longyang Road metro station all the way to Shanghai's downtown train depot.
The proposed Ch?? Shinkansen maglev in Japan is estimated to cost approximately US$82 billion to build, with a route blasting long tunnels through mountains. A Tokaido maglev route replacing current Shinkansen would cost some 1/10th the cost, as no new tunnel blasting would be needed, but noise pollution issues would make it infeasible.
The only low-speed maglev (100 km/h) currently operational, the Japanese Linimo HSST, cost approximately US$100 million/km to build.[5] Besides offering improved operation and maintenance costs over other transit systems, these low-speed maglevs provide ultra-high levels of operational reliability and introduce little noise and zero air pollution into dense urban settings.
As maglev systems are deployed around the world, experts expect construction costs to drop as new construction methods are perfected.[citation needed]
[edit] Historical maglev systems
[edit] First patents
High speed transportation patents would be granted to various inventors throughout the world.[6] Early United States patents for a linear motor propelled train were awarded to the inventor, Alfred Zehden (German). The inventor would gain U.S. Patent 782,312 (June 21, 1902) and U.S. Patent RE12,700 (August 21, 1907).[7] In 1907, another early electromagnetic transportation system was developed by F. S. Smith.[8] A series of German patents for magnetic levitation trains propelled by linear motors were awarded to Hermann Kemper between 1937 and 1941.[9] An early modern type of maglev train was described in U.S. Patent 3,158,765 , Magnetic system of transportation, by G. R. Polgreen (August 25, 1959). The first use of "maglev" in a United States patent was in "Magnetic levitation guidance"[10] by Canadian Patents and Development Limited.
[edit] Hamburg, Germany 1979
There is conflict in this information. Transrapid 05 was the first maglev train with longstator propulsion licensed for passenger transportation. In 1979 a 908 m track was open in Hamburg for the first International Transportation Exhibition (IVA 79). There was so much interest that operation had to be extended three months after exhibition finished, after carrying more than 50,000 passengers. It was reassembled in Kassel in 1980.
[edit] Birmingham, England 1984–1995
The world's first commercial automated system was a low-speed maglev shuttle that ran from the airport terminal of Birmingham International Airport to the nearby Birmingham International railway station from 1984 to 1995. Based on experimental work commissioned by the British government at the British Rail Research Division laboratory at Derby, the length of the track was 600 meters (1,969 ft), and trains "flew" at an altitude of 15 millimeters (0.6 in). It was in operation for nearly eleven years, but obsolescence problems with the electronic systems (lack of spare parts) made it unreliable in its later years and it has now been replaced with a cable-drawn system. One of the original cars now sits in part of the airport with most passers-by unaware of its existence.
Several favourable conditions existed when the link was built.
1. The BR Research vehicle was 3 tons and extension to the 8 ton vehicle was easy.
2. Electrical power was easily available.
3. Airport and rail buildings were suitable for terminal platforms.
4. Only one crossing over a public road was required and no steep gradients were involved
5. Land was owned by Railway or Airport
6. Local industries and councils were supportive
7. Some Government finance was provided and because of sharing work, the cost per organization was not high.
[edit] Japan, 1980s
Maglev speeds on the Miyazaki test track had regularly hit 517 km/h by 1979, but after an accident that destroyed the train, a new design was decided upon. Tests through the 1980s continued in Miyazaki before transferring a far larger and elaborate test track (20 km long) in Yamanashi in the late 1990s.
In Tsukuba, Japan (1985), the HSST-03 (Linimo) wins popularity in spite of being 30 km/h and a run of low speed in Tsukuba World Exposition. In Okazaki, Japan (1987), the JR-Maglev took a test ride at holding Okazaki exhibition and runs. In Saitama, Japan (1988), the HSST-04-1 exhibited it at Saitama exhibition performed in Kumagaya, and runs. Best speed per hour 30 km/h. In Yokohama, Japan (1989), the HSST-05 acquires a business driver's license at Yokohama exhibition and carries out general test ride driving. Maximum speed 42 km/h.
[edit] Vancouver, Canada & Hamburg, Germany 1986-1988
In Vancouver, Canada (1986), the JR-Maglev took a test ride at holding Vancouver traffic exhibition and runs. In Hamburg, Germany (1988), the TR-07 in international traffic exhibition (IVA88) performed Hamburg.
[edit] Berlin, Germany 1989–1991
Main article: M-Bahn
In West Berlin, the M-Bahn was built in the late 1980s. It was a driverless maglev system with a 1.6 km track connecting three stations. Testing in passenger traffic started in August 1989, and regular operation started in July 1991. Although the line largely followed a new elevated alignment, it terminated at the U-Bahn station Gleisdreieck, where it took over a platform that was then no longer in use; it was from a line that formerly ran to East Berlin. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, plans were set in motion to reconnect this line (today's U2). Deconstruction of the M-Bahn line began only two months after regular service began and was completed in February 1992.
[edit] The history of maximum speed record by a trial run
* 1971 - West Germany - Prinzipfahrzeug - 90 km/h
* 1971 - West Germany -TR-02(TSST)- 164 km/h
* 1972 - Japan - ML100 - 60 km/h - (manned)
* 1973 - West Germany - TR04 - 250 km/h (manned)
* 1974 - West Germany - EET-01 - 230 km/h (unmanned)
* 1975 - West Germany - Komet - 401.3 km/h (by steam rocket propulsion, unmanned)
* 1978 - Japan - HSST-01 - 307.8 km/h (by supporting rockets propulsion, made in Nissan, unmanned)
* 1978 - Japan - HSST-02 - 110 km/h (manned)
* 1979-12-12 - Japan-ML-500R - 504 km/h (unmanned) It succeeds in operation over 500 km/h for the first time in the world.
* 1979-12-21 - Japan -ML-500R- 517 km/h (unmanned)
* 1987 - West Germany - TR06 - 406 km/h (manned)
* 1987 - Japan - MLU001 - 400.8 km/h (manned)
* 1988 - West Germany - TR-06 - 412.6 km/h (manned)
* 1989 - West Germany - TR-07 - 436 km/h (manned)?
* 1993 - Germany - TR-07 - 450 km/h (manned)
* 1994 - Japan - MLU002N - 431 km/h (unmanned)
* 1997 - Japan - MLX01 - 531 km/h (manned)
* 1997 - Japan - MLX01 - 550 km/h (unmanned)
* 1999 - Japan - MLX01 - 548 km/h (unmanned)
* 1999 - Japan - MLX01 - 552 km/h (manned/five formation).
Guinness authorization.
* 2003 - Germany - TR-08 - 501 km/h (manned)
* 2003 - Japan - MLX01 - 581 km/h (manned/three formation).
[edit] Existing maglev systems
[edit] Emsland, Germany
Transrapid at the Emsland test facility
Main article: Emsland test facility
Transrapid, a German maglev company, has a test track in Emsland with a total length of 31.5 km (19.6 mi). The single track line runs between Dörpen and Lathen with turning loops at each end. The trains regularly run at up to 420 km/h (261 mph). The construction of the test facility began in 1980 and finished in 1984.
[edit] JR-Maglev, Japan
JR-Maglev at Yamanashi. 581 km/h. Guinness World Records authorization.
Main article: JR-Maglev
Japan has a demonstration line in Yamanashi prefecture where test trains JR-Maglev MLX01 have reached 581 km/h (361 mph), slightly faster than any wheeled trains (the current TGV speed record is 574.8 km/h, 357.0 mph).
These trains use superconducting magnets which allow for a larger gap, and repulsive-type Electro-Dynamic Suspension (EDS). In comparison Transrapid uses conventional electromagnets and attractive-type Electro-Magnetic Suspension (EMS). These "Superconducting Maglev Shinkansen", developed by the Central Japan Railway Company (JR Central) and Kawasaki Heavy Industries, are currently the fastest trains in the world, achieving a record speed of 581 km/h on December 2, 2003. Yamanashi Prefecture residents (and government officials) can sign up to ride this for free, and some 100,000 have done so already.
[edit] Linimo (Tobu Kyuryo Line, Japan)
Linimo train approaching Banpaku Kinen Koen, towards Fujigaoka Station in March 2005
Main article: Linimo
The world's first commercial automated "Urban Maglev" system commenced operation in March 2005 in Aichi, Japan. This is the nine-station 8.9 km long Tobu-kyuryo Line, otherwise known as the Linimo. The line has a minimum operating radius of 75 m and a maximum gradient of 6%. The linear-motor magnetic-levitated train has a top speed of 100 km/h. The line serves the local community as well as the Expo 2005 fair site. The trains were designed by the Chubu HSST Development Corporation, which also operates a test track in Nagoya. Urban-type maglevs patterned after the HSST have been constructed and demonstrated in Korea, and a Korean commercial version Rotem is now under construction in Daejeon and projected to go into operation by April 2007.
[edit] FTA's UMTD program
In the US, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Urban Maglev Technology Demonstration program has funded the design of several low-speed urban maglev demonstration projects. It has assessed HSST for the Maryland Department of Transportation and maglev technology for the Colorado Department of Transportation. The FTA has also funded work by General Atomics at California University of Pennsylvania to demonstrate new maglev designs, the MagneMotion M3 and of the Maglev2000 of Florida superconducting EDS system. Other US urban maglev demonstration projects of note are the LEVX in Washington State and the Massachusetts-based Magplane.
[edit] Southwest Jiaotong University, China
On December 31, 2000, the first crewed high-temperature superconducting maglev was tested successfully at Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China. This system is based on the principle that bulk high-temperature superconductors can be levitated or suspended stably above or below a permanent magnet. The load was over 530 kg (1166 lb) and the levitation gap over 20 mm (0.79 in). The system uses liquid nitrogen, which is very cheap, to cool the superconductor.
[edit] Shanghai Maglev Train
A maglev train coming out of the Pudong International Airport.
Main article: Shanghai Maglev Train
Transrapid, in Germany, constructed the first operational high-speed conventional maglev railway in the world, the Shanghai Maglev Train from downtown Shanghai (Shanghai Metro) to the Pudong International Airport. It was inaugurated in 2002. The highest speed achieved on the Shanghai track has been 501 km/h (311 mph), over a track length of 30 km. The plan for the Shanghai-Hangzhou Maglev Train was approved by the central government in February 2006, with plans for completion by 2010.
[edit] Under construction
[edit] Old Dominion University
A track of less than a mile in length has been constructed at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. Although the system was initially built by AMT, problems caused the company to abandon the project and turn it over to the University.[11][12] The system is currently not operational, but research is ongoing to resolve stability issues with the system. This system uses a "smart train, dumb track" that involves most of the sensors, magnets, and computation occurring on the train rather than the track. This system will cost less to build per mile than existing systems. The $14 million originally planned did not allow for completion.
[edit] AMT Test Track - Powder Springs, GA
The same principle is involved in the construction of a second prototype system in Powder Springs, Georgia, by American Maglev Technology, Inc., already under testing and set for completion in January 2007.[13]
[edit] Proposals
Main article: Maglev train proposals
Many maglev systems have been proposed in various nations of North America, Asia, and Europe. Many of the systems are still in the early planning stages, or, in the case of the transatlantic tunnel, mere speculation. However, a few of the following examples have progressed beyond that point.
[edit] United Kingdom
Main article: UK Ultraspeed
London – Glasgow: A maglev line has recently been proposed in the United Kingdom from London to Glasgow with several route options through the Midlands, Northwest and Northeast of England and was reported to be under favourable consideration by the government; however the technology was rejected for future planning in the Government White Paper Delivering a Sustainable Railway published on July 24, 2007.[14]. A further high speed link is also being planned between Glasgow and Edinburgh though there is no settled technology for this concept yet, ie (Maglev/Hi Speed Electric etc) [7] [8] [9]
[edit] Japan
Proposed Chuo Shinkansen route (gray) and existing Tokaido Shinkansen route (gold).
The master plan for the Chuo Shinkansen bullet train system was finalized based on the Law for Construction of Countrywide Shinkansen. The Linear Chuo Shinkansen Project aims to realize this plan through utilization of the Superconductive Magnetically Levitated Train, which connects Tokyo and Osaka by way of Nagoya, the capital city of Aichi, in approximately one hour at a speed of 500 km/h.
In April of 2007, JR Central President Masayuki Matsumoto said that JR Central would aim to begin commercial maglev service between Tokyo and Nagoya in the year 2025.
* Linear Chuo Shinkansen Project
[edit] Venezuela
Caracas – La Guaira: A maglev train is scheduled to be built this year connecting the capital city Caracas to the main port town of La Guaira and Simón Bolívar International Airport. Due to the extremely mountainous conditions which exist over this path, with traditional rail extensive use of tunnelling and bridging is required. Maglev systems can negotiate gradients of up to 10%, much steeper than those negotiable by standard rail systems, and as it may simply be able to climb over obstacles rather than be required to tunnel through or bridge over, this may make the maglev proposal more economically sound. The system is slated to be a stand-alone system of about 11 km. [10]
[edit] China
Shanghai – Hangzhou: China has decided to extend the world’s first commercial Transrapid line between Pudong airport and the city of Shanghai initially by some 35 kilometers to Hong Qiao airport before the World Expo 2010 and then, in an additional phase, by 200 kilometers to the city of Hangzhou (Shanghai-Hangzhou Maglev Train), becoming the first inter-city Maglev rail line in commercial service in the world. The line will be an extension of the Shanghai airport Maglev line.
Talks with Germany and Transrapid Konsortium about the details of the construction contracts have started. On March 7, 2006, the Chinese Minister of Transportation was quoted by several Chinese and Western newspapers as saying the line was approved.
China also intends to build a factory which will mass-produce low-speed maglev trains for urban use. The location of the factory will be the Nanhui district. [11]
[edit] India
Mumbai – Delhi:A maglev line project was presented to the India transportation minister Lalu Prasad by an American company, this line if approved would serve between the cities of Mumbai and Delhi, the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said that if the line project is succeeded Indian government would build lines between other cities and also between Mumbai centre and Chattrapati Shivaji International Airport. Mumbai maglev train
[edit] United States
California-Nevada Interstate Maglev: High-speed maglev lines between major cities of southern California and Las Vegas are also being studied via the California-Nevada Interstate Maglev Project. This plan was originally supposed to be part of an I-5 or I-15 expansion plan, but the federal government has ruled it must be separated from interstate public work projects.
Since the federal government decision, private groups from Nevada have proposed a line running from Las Vegas to Los Angeles with stops in Primm, Nevada; Baker, California; and points throughout Riverside County into Los Angeles. Southern California politicians have not been receptive to these proposals; many are concerned that a high speed rail line out of state would drive out dollars that would be spent in state "on a rail" to Nevada.
Baltimore-Washington D.C. Maglev: A 64 km project has been proposed linking Camden Yards in Baltimore and Baltimore-Washington International (BWI) Airport to Union Station in Washington, D.C. It is in demand for the area due to its current traffic/congestion problems.
The Pennsylvania Project: The Pennsylvania High-Speed Maglev Project corridor extends from the Pittsburgh International Airport to Greensburg, with intermediate stops in downtown Pittsburgh and Monroeville. This initial project will serve a population of approximately 2.4 million people in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area. The Baltimore proposal is competing with the Pittsburgh proposal for a $90 million federal grant.The point of the project is to see if the Maglev system can function properly in a U.S. city environment.[15]
[edit] Germany
On September 25, 2007, Bavaria announced it will build the high-speed maglev - rail service from Munich city to its airport. The Bavarian government signed contract with Deutsche Bahn and Transrapid with Siemens and ThyssenKrupp for the 1.85 billion euro ($2.6 billion) project.[16]
[edit] The Netherlands
A high-speed link has been proposed between Schiphol airport, Amsterdam and the city of Almere. The proposal comes from a consortium including Siemens, and is the third attempt to persuade the Dutch government to give a green light to a maglev project. The consortium says it can build the project with no government funding, if it is given a 50-year contract to operate the train.[12]
[edit] Most significant accidents and incidents
[edit] October 1991 fire
The MLU002 (Japan) test train was completely consumed in a fire in Miyazaki. As a result, the political opposition claimed maglev was a waste of public money. New designs were made.
[edit] August 2006 fire
On August 11, 2006 a fire broke out on the Shanghai commercial Transrapid, shortly after leaving the terminal in Longyang.
For more details, see Transrapid
[edit] September 2006 crash
Main article: 2006 Lathen maglev train accident
On September 22, 2006 an elevated Transrapid train collided with a maintenance vehicle on a test run in Lathen (Lower Saxony / north-western Germany). Twenty-three people were killed and ten were injured. These were the first fatalities resulting from a Maglev train accident. Note though, this accident was caused by human error.[17]
[edit] See also
Energy Portal
Trains Portal
* Birmingham International Airport (UK), former home of world's first commercial maglev line
* Ch?? Shinkansen, planned Tokyo-Osaka maglev Shinkansen line
* Ground effect train
* High-speed rail
* JR-Maglev MLX01
* Land speed record for railed vehicles
* Linear motor
* Magnetic levitation
* Mass driver
* Nagahori Tsurumi-ryokuchi Line
* SkyTrain (Vancouver)
* Skytran
* Shanghai Maglev Train
* Shanghai-Hangzhou Maglev Train, proposed maglev line in China
* Railway
[edit] ^ Transrapid claims to use a quarter less power at 200 km/h than the ICE train
2. ^ April 2004 article in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America[1][2]
3. ^ a b [3], China Daily Shanghai maglev gets official approval. 2006-04-27.
4. ^ [4], China Daily Shanghai maglev ticket prices cut by 1/3. 2004-04-15.
5. ^ Nagoya builds Maglev Metro, International Railway Journal, May 2004.
6. ^ U.S. Patent 3,736,880 , January 21, 1972. Page 10 Column 1 Line 15 to Page 10 Column 2 Line 25.
7. ^ These patents would later be cited by Electromagnetic apparatus generating a gliding magnetic field by Jean Delassus (U.S. Patent 4,131,813 ), Air cushion supported, omnidirectionally steerable, travellng magnetic field propulsion device by Harry A. Mackie (U.S. Patent 3,357,511 ) and Two-sided linear induction motor especially for suspended vehicles by Schwarzler et al. (U.S. Patent 3,820,472 )
8. ^ U.S. Patent 859,018 , July 2, 1907
9. ^ These German patents would be GR643316(1937), GR44302(1938), GR707032(1941)
10. ^ U.S. Patent 3,858,521 ; March 26, 1973
11. ^ The Student Voice: Will the Maglev Ever Run?. Retrieved on 2007-02-05.
12. ^ President Runte Comments On Status Of Maglev. Retrieved on 2007-02-05.
13. ^ AMT Test Track. Retrieved on 2007-02-05.
14. ^ (September 2007) "Government’s five-year plan". Railway Magazine 153 (1277): 6-7.
15. ^ The Pennsylvania Project. Retrieved on 2007-09-25.
16. ^ BBC NEWS, Germany to build maglev railway
17. ^ '23 dead' in German maglev train accident (Roundup) - Europe
[edit] Further reading
* Heller, Arnie. "A New Approach for Magnetically Levitating Trains--and Rockets", Science & Technology Review, June 1998.
* Hood, Christopher P. (2006). Shinkansen – From Bullet Train to Symbol of Modern Japan. Routledge. ISBN 0-415-32052-6.
* Moon, Francis C. (1994). Superconducting Levitation Applications to Bearings and Magnetic Transportation. Wiley-VCH. ISBN 0-471-55925-3.
[edit] External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to:
Magnetic levitation train
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Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
* International Maglev Board (IMB)
* United States Federal Railroad Administration
* Transrapid
* The UK Ultraspeed Project
* The Shanghai Maglev
* Japanese Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI)
* Open Directory
* Documentary video about the Japanese maglev
* Pics and info about moderate and high speed maglevs
* Maglev review and pics
* AMLEV MDS System
* Birmingham's Maglev sytem (BBC)
* Magnetic Levitation (Maglev) for Transportation
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U.S. Writer-Producer
Gene Roddenberry, who once commented, "No one in his right mind gets up in the morning and says, 'I think I'll create a phenomenon today,'" is best known as the creator and executive producer of Star Trek, one of the most popular and enduring television series of all time.
A decorated B-17 pilot during World War II, Roddenberry flew commercially for Pan American Airways after the war while taking college writing classes. Hoping to pursue a career writing for the burgeoning television industry, Roddenberry resigned from Pan Am in 1948 and moved his family to California. With few prospects, Roddenberry followed in his father's and brother's footsteps and joined the Los Angeles Police Department, where he served for eight years. During his years as a police officer, the LAPD was actively involved with Jack Webb's Dragnet series. The LAPD gave technical advice on props, sets and story ideas based on actual cases, many of which were submitted by police officers for $100 in compensation. Roddenberry submitted treatments based on stories from friends and colleagues.
Roddenberry's first professional television work was as technical advisor to Frederick Ziv's Mr. District Attorney (1954). The series also gave him his first professional writing work as well. In addition to writing episodes for Mr. District Attorney, Roddenberry also wrote the science fiction tale "The Secret Weapon of 117," which was broadcast on the syndicated anthology series Chevron Hall of Stars (6 March 1956). Roddenberry gained more success as a writer and in 1956 resigned from the LAPD to pursue writing full time.
Roddenberry continued working on Ziv TV's new series, The West Point Story (CBS, 1956-57 and ABC, 1957-58) and eventually became the show's head writer. For the next few years, he turned out scripts for such series as Highway Patrol (syndicated), Have Gun, Will Travel (CBS), The Jane Wyman Theater (NBC), Bat Masterson (NBC), Naked City (ABC), Dr. Kildare (NBC), and The Detectives (ABC/NBC). Even at this furious pace, Roddenberry continued to develop ideas for new series.
The first series created and produced by Roddenberry was The Lieutenant (NBC, 1963-64). Set at Camp Pendleton, The Lieutenant examined social questions of the day in a military setting. Coincidentally, the show featured guest performances by actors who later played a large role in Star Trek. Nichelle Nichols, Leonard Nimoy, and Majel Barrett. Casting director Joe D'Agosta and writer Gene L. Coon also worked with Roddenberry on Star Trek.
A life-long fan of science fiction, Roddenberry developed his idea for Star Trek in 1964. The science fiction series was pitched to the major studios and finally found support from Desilu Studios, the production company formed by Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. The original $500,000 pilot received minor support from NBC executives, who later commissioned an unprecedented second pilot. The series premiered on 8 September 1966.
Like The Lieutenant, Star Trek episodes comment on social and political questions in a military (albeit futuristic) setting. Roddenberry described Star Trek as a "Wagon Train to the stars" because, like that popular series, its stories focused on the "individuals who traveled to promote the expansion of our horizons". Star Trek was the first science fiction series to depict a peaceful future, and Roddenberry often credited the enduring success of the series to the show's positive message of hope for a better tomorrow. It was also the first series to have a multicultural cast. Star Trek, which received little notoriety during its three-year run, was canceled after three seasons due to low ratings. However, it gained worldwide success in syndication.
In addition to producing the Star Trek feature films, Roddenberry continued to write and produce for television, but without the same degree of success. His pilot for Assignment: Earth (NBC) was incorporated as an episode of Star Trek (29 March 1968). Later pilots included Genesis II (CBS, 23 March 1973), The Questor Tapes (NBC, 23 January 1974), Planet Earth (ABC, 23 April 1974), and Spectre (21 May 1977). Roddenberry served as executive consultant on an animated Star Trek series (NBC, 1974-75). A second Star Trek series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, premiered as a syndicated series in 1987 and had a successful seven-year run.
Roddenberry was the first television writer to be honored with his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (on 4 September 1985). Known affectionately to Star Trek fans as "The Great Bird of the Galaxy," Roddenberry died on 24 October 1991. With the permission of Roddenberry's widow, actress Majel Barrett, the producer's ashes were carried aboard a 1992 flight of the space shuttle Columbia. In 1993, Roddenberry was posthumously awarded NASA's Distinguished Public Service Medal. NASA cited his "distinguished service to the Nation and the human race in presenting the exploration of space as an exciting frontier and a hope for the future."
-Susan Gibberman
Gene Roddenberry
Photo courtesy of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences
GENE (EUGENE WESLEY) RODDENBERRY. Born Eugene Wesley Roddenberry in El Paso, Texas, U.S., 19 August 1921. Educated at Los Angeles City College; University of Miami; Columbia University; University of Southern California; honorary D.HL. from Emerson College, 1973; honorary Doctor of Science from Clarkson College, 1981. Married Majel Leigh Hudec (Majel Barrett), 1969, children: Darleen, Dawn Alison, Eugene Wesley. Served in U.S. Army Air Force, World War II. Pilot for Pan American Airways, late 1946-49; worked for Los Angeles Police Department, 1949-51; television scriptwriter, 1951-62; wrote first science fiction script "The Secret Defense of 117," episode for Chevron Theater, 1952; created and produced The Lieutenant, 1963; Star Trek, 1966 and Star Trek: The Next Generation, 1987. Recipient: Distinguished Flying Cross; Emmy Award; Hugo Award. Died in Santa Monica, California, U.S., 24 October 1991.
1952 Chevron Theatre "The Secret Defense of 117" (writer)
1955-58 Jane Wyman Theater (writer)
1955-59 Highway Patrol (writer)
1956-58 The West Point Story (writer)
1957-63 Have Gun, Will Travel (writer)
1958-63 Naked City
1959-61 Bat Masterson
1959-62 The Detectives
1961-66 Dr. Kildare
1963-64 The Lieutenant (creator and producer)
1966-69 Star Trek (creator and producer)
1973-74 Star Trek (animated show)
1987-91 Star Trek: The Next Generation (executive producer)
1973 Genesis II (pilot)
1974 Planet Earth (pilot)
1974 The Questor Tapes (pilot)
1975 Strange New World (pilot)
1977 Spectre (directed; pilot)
Pretty Maids All In a Row (producer and writer), 1971; Star Trek: The Motion Picture (producer), 1979; (as executive consultant) Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, 1982; Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, 1984; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 1986; Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, 1989
The Making of "Star Trek" (with Stephen E. Whitfield). New York: Ballantine Books, 1968.
Star Trek: The Motion Picture. New York: Pocket Books, 1979.
The Making of "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" (with Susan Sackett). New York: Pocket Books, 1980.
Star Trek: The First Twenty-Five Years (with Susan Sackett). New York: Pocket Books, 1991.
Gene Roddenberry: The Last Conversation: A Dialogue with the Creator of Star Trek (with Yvonne Fern). Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1994.
Alexander, David. Star Trek Creator: The Authorized Biography of Gene Roddenberry. New York: ROC, 1994.
Barret, Majel. The Wit and Wisdom of Gene Roddenberry. New York: Harper Collins, 1995.
Engel, Joel. Gene Roddenberry: The Myth and the Man Behind Star Trek. New York: Hyperion, 1994.
Paikert, Charles. "Gene Roddenberry: American Mythmaker." Variety (Los Angeles), 2 December 1991.
Van Hise, James. The Man Who Created Star Trek: Gene Roddenberry. Las Vegas: Movie Publisher Services, Inc., 1992.
See also Star Trek
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