Monday, April 14, 2008

. The Adventures of Captain Toreus Starkiller bio

. The Adventures of Captain Toreus Starkiller
By Joseph Gilbert Thompson and Carl Edward Thompson.
Maveric Lion Productions.TM© 2008-1973

Captain Johnathan Christopher ‘’Toreus ‘’Starkiller is a fictional character in created mainly to usilize material,once used for three version of an original character once known as either Captain Toreus(Otherwise known as Captain Toreus.Warrior 2240 A.D-a Thuvian Warrior or Thuvian Ranger-a subterrainean sub shuttle travelling hero teamed up with Anthrodite –a she pirate of the Old Great Lakes –sort of Belit mixed Red Sonja and Dejah Thoris and Boggs-a giant warrior,with huge axe-short of like Gold Keys Mighty Samson,trying to find the lost bunker,where a massive computer,held mankinds lost technology and artifacts) ,Captain Toreus,otherwise known as Toreus The Slayer-a re-imagined version of that character more resembling Conan and his world,set in the distant future,after an atomic war and Captain Toreus Rhann-a Captain Han Solo like space hero,who carries the Sword of Startaarus.His companions were busty space pirate Captain Antilus Sojat and Commander Kathula Khann-a Capronean -a huge sabertooth lion humanoid,with a huge spiked tail,fighting against the evil armored sorcerer Baron Mordru Kulthan.
All were eventually scapped,to be used variuos other proposed creative projects-Captain Orion the Falcon-a Mad Max,hero ,set on Earth,after a nuclear War and Ikharus the Falcon-a revised similar character,who travelled around with winged tiger.The Toreus character settled to be incorporated into Prince Toreus Rhann-a Thuvian Prince and hero of an alternate Earth,were Panaea still existed-humans and other species existed along with prehistoric creatures-dinosaures and Stone Age animals,in a Hyborean Age like world,on a place called Terra-Prime.Several other characters were set on this world or others,Stark-a Mad Max,like hero,

Character traits
Captain Johnathan Christopher ‘’Toreus ‘’Starkiller proves to have a versatile range of skills, demonstrating advanced proficiency in firearms, knives, hand to hand combat, piloting, surfing, and even basketball. ’Toreus ‘’Starkiller combat prowess is so respected that he is recruited by the Thuvian. government to accomplish tasks that are seemingly impossible.
A rebel to the core, ’Toreus ‘’Starkiller outwardly dismisses authority of all kinds and has no qualms about breaking laws. He rarely speaks but is often acidic and sarcastic when he does.Toreus Starkilkler,often is not willing to even believe everything his Guider Gem headband tells him nor the Holo God,Lord Thrull Khonn tells him,although usually relunctantly listens to distant past ancestors advice-especially if that advice appears to helpful to whatever situation,he findhimself in.
’Toreus ‘’Starkiller is crafty and devious, which aids his survival under constant danger. Although a loner, he attracts a number of colorful personalities during his adventures, many of whom attempt to escape their captivity with him. Despite a willingness to kill, he does not do it for enjoyment, killing only those that threaten him directly. He demonstrates a capacity for moral thinking,when forced into a situiation where,he has other choice.
The Starkillers—principally Captain Toreus Starkiller-- beat back the Trongoroth invasion and restored Pangaea as the Jewel of the Sphere of Terra Prime. The Starkiller Family line or House extends back into the Family of Lord Thrull Khonn and younger brother Toreus Khonn. Sometime, after the time, where the Great Trongaroth invaded the Pangaean Lands, also known as the Shattered Empires of Terra-Prime. an outsider a half Thuvian/half Corvaillian Pathfinder known Captain Ikharus Starkiller, also known as Ikharus the Falcon-because experience as a pilot of a starship. Crash-landed upon the Pangaean Shattered Empire of Terra-Prime. He married into the Thuvian House Clan of Khonn-a line that extended back into the line of Lord Thrull Khonn. Princess Aphrodite Khonn was a direct descendant of Thrull Khonn and as such, Captain Ikharus Rhann’s children could claim to directly descended from the House of Thrull Khonn.
Captain Ikharus Starkiller’s first son, Captain Orion Starkiller, took his fathers fight against the Trongaroth Invaders, as his younger sister Andromeda Starkiller. Captain Orion Starkiller, married into the House of MacRhann-by way of Lady Antaira MacRhann -a line that will lead to the House of Rhann-shortened from ‘’Mac’’Rhann, in ages on. Captain Ikharus Starkiller became a Thuvian Ranger/Tunnel Stalkers class and began to explore the many subterranean shuttle tunnels, while assisting the rebel underground movement, fighting the Trongaroth Invaders, attempting subjugate the Thuvian Realm.
Eventually, Captain Ikharus Starkiller’s line grew into a great Thuvian House. General Ikharus Starkiller’s first son-Odysseus Ikharus Starkiller became one of the Darkwater Clan, by way of Antillus Darkwater. They had a son Ulyseas Starkiller.
Colonel Ulyseas Starkiller had a son-who became Captain Johnathan Christopher ‘’Toreus ‘’Starkiller. Ulyseas Starkiller, a Thuvian Ranger/Tunnel Stalkers class, attempts to fight off the Trongaroth, but events forces to controlled by the Trongaroth Overlords and betrays his people-the Thuvians. Eventually, Captain Toreus Starkiller takes up his fathers cause and becomes a Thuvian Ranger/Tunnel Stalkers Corps. He eventually, with the help of similar heroes. Johnathan Redhawk, Odyseas Greystone, the First, defeat the Trongaroth Masters, who invaded the Shattered Empires of Terra-Prime.

Re: Maveric Entertainment Group
Nov 12, 2007
Maveric Comics, Inc, Studios, Maveric Comics Group/e's Interests General The Taylor Brothers Saga The Christmas Planet. The Time Traveling Adventures of Wyatt Earp. Tales of Terra-Prime. Featuring Prince Toreus Rhann Saga. Prince Eric Khorum Rhann Saga The Adventures of Shawn MacKalaster. The Adventures of Carson Jones and Indiana Smith. The Adventures of John Jason Gardiner and Commander Ulyseas Jones. The Adventures of Captain Toreus Starkiller. The Adventures of Isiyah Paxton. The Adventures of Johnathan Redhawk. The Adventures of Ulyseas Starkiller, The Adventures of Thrull Khonn, The Adventures of Jason Gullivar. The Adventures of Jason Gullivar and Ulyseas Greystone. The Adventures of Ulyseas Greystone. The Adventures of David Greystone. Maveric Comics Sarkhon/Toreus Properties,Inc. Maveric Lions Productions-Maveric Comics- Maveric Lions Comic Group- Maveric Film- Maveric Lions Film- Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group-Maveric Lions Toys-Maveric Lions Games- Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group-Maveric Lions Games-Maveric Lions Webzines Group- Maveric Lions Cartoons-,Maveric Productions Ltd,Maveric Studios Inc,Maveric Entertainment, Inc Maveric Lions Entertainment Group-All right reserved. Owner: Maveric lions, Trademark: Maveric lions" Films Prince Eric Khorum Rhann-Atlantis Maveric Comics, Inc,Studios, Maveric Comics Group/e's Interests General The Taylor Brothers Saga The Christmas Planet. The Time Traveling Adventures of Wyatt Earp. Tales of Terra-Prime. Featuring Prince Toreus Rhann Saga. Prince Eric Khorum Rhann Saga The Adventures of Shawn MacKalaster. The Adventures of Carson Jones and Indiana Smith. The Adventures of John Jason Gardiner and Commander Ulyseas Jones. The Adventures of Captain Toreus Starkiller. The Adventures of Isiyah Paxton. The Adventures of Johnathan Redhawk. The Adventures of Ulyseas Starkiller, The Adventures of Thrull Khonn, The Adventures of Jason Gullivar. The Adventures of Jason Gullivar and Ulyseas Greystone. The Adventures of Ulyseas Greystone. The Adventures of David Greystone. Maveric Comics Sarkhon/Toreus Properties,Inc. Maveric Lions Productions-Maveric Comics- Maveric Lions Comic Group- Maveric Film- Maveric Lions Film- Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group-Maveric Lions Toys-Maveric Lions Games- Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group-Maveric Lions Games-Maveric Lions Webzines Group- Maveric Lions Cartoons-,Maveric Productions Ltd,Maveric Studios Inc,Maveric Entertainment, Inc Maveric Lions Entertainment Group-All right reserved. Owner: Maveric lions, Trademark: Maveric lions" Films Prince Eric Khorum Rhann-Atlantis
Posted by mavericstud9

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