Toreus Starkiller
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Profile;Toreus Starkiller.
Real Name ;Ulyseas Johnathan Christopher ‘’Toreus’’ Starkiller.
Occupation.Thuvian Ranger-Special Forces,Thuvian Army Rangers,
Profession;Tunnel Stalker class.
Marvel Universe
Real Name
Ulyseas Johnathan Christopher ‘’Toreus’’ Starkiller
Toreus is a nick name, ’Toreus’’ Starkiller uses instead of his first real name Ulyseas.
Publicly known
Occupation Thuvian Ranger-Special Forces,Thuvian Army Rangers,
Profession;Tunnel Stalker class
Agent of Holo God Lord Thrull Khonn, intelligence agent, soldier and commando leader, parachuting instructor, stunt flier
Place of Birth
Known Relatives
Odysseus Starkiller (father, deceased), Katherine Rhann-Starkiller (mother, presumed deceased), Jacob "Jake" Starkiller (, brother), Andromeda Starkiller (sister), Lord Thrull Khonn (alleged ancestor, deceased)
Group Affiliation
Thuvian Ranger-Special Forces, Thuvian Army Rangers, formerly ,., H Commandos, Thuvian Army
High school, possibly unfinished; extensive military and intelligence training
221 lbs.
Brown, worn long
Slowed aging process, provided by the Regenerative Factor.
Toreus Starkiller,like Toreus Rhann,Senior and Junior claims to descended from the Imperial House of Lord Thrull Khonn,like Kotharr Khonn,Senior and Kotharr Khonn,Junior are descended from the Imperial House of Great Lord Startarus Khonn.
Captain Toreus Starkiller has trained as a paratrooper, Thuvian Ranger, demolitions expert and vehicle specialist. He holds an unlimited-tonnage, all-seas license as a commander of ocean-going vessels. Captain Toreus Starkiller has completed Green and Black Beret Special Forces training, and has been an agent of the OSS (Office of Special Services) and a liaison of the M5 (British Secret Intelligence). He is a seasoned unarmed- and armed-combat expert, was a heavyweight boxer in the Army, and holds a black belt in Tae Kwan Do and a brown belt in Jiu Jitsu. Captain Toreus Starkiller has honed his fighting skills sparring with other members of the Thuvian Rangers, perhaps the world's finest unarmed-combat expert. Captain Toreus Starkiller, was given the gift of the Legion of Time-Sorcerers Regenerative Factor or Formula annually, slowing the process of aging in his body. In his youth, Captain Toreus Starkiller learned to fly planes and wing walking.
As a member of the Thuvian Rangers., Captain Toreus Starkiller has access to some of the most advanced technology on Terra-Prime; he often wears a bulletproof, fireproof uniform of Kevlar and Beta Cloth, and always carries some sort of firearm.
Abilities Halted aging from the Infinity Formula
Skilled and experienced soldier
Skilled with many weapons and fighting techniques
Members 1
Toreus Starkiller-Thuvian Ranger-Tunnel Stalker. His job patrol and maintain the peace, within the Sub-Terrainean Transit System, while exploring new passage ways as well. Also with the use of a the mysterious Guider Gem, seek out the location of the New Genisis Bunkers, under orders of his Holo God Thrull Khonn--an ancient Thuvian Legendary Hero, who has ascended to Godhood. and now acts as his personal mentor and guide.
Toreus began as a comic Toreus Warrior 2140-a take off on an Andre Norton science fiction book Daybreak 2250-Starman’s Son, about Fors-a mutant and his big, Siamese cat Laura, as travel around the skeleton ruins of the Old World, after a nuclear war. Toreus traveled around in a sub shuttle. like Genisis II, as used Dylan Hunt, to search the location of a hidden bunker, that contained a huge computer complex, with all lost knowledge of humanity. He traveled with a dark-haired warrior Athena and a giant Viking type Bogs. later on a humanoid robot Recorder like android, who help catalog their adventures, to help find this lost bunker. This lasted for four issues. Later revisions, transformed the comic into Toreus The Slayer, about a similar hero, without the sub shuttle, still searching the lost computer complex. His companions, Antillus Sojat-a swords woman Pirate and the Vladerheim Natock Khonn. This Toreus was more Conan like, than previous King Kull like Toreus.
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Maveric Entertainment Group
Monday, January 7, 2008
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Maveric Entertainment Group
Conan of Cimmeria.Back between 1971 and there after,despite big mouth,blowhard asshles at Wizard ,will tell Conan was a major influence in the comic field.He spawned several of his own books-Conan The Barbarian,spawned Savage Tales,Savage Sword of Conan,Kull,Red Sonja,and so on.DC Comics gave poor imatation like Claw the Unconquored,the Warlord,Starfire and A Pre Star Wars like badly written Conan,called Ironwulf,Marvel turned H,G,Wells War of the Worlds into a kind of Conan like book with Killraven,Atlas Comics-Martin Goodman,who started Timely and the First Atlas,that became Marvel,gave Iron Jaw -one bad and Wulf The Barbarian-and one potential never realized.Conan was the guy to imatat,not the X-Men,but those guys at Wizard,are like Frank Miller said the Spawn of Satin.Me,I just say are what some fans are,stupid idiots with bad taste and too mouch in love-man love with Superheroes.
Doc Thompson.

Thursday, February 01, 2007
Maveric Comics
Current mood: cheerful

Maveric Entertainment Group, Inc. is a diversified, entertainment company featuring content based on developing, creating powerful brand equity of the more than 3,500 characters in development, among them are Prince Toreus Rhann, The Taylor Brother Saga, and Carter Tauron, and other major children publications such as the Christmas Planet and the Adventures of the Space Bears Express and entertainment properties, such as listed below. The company conducts its business in three ways. One, direct operations such as Maveric Comics Group, through relationships such as its equity interest in Toy Biz and its themed restaurant joint venture with Planet Hollywood. Three, licensing of Maveric Characters, Inc. to develop TV series and feature films, videogames, advertising promotions, apparel and consumer products. The company is the parent company of smaller companies such as Sarkhon/Toreus Properties,Inc. Maveric Lions Productions-Maveric Comics- Maveric Lions Comic Group- Maveric Film- Maveric Lions Film- Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group-Maveric Lions Toys-Maveric Lions Games- Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group-Maveric Lions Games-Maveric Lions Webzines Group- Maveric Lions Cartoons-,Maveric Productions Ltd, Maveric Studios Inc, Maveric Entertainment, Inc Maveric Lions Entertainment Group-All right reserved.
Maveric Comics
Sarkhon/Toreus Properties,Inc. Sarkhon/Toreus Properties,Inc. Maveric Lions Productions-Maveric Comics- Maveric Lions Comic Group- Maveric Film- Maveric Lions Film- Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group-Maveric Lions Toys-Maveric Lions Games- Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group-Maveric Lions Games-Maveric Lions Webzines Group- Maveric Characters,Inc. Thompson Brothers PUBLICATIONS,INC, Maveric Magazines Management, Inc, Maveric Lions Cartoons- Maveric Lions Entertainment Group-All right reserved.
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Back in 1974/1975,I was a big Conan fan.Toreus was my attempt to create my own Howard like hero.I put him,not Earth's distant past,but Earth's future,after an atomic wars,like I saw movies Teenage Caveman,Genisis II,Good,the Flesh and the Devil,comics like Gold Key Comics Mighty Sampson,stuff Jack Kirby's Planet of the Apes like Kamandi-the Last or Laziest Boy on Earth,Marvel's War of the Worlds Conan like Killraven,Atlas Comics Conan with a bear trap jaw Ironjaw .Everyone else doing,my shouldn't 13 year old kid,who tired of drawing his Doc Savage,Nick Fury hero Doc Thompson.
Doc Thompson
Maveric Comics
Sarkhon/Toreus Properties,Inc. Maveric Lions Productions-Maveric Comics- Maveric Lions Comic Group- Maveric Film- Maveric Lions Film- Maveric Lions Maveric Lions Adult webzines Group-Maveric Lions Toys-Maveric Lions Games- Maveric Lions Adult Magazines Group-Maveric Lions Games-Maveric Lions Webzines Group- Maveric Lions Cartoons-,Maveric Productions Ltd,Maveric Studios Inc,Maveric Entertainment, Inc Maveric Lions Entertainment Group-All right reserved.
Owner: Maveric lions, Trademark: Maveric lions" :
Sincerely yours-Upward Onward Maveric
6640 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135
6142 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135
cell 215-917-2849
cut and paste to your site.
maverick n
1. Somebody who holds independent views and who refuses to conform to the accepted or orthodox thinking on a subject
2. An unbranded animal, especially a calf that has become separated from its mother and herd. By convention, it can become the property of whoever finds it and brands it.
3. Maveric Comic-independent comic publishing studios, that refuses to conform to the accepted or orthodox thinking or subject matter. Hoping to also one change, not only the face of the publishing industry, but motion pictures, toys, games and all related multi media.
Founded by Carl Edward Thompson and Joseph Gilbert Thompson. Based existing webzines and comic production studios. Sarkhon/Toreus Propertyies, Inc.and Maveric Comics Studios, Inc.1985-1991.tm(c)
and now this
sincerely yours-Upward Onward Maveric.
Joseph Gilbert Thompson.
6640 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135
6142 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135
935 North 42ND Street,Philadelphia,Pa,19131
cell 215-917-2849
6142 Torresdale Avenue.Philadelphia,Pa,19135-3718.
Be kind or don't bother sending.
Latest News: Tina Small is Goddess Earth Mother.
Current mail address.
215-231-7600-Cell 215-917-2849
----- Original Message ----- trademark [copyright-2006.Mavereic Lions Productions Entertainment.
Maveric Comics Studios.-Maveric Entertainment Group.
I hate to post message up,but I could not find a link page here-so to tell about I post this up.I posted a few various logo design you might want to look over.And there links to various groups-hey if you come over,you'll never know whats there..pligrims
whatever was blocking me is over.Please excuse any garbage messages.
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Maveric Comics TRADEMARKS.
The Maveric Lion logo is a trademark of copyright Maveric Comics and/or Maveric Lion Productions, an imprint of Maveric Entertainment, Inc All right reserved. .
Idiots is a trademark of Idiots Productions.Inc.
Happy Hanover is a trademark of Happy Hanover Comics. Happy Hanover Productions,Inc
‘’Life With Jonesie”” is a trademark of ’Life With Jonesie’’ Comics.
The Tina Small Collector is a trademark of The Tina Small Collector Production,Inc.
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About Me
Joe Thompson
Philadelphia, Pa, United States
ARTIST/WRITER-INNOVATOR.creator of Maveric Comics.Co-Founder of Maveric Lion Entertainment Group. prince-toreus-rhann@googlegroups.com
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